func (s *server) TryDial(config *ssh.ClientConfig) (*ssh.ClientConn, error) {
	sshd, err := exec.LookPath("sshd")
	if err != nil {
		s.t.Skipf("skipping test: %v", err)

	c1, c2, err := unixConnection()
	if err != nil {
		s.t.Fatalf("unixConnection: %v", err)

	s.cmd = exec.Command(sshd, "-f", s.configfile, "-i", "-e")
	f, err := c2.File()
	if err != nil {
		s.t.Fatalf("UnixConn.File: %v", err)
	defer f.Close()
	s.cmd.Stdin = f
	s.cmd.Stdout = f
	s.cmd.Stderr = &s.output
	if err := s.cmd.Start(); err != nil {
		s.t.Fatalf("s.cmd.Start: %v", err)
	s.clientConn = c1
	return ssh.Client(c1, config)
Example #2
func (c *comm) reconnect() (err error) {
	if c.conn != nil {

	// Set the conn and client to nil since we'll recreate it
	c.conn = nil
	c.client = nil

	log.Printf("reconnecting to TCP connection for SSH")
	c.conn, err = c.config.Connection()
	if err != nil {
		// Explicitly set this to the REAL nil. Connection() can return
		// a nil implementation of net.Conn which will make the
		// "if c.conn == nil" check fail above. Read here for more information
		// on this psychotic language feature:
		c.conn = nil

		log.Printf("reconnection error: %s", err)

	log.Printf("handshaking with SSH")
	c.client, err = ssh.Client(c.conn, c.config.SSHConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("handshake error: %s", err)
