Example #1
File: big.go Project: ngaut/ddtxn
// Calls rand 4 times
func (b *Big) MakeOne(w int, local_seed *uint32, txn *ddtxn.Query) {
	rnd := uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.ni)))
	txn.U1 = rnd
	txn.U2 = (rnd * 2) % b.ni
	txn.U3 = (rnd * 3) % b.ni
	txn.U4 = (rnd * 4) % b.ni
	txn.U5 = (rnd * 5) % b.ni
	txn.U6 = (rnd * 6) % b.ni
	txn.U7 = (rnd) % uint64(b.np)
	if *incr {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.BIG_INCR
	} else {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.BIG_RW
Example #2
File: buy.go Project: ngaut/ddtxn
// Calls rand 4 times
func (b *Buy) MakeOne(w int, local_seed *uint32, sp uint32, txn *ddtxn.Query) {
	var bidder int
	var product int
	if *partition {
		rnd := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, sp/8)
		lb := int(rnd)
		bidder = lb + w*int(sp)
	} else {
		bidder = int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))
	x := int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 100))
	if b.zipfd > 0 {
		product = int(b.z[w].Uint64())
	} else {
		product = int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts)))
	if x < b.read_rate {
		if x > b.ncontended_rate {
			// Contended read; use Zipfian distribution or np
			txn.K1 = ddtxn.UserKey(uint64(bidder))
			txn.K2 = ddtxn.ProductKey(product)
		} else {
			// (Hopefully) uncontended read.  Random product.
			product = int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))
			txn.K1 = ddtxn.UserKey(uint64(bidder))
			txn.K2 = ddtxn.ProductKey(product)
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.D_READ_TWO
	} else {
		amt := int32(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 10))
		txn.K1 = ddtxn.UserKey(uint64(bidder))
		txn.K2 = ddtxn.ProductKey(product)
		txn.A = amt
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.D_BUY
Example #3
File: rubis.go Project: ngaut/ddtxn
func (b *Rubis) MakeBid(w int, local_seed *uint32, txn *ddtxn.Query) {
	txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_BID
	bidder := b.users[0]
	var x uint32
	if b.zipfd > 0 {
		x = uint32(b.zip[w].Uint64())
	} else {
		x = ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
	if x >= uint32(len(b.products)) {
		log.Fatalf("Huh %v %v %v\n", x, len(b.products), b.nproducts)
	product := b.products[x]
	txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
	if product == 0 {
		log.Fatalf("store bid ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
	txn.U2 = uint64(product)
	txn.U3 = uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())
Example #4
File: rubis.go Project: ngaut/ddtxn
func (b *Rubis) MakeOne(w int, local_seed *uint32, txn *ddtxn.Query) {
	x := float64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 100))
	if x < b.rates[0] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_BID
		//bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		//product := b.products[ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))]
		var x uint32
		if b.zipfd > 0 {
			x = uint32(b.zip[w].Uint64())
		} else {
			x = ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("store bid ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U2 = uint64(product)
		//txn.U3 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 10))
		txn.U3 = uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()) & 0x000efff
	} else if x < b.rates[1] {
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("view bid hist ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U1 = uint64(product)
	} else if x < b.rates[2] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_BUYNOW
		//bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("buy now ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
		txn.U2 = uint64(product)
		txn.A = int32(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 10))
	} else if x < b.rates[3] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_COMMENT
		//		u1 := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		u1 := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		//		u2 := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		u2 := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("comment ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U1 = uint64(u1)
		txn.U2 = uint64(u2)
		txn.U3 = uint64(product)
		txn.S1 = "xxxx"
		txn.U4 = 1
	} else if x < b.rates[4] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_NEWITEM
		//		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		amt := uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 10))
		txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
		txn.S1 = "yyyy"
		txn.S2 = "zzzz"
		txn.U2 = amt
		txn.U3 = amt
		txn.U4 = amt
		txn.U5 = 1
		txn.U6 = 1
		txn.U7 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(ddtxn.NUM_CATEGORIES)))
	} else if x < b.rates[5] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_PUTBID
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("put bid ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U1 = uint64(product)
	} else if x < b.rates[6] {
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("put comment ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		//		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
		txn.U2 = uint64(product)
	} else if x < b.rates[7] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_REGISTER
		txn.U1 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(ddtxn.NUM_REGIONS)))
		txn.U2 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, 1000000000))
	} else if x < b.rates[8] {
		txn.U1 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(ddtxn.NUM_CATEGORIES)))
		txn.U2 = 5
	} else if x < b.rates[9] {
		txn.U1 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(ddtxn.NUM_REGIONS)))
		txn.U2 = uint64(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(ddtxn.NUM_CATEGORIES)))
		txn.U3 = 5
	} else if x < b.rates[10] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_VIEW
		x := ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nproducts))
		product := b.products[x]
		if product == 0 {
			log.Fatalf("view ID 0? %v %v", x, b.products[x])
		txn.U1 = uint64(product)
	} else if x < b.rates[11] {
		txn.TXN = ddtxn.RUBIS_VIEWUSER
		//		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, b.sp))+w*int(b.sp)]
		bidder := b.users[int(ddtxn.RandN(local_seed, uint32(b.nbidders)))]
		txn.U1 = uint64(bidder)
	} else {
		log.Fatalf("No such transaction\n")
Example #5
func main() {

	if *clientGoRoutines == 0 {
		*clientGoRoutines = *nprocs
	if *nworkers == 0 {
		*nworkers = *nprocs
	if *prob == -1 && *ZipfDist < 0 {
		log.Fatalf("Zipf distribution must be positive")
	if *ZipfDist >= 0 && *prob > -1 {
		log.Fatalf("Set contention to -1 to use Zipf distribution of keys")
	s := ddtxn.NewStore()
	sp := uint32(*nbidders / *nworkers)
	for i := 0; i < *nbidders; i++ {
		k := ddtxn.ProductKey(i)
		s.CreateKey(k, int32(0), ddtxn.SUM)
	dlog.Printf("Done with Populate")

	coord := ddtxn.NewCoordinator(*nworkers, s)

	if *ddtxn.CountKeys {
		for i := 0; i < *nworkers; i++ {
			w := coord.Workers[i]
			w.NKeyAccesses = make([]int64, *nbidders)

	dlog.Printf("Done initializing single\n")

	p := prof.StartProfile()
	start := time.Now()
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	pkey := int(sp - 1)
	dlog.Printf("Partition size: %v; Contended key %v\n", sp/2, pkey)
	gave_up := make([]int64, *clientGoRoutines)

	goZipf := make([]*ddtxn.Zipf, *clientGoRoutines)
	if *prob == -1 && *ZipfDist >= 0 {
		for i := 0; i < *clientGoRoutines; i++ {
			rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(int64(i * 12467)))
			goZipf[i] = ddtxn.NewZipf(rnd, *ZipfDist, 1, uint64(*nbidders)-1)
			if goZipf[i] == nil {
				panic("nil zipf")

	for i := 0; i < *clientGoRoutines; i++ {
		go func(n int) {
			exp := ddtxn.MakeExp(50)
			retries := make(ddtxn.RetryHeap, 0)
			var local_seed uint32 = uint32(rand.Intn(10000000))
			wi := n % (*nworkers)
			w := coord.Workers[wi]
			top := (wi + 1) * int(sp)
			bottom := wi * int(sp)
			dlog.Printf("%v: Noncontended section: %v to %v\n", n, bottom, top)
			end_time := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(*nsec) * time.Second)
			for {
				tm := time.Now()
				if !end_time.After(tm) {
				var t ddtxn.Query
				if len(retries) > 0 && retries[0].TS.Before(tm) {
					t = heap.Pop(&retries).(ddtxn.Query)
				} else {
					x := float64(ddtxn.RandN(&local_seed, 100))
					if *prob == -1 {
						x := goZipf[n].Uint64()
						if x >= uint64(*nbidders) || x < 0 {
							log.Fatalf("x not in bounds: %v\n", x)
						t.K1 = ddtxn.ProductKey(int(x))
					} else if x < *prob {
						// contended txn
						t.K1 = ddtxn.ProductKey(pkey)
					} else {
						// uncontended
						k := pkey
						for k == pkey {
							if *partition {
								rnd := ddtxn.RandN(&local_seed, sp-1)
								lb := int(rnd)
								k = lb + wi*int(sp) + 1
								if k < bottom || k >= top+1 {
									log.Fatalf("%v: outside my range %v [%v-%v]\n", n, k, bottom, top)
							} else {
								k = int(ddtxn.RandN(&local_seed, uint32(*nbidders)))
						t.K1 = ddtxn.ProductKey(k)
					t.TXN = ddtxn.D_INCR_ONE
					if *atomicIncr {
						t.TXN = ddtxn.D_ATOMIC_INCR_ONE
					y := int(ddtxn.RandN(&local_seed, 100))
					if y < *readrate {
						t.TXN = ddtxn.D_READ_ONE
				committed := false
				_, err := w.One(t)
				if err == ddtxn.EABORT {
					committed = false
				} else {
					committed = true
				if !committed {
					e := exp.Exp(t.I)
					if e <= 0 {
						e = 1
					rnd := ddtxn.RandN(&local_seed, e)
					if rnd <= 0 {
						rnd = 1
					t.TS = tm.Add(time.Duration(rnd) * time.Microsecond)
					if t.TS.Before(end_time) {
						heap.Push(&retries, t)
					} else {
			if len(retries) > 0 {
				dlog.Printf("[%v] Length of retry queue on exit: %v\n", n, len(retries))
			gave_up[n] = gave_up[n] + int64(len(retries))
	end := time.Since(start)

	stats := make([]int64, ddtxn.LAST_STAT)
	nitr, nwait, _, _, _, _, _ := ddtxn.CollectCounts(coord, stats)

	for i := 1; i < *clientGoRoutines; i++ {
		gave_up[0] = gave_up[0] + gave_up[i]

	// nitr + NABORTS + ENOKEY is how many requests were issued.  A
	// stashed transaction eventually executes and contributes to
	// nitr.
	out := fmt.Sprintf(" nworkers: %v, nwmoved: %v, nrmoved: %v, sys: %v, total/sec: %v, abortrate: %.2f, stashrate: %.2f, rr: %v, nkeys: %v, contention: %v, zipf: %v, done: %v, actual time: %v, nreads: %v, nincrs: %v, epoch changes: %v, throughput ns/txn: %v, naborts: %v, coord time: %v, coord stats time: %v, total worker time transitioning: %v, nstashed: %v, rlock: %v, wrratio: %v, nsamples: %v, getkeys: %v, ddwrites: %v, nolock: %v, failv: %v, nlocked: %v, stashdone: %v, nfast: %v, gaveup: %v, potential: %v ", *nworkers, ddtxn.WMoved, ddtxn.RMoved, *ddtxn.SysType, float64(nitr)/end.Seconds(), 100*float64(stats[ddtxn.NABORTS])/float64(nitr+stats[ddtxn.NABORTS]), 100*float64(stats[ddtxn.NSTASHED])/float64(nitr+stats[ddtxn.NABORTS]), *readrate, *nbidders, *prob, *ZipfDist, nitr, end, stats[ddtxn.D_READ_ONE], stats[ddtxn.D_INCR_ONE], ddtxn.NextEpoch, end.Nanoseconds()/nitr, stats[ddtxn.NABORTS], ddtxn.Time_in_IE, ddtxn.Time_in_IE1, nwait, stats[ddtxn.NSTASHED], *ddtxn.UseRLocks, *ddtxn.WRRatio, stats[ddtxn.NSAMPLES], stats[ddtxn.NGETKEYCALLS], stats[ddtxn.NDDWRITES], stats[ddtxn.NO_LOCK], stats[ddtxn.NFAIL_VERIFY], stats[ddtxn.NLOCKED], stats[ddtxn.NDIDSTASHED], ddtxn.Nfast, gave_up[0], coord.PotentialPhaseChanges)

	f, err := os.OpenFile(*dataFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	ddtxn.PrintStats(out, stats, f, coord, s, *nbidders)