Example #1
func (sb *SlotBox) String() string {
	result := ""
	for i := uint32(0); i < sb.nextUnknownSlotNumber; i++ {
		slot, exists := sb.slots[i]
		if !exists {
			result += fmt.Sprintf("%d -> \nDOES NOT EXIST\n", slot.Number)
		} else {
			result += fmt.Sprintf("%d -> \n%s\n", slot.Number, util.MovesString(slot.Value.Moves))
	return result
// Takes a set of moves, finds the majority, manipulates the local game, and
// tells the clientTasker to broadcast that state
func (gs *gameServer) processMoves() {
	sizeQueue := make([]int, 0)
	pendingMoves := make([]lib2048.Move, 0)
	currentBucketSize := 0
	for {
		select {
		case proposal := <-gs.newMovesCh:
			moves := proposal.Moves

			pendingMoves = append(pendingMoves, moves...)
			if currentBucketSize == 0 {
				currentBucketSize = len(moves)
			} else {
				sizeQueue = append(sizeQueue, len(moves))

			requiredMoves := currentBucketSize * gs.totalNumGameServers
			if len(pendingMoves) >= requiredMoves {
				// Find the majority of the first $requiredMoves moves
				dirVotes := make(map[lib2048.Direction]int)
				dirVotes[lib2048.Up] = 0
				dirVotes[lib2048.Down] = 0
				dirVotes[lib2048.Left] = 0
				dirVotes[lib2048.Right] = 0
				pendingMovesSubset := pendingMoves[:requiredMoves]
				pendingMoves = pendingMoves[requiredMoves:]
				for _, move := range pendingMovesSubset {

				LOGV.Println("GAME SERVER", gs.id, "currentBucketSize", currentBucketSize)
				LOGV.Println("GAME SERVER", gs.id, "pendingMovesSubset", util.MovesString(pendingMovesSubset))

				var majorityDir lib2048.Direction
				maxVotes := 0
				for dir, votes := range dirVotes {
					if votes > maxVotes {
						maxVotes = votes
						majorityDir = dir
					} else if votes == maxVotes && dir > majorityDir {
						majorityDir = dir

				LOGV.Println("GAME SERVER", gs.id, "got majority direction:", majorityDir)

				// Update the 2048 state
				if gs.game2048.IsGameOver() {
					gs.game2048 = lib2048.NewGame2048()

				state := gs.getWrappedState(&majorityDir)

				gs.stateBroadcastCh <- state

				// Update the bucket size
				if len(sizeQueue) > 0 {
					currentBucketSize = sizeQueue[0]
					sizeQueue = sizeQueue[1:]

Example #3
// doPropose will keep attempting to submit a proposal to the Paxos cluster
// with the given value. This may not always succeed because there will be
// competing proposals, but when doPropose returns, it guarantees that the
// value has been decided in a quorum.
func (lp *libpaxos) doPropose(value *paxosrpc.ProposalValue, doneCh chan<- struct{}) {
	LOGV.Println("doing propose")
	done := false // true if $moves has been Decided, false otherwise.
	for !done {
		retry := false // true if we should try again, for whatever reason, false otherwise.

		// PHASE 1
		LOGV.Println("Proposer", lp.myNode.ID, ": PHASE 1")

		// Make a new proposal such that my_n > n_h
		myProp := paxosrpc.NewProposal(lp.highestProposalNumberSeen.Number+1, lp.slotBox.GetNextUnknownSlotNumber(), lp.myNode.ID, *value)
		lp.highestProposalNumberSeen = &myProp.Number

		// Send proposal to everybody
		promisedCount := 1 // include myself
		var otherProposal *paxosrpc.Proposal
		for _, node := range lp.nodes {
			if node.Info.ID == lp.myNode.ID {
				continue // skip myself

			client := node.getRPCClient()
			if client == nil {

			args := &paxosrpc.ReceivePrepareArgs{lp.myNode, myProp.Number, myProp.CommandSlotNumber}
			var reply paxosrpc.ReceivePrepareReply
			reply.Status = paxosrpc.Reject

			timedOut, err := rpcCallWithTimeout(client, "PaxosNode.ReceivePrepare", args, &reply)
			if err != nil {
				node.Client = nil // so it will try to redial in future attempts
				continue          // skip nodes that are unreachable
			} else if timedOut {
				LOGE.Println("RPC call PaxosNode.ReceivePrepare to", node.Info.ID, "timed out")

			switch reply.Status {
			case paxosrpc.OK:
				if reply.HasAcceptedProposal {
					if otherProposal == nil || reply.AcceptedProposal.Number.GreaterThan(&otherProposal.Number) {
						otherProposal = &reply.AcceptedProposal

			case paxosrpc.DecidedValueExists:
				// Oops, better fill in that value
				lp.slotBox.Add(NewSlot(reply.DecidedSlotNumber, &reply.DecidedValue))

				lp.triggerHandlerCallCh <- struct{}{}

				retry = true

			case paxosrpc.Reject:
				// do nothing if REJECTED

		// Retry?
		if retry {

		// Got majority?
		if promisedCount < lp.majorityCount {
			LOGV.Println(lp.myNode.ID, " couldn't get a majority. Got", promisedCount, "needed", lp.majorityCount)
			// Backoff
			num := time.Duration(rand.Int()%100 + 25)
			time.Sleep(num * time.Millisecond)
			continue // try again

		// This is the proposal that we will be sending out in PHASE 2
		propToAccept := otherProposal

		if otherProposal == nil {
			propToAccept = myProp
		LOGV.Println(lp.myNode.ID, "got a majority on", propToAccept.Number.String())

		// PHASE 2
		LOGV.Println("Proposer", lp.myNode.ID, ": PHASE 2")

		// Send <accept, myn, V> to all nodes
		acceptedCount := 1
		for _, node := range lp.nodes {
			if node.Info.ID == lp.myNode.ID {
				continue // skip myself

			client := node.getRPCClient()
			if client == nil {

			args := &paxosrpc.ReceiveAcceptArgs{*propToAccept}
			var reply paxosrpc.ReceiveAcceptReply
			reply.Status = paxosrpc.Reject

			timedOut, err := rpcCallWithTimeout(client, "PaxosNode.ReceiveAccept", args, &reply)
			if err != nil {
				node.Client = nil // so it will try to redial in future attempts
				continue          // skip nodes that are unreachable
			} else if timedOut {
				LOGE.Println("RPC call PaxosNode.ReceiveAccept to", node.Info.ID, "timed out")

			if reply.Status == paxosrpc.OK {
			} else {
				LOGV.Println("Node", node.Info.ID, "rejected my Accept message with status", reply.Status)
			} // do nothing if REJECTED

		// Got majority?
		if acceptedCount < lp.majorityCount {
			LOGV.Println("Couldn't get majority for PHASE 2,", acceptedCount, "/", lp.majorityCount)
			// Backoff
			num := time.Duration(rand.Int()%100 + 25)
			time.Sleep(num * time.Millisecond)
			continue // try again

		LOGV.Printf("%d got majority (%d/%d) on ACCEPT for slot %d, seqnum is %s, value is\n%s\n", lp.myNode.ID, acceptedCount, lp.majorityCount, propToAccept.CommandSlotNumber, propToAccept.Number.String(), util.MovesString(propToAccept.Value.Moves))

		// Send <decide, va> to all nodes
		for _, node := range lp.nodes {
			if node.Info.ID == lp.myNode.ID {
				continue // skip myself

			client := node.getRPCClient()
			if client == nil {

			args := &paxosrpc.ReceiveDecideArgs{*propToAccept}
			var reply paxosrpc.ReceiveDecideReply

			rpcCallWithTimeout(client, "PaxosNode.ReceiveDecide", args, &reply)
			// We don't care if that rpc call had an error or timed out

		LOGV.Printf("%d decided on slot %d, seqnum is %s, value is\n%s\n", lp.myNode.ID, propToAccept.CommandSlotNumber, propToAccept.Number.String(), util.MovesString(propToAccept.Value.Moves))

		lp.highestAcceptedProposal = nil

		lp.slotBox.Add(NewSlot(propToAccept.CommandSlotNumber, &propToAccept.Value))

		lp.triggerHandlerCallCh <- struct{}{}

		if propToAccept.Number.Equal(&myProp.Number) {
			done = true
	LOGV.Println("Done propose")
	doneCh <- struct{}{}