Example #1
func TestNoMergeExtensionMerge(t *testing.T) {
	bigm := prototests.AContainer
	m := &prototests.Small{SmallField: proto.Int64(1)}
	data, err := proto.Marshal(bigm)
	if err != nil {
	mdata, err := proto.Marshal(m)
	if err != nil {
	key := uint32(101)<<3 | uint32(2)
	datakey := make([]byte, 10)
	n := binary.PutUvarint(datakey, uint64(key))
	datakey = datakey[:n]
	datalen := make([]byte, 10)
	n = binary.PutUvarint(datalen, uint64(len(mdata)))
	datalen = datalen[:n]
	data = append(data, append(datakey, append(datalen, mdata...)...)...)
	err = noMerge(data, bigm.Description(), "prototests", "Container")
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "FieldB requires merging") {
		t.Fatalf("FieldB should require merging, but error is %v", err)
Example #2
func (b *Batch) appendRec(kt kType, key, value []byte) {
	n := 1 + binary.MaxVarintLen32 + len(key)
	if kt == ktVal {
		n += binary.MaxVarintLen32 + len(value)
	off := len(b.data)
	data := b.data[:off+n]
	data[off] = byte(kt)
	off += 1
	off += binary.PutUvarint(data[off:], uint64(len(key)))
	copy(data[off:], key)
	off += len(key)
	if kt == ktVal {
		off += binary.PutUvarint(data[off:], uint64(len(value)))
		copy(data[off:], value)
		off += len(value)
	b.data = data[:off]
	off := len(b.buf)
	if off == 0 {
		// include headers
		off = kBatchHdrLen
		n += off
	if cap(b.buf)-off >= n {
	buf := make([]byte, 2*cap(b.buf)+n)
	copy(buf, b.buf)
	b.buf = buf[:off]
Example #3
File: index.go Project: s1na/fetch
func writeMetaData(outPath string) {
	outFile, err := os.Create(outPath)
	defer outFile.Close()
	if err != nil {
	var buf []byte = make([]byte, 4)
	var posBuf []byte = make([]byte, 8)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(uniqueTerms))
	buf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
	binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(docId))
	buf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}

	var docIdInt int = int(docId)
	for i := 0; i < docIdInt; i++ {
		binary.PutUvarint(buf, uint64(iDocInfos[i].length))
		buf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
		binary.PutUvarint(posBuf, uint64(iDocInfos[i].pos))
		posBuf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
Example #4
File: index.go Project: s1na/fetch
func writeIndex(outPath string) {
	outFile, err := os.Create(outPath)
	defer outFile.Close()
	if err != nil {
	writer := bufio.NewWriterSize(io.Writer(outFile), writerBufSize)

	var v *list.List
	dBuf := make([]byte, 4)
	tfBuf := make([]byte, 4)
	pBuf := make([]byte, 4)
	for _, k := range dictionary.keys {
		v = dictionary.m[k]
		writer.WriteString(k + ",")
		var posting *Posting
		for el := v.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() {
			posting = el.Value.(*Posting)
			binary.PutUvarint(dBuf, uint64(posting.doc))
			dBuf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
			binary.PutUvarint(tfBuf, uint64(posting.tf))
			tfBuf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
			for posEl := posting.pos.Front(); posEl != nil; posEl = posEl.Next() {
				pos := posEl.Value.(uint32)
				binary.PutUvarint(pBuf, uint64(pos))
				pBuf = []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
		writer.Write([]byte{0, 0, 0, 0})
Example #5
func (b *Batch) appendRec(kt keyType, key, value []byte) {
	n := 1 + binary.MaxVarintLen32 + len(key)
	if kt == keyTypeVal {
		n += binary.MaxVarintLen32 + len(value)
	index := batchIndex{keyType: kt}
	o := len(b.data)
	data := b.data[:o+n]
	data[o] = byte(kt)
	o += binary.PutUvarint(data[o:], uint64(len(key)))
	index.keyPos = o
	index.keyLen = len(key)
	o += copy(data[o:], key)
	if kt == keyTypeVal {
		o += binary.PutUvarint(data[o:], uint64(len(value)))
		index.valuePos = o
		index.valueLen = len(value)
		o += copy(data[o:], value)
	b.data = data[:o]
	b.index = append(b.index, index)
	b.internalLen += index.keyLen + index.valueLen + 8
Example #6
// ToBuf serializes a frame into a byte array
func (f FrameWindowUpdate) ToBuf() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 1+4+8)
	buf[0] = WindowUpdateFrame
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[1:5], f.StreamID)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[5:13], f.ByteOffset)
	return buf, nil
Example #7
// WriteTo writes the header to w and returns the number of bytes
// actually written to w. Header size can be 16 and it will be
// recalculated if the size is bigger.
func (header *Header) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) {
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	bin := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
	// Write uint64 binary encoding of the snapshot size to buf.
	buf.Write(bin[0:binary.PutUvarint(bin, uint64(len(header.Snapshots)))])
	// Write each snapshot to buf.
	for _, snapshot := range header.Snapshots {
		binary.Write(buf, binary.BigEndian, snapshot.Timestamp)
		buf.Write(bin[0:binary.PutUvarint(bin, snapshot.ByteSize)])
	// Find the variable size of header size.
	headerSizeSize := uint64(binary.PutUvarint(bin, header.ByteSize))
	// Recalculate header byte size until it gets right.
	for header.ByteSize < headerSizeSize+uint64(buf.Len()) {
		header.ByteSize = headerSizeSize + uint64(buf.Len())
		headerSizeSize = uint64(binary.PutUvarint(bin, header.ByteSize))
	n1, err := w.Write(bin[0:headerSizeSize])
	n += int64(n1)
	if err != nil {
	n1, err = w.Write(buf.Bytes())
	n += int64(n1)
	for uint64(n) < header.ByteSize {
		n1, err = w.Write([]byte{0})
		n += int64(n1)
		if err != nil {
Example #8
func (mc *memoryCache) inc(c context.Context, key string, delta int64, initialValue uint64) (uint64, error) {
	defer mc.Unlock()
	item, ok := mc.items[key]
	if !ok {
		var z time.Time
		b := make([]byte, binary.Size(initialValue))
		binary.PutUvarint(b, initialValue)
		item = &cacheItem{b, z}
		mc.items[key] = item
	v, n := binary.Uvarint(item.data)
	if n <= 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("inc: binary.Uvarint error: %d", n)
	switch {
	case delta < 0 && v < uint64(delta):
		v = 0
	case delta < 0:
		v -= uint64(delta)
	case delta > 0:
		v += uint64(delta)
	binary.PutUvarint(item.data, v)
	return v, nil
Example #9
func TestNoMergeExtensionMerge(t *testing.T) {
	r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	bigm := test.NewPopulatedMyExtendable(r, true)
	m := test.NewPopulatedNinOptNative(r, true)
	err := proto.SetExtension(bigm, test.E_FieldB, m)
	if err != nil {
	data, err := proto.Marshal(bigm)
	if err != nil {
	key := uint32(101)<<3 | uint32(2)
	data2 := make([]byte, 10)
	n := binary.PutUvarint(data2, uint64(key))
	data2 = data2[:n]
	data = append(data, data2...)
	data4, err := proto.Marshal(test.NewPopulatedNinOptNative(r, true))
	if err != nil {
	data3 := make([]byte, 10)
	n = binary.PutUvarint(data3, uint64(len(data4)))
	data3 = data3[:n]
	data = append(data, data3...)
	data = append(data, data4...)
	err = fieldpath.NoMerge(data, test.ThetestDescription(), "test", "MyExtendable")
	if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "requires merging") {
		t.Fatalf("should require merging")
Example #10
func (x *msgDial) write(w io.Writer) (err error) {
	q := make([]byte, maxMsgDialLen)
	n1 := binary.PutUvarint(q, uint64(x.ID))
	n2 := binary.PutUvarint(q[n1:], uint64(x.SeqNo))
	_, err = w.Write(q[:n1+n2])
	return err
Example #11
// MarshalBinary implements binary marshalling for Addresses.
// A marshalled Address only carries its identifier. When unmarshalled on
// the same node, the unmarshalled address will be reconnected to the
// original Mailbox. If unmarshalled on a different node, a reference to
// the remote mailbox will be unmarshaled.
func (a Address) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
	address := a.getAddress()

	if address == nil {
		return nil, ErrIllegalAddressFormat

	switch mbox := address.(type) {
	case *Mailbox:
		b := make([]byte, 10, 10)
		written := binary.PutUvarint(b, uint64(mbox.id))
		return append([]byte("<"), b[:written]...), nil

	case noMailbox:
		return []byte("X"), nil

	case boundRemoteAddress:
		b := make([]byte, 10, 10)
		written := binary.PutUvarint(b, uint64(mbox.mailboxID))
		return append([]byte("<"), b[:written]...), nil

	case registryMailbox:
		return []byte("\"" + string(mbox)), nil

		return nil, ErrIllegalAddressFormat

Example #12
// Diff computes a delta from data1 to data2. The
// result is such that Patch(data1, Diff(data1, data2)) == data2.
func Diff(data1, data2 []byte) []byte {
	// Store lengths of inputs.
	patch := make([]byte, 32)
	n1 := binary.PutUvarint(patch, uint64(len(data1)))
	n2 := binary.PutUvarint(patch[n1:], uint64(len(data2)))
	patch = patch[:n1+n2]

	// First hash chunks of data1.
	hashes := hashChunks(data1)

	// Compute rolling hashes of data2 and see whether
	// we recognize parts of data1.
	var p uint32
	lastmatch := -1
	for i := 0; i < len(data2); i++ {
		b := data2[i]
		if i < _W {
			p = (p << 8) ^ uint32(b) ^ _T[uint8(p>>(degree-8))]
		// Invariant: i >= W and p == hashRabin(data2[i-W:i])
		//if p != hashRabin(data2[i-_W:i]) {
		//	println(p, hashRabin(data2[i-_W:i]))
		//	panic("p != hashRabin(data2[i-_W:i])")

		refi, ok := hashes.Get(p)
		if ok && bytes.Equal(data1[refi:refi+_W], data2[i-_W:i]) {
			// We have a match! Try to extend it left and right.
			testi := i - _W
			for refi > 0 && testi > lastmatch+1 && data1[refi-1] == data2[testi-1] {
			refj, testj := refi+i-testi, i
			for refj < len(data1) && testj < len(data2) && data1[refj] == data2[testj] {

			// Now data1[refi:refj] == data2[testi:testj]
			patch = appendInlineData(patch, data2[lastmatch+1:testi])
			patch = appendRefData(patch, uint32(refi), uint32(refj-refi))

			// Skip bytes and update hash.
			i = testj + _W - 1
			lastmatch = testj - 1
			if i >= len(data2) {
			p = hashRabin(data2[testj : testj+_W])
		// Cancel out data2[i-W] and take data2[i]
		p ^= _U[data2[i-_W]]
		p = (p << 8) ^ uint32(b) ^ _T[uint8(p>>(degree-8))]
	patch = appendInlineData(patch, data2[lastmatch+1:])
	return patch
Example #13
func init() {
	var buffer bytes.Buffer
	b := make([]byte, 16)

	// Get the current user name.
	osU, err := user.Current()
	user := "******"
	if err == nil {
		user = osU.Username

	// Create the constant to make build a unique ID.
	start := uint64(time.Now().UnixNano())
	binary.PutUvarint(b, start)

	pid := uint64(os.Getpid())
	binary.PutUvarint(b, pid)

	// Set the node.
	if !uuid.SetNodeID(buffer.Bytes()) {

	// Initialize the channel and blank node type.
	nextVal, tBlank = make(chan uuid.UUID, chanSize), Type("/_")

	go func() {
		for {
			nextVal <- uuid.NewRandom()
Example #14
// Return a signature writer. The call itself does not write anything.
// Use with a Signature header.
func (w *Writer) SignatureWriter() rsync.SignatureWriter {
	if w.t != TypeSignature {
		// This is a program structure issue, so panic.
	buffer := make([]byte, 2048)
	return func(block rsync.BlockHash) error {
		var n int
		var err error
		n = binary.PutUvarint(buffer, block.Index)
		binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buffer[n:], block.WeakHash)
		n += 4
		n += binary.PutUvarint(buffer[n:], uint64(len(block.StrongHash)))

		_, err = w.body.Write(buffer[:n])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = w.body.Write(block.StrongHash)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
Example #15
// writeProto writes a uvarint size and then a protobuf to w.
// If the data takes no space (like rpc.InvalidRequest),
// only a zero size is written.
func writeProto(w io.Writer, pb proto.Message) error {
	// Allocate enough space for the biggest uvarint
	var size [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte

	if pb == nil {
		n := binary.PutUvarint(size[:], uint64(0))
		if _, err := w.Write(size[:n]); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil

	// Marshal the protobuf
	data, err := proto.Marshal(pb)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Write the size and data
	n := binary.PutUvarint(size[:], uint64(len(data)))
	if _, err = w.Write(size[:n]); err != nil {
		return err
	if _, err = w.Write(data); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #16
// Put a new key-value pair.
func (ht *HashTable) Put(key, val uint64) {
	var bucket, entry uint64 = ht.hashKey(key), 0
	region := bucket / HASH_TABLE_REGION_SIZE
	mutex := ht.regionRWMutex[region]
	for {
		entryAddr := bucket*ht.BucketSize + BUCKET_HEADER_SIZE + entry*ENTRY_SIZE
		if entryAddr > ht.File.Append-ENTRY_SIZE {
		if ht.File.Buf[entryAddr] != ENTRY_VALID {
			ht.File.Buf[entryAddr] = ENTRY_VALID
			binary.PutUvarint(ht.File.Buf[entryAddr+1:entryAddr+11], key)
			binary.PutUvarint(ht.File.Buf[entryAddr+11:entryAddr+21], val)
		if entry++; entry == ht.PerBucket {
			entry = 0
			if bucket = ht.nextBucket(bucket); bucket == 0 || bucket >= ht.File.Append-BUCKET_HEADER_SIZE {
				ht.Put(key, val)
			region = bucket / HASH_TABLE_REGION_SIZE
			mutex = ht.regionRWMutex[region]
Example #17
// ToBuf serializes a frame into a byte array
func (f FrameResetStream) ToBuf() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 1+4+4)
	buf[0] = ResetStreamFrame
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[1:5], f.StreamID)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[5:9], f.ErrorCode)
	return buf, nil
Example #18
// Grow a new bucket on the chain of buckets.
func (ht *HashTable) grow(bucket uint64) {
	// lock both bucket creation and the bucket affected
	// when file is full, we have to lock down everything before growing the file
	if !ht.File.CheckSize(ht.BucketSize) {
		originalMutexes := ht.regionRWMutex
		for _, region := range originalMutexes {
		// make more mutexes
		moreMutexes := make([]*sync.RWMutex, HASH_TABLE_GROWTH/HASH_TABLE_REGION_SIZE+1)
		for i := range moreMutexes {
			moreMutexes[i] = new(sync.RWMutex)
		// merge mutexes together
		ht.regionRWMutex = append(ht.regionRWMutex, moreMutexes...)
		for _, region := range originalMutexes {
	lastBucketAddr := ht.lastBucket(bucket) * ht.BucketSize
	binary.PutUvarint(ht.File.Buf[lastBucketAddr:lastBucketAddr+8], ht.numberBuckets())
	// mark the new bucket
	newBucket := ht.File.Append
	binary.PutUvarint(ht.File.Buf[newBucket:newBucket+10], BUCKET_HEADER_NEW)
	ht.File.Append += ht.BucketSize
Example #19
File: task.go Project: remeh/gost
// Format of a simple task:
// 2 bytes      : magic number
// 8 bytes      : id length : l
// 8 bytes      : data length : n
// 32 bytes     : target
// 32 bytes     : action
// l bytes      : id
// n bytes      : data
func (t *SimpleTask) Serialize() []byte {
	serialized := make([]byte, 2+8+8+32+32+len(t.id)+len(t.data))

	// Magic number
	serialized[0] = 0
	serialized[1] = 1

	// Task ID length
	binary.PutUvarint(serialized[2:], uint64(len(t.id)))

	// Task data length
	binary.PutUvarint(serialized[10:], uint64(len(t.data)))

	// Target
	copy(serialized[18:], []byte(t.target))

	// Action
	copy(serialized[50:], []byte(t.action))

	// Data
	copy(serialized[82:], t.id)

	// Data
	copy(serialized[82+len(t.id):], t.data)

	return serialized
Example #20
NewID ...
func NewID() string {
	tb := make([]byte, 64)
	tc := binary.PutUvarint(tb, uint64(time.Now().UnixNano()))
	rb := make([]byte, 64)
	rc := binary.PutUvarint(rb, uint64(rand.Int63()))
	b := append(tb[:tc], rb[:rc]...)
	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(b))
Example #21
func newStreamResponse(cmd ctrlCommands, param uint32) []byte {
	buf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen16+binary.MaxVarintLen32)
	// Control command
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[:binary.MaxVarintLen16], uint64(cmd))
	// Parameter
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[binary.MaxVarintLen16:binary.MaxVarintLen16+binary.MaxVarintLen32], uint64(param))
	return buf
Example #22
// ToBuf serializes a FrameConnectionClose into a byte array
func (f FrameConnectionClose) ToBuf() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 1+4+2+len(f.Reason))
	buf[0] = ConnectionCloseFrame
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[1:5], f.ErrorCode)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[5:7], uint64(len(f.Reason)))
	copy(buf[7:], f.Reason)
	return buf, nil
func createValidPacket() []byte {
	buf := make([]byte, 9)
	buf[0] = 0x01
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[2:4], 5)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[4:6], 0x0000)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[6:8], 1)
	buf[8] = byte(1)
	return buf
Example #24
// ToBuf serializes a frame into a byte array
func (f FrameAck) ToBuf() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 1+1+6+2+1)
	buf[0] = AckFrame
	buf[1] = f.ReceivedEntropy
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[2:8], f.LargestObserved)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[8:10], f.LargestObservedDeltaTime)
	// TODO rest of this shit.
	return buf, errors.New("frame FrameAck not fully implemented")
Example #25
func Encode(w io.Writer, f *BloomFilter) {
	maxsize := 2 * binary.MaxVarintLen64
	dump := make([]byte, maxsize)
	//pack m and k
	pos := binary.PutUvarint(dump, uint64(f.m))
	pos += binary.PutUvarint(dump[pos:], uint64(f.k))
	bitset.Encode(w, f.b)
Example #26
// Serialize the CHD. The serialized form is conducive to mmapped access. See
// the Mmap function for details.
func (c *CHD) Write(w io.Writer) error {
	write := func(nd ...interface{}) error {
		for _, d := range nd {
			if err := binary.Write(w, binary.LittleEndian, d); err != nil {
				return err
		return nil

	var storeKeys uint32
	if c.StoreKeys {
		storeKeys = 1

	data := []interface{}{
		uint32(len(c.r)), c.r,
		uint32(len(c.indices)), c.indices,

	if err := write(data...); err != nil {
		return err

	vb := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
	for i := 0; i < int(c.el); i++ {
		if c.StoreKeys {
			k := c.keys[i]
			n := binary.PutUvarint(vb, uint64(len(k)))
			if _, err := w.Write(vb[:n]); err != nil {
				return err
			if _, err := w.Write(k); err != nil {
				return err
		if c.ValuesAreVarints {
			v := c.valueVarints[i]
			n := binary.PutUvarint(vb, v)
			if _, err := w.Write(vb[:n]); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			v := c.values[i]
			n := binary.PutUvarint(vb, uint64(len(v)))
			if _, err := w.Write(vb[:n]); err != nil {
				return err
			if _, err := w.Write(v); err != nil {
				return err
	return nil
Example #27
// ToBuf serializes a FrameGoAway into a byte array
func (f FrameGoAway) ToBuf() ([]byte, error) {
	buf := make([]byte, 1+4+4+2+len(f.Reason))
	buf[0] = GoAwayFrame
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[1:5], f.ErrorCode)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[5:9], f.LastGoodStreamID)
	binary.PutUvarint(buf[8:11], uint64(len(f.Reason)))
	copy(buf[11:], f.Reason)
	return buf, nil
Example #28
func (bloom Bloom) hashKey(index int, elem uint64) uint32 {
	initialValue := bloom.hashes[index]
	buffer := make([]byte, 24, 24)
	binary.PutUvarint(buffer, initialValue)
	binary.PutUvarint(buffer[8:], elem)
	hash := fnv.New32()
	hashValue := hash.Sum32()
	return hashValue % uint32(bloom.size)
Example #29
//Dumps b in compact & restorable format
func Encode(w io.Writer, b *BitSet) { //TODO: there should be an error handling

	dump := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
	pos := binary.PutUvarint(dump, uint64(b.length))
	for _, v := range b.set {
		dump := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
		pos = binary.PutUvarint(dump, uint64(v))
Example #30
// Value serialize a BlobsPos as string
// (value is encoded as uvarint: n + offset + size)
func (blob BlobPos) Value() []byte {
	bufTmp := make([]byte, 10)
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	w := binary.PutUvarint(bufTmp[:], uint64(blob.n))
	w = binary.PutUvarint(bufTmp[:], uint64(blob.offset))
	w = binary.PutUvarint(bufTmp[:], uint64(blob.size))
	return buf.Bytes()