Example #1
func main() {
	// Parse input flags
	var socket *string = flag.String("socket", "", "Unix domain socket to connect to")
	var num_clients *int = flag.Int("num_clients", 100, "Number of clients to launch")
	var concurrency *int = flag.Int("concurrency", 10, "Number of clients running concurrently")
	var num_cpu *int = flag.Int("cpu_use", 2, "Number of CPUs to use")
	// Set thew number of CPUs to use
	// Create a chan to comunicate with the processes
	// This channel will imitate a semaphore
	p := 0
	sem := make(chan bool, *concurrency)
	// Place the initial values in the semaphore
	for i := 0; i < *concurrency; i++ {
		sem <- true
	// Run the test clients
	for <-sem; p < *num_clients; _, p = <-sem, p+1 {
		go createTestClient(*socket, "unix", sem)
	// Wait for the remaining processes to finish
	for j := 0; j < *concurrency-1; _, j = <-sem, j+1 {
	fmt.Println(p, "processes finished")
Example #2
func main() {
	var statsdHost = flag.String("statsd_host", "", "Statsd host")
	var statsdPort = flag.Int("statsd_port", 8125, "Statsd host")
	var nodename = flag.String("nodename", "riak", "Riak node name")
	var riakHost = flag.String("riak_host", "", "Riak host")
	var riakHttpPort = flag.Int("riak_http_port", 8098, "Riak HTTP port")

	// First ping to node to make sure it works
	err := pingRiak(*riakHost, *riakHttpPort)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error: %v", err)
	statsd := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *statsdHost, *statsdPort)
	addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", statsd)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Couldn't resolve UDP addr: %v", err)
	conn, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, addr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Couldn't connect to statsd at %s", statsd)

	// every 60s run hit the stats endpoint and then send to statsd
	interval := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 60)
	for _ = range interval.C {
		go getAndSendRiakMetrics(conn, *nodename, *riakHost, *riakHttpPort)
Example #3
func main() {
	endpoint := flag.String("endpoint", "", "etcd HTTP endpoint")

	rWrites := flag.Int("write-requests", 50000, "number of writes")
	cWrites := flag.Int("concurrent-writes", 500, "number of concurrent writes")

	watches := flag.Int("watches", 500, "number of writes")


	for i := 0; i < *watches; i++ {
		key := strconv.Itoa(i)
		go watch(*endpoint, key)

	wChan := make(chan int, *cWrites)
	for i := 0; i < *cWrites; i++ {
		go write(*endpoint, (*rWrites / *cWrites), wChan)

	for i := 0; i < *cWrites; i++ {
		log.Printf("Completed %d writes", (*rWrites / *cWrites))
func main() {
	numCPU := runtime.NumCPU()

	obliteration := flag.Int("concurrency", 10, "threads and connections to use for load generation")
	host := flag.String("zk", "master.mesos:2181", "host:port for zk")
	size := flag.Int("size", 1024, "bytes per key written")
	ratio := flag.Float64("ratio", 0.2, "0 to 1 ratio of reads to writes.  0 is all writes, 1 is all reads.")

	value := gen(*size)

	conns := []*zk.Conn{}
	for i := 0; i < *obliteration; i++ {
		cli, _, err := zk.Connect([]string{*host}, 5*time.Second)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("error connecting to zk: %v\n", err)
		conns = append(conns, cli)

	doRpc := func() {
		cli := conns[rand.Intn(len(conns))]
		bench(cli, value, *ratio)

	loghisto.PrintBenchmark("benchmark1234", uint(*obliteration), doRpc)
Example #5
File: beacon.go Project: raff/goble
func main() {
	uuid := flag.String("uuid", "1BEAC099-BEAC-BEAC-BEAC-BEAC09BEAC09", "iBeacon UUID")
	major := flag.Int("major", 0, "iBeacon major value (uint16)")
	minor := flag.Int("minor", 0, "iBeacon minor value (uint16)")
	power := flag.Int("power", -57, "iBeacon measured power (int8)")
	d := flag.Duration("duration", 1*time.Minute, "advertising duration")
	verbose := flag.Bool("verbose", false, "dump all events")

	ble := goble.New()

	var utsname xpc.Utsname

	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	log.Println("Start Advertising", *uuid, *major, *minor, *power)
	ble.StartAdvertisingIBeacon(xpc.MustUUID(*uuid), uint16(*major), uint16(*minor), int8(*power))


	log.Println("Stop Advertising")
func main() {

	var data = flag.String("data", "", "The data directory where WOF data lives, required")
	var cache_size = flag.Int("cache_size", 1024, "The number of WOF records with large geometries to cache")
	var cache_trigger = flag.Int("cache_trigger", 2000, "The minimum number of coordinates in a WOF record that will trigger caching")

	var lat = flag.Float64("latitude", 0.0, "")
	var lon = flag.Float64("longitude", 0.0, "")

	var loglevel = flag.String("loglevel", "info", "...")


	logger := log.NewWOFLogger("[wof-breaches] ")
	logger.AddLogger(os.Stdout, *loglevel)

	idx, _ := rtree.NewIndex(*data, *cache_size, *cache_trigger, logger)

	for _, path := range flag.Args() {

		logger.Info("indexing %s", path)

	results := idx.GetIntersectsByLatLon(*lat, *lon)
	inflated := idx.InflateSpatialResults(results)

	for _, r := range inflated {
		logger.Info("%v", r)
Example #7
func main() {
	addr := flag.String("addr", "", "host:port of slime-proxy to check")
	uuidFlag := flag.String("uuid", "", "uuid of metadata store to verify")
	warnUnconnected := flag.Int("warn", 0,
		"WARN if number of undead unconnected stores exceeds this number")
	critUnconnected := flag.Int("crit", 0,
		"CRIT if number of undead unconnected stores exceeds this number")

	if *addr == "" ||
		*uuidFlag == "" ||
		*warnUnconnected == 0 ||
		*critUnconnected == 0 {

		dieUnknown("Incorrect invocation, all arguments are required.\n" +
			"Run with -h for usage.")

	wantID, err := uuid.Parse(*uuidFlag)
	if err != nil {
		dieUnknown("Couldn't parse uuid given: %v", err)

	checkUUID(*addr, wantID)
	checkConnectivity(*addr, *warnUnconnected, *critUnconnected)
Example #8
func main() {
	create := flag.Bool("create", false, "create shares from a secret")
	minimum := flag.Int("minimum", 3, "minimum shares required to recreate secret")
	shares := flag.Int("shares", 4, "total shares to create (shares >= minimum)")
	secret := flag.String("secret", "Hello, World!", "secret to share")
	combine := flag.Bool("combine", false, "combines shares into a secret")
	raw := flag.String("secrets", "", "comma separated list of shared secrets")


	if *create == *combine {
	} else if *create {
		if *minimum > *shares {
		} else {
			values := sssa.Create(*minimum, *shares, *secret)
			for i := range values {
	} else {
		if *raw == "" {
		} else {
			secrets := strings.Split(*raw, ",")
			value := sssa.Combine(secrets)
			fmt.Println("Secret: ", value)
Example #9
func main() {
	port := flag.Int("port", 8125, "Port to bind to")
	flushPeriod := flag.Int("flush", 5, "Seconds between flushes")
	log.Printf("Statsd binding to %v.\n", *port)
	startServer(int64(*port), *flushPeriod)
Example #10
File: main.go Project: pelmers/wave
func main() {
	// initialize rand seed
	// parse arguments
	period := flag.Int("p", 25, "Period: length (lines) of wave")
	amp := flag.Int("a", 25, "Amplitude: width (chars) of wave")
	num := flag.Int("n", 2, "Number of waves")
	freq := flag.Int("f", 40, "Frequency of waves (Hz)")
	colorize := flag.String("color", "lgreen", "Output color (default for none)")
	character := flag.String("char", "*", "Output character")
	// map color names to color codes
	colors := map[string]string{
		"red":     "31",
		"green":   "32",
		"yellow":  "33",
		"blue":    "34",
		"magenta": "35",
		"cyan":    "36",
		"lred":    "91",
		"lgreen":  "92",
		"lcyan":   "96",
		"white":   "97",
		"default": "39",
	// color themes
	color_themes := map[string][]string{
		"christmas": []string{"lred", "lgreen", "white"},

	sigs := make([]chan string, *num)
	// start up the waves
	for i, _ := range sigs {
		color := colors["default"]
		if _, ok := colors[*colorize]; ok {
			// a default color
			color = colors[*colorize]
		} else if _, ok := color_themes[*colorize]; ok {
			// iterate through theme's colors
			color = colors[color_themes[*colorize][i%len(color_themes[*colorize])]]
		sigs[i] = make(chan string)
		go Wave(float64(*period), float64(*amp), 0, sigs[i], color, *character)
	// sync up the waves at some frequency in Hz
	go func(frequency int, sigs []chan string) {
		for {
			line := make([]string, len(sigs))
			for i, s := range sigs {
				line[i] = <-s
			// join up the parts and put a newline at the end
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", strings.Join(line, ""))
			time.Sleep(time.Second / time.Duration(frequency))
	}(*freq, sigs)
	// press any key + enter to exit
	var exit string
Example #11
func main() {
	host := flag.String("host", "api.tsinghua.io", "Host of the server")
	port := flag.Int("port", 443, "Port of the server")
	certFile := flag.String("cert", "", "Certificate file.")
	keyFile := flag.String("key", "", "key file.")
	windowMin := flag.Int64("window", 15, "Window size of the rate limit (in minutes).")
	rate := flag.Int("rate", 900, "Max requests per window per IP.")


	api := api.New(
		util.NewLimiter(*windowMin*60, *rate).Handler(),

	api.AddResource("/semester", resource.Semester)
	api.AddResource("/users/me", resource.Profile)
	api.AddResource("/users/me/attended", resource.Attended)
	api.AddResource("/courses/{id}/announcements", resource.CourseAnnouncements)
	api.AddResource("/courses/{id}/files", resource.CourseFiles)
	api.AddResource("/courses/{id}/assignments", resource.CourseAssignments)
	api.AddResource("/courses/{id}/materials", resource.CourseMaterials)

	addr := *host + ":" + strconv.Itoa(*port)
	glog.Infof("windowMin = %d, rate = %d", *windowMin, *rate)
	glog.Infof("Starting server on %s", addr)
	err := http.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, *certFile, *keyFile, api)
	glog.Fatalf("Shutting down: %s", err)
Example #12
func main() {

	// Set up flags.
	wFlag := flag.Int("w", 640, "width of the image in pixels")
	hFlag := flag.Int("h", 480, "height of the image in pixels")
	xMinFlag := flag.Float64("x-min", -2.0, "minimum x value to plot")
	xMaxFlag := flag.Float64("x-max", 2.0, "maximum x value to plot")
	bailoutFlag := flag.Int("bailout", 100, "maximum iteration bailout")

	// Handle the flags.

	// Main logic.
	acc := newAccumulator(*wFlag, *hFlag, *xMinFlag, *xMaxFlag)
	const numSamples = 1e8
	for acc.getCount() < numSamples {
		accumulateSeqence(*bailoutFlag, acc)

	img := acc.toImage()
	f, err := os.Create("out.png")
	if err != nil {
	if err := png.Encode(f, img); err != nil {
Example #13
func main() {
	pr := flag.Float64("pr", 0.9, "non empty response probability")
	portPtr := flag.Int("p", 7040, "port to start http server")
	markupFilePath := flag.String("mf", "markup.html", "path to markup file")
	respdelay := flag.Int("d", 0, "response delay to imitate network latency")
	showVersion := flag.Bool("version", false, "print version string")

	if *showVersion {

	markup_bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*markupFilePath)
	if nil != err {
	markup := string(markup_bytes[:])

	h := http_handlers.RequestsHandler{Delay: *respdelay, Probability: float32(*pr), Markup: markup}
	http.HandleFunc("/auctions", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		h.HandleResponse(w, r)
	log.Println("INFO  Starting server on" + strconv.Itoa(*portPtr))
	http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(*portPtr), nil)
Example #14
// CreateConfig creates server configuration base on application command line arguments
func CreateConfig() *ServerConfig {
	var port = flag.Int("p", DEFAULT_PORT, "HTTP service port")
	var initCapacity = flag.Int("size", INIT_BASKET_CAPACITY, "Initial basket size (capacity)")
	var maxCapacity = flag.Int("maxsize", MAX_BASKET_CAPACITY, "Maximum allowed basket size (max capacity)")
	var pageSize = flag.Int("page", DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, "Default page size")
	var masterToken = flag.String("token", "", "Master token, random token is generated if not provided")
	var dbType = flag.String("db", DEFAULT_DB_TYPE, fmt.Sprintf(
		"Baskets storage type: %s - in-memory, %s - Bolt DB", DB_TYPE_MEM, DB_TYPE_BOLT))
	var dbFile = flag.String("file", "./baskets.db", "Database location, only applicable for file databases")

	var token = *masterToken
	if len(token) == 0 {
		token, _ = GenerateToken()
		log.Printf("[info] generated master token: %s", token)

	return &ServerConfig{
		ServerPort:   *port,
		InitCapacity: *initCapacity,
		MaxCapacity:  *maxCapacity,
		PageSize:     *pageSize,
		MasterToken:  token,
		DbType:       *dbType,
		DbFile:       *dbFile}
Example #15
// Init handles parsing command line flags
func Init() {
	// Flags
	SearchFlag = flag.String("s", "", "Search for TypeIDs")
	InfoFlag = flag.String("i", "", "Get info with a TypeID, typeName or mDisplayName")
	VerboseInfo = flag.Bool("vi", false, "Prints all attributes when used with -i")
	LicenseFlag = flag.Bool("l", false, "Prints license information.")
	VersionFlag = flag.Bool("v", false, "Prints the SDETool version")
	SlowFlag = flag.Bool("slow", false, "Forces the use of unoptimized functions")
	TimeExecution = flag.Bool("time", false, "Times the execution of functions that may take a decent amount of time")
	Clean = flag.Bool("clean", false, "Cleans all database and cache files")
	DumpTypes = flag.Bool("dump", false, "Dumps all types to a file for use with the category package")
	ApplyModule = flag.String("m", "", "Used with -i to apply a module to a dropsuit")

	GetMarketData = flag.Bool("market", false, "Gets market data on item, used with -i. Sorry CCP if I'm pounding your APIs ;P")
	Debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Debug? Debug!")
	ForcePanic = flag.Bool("fp", false, "Forces a panic, debug uses")
	Quiet = flag.Bool("quiet", false, "Used with flags like uninstall where you want it to produce no output, ask for input or block in any sort of way")
	Uninstall = flag.Bool("uninstall", false, "Uninstalls SDETool if install via makefile or manually in your PATH variable")
	NoColor = flag.Bool("nocolor", false, "Used to disable color.  Usefull for >'ing and |'ing")
	NoSkills = flag.Bool("ns", false, "Used to prevent SDETool from applying skill bonuses")
	// Damage and mod counts
	Damage = flag.String("d", "", "Get damage calculations, takes a TypeID")
	SDEVersion = flag.String("sv", "1.8", "Version of the SDE to use, in the form of '1.7' or '1.8'")
	ComplexModCount = flag.Int("c", 0, "Amount of complex damage mods, used with -d")
	EnhancedModCount = flag.Int("e", 0, "Amount of enhanced damage mods, used with -d")
	BasicModCount = flag.Int("b", 0, "Amount of enhanced damage mods, used with -d")
	Prof = flag.Int("p", 0, "Prof level, used with -d")

	// Server related
	RunServer = flag.Bool("server", false, "Runs a server for hosting the web version of SDETool")
	Port = flag.Int("port", 80, "Port used for -server")
Example #16
func main() {
	concurrent := flag.Int("C", 10, "concurrent connections")
	flag.IntVar(&conf.messages, "M", 100, "messages per connection")
	connections := flag.Int("N", 10000, "total number of connections")
	conf.addr = flag.Arg(0)
	if conf.addr == "" {
		log.Fatal("Error: supply the websocket URL as a non-flag argument")
	c := make(chan int)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	// if anybody encounters an error set this to 1
	var ret int32
	for i := 0; i < *concurrent; i++ {
		go func(id int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			err := worker(c)
			if err != nil {
				// Don't kill the entire program just the worker
				log.Println("Worker", id, "died:", err)
				atomic.StoreInt32(&ret, 1)
		}(i + 1)
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < *connections; i++ {
			c <- i
Example #17
func main() {
	endpoint := flag.String("endpoint", "http://localhost:9102/stats", "Stats http endpoint")
	frequency := flag.Int("frequency", 1, "Sampling frequency in seconds")
	duration := flag.Int("seconds", 30, "Collection duration")
	file := flag.String("file", "out.stats", "Output file")


	fd, err := os.OpenFile(*file, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0777)
	if err != nil {

	count := *duration / *frequency
	fd.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Count:%d Frequency:%d\n", count, *frequency)))
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		resp, err := http.Get(*endpoint)
		if err != nil {
		body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
		fd.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Len:%d\n", len(body)+1)))

		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(*frequency))

Example #18
func main() {
	threads := flag.Int("threads", 0, "number of parallel threads in a run. If 0, use CPU count.")
	sleepTime := flag.Float64("sleep", 4.0, "amount of sleep between runs.")
	runs := flag.Int("runs", 10, "number of runs.")

	if *threads == 0 {
		*threads = fuse.CountCpus()
	filename := flag.Args()[0]
	f, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		log.Panicf("Open: %v", err)

	reader := bufio.NewReader(f)

	files := make([]string, 0)
	for {
		l, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
		if err != nil {
		files = append(files, string(l))

	results := fuse.RunBulkStat(*runs, *threads, *sleepTime, files)
Example #19
func main() {
	port := flag.Int("port", 8080, "port")
	backends := flag.Int("workers", 3, "number of workers")
	strategy := flag.String("strategy", "majority", "balancing strategy ['one', 'two', 'majority', 'all']")

	cfg := profile.Config{
		CPUProfile:  true,
		MemProfile:  true,
		ProfilePath: ".",
	p := profile.Start(&cfg)
	defer p.Stop()

	balancer := newBalancer(backends, strategy)

	a := gin.Default()
	a.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
		timeouted := make(chan bool)
		result := processFirstResponse(timeouted, balancer)

		select {
		case data := <-result:
			c.JSON(200, data)
		case <-time.After(globalTimeout):
			c.JSON(500, nil)
			timeouted <- true

	a.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *port))

Example #20
// 主函数
func main() {
	tasktypePtr := flag.String("type", "insert", "任务类型[insert, query]")
	startPtr := flag.Int("start", 1, "任务起始编号(整型)")
	countPtr := flag.Int("count", 1, "任务个数(整型)")
	debugPtr := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Debug模式")
	logfilePtr := flag.String("logfile", "/home/scada/mysqltest.log", "log文件位置")
	hostPtr := flag.String("host", "", "host地址")
	batchPtr := flag.Int("batch", 500, "每批插入记录数")

	tasktype := *tasktypePtr
	start := *startPtr
	count := *countPtr
	debug = *debugPtr
	host := *hostPtr
	batch := *batchPtr
	if tasktype != "insert" && tasktype != "query" {
		fmt.Println("参数[type]值不正确,该参数取值为[insert, query]")
	logfile, err := os.OpenFile(*logfilePtr, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("打开日志文件[%s]出错", *logfilePtr)
	defer logfile.Close()

	multiTask(count, start, tasktype, host, batch)
Example #21
// SetConfigOverrides will check the *CLI variables for any values
// and override the values in the given config if they are set.
// If LogCLI is set to "dev", the given `Log` pointer will be set to an
// empty string.
func SetConfigOverrides(c *Config) {
	// HTTPAccessLogCLI is a pointer to the value of the '-http-access-log' command line flag. It is meant to
	// declare an access log location for HTTP services.
	HTTPAccessLogCLI := flag.String("http-access-log", "", "HTTP access log location")
	// RPCAccessLogCLI is a pointer to the value of the '-rpc-access-log' command line flag. It is meant to
	// declare an acces log location for RPC services.
	RPCAccessLogCLI := flag.String("rpc-access-log", "", "RPC access log location")
	// HTTPPortCLI is a pointer to the value for the '-http' flag. It is meant to declare the port
	// number to serve HTTP services.
	HTTPPortCLI := flag.Int("http", 0, "Port to run an HTTP server on")
	// RPCPortCLI is a pointer to the value for the '-rpc' flag. It is meant to declare the port
	// number to serve RPC services.
	RPCPortCLI := flag.Int("rpc", 0, "Port to run an RPC server on")


	if *HTTPAccessLogCLI != "" {
		c.HTTPAccessLog = HTTPAccessLogCLI

	if *RPCAccessLogCLI != "" {
		c.RPCAccessLog = RPCAccessLogCLI

	if *HTTPPortCLI > 0 {
		c.HTTPPort = *HTTPPortCLI

	if *RPCPortCLI > 0 {
		c.RPCPort = *RPCPortCLI
Example #22
func main() {
	sortFuncs := flag.String("sorts", "", "Sorting functions to compare, comma separated")
	arrayCount := flag.Int("array", 1, "Number of arrays to sort, default 1")
	elementCount := flag.Int("element", 1000, "Number of random entries for each array, default 1000")
	timeout := flag.Int("timeout", 60, "Maximum time to run in seconds, default 60s")

	funcs := strings.Split(*sortFuncs, ",")
	for i, f := range funcs {
		funcs[i] = strings.TrimSpace(f)

	var sorts []func(sortable.Interface)

	for _, f := range funcs {
		s, err := getSortFunc(f)
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Not recognised sort function: %s\n", s))
		sorts = append(sorts, s)

	sortArray := generateSortArray(*arrayCount, *elementCount)
	startsorts(sorts, sortArray, *timeout)
Example #23
func main() {
	targetpath := flag.String("target", "", "Path to target image")
	dir := flag.String("dir", "", "Directory with tile pictures")
	outpath := flag.String("outpath", "output.jpg", "Output dir to result image")
	//Note: Tile pictures must be same size. I.E, tilewidth x tileheight
	tilewidth := flag.Int("tilewidth", 0, "Width of tile image")
	tileheight := flag.Int("tileheight", 0, "Height of tile image")
	if *targetpath == "" {
		log.Fatal("Target picture is not selected")

	if *dir == "" {
		log.Fatal("Directory contained tile pictures is not selected")

	//First, read and decode image which will be split on tile images
	targetimg, err := PrepareTargetImage(*targetpath)
	if err != nil {

	//Read from directory which contain tile images for mosaic
	photos := ReadFromDir(*dir)

	//associate each region (tilewidth x tileheight) with tile image
	grid, msg := GetNearestPicturesToRegion(targetimg, photos, *tilewidth, *tileheight)
	if msg != "" {
	bounds := targetimg.Bounds()
	//Construct gird and write it to output image
	ConstructFullImageFromTiles(grid, *outpath, bounds.Max.X, bounds.Max.Y, *tilewidth, *tileheight)
Example #24
func init() {
	// All the defaults mentioned here refer to etcd_load.cfg values.
	fhelp = flag.Bool("help", false, "shows how to use flags")
	fhost = flag.String("h", "null", "etcd instance address."+
		"Default= from config file")
	fport = flag.String("p", "null",
		"port on which etcd is running. Defalt=4001")
	foperation = flag.String("o", "null",
		"operation - create/delete/get/update. Default:create")
	fkeycount = flag.Int("k", -1, "number of keys involved in operation,"+
		"useful for create. Default:100")
	foperation_count = flag.Int("oc", -1, "number of operations to be performed,"+
		" Default:100")
	flog_file = flag.String("log", "null", "logfile name, default : log")
	fremote_flag = flag.Bool("remote", false, " Must be set true if etcd "+
		"instance is remote. Default=false")
	fmem_flag = flag.Bool("mem", false, "When true, memory info is shown."+
		" Default=false")
	fsecure = flag.Bool("secure", false, "When true, new tls client created "+
		"using certificate,key files. Default = false")
	fcfg_file = flag.String("c", "null", "Input the cfg file. Required")
	fcapath = flag.String("capath", "null", "Certificate Path"+
		". Default = /etc/openshift/master")
	fcacert = flag.String("ca", "ca.crt", "The ca filename. Default = ca.crt")
	fclient_cert = flag.String("cert", "null", "The client"+
		"Certificate. Default = master.etcd-client.crt")
	fclient_key = flag.String("cakey", "null", "The client"+
		"Key file. Default = master.etcd-client.key")
Example #25
func main() {
	a := flag.Int("a", 1000, "")
	b := flag.Int("b", 2000, "") // two seconds
	k := syscall.MustLoadDLL("kernel32.dll")
	k.MustFindProc("Beep").Call(uintptr(*a), uintptr(*b))
Example #26
func main() {

	startMode := flag.Int("startMode", 1, " 0 为mock ,1 为正式")
	bindAddr := flag.String("bindAddr", ":17070", "-bindAddr=:17070")
	certPath := flag.String("certPath", "./cert.pem", "-certPath=xxxxxx/cert.pem or -certPath=http://")
	keyPath := flag.String("keyPath", "./key.pem", "-keyPath=xxxxxx/key.pem or -keyPath=http://")
	runMode := flag.Int("runMode", 0, "-runMode=1(online) ,0(sandbox)")
	storeCap := flag.Int("storeCap", 1000, "-storeCap=100000  //重发链条长度")
	logxml := flag.String("log", "log.xml", "-log=log.xml //log配置文件")
	pprofPort := flag.String("pprof", ":9090", "pprof=:9090 //端口")

	go func() {
		if len(*pprofPort) > 0 {
			addr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp4", *bindAddr)
			log.Error(http.ListenAndServe(addr.IP.String()+*pprofPort, nil))


	option := server.NewOption(*startMode, *bindAddr, *certPath, *keyPath, *runMode, *storeCap)
	apnsserver := server.NewApnsHttpServer(option)
	ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(ch, os.Kill)


Example #27
func main() {
	halfProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) / 2
	if halfProcs < 1 {
		halfProcs = 1
	queryWorkers := flag.Int("queryWorkers", halfProcs,
		"Number of query tree walkers.")
	docWorkers := flag.Int("docWorkers", halfProcs,
		"Number of document mapreduce workers.")

	addr := flag.String("addr", ":3133", "Address to bind to")

	// Update the query handler deadline to the query timeout
	found := false
	for i := range routingTable {
		matches := routingTable[i].Path.FindAllStringSubmatch("/x/_query", 1)
		if len(matches) > 0 {
			routingTable[i].Deadline = *queryTimeout
			found = true
	if !found {
		log.Fatalf("Programming error:  Could not find query handler")

	processorInput = make(chan *processIn, *docBacklog)
	for i := 0; i < *docWorkers; i++ {
		go docProcessor(processorInput)

	if *cacheAddr == "" {
		cacheInput = processorInput
		// Note: cacheInputSet will be null here, there should be no caching
	} else {
		cacheInput = make(chan *processIn, *cacheBacklog)
		cacheInputSet = make(chan *processOut, *cacheBacklog)
		for i := 0; i < *cacheWorkers; i++ {
			go cacheProcessor(cacheInput, cacheInputSet)

	queryInput = make(chan *queryIn, *queryBacklog)
	for i := 0; i < *queryWorkers; i++ {
		go queryExecutor(queryInput)

	if *pprofFile != "" {
		go startProfiler()

	s := &http.Server{
		Addr:        *addr,
		Handler:     http.HandlerFunc(handler),
		ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
	log.Printf("Listening to web requests on %s", *addr)
Example #28
// TODO: NO error handling. Should probably do something about that.
func main() {
	LogInit(os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stdout, os.Stderr)

	numResults := flag.Int("numResults", 50, "Number of results to return")
	startPage := flag.Int("startPage", 0, "Results page to start with")

	fmt.Println("numResults: ", *numResults)
	fmt.Println("startPage: ", *startPage)

	// Print show details to the console
	results := SearchDeadShows(*numResults, *startPage)
	for _, doc := range results {
		showURL := "http://archive.org/details/" + doc.Identifier + "?output=json"
		r, _ := http.Get(showURL)
		defer r.Body.Close()

		showJSON, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)

		var showResponse DeadShow
		json.Unmarshal(showJSON, &showResponse)
		b, _ := (json.MarshalIndent(showResponse.Details, "", "   "))

Example #29
func Run() {
	var r *int = flag.Int("r", 0, "read timeout")
	var w *int = flag.Int("w", 0, "write timeout")

	port := CFG.Int("port")

	if port == 0 {
		port = 80

	host := CFG.Str("host")
	if host == "" {
		host = ""

	address := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port)
	LOGGER.Log("WebGO running", address)

	server := http.Server{
		Addr:         address,
		ReadTimeout:  time.Duration(*r) * time.Second,
		WriteTimeout: time.Duration(*w) * time.Second,
		Handler:      &app,


	err := server.ListenAndServe()
	if err != nil {

Example #30
func prepare() {
	var rootfsPath = flag.String("rootfsPath", "", "rootfs path to chroot into")
	var uid = flag.Int("uid", 0, "uid to create directories as")
	var gid = flag.Int("gid", 0, "gid to create directories as")
	var perm = flag.Int("perm", 0755, "Mode to create the directory with")
	var recreate = flag.Bool("recreate", false, "whether to delete the directory before (re-)creating it")


	if err := syscall.Chroot(*rootfsPath); err != nil {

	if err := os.Chdir("/"); err != nil {

	for _, path := range flag.Args() {
		path, err := filepath.Abs(path)
		if err != nil {

		if *recreate {

		mkdir(path, *uid, *gid, os.FileMode(*perm))