Example #1
File: lucy.go Project: kidaa/lucy
//export GOLUCY_Inverter_Invert_Doc
func GOLUCY_Inverter_Invert_Doc(inverter *C.lucy_Inverter, doc *C.lucy_Doc) {
	ivars := C.lucy_Inverter_IVARS(inverter)
	fields := (*C.cfish_Hash)(C.LUCY_Doc_Get_Fields(doc))

	// Prepare for the new doc.
	C.LUCY_Inverter_Set_Doc(inverter, doc)

	// Extract and invert the doc's fields.
	iter := C.cfish_HashIter_new(fields)
	for C.CFISH_HashIter_Next(iter) {
		field := C.CFISH_HashIter_Get_Key(iter)
		obj := C.CFISH_HashIter_Get_Value(iter)
		if obj == nil {
			mess := "Invalid nil value for field" + clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(field))

		inventry := fetchEntry(ivars, field)
		inventryIvars := C.lucy_InvEntry_IVARS(inventry)
		fieldType := inventryIvars._type

		// Get the field value.
		var expectedType *C.cfish_Class
		switch C.LUCY_FType_Primitive_ID(fieldType) & C.lucy_FType_PRIMITIVE_ID_MASK {
		case C.lucy_FType_TEXT:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_STRING
		case C.lucy_FType_BLOB:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_BLOB
		case C.lucy_FType_INT32:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_INTEGER
		case C.lucy_FType_INT64:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_INTEGER
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT32:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_FLOAT
		case C.lucy_FType_FLOAT64:
			expectedType = C.CFISH_FLOAT
			panic(clownfish.NewErr("Internal Lucy error: bad type id for field " +
		if !C.cfish_Obj_is_a(obj, expectedType) {
			className := C.cfish_Obj_get_class_name((*C.cfish_Obj)(unsafe.Pointer(fieldType)))
			mess := fmt.Sprintf("Invalid type for field '%s': '%s'",
		if inventryIvars.value != obj {
			inventryIvars.value = C.cfish_inc_refcount(unsafe.Pointer(obj))

		C.LUCY_Inverter_Add_Field(inverter, inventry)
Example #2
File: search.go Project: kidaa/lucy
func (obj *HitsIMP) Next(hit interface{}) bool {
	self := ((*C.lucy_Hits)(unsafe.Pointer(obj.TOPTR())))
	// TODO: accept a HitDoc object and populate score.

	// Get reflection value and type for the supplied struct.
	var hitValue reflect.Value
	if reflect.ValueOf(hit).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		temp := reflect.ValueOf(hit).Elem()
		if temp.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
			if temp.CanSet() {
				hitValue = temp
	if hitValue == (reflect.Value{}) {
		mess := fmt.Sprintf("Arg not writeable struct pointer: %v",
		obj.err = clownfish.NewErr(mess)
		return false

	var docC *C.lucy_HitDoc
	errCallingNext := clownfish.TrapErr(func() {
		docC = C.LUCY_Hits_Next(self)
	if errCallingNext != nil {
		obj.err = errCallingNext
		return false
	if docC == nil {
		return false
	defer C.cfish_dec_refcount(unsafe.Pointer(docC))

	fields := (*C.cfish_Hash)(unsafe.Pointer(C.LUCY_HitDoc_Get_Fields(docC)))
	iterator := C.cfish_HashIter_new(fields)
	defer C.cfish_dec_refcount(unsafe.Pointer(iterator))
	for C.CFISH_HashIter_Next(iterator) {
		keyC := C.CFISH_HashIter_Get_Key(iterator)
		valC := C.CFISH_HashIter_Get_Value(iterator)
		key := clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(keyC))
		val := clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(valC))
		match := func(name string) bool {
			return strings.EqualFold(key, name)
		structField := hitValue.FieldByNameFunc(match)
		if structField != (reflect.Value{}) {
	return true
Example #3
func fetchEntry(ivars *C.lucy_InverterIVARS, fieldGo string) *C.lucy_InverterEntry {
	field := (*C.cfish_String)(clownfish.GoToClownfish(fieldGo,
		unsafe.Pointer(C.CFISH_STRING), false))
	defer C.cfish_decref(unsafe.Pointer(field))
	schema := ivars.schema
	fieldNum := C.LUCY_Seg_Field_Num(ivars.segment, field)
	if fieldNum == 0 {
		// This field seems not to be in the segment yet.  Try to find it in
		// the Schema.
		if C.LUCY_Schema_Fetch_Type(schema, field) != nil {
			// The field is in the Schema.  Get a field num from the Segment.
			fieldNum = C.LUCY_Seg_Add_Field(ivars.segment, field)
		} else {
			// We've truly failed to find the field.  The user must
			// not have spec'd it.
			fieldGo := clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(field))
			err := clownfish.NewErr("Unknown field name: '" + fieldGo + "'")
	entry := C.CFISH_Vec_Fetch(ivars.entry_pool, C.size_t(fieldNum))
	if entry == nil {
		newEntry := C.lucy_InvEntry_new(schema, field, fieldNum)
		C.CFISH_Vec_Store(ivars.entry_pool, C.size_t(fieldNum),
		return newEntry
	return (*C.lucy_InverterEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(entry))
Example #4
// Turn a Vector of Clownfish Strings into a slice of Go string.  NULL
// elements in the Vector are not allowed.
func vecToStringSlice(v *C.cfish_Vector) []string {
	if v == nil {
		return nil
	length := int(C.CFISH_Vec_Get_Size(v))
	slice := make([]string, length)
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		slice[i] = clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(C.CFISH_Vec_Fetch(v, C.size_t(i))))
	return slice
Example #5
//export GOLUCY_RegexTokenizer_init
func GOLUCY_RegexTokenizer_init(rt *C.lucy_RegexTokenizer, pattern *C.cfish_String) *C.lucy_RegexTokenizer {

	ivars := C.lucy_RegexTokenizer_IVARS(rt)
	ivars.pattern = C.CFISH_Str_Clone(pattern)

	var patternGo string
	if pattern == nil {
		patternGo = "\\w+(?:['\\x{2019}]\\w+)*"
	} else {
		patternGo = clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(pattern))
	rx, err := regexp.Compile(patternGo)
	if err != nil {
	rxID := registry.store(rx)
	ivars.token_re = unsafe.Pointer(rxID)

	return rt
Example #6
File: index.go Project: kidaa/lucy
func (obj *IndexerIMP) findFieldC(name string) *C.cfish_String {
	self := ((*C.lucy_Indexer)(unsafe.Pointer(obj.TOPTR())))
	if obj.fieldNames == nil {
		obj.fieldNames = make(map[string]clownfish.String)
	f, ok := obj.fieldNames[name]
	if !ok {
		schema := C.LUCY_Indexer_Get_Schema(self)
		fieldList := C.LUCY_Schema_All_Fields(schema)
		defer C.cfish_dec_refcount(unsafe.Pointer(fieldList))
		for i := 0; i < int(C.CFISH_Vec_Get_Size(fieldList)); i++ {
			cfString := unsafe.Pointer(C.CFISH_Vec_Fetch(fieldList, C.size_t(i)))
			field := clownfish.CFStringToGo(cfString)
			if strings.EqualFold(name, field) {
				f = clownfish.WRAPString(cfString)
				obj.fieldNames[name] = f
	return (*C.cfish_String)(unsafe.Pointer(f.TOPTR()))
Example #7
//export GOLUCY_RegexTokenizer_Tokenize_Utf8
func GOLUCY_RegexTokenizer_Tokenize_Utf8(rt *C.lucy_RegexTokenizer, str *C.char,
	stringLen C.size_t, inversion *C.lucy_Inversion) {

	ivars := C.lucy_RegexTokenizer_IVARS(rt)
	rxID := uintptr(ivars.token_re)
	rx, ok := registry.fetch(rxID).(*regexp.Regexp)
	if !ok {
		mess := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to Fetch *RegExp with id %d and pattern %s",
			rxID, clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(ivars.pattern)))

	buf := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(str), C.int(stringLen))
	found := rx.FindAllIndex(buf, int(stringLen))
	lastEnd := 0
	cpCount := 0
	for _, startEnd := range found {
		cpCount = int(C.push_token(str, C.int(startEnd[0]), C.int(startEnd[1]),
			C.int(lastEnd), C.int(cpCount), inversion))
		lastEnd = startEnd[1]
Example #8
func (obj *IndexerIMP) findRealField(name string) (string, error) {
	self := ((*C.lucy_Indexer)(unsafe.Pointer(obj.TOPTR())))
	if obj.fieldNames == nil {
		obj.fieldNames = make(map[string]string)
	if field, ok := obj.fieldNames[name]; ok {
		return field, nil
	} else {
		schema := C.LUCY_Indexer_Get_Schema(self)
		fieldList := C.LUCY_Schema_All_Fields(schema)
		defer C.cfish_dec_refcount(unsafe.Pointer(fieldList))
		for i := 0; i < int(C.CFISH_Vec_Get_Size(fieldList)); i++ {
			cfString := unsafe.Pointer(C.CFISH_Vec_Fetch(fieldList, C.size_t(i)))
			field := clownfish.CFStringToGo(cfString)
			if strings.EqualFold(name, field) {
				obj.fieldNames[name] = field
				return field, nil
	return "", clownfish.NewErr(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown field: '%v'", name))
Example #9
//export GOLUCY_Doc_Extract
func GOLUCY_Doc_Extract(d *C.lucy_Doc, field *C.cfish_String) *C.cfish_Obj {
	fields := fetchDocFields(d)
	fieldGo := clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(field))
	return (*C.cfish_Obj)(clownfish.GoToClownfish(fields[fieldGo],
		unsafe.Pointer(C.CFISH_OBJ), true))
Example #10
//export GOLUCY_Doc_Store
func GOLUCY_Doc_Store(d *C.lucy_Doc, field *C.cfish_String, value *C.cfish_Obj) {
	fields := fetchDocFields(d)
	fieldGo := clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(field))
	valGo := clownfish.ToGo(unsafe.Pointer(value))
	fields[fieldGo] = valGo
Example #11
File: store.go Project: kidaa/lucy
func (e *LockErrIMP) Error() string {
	self := ((*C.lucy_LockErr)(unsafe.Pointer(e.TOPTR())))
	return clownfish.CFStringToGo(unsafe.Pointer(C.LUCY_LockErr_Get_Mess(self)))