Example #1
func TestService_Rewind(t *testing.T) {
	s := entity.NewService()
	f := s.Frontend()

	// Accept all requests
	go (func() {
		for {
			var req entity.Request
			select {
			case req = <-f.Creates:
			case req = <-f.Updates:
			case req = <-f.Deletes:


	t0 := message.AbsoluteTick(1)

	// Create a new entity
	ent := message.NewEntity()
	ent.Position.X = 10
	ent.Position.Y = 15
	req := f.Add(ent, t0)

	created := req.(*entity.CreateRequest)
	id := created.Entity.Id
	if id == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Entity doesn't have an id after being added")

	ent0 := s.Get(id)

	t1 := t0 + 5

	// Update the entity
	update := message.NewEntity()
	update.Id = id
	update.Position.X = 33
	update.Position.Y = 15
	diff := &message.EntityDiff{Position: true}
	req = f.Update(update, diff, t1)

	// Rewind
	err := s.Rewind(s.GetTick() - t0)
	if err != nil {

	rewindEnt := s.Get(id)
	if rewindEnt.Position.X != ent0.Position.X {
		t.Fatal("Invalid rewind, expected position", ent0.Position.X, "but got", rewindEnt.Position.X)
Example #2
func New(srv *server.Server, timeSrv *timeserver.Server) *Engine {
	// Create a new context
	ctx := message.NewServerContext()

	// Create the engine
	e := &Engine{
		ctx:     ctx,
		srv:     srv,
		timeSrv: timeSrv,
		auth:    auth.NewService(),
		clock:   clock.NewService(),
		entity:  entity.NewService(),
		action:  action.NewService(),
		terrain: terrain.New(),
		config:  game.DefaultConfig(),

		clients:        make(map[int]*server.Client),
		brdStop:        make(chan bool),
		listenStop:     make(chan bool),
		listenTimeStop: make(chan bool),

	// Set config
	if timeSrv != nil {
		e.config.TimeServerPort = uint16(timeSrv.Port())

	// Populate context
	ctx.Auth = e.auth
	ctx.Entity = e.entity.Frontend()
	ctx.Action = e.action.Frontend()
	ctx.Terrain = e.terrain
	ctx.Clock = e.clock
	ctx.Config = e.config

	// Initialize engine submodules
	e.mover = NewMover(e)

	// Set callbacks
	e.auth.LoginCallback = func(session *message.Session) {
		entity := session.Entity

		// Populate entity
		// TODO: default values are hardcoded
		entity.Position.BX = 20
		entity.Position.BY = 20
		entity.Type = game.PlayerEntity
		entity.Sprite = game.PlayerSprite
		entity.Attributes[game.HealthAttr] = game.Health(1000)
		entity.Attributes[game.CooldownOneAttr] = game.Cooldown(0)

	return e