func init() { if config.Admin() { templateCmd.AddCommand(templateUpdateCmd) templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateID, "id", "", "", "ID of the template; lowercase, hyphen separated") templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateName, "name", "n", "", "A nice name to be used for the template") templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateImageId, "image-id", "i", "", "The glance ID of the base filesystem image") templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateDescription, "description", "d", "", "A full/long multiline description") templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateShortDescription, "short-description", "s", "", "A one line short summary of the template") templateUpdateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateUpdateCloudInitFile, "cloud-init-file", "c", "", "The filename of a file to be used as user-data/cloud-init") } }
func init() { RootCmd.AddCommand(quotaCmd) if config.Admin() { quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.Account, "account", "", "", "The account to update the quota for") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.InstanceCount, "instance-count", "i", "", "The limit to the number of instances available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.CpuCore, "cpu-core", "c", "", "The limit to the number of CPU cores available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.RamMB, "ram-mb", "r", "", "The limit to the amount of RAM (in MB) available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.DiskGB, "disk-gb", "d", "", "The limit to the of disk space (in GB) available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.DiskVolumeCount, "disk-volume-count", "v", "", "The limit to the number of disk volumes available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.DiskSnapshotCount, "disk-snapshot-count", "s", "", "The limit to the number of disk snapshots available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.PublicIPAddress, "public-ip-address", "a", "", "The limit to the number of public IP addresses available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.SubnetCount, "subnet-count", "u", "", "The limit to the number of subnets available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.NetworkCount, "network-count", "w", "", "The limit to the number of networks available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.SecurityGroup, "security-group", "g", "", "The limit to the number of security groups available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.SecurityGroupRule, "security-group-rule", "l", "", "The limit to the number of security group rules available") quotaCmd.Flags().StringVarP("a.PortCount, "port-count", "p", "", "The limit to the number of ports (network connections) available") } }
func init() { if config.Admin() { RootCmd.AddCommand(accountCmd) } }
func init() { if config.Admin() { templateCmd.AddCommand(templateDetailsCmd) templateDetailsCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&templateDetailsID, "id", "", "", "ID of the template to show") } }
func init() { if config.Admin() { accountCmd.AddCommand(accountResetCmd) accountResetCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&accountResetName, "name", "n", "", "Name of the account; lowercase, hyphen separated") } }
func init() { if config.Admin() { RootCmd.AddCommand(urlCmd) urlCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&urlValue, "url", "u", "", "The URL of the API server to connect to") } }
func init() { if config.Admin() { accountCmd.AddCommand(accountDeleteCmd) accountDeleteCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&accountDeleteName, "name", "n", "", "Name of the account to delete") } }