Example #1
func evalWhereClause(mWhere map[string]interface{}) []uint64 {
	// create an array to hold the idx's of all the data that meet our search
	tempKeysMatched := make([][]uint64, 0)

	// loop through the where clause, applying the appropriate logic where necessary
	for key, val := range mWhere {
		switch key {
		case "$OR":
			tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, evalOrClause(val.([]interface{})))
		case "$NOT":
			tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, evalNotClause(val.(map[string]interface{})))
		case "$NOR":
			tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, evalNorClause(val.([]interface{})))

			// check to see if the values of the keys are anything special
			if testMap(val) {
				// it's a map!
				m := val.(map[string]interface{})

				// it should only have one key!
				for key1, val1 := range m {
					switch key1 {
					case "$IN":
						tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, evalInClause(key, val1.([]interface{})))
					case "$NIN":
						tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, evalNinClause(key, val1.([]interface{})))

						// ermm... this should never happen.... I NEED AN ADULT!
						log.Panic(error_.New("Not a valid query! Only $IN and $NIN are valid sub-documents!"))
			} else {
				// not a map!
				// the default is treated as an $AND, so add it to the temp index
				// we will run an intersection on the temp index last.
				// NOTE(@adam-hanna): we only support strings for now!
				tempKeysMatched = append(tempKeysMatched, index.QueryIndex(key, val.(string)))

	// assume that where the user didn't input a logical operator, that an $AND was implied.
	// therefore, run the interesection...
	return arrayOperations.SortedIntersectUint64Arr(tempKeysMatched)
Example #2
func evalInClause(colName string, inVal []interface{}) []uint64 {
	// build the array that will hold the idx's
	aTemp := make([][]uint64, 0)

	// loop through the acceptable values, adding the matching idx's to our array
	for idx := range inVal {
		// NOTE(@adam-hanna): we only support strings for now!
		aTemp = append(aTemp, index.QueryIndex(colName, inVal[idx].(string)))

	// find union bc our keys are allowed to be any of these
	unsortedKeys := arrayOperations.UnionUint64Arr(aTemp)

	// the above may be unsorted, so we need to sort it!
	if !sort.IsSorted(uintArray(unsortedKeys)) {
		// the array is not sorted, sort it!

	return unsortedKeys