Example #1
FindTerm searches the tree for a specific term.
func (catalog *Catalog) FindTerm(searchTerm string) *document.Term {
	node := catalog.tree.Find(document.NewTerm(searchTerm))

	if node == nil {
		return nil

	return node.Value
Example #2
NewCatalog returns a new instance of a Catalog structure. It will
create the initial index and start a directory watcher for the physical
file structure.
func NewCatalog(log *logging.Logger, config *config.Configuration) *Catalog {
	// TODO: Using "mn" as a root node. This may need to be calculated based on found elements.
	// If too many files come on side or the other of "mn" we will have an unbalanced tree.
	catalog := &Catalog{
		basePaths:    config.Paths,
		config:       config,
		log:          log,
		textPatterns: config.TextPatterns,
		tree:         tree.NewTree(document.NewTerm("mn")),

	 * Define a directory watcher function to be used by each directory watcher
	watcherFunc := func(path string, info os.FileInfo, startTime time.Time, modificationTime time.Time) error {
		isFilePatternMatch := false

		for _, filePattern := range config.FilePatterns {
			if strings.Contains(path, filePattern) {
				isFilePatternMatch = true

		if isFilePatternMatch {
			log.Infof("Detected change in path %s", path)

		return nil

	catalog.watchers = make([]*directorywatcher.DirectoryWatcher, len(config.Paths))

	for index, basePath := range config.Paths {
		catalog.watchers[index] = directorywatcher.NewDirectoryWatcher(basePath, log)

	return catalog
Example #3
Index creates the virtual index tree. This operation locks the
func (catalog *Catalog) Index() error {
	startTime := time.Now()
	fileCount := 0
	nodeCount := 0


	doneChannel := make(chan bool)
	indexChannel := make(chan document.DocumentIndex, 100)
	waitGroup := &sync.WaitGroup{}

	go func(waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
		for {
			select {
			case indexItem := <-indexChannel:
				for key, newDocument := range indexItem {
					 * Create a new Term and add the document to it.
					termToFind := document.NewTerm(key)
					termToFind.Documents = append(termToFind.Documents, newDocument)

					 * See if this term is already in the tree. If not, just add it.
					 * If it is there, we need to see if we have this document captured
					 * already. If not, add it. If so, only add our matches if we don't
					 * already have those too.
					existingTermNode := catalog.tree.Find(termToFind)

					if existingTermNode == nil {
					} else {
						existingDocument := existingTermNode.FindDocument(newDocument.DocumentName)

						if existingDocument == nil {
							existingTermNode.Value.Documents = append(existingTermNode.Value.Documents, newDocument)
						} else {
							currentMatches := existingDocument.Matches

							for _, newMatch := range newDocument.Matches {
								if !existingDocument.HasMatchIndex(newMatch.Location) {
									currentMatches = append(currentMatches, newMatch)

							existingDocument.Matches = currentMatches


			case <-doneChannel:
				catalog.log.Debug("Done indexing catalog")

	for _, basePath := range catalog.config.Paths {
		filepath.Walk(basePath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if !info.IsDir() {
				 * Only index this file if it matches the configured file pattern
				isFilePatternMatch := false

				for _, filePattern := range catalog.config.FilePatterns {
					if strings.Contains(path, filePattern) {
						isFilePatternMatch = true

				if !isFilePatternMatch {
					return nil

				 * Index this file

				file := document.NewPhysicalFile(path, catalog.textPatterns)
				_, err := file.Read()
				if err != nil {
					catalog.log.Errorf("Error reading file %s: %s", path, err.Error())
					return err

				index := file.CreateIndex()
				indexChannel <- index

			return nil

	doneChannel <- true

	catalog.log.Infof("Time to index %d files with %d nodes: %s", fileCount, nodeCount, time.Since(startTime))
	return nil