func TestMyCheat(t *testing.T) {
	a, b := // YOUR CODE HERE

	//Try to cheat verifier:
	proofForth := // YOUR CODE HERE

	v := gt.VerifyForth(a, b, proofForth)

	if !v {
		t.Fatal("My cheat does not work")
Example #2
func Test2(t *testing.T) {
	a, b := gt.NewNamed("a"), gt.NewNamed("b")
	d := gt.Compose(a, b)

	//Try to cheat verifier:
	proofForth := func(x gt.Element) gt.Element {
		return x.ToComposite().Left()

	v := gt.VerifyForth(d, a, proofForth)

	if v {
		t.Fatal("proofForth is verified although it is not a proof")
func Test1(t *testing.T) {
	a, b := NewNamed("a"), NewNamed("b")

	if !a.same(b) {
		t.Fatal("Cheat literals should be same")

	//Try to cheat verifier:
	proofForth := func(x gt.Element) gt.Element {
		return b

	v := gt.VerifyForth(a, b, proofForth)

	if v {
		t.Fatal("proofForth is verified although it is not a proof")
Example #4
func Test1(t *testing.T) {
	//Test $a \cdot b \cdot b^{-1} \cdot c = a\cdot c$
	a, b, c := gt.NewNamed("a"), gt.NewNamed("b"), gt.NewNamed("c")
	d := gt.Compose(a, gt.Compose(b, gt.Compose(gt.Inverse(b), c)))
	h := gt.Compose(a, c)

	id := func(a gt.Element) gt.Element { return a }

	proofForth := func(x gt.Element) gt.Element {
		return x.ToComposite().Map(id, func(el gt.Element) gt.Element {
			y := el.ToComposite().Associate()
			return y.Map(func(el gt.Element) gt.Element {
				return el.ToComposite().Annihilate()
			}, id).Simplify()

	v := gt.VerifyForth(d, h, proofForth)

	if !v {
		t.Fatal("proofForth is not verified")