Example #1
// Filter removes items from the ValidationErrorList that match the provided fns.
func (list ValidationErrorList) Filter(fns ...errors.Matcher) ValidationErrorList {
	err := errors.FilterOut(errors.NewAggregate(list), fns...)
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	// FilterOut that takes an Aggregate returns an Aggregate
	agg := err.(errors.Aggregate)
	return ValidationErrorList(agg.Errors())
Example #2
// NewInvalid returns an error indicating the item is invalid and cannot be processed.
func NewInvalid(kind, name string, errs fielderrors.ValidationErrorList) error {
	causes := make([]api.StatusCause, 0, len(errs))
	for i := range errs {
		if err, ok := errs[i].(*fielderrors.ValidationError); ok {
			causes = append(causes, api.StatusCause{
				Type:    api.CauseType(err.Type),
				Message: err.Error(),
				Field:   err.Field,
	return &StatusError{api.Status{
		Status: api.StatusFailure,
		Code:   StatusUnprocessableEntity, // RFC 4918: StatusUnprocessableEntity
		Reason: api.StatusReasonInvalid,
		Details: &api.StatusDetails{
			Kind:   kind,
			Name:   name,
			Causes: causes,
		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s %q is invalid: %v", kind, name, errors.NewAggregate(errs)),