Example #1
func (d *Line) Syls() (syls []*Syl) {

	lineStart := d.StartTime
	lineEnd := d.EndTime
	end := 0
	fontFace := d.fontFace

	spaceWidth, _ := utils.MeasureString(fontFace, " ")
	spaceWidth *= d.Style.Scale[0] / 100.0

	curX := d.Left
	maxWidth := 0.0
	sumHeight := 0.0
	resx, resy := float64(d.resolution[0]), float64(d.resolution[1])

	for i, dlg := range d.syls {
		duration, inline, text := dlg[1], dlg[2], dlg[3]
		dur := utils.Str2int(duration) * 10 // cs to ms

		// Absolute times
		start := lineStart
		lineStart += dur
		if i == d.SylN-1 {
			// Ensure that the end time and the width of the last syl
			// is the same that the end time and width of the line
			end = lineEnd
		} else {
			end = lineStart

		strippedText, preSpace, postSpace := utils.TrimSpaceCount(text)

		width, height := utils.MeasureString(fontFace, strippedText)
		width *= d.Style.Scale[0] / 100.0
		height *= d.Height

		middleheight := float64(height) / 2.0
		middlewidth := float64(width) / 2.0
		align := d.Style.Alignment

		curX += float64(preSpace) * spaceWidth
		sleft := float64(curX)
		scenter := sleft + middlewidth
		sright := sleft + width
		x := 0.0
		y := 0.0
		stop := 0.0
		smid := 0.0
		sbot := 0.0

		maxWidth = math.Max(maxWidth, width)
		sumHeight += height

		// line x
		if align > 6 || align < 4 {
			switch align {
			case 1, 7: // left
				x = sleft
			case 2, 8: // center
				x = scenter
			case 3, 9: // right
				x = sright
			curX += width + float64(postSpace)*spaceWidth

		} else { // vertical alignment
			xFix := (maxWidth - width) / 2.0
			switch align {
			case 4: // left
				sleft = d.Left + xFix
				scenter = sleft + middlewidth
				sright = sleft + width
				x = sleft
			case 5: // center
				sleft = resx/2.0 - middlewidth
				scenter = sleft + middlewidth
				sright = sleft + width
				x = scenter
			case 6: // right
				sleft = d.Right - width - xFix
				scenter = sleft + middlewidth
				sright = sleft + width
				x = sright

		curY := resy/2.0 - sumHeight/2.0 + float64(d.Style.Spacing)

		// line y
		if align > 6 || align < 4 {
			stop = d.Top
			smid = d.Middle
			sbot = d.Bottom
			y = d.Y
		} else { // vertical alignment
			stop = curY
			smid = stop + middleheight
			sbot = stop + height
			y = smid
			curY += height

		if text != "" {
			s := &Syl{
				Layer:     d.Layer,
				Style:     d.Style,
				StyleName: d.StyleName,
				Actor:     d.Actor,
				Effect:    d.Effect,
				Tags:      d.Tags,
				Comment:   d.Comment,
				// Syl
				StartTime: start,
				EndTime:   end,
				Duration:  dur,
				MidTime:   end - start,
				Text:      strippedText,
				Inline:    inline,
				Width:     float64(width),
				Height:    float64(height),
				Size:      [2]float64{float64(width), float64(height)},
				X:         float64(x),
				Y:         float64(y),
				Top:       float64(stop),
				Middle:    float64(smid),
				Bottom:    float64(sbot),
				Left:      float64(sleft),
				Center:    float64(scenter),
				Right:     float64(sright),

			syls = append(syls, s)
	return syls
Example #2
func (fx *Effect) Lines() (dialogs []*Line) {

	resx, resy := float64(fx.Resolution[0]), float64(fx.Resolution[1])

	for _, dlg := range fx.scriptIn.Dialog.NotCommented() {

		end := asstime.SSAtoMS(dlg.EndTime)
		start := asstime.SSAtoMS(dlg.StartTime)
		duration := end - start
		text := strings.TrimSpace(ReTags.ReplaceAllString(dlg.Text, ""))

		fontFace := fx.fontFace[dlg.StyleName]
		width, height := utils.MeasureString(fontFace, text)
		width *= dlg.Style.Scale[0] / 100.0
		height *= dlg.Style.Scale[1] / 100.0

		align := dlg.Style.Alignment
		ml, mr, mv := float64(dlg.Style.Margin[0]),

		// Alignment
		middleheight := float64(height) / 2.0
		middlewidth := float64(width) / 2.0

		x := 0.0
		y := 0.0
		ltop := 0.0
		lmid := 0.0
		lbot := 0.0
		lleft := 0.0
		lcenter := 0.0
		lright := 0.0

		// line x
		switch align {
		case 1, 4, 7: // left
			lleft = ml
			lcenter = lleft + middlewidth
			lright = lleft + width
			x = lleft
		case 2, 5, 8: // center
			lleft = resx/2.0 - middlewidth
			lcenter = lleft + middlewidth
			lright = lleft + width
			x = lcenter
		case 3, 6, 9: // right
			lleft = resx - mr - width
			lcenter = lleft + middlewidth
			lright = lleft + width
			x = lright

		// line y
		switch align {
		case 7, 8, 9: // top
			ltop = mv
			lmid = ltop + middleheight
			lbot = ltop + height
			y = ltop
		case 4, 5, 6: // middle
			lmid = resy / 2
			ltop = lmid - middleheight
			lbot = lmid + middleheight
			y = lmid
		case 1, 2, 3: // bottom
			lbot = resy - mv
			lmid = lbot - middleheight
			ltop = lbot - height
			y = lbot

		syls := ReKara.FindAllStringSubmatch(dlg.Text, -1)

		d := &Line{
			Layer:      dlg.Layer,
			StartTime:  start,
			EndTime:    end,
			Duration:   duration,
			MidTime:    start + int(duration/2),
			Style:      dlg.Style,
			StyleName:  dlg.StyleName,
			Actor:      dlg.Actor,
			Effect:     dlg.Effect,
			Text:       text,
			Tags:       dlg.Tags,
			Comment:    dlg.Comment,
			Kara:       dlg.Text,
			syls:       syls,
			SylN:       len(syls),
			fontFace:   fontFace,
			Width:      float64(width),
			Height:     float64(height),
			Size:       [2]float64{float64(width), float64(height)},
			X:          float64(x),
			Y:          float64(y),
			Top:        float64(ltop),
			Middle:     float64(lmid),
			Bottom:     float64(lbot),
			Left:       float64(lleft),
			Center:     float64(lcenter),
			Right:      float64(lright),
			resolution: fx.Resolution,
		dialogs = append(dialogs, d)
	return dialogs
Example #3
func (d *Line) Chars() (chars []*Char) {

	start, end, x, dur := 0, 0, 0.0, 0
	for _, s := range d.Syls() {

		curX := float64(s.Left)
		lineStart := s.StartTime
		lineEnd := s.EndTime

		charN := utils.LenString(s.Text)

		// For syls of one char
		if charN == 1 || charN == 0 {
			dur = s.Duration
		} else {
			dur = int(s.Duration / charN)

		for i, c := range s.Text {
			text := string(c)

			start = lineStart
			lineStart += dur

			width, _ := utils.MeasureString(d.fontFace, text)
			width *= d.Style.Scale[0] / 100.0
			middlewidth := float64(width) / 2.0

			cleft := float64(curX)
			ccenter := cleft + float64(middlewidth)
			cright := cleft + float64(width)

			align := d.Style.Alignment

			switch align {
			case 1, 4, 7: // left
				x = cleft
			case 2, 5, 8: // center
				x = ccenter
			case 3, 6, 9: // right
				x = cright

			if i == charN-1 {
				// Ensure that the end time and the width of the last char
				// is the same that the end time and width of the syl
				end = lineEnd
			} else {
				end = lineStart

			c := &Char{
				Layer:     d.Layer,
				Style:     d.Style,
				StyleName: d.StyleName,
				Actor:     d.Actor,
				Effect:    d.Effect,
				Tags:      d.Tags,
				Comment:   d.Comment,
				// Char
				StartTime: start,
				EndTime:   end,
				Duration:  dur,
				MidTime:   end - start,
				Text:      text,
				Inline:    s.Inline,
				Width:     float64(width),
				Height:    d.Height,
				Size:      [2]float64{float64(width), d.Height},
				X:         float64(x),
				Y:         float64(d.Y),
				Top:       float64(d.Top),
				Middle:    float64(d.Middle),
				Bottom:    float64(d.Bottom),
				Left:      float64(cleft),
				Center:    float64(ccenter),
				Right:     float64(cright),
				// Syl
				SylStartTime:  s.StartTime,
				SylEndTime:    s.EndTime,
				SylMidEndTime: s.MidTime,
				SylDuration:   s.Duration,

			chars = append(chars, c)

			curX += width
	return chars
