Example #1
func (a *ACBuild) writeEmptyManifest() error {
	acid, err := types.NewACIdentifier("acbuild-unnamed")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	archlabel, err := types.NewACIdentifier("arch")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	oslabel, err := types.NewACIdentifier("os")
	if err != nil {
		return err

	manifest := &schema.ImageManifest{
		ACKind:    schema.ImageManifestKind,
		ACVersion: schema.AppContainerVersion,
		Name:      *acid,
		Labels: types.Labels{

	manblob, err := manifest.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	manfile, err := os.Create(path.Join(a.CurrentACIPath, aci.ManifestFile))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	_, err = manfile.Write(manblob)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	err = manfile.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
Example #2
func WriteImageManifest(m *spec.AciManifest, targetFile string, projectName string, cntVersion string) {
	name, err := types.NewACIdentifier(m.NameAndVersion.Name())
	if err != nil {

	version := m.NameAndVersion.Version()
	if version == "" {
		version = GenerateVersion()

	labels := types.Labels{}
	labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: version})
	labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "os", Value: "linux"})
	labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "arch", Value: "amd64"})

	if m.Aci.App.User == "" {
		m.Aci.App.User = "******"
	if m.Aci.App.Group == "" {
		m.Aci.App.Group = "0"

	im := schema.BlankImageManifest()
	im.Annotations = m.Aci.Annotations

	cntVersionIdentifier, _ := types.NewACIdentifier("cnt-version")
	im.Annotations.Set(*cntVersionIdentifier, cntVersion)
	im.Dependencies = toAppcDependencies(m.Aci.Dependencies)
	im.Name = *name
	im.Labels = labels

	im.App = &types.App{
		Exec:             m.Aci.App.Exec,
		EventHandlers:    []types.EventHandler{{Name: "pre-start", Exec: []string{"/cnt/bin/prestart"}}},
		User:             m.Aci.App.User,
		Group:            m.Aci.App.Group,
		WorkingDirectory: m.Aci.App.WorkingDirectory,
		Environment:      m.Aci.App.Environment,
		MountPoints:      m.Aci.App.MountPoints,
		Ports:            m.Aci.App.Ports,
		Isolators:        m.Aci.App.Isolators,

	buff, err := im.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(targetFile, buff, 0644)
	if err != nil {
Example #3
// StoreTrustedKeyPrefix stores the contents of public key r as a prefix trusted key.
func (ks *Keystore) StoreTrustedKeyPrefix(prefix string, r io.Reader) (string, error) {
	acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return storeTrustedKey(path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, acidentifier.String()), r)
Example #4
func handleAppAnnotation(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, pm *schema.PodManifest, im *schema.ImageManifest) {
	defer r.Body.Close()

	n := mux.Vars(r)["name"]
	k, err := types.NewACIdentifier(n)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "App annotation name %q is not a valid AC Identifier", n)

	n = mux.Vars(r)["app"]
	an, err := types.NewACName(n)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "App name %q is not a valid AC Name", n)

	merged := mergeAppAnnotations(im, pm, an)

	v, ok := merged.Get(k.String())
	if !ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "App annotation %q not found", k)

	w.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
Example #5
// NewAppFromString takes a command line app parameter and returns a map of labels.
// Example app parameters:
// 	example.com/reduce-worker:1.0.0
// 	example.com/reduce-worker,channel=alpha,label=value
// 	example.com/reduce-worker:1.0.0,label=value
// As can be seen in above examples - colon, comma and equal sign have
// special meaning. If any of them has to be a part of a label's value
// then consider writing your own string to App parser.
func NewAppFromString(app string) (*App, error) {
	var (
		name   string
		labels map[types.ACIdentifier]string

	preparedApp, err := prepareAppString(app)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	v, err := url.ParseQuery(preparedApp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	labels = make(map[types.ACIdentifier]string, 0)
	for key, val := range v {
		if len(val) > 1 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("label %s with multiple values %q", key, val)
		if key == "name" {
			name = val[0]
		labelName, err := types.NewACIdentifier(key)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		labels[*labelName] = val[0]
	a, err := NewApp(name, labels)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return a, nil
Example #6
// NewAppFromString takes a command line app parameter and returns a map of labels.
// Example app parameters:
// 	example.com/reduce-worker:1.0.0
// 	example.com/reduce-worker,channel=alpha,label=value
func NewAppFromString(app string) (*App, error) {
	var (
		name   string
		labels map[types.ACIdentifier]string

	app = strings.Replace(app, ":", ",version=", -1)
	app = "name=" + app
	v, err := url.ParseQuery(strings.Replace(app, ",", "&", -1))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	labels = make(map[types.ACIdentifier]string, 0)
	for key, val := range v {
		if len(val) > 1 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("label %s with multiple values %q", key, val)
		if key == "name" {
			name = val[0]
		labelName, err := types.NewACIdentifier(key)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		labels[*labelName] = val[0]
	a, err := NewApp(name, labels)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return a, nil
Example #7
func isolatorStrFromString(is string) (types.ACIdentifier, string, error) {
	is = "name=" + is
	v, err := url.ParseQuery(strings.Replace(is, ",", "&", -1))
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", err

	var name string
	var values []string
	var acn *types.ACIdentifier

	for key, val := range v {
		if len(val) > 1 {
			return "", "", fmt.Errorf("label %s with multiple values %q", key, val)

		switch key {
		case "name":
			acn, err = types.NewACIdentifier(val[0])
			if err != nil {
				return "", "", err
			name = val[0]
			// (TODO)yifan: Not support the default boolean yet.
			values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s": "%s"`, key, val[0]))
	return *acn, getIsolatorStr(name, strings.Join(values, ", ")), nil
Example #8
// DeleteTrustedKeyPrefix deletes the prefix trusted key identified by fingerprint.
func (ks *Keystore) DeleteTrustedKeyPrefix(prefix, fingerprint string) error {
	acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return os.Remove(path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, acidentifier.String(), fingerprint))
Example #9
// AddLabel will add a label with the given name and value to the untarred ACI
// stored at a.CurrentACIPath. If the label already exists its value will be updated to
// the new value.
func (a *ACBuild) AddLabel(name, value string) (err error) {
	if err = a.lock(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		if err1 := a.unlock(); err == nil {
			err = err1

	acid, err := types.NewACIdentifier(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fn := func(s *schema.ImageManifest) error {
		s.Labels = append(s.Labels,
				Name:  *acid,
				Value: value,
		return nil
	return util.ModifyManifest(fn, a.CurrentACIPath)
Example #10
func validatePodAnnotations(metadataURL string, pm *schema.PodManifest) results {
	r := results{}

	var actualAnnots types.Annotations

	annots, err := metadataGet(metadataURL, "/pod/annotations/")
	if err != nil {
		return append(r, err)

	for _, key := range strings.Split(string(annots), "\n") {
		if key == "" {

		val, err := metadataGet(metadataURL, "/pod/annotations/"+key)
		if err != nil {
			r = append(r, err)

		name, err := types.NewACIdentifier(key)
		if err != nil {
			r = append(r, fmt.Errorf("invalid annotation name: %v", err))

		actualAnnots.Set(*name, string(val))

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualAnnots, pm.Annotations) {
		r = append(r, fmt.Errorf("pod annotations mismatch: %v vs %v", actualAnnots, pm.Annotations))

	return r
Example #11
func checkSignature(ks *Keystore, prefix string, signed, signature io.ReadSeeker) (*openpgp.Entity, error) {
	acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	keyring, err := ks.loadKeyring(acidentifier.String())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("keystore: error loading keyring"), err)
	entities, err := openpgp.CheckArmoredDetachedSignature(keyring, signed, signature)
	if err == io.EOF {
		// When the signature is binary instead of armored, the error is io.EOF.
		// Let's try with binary signatures as well
		if _, err := signed.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
			return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error seeking ACI file"), err)
		if _, err := signature.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
			return nil, errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("error seeking signature file"), err)
		entities, err = openpgp.CheckDetachedSignature(keyring, signed, signature)
	if err == io.EOF {
		// otherwise, the client failure is just "EOF", which is not helpful
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("keystore: no valid signatures found in signature file")
	return entities, err
Example #12
// MaskTrustedKeySystemPrefix masks the system prefix trusted key identified by fingerprint.
func (ks *Keystore) MaskTrustedKeySystemPrefix(prefix, fingerprint string) (string, error) {
	acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	dst := path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, acidentifier.String(), fingerprint)
	return dst, ioutil.WriteFile(dst, []byte(""), 0644)
Example #13
func pathToACIdentifier(path string) (types.ACIdentifier, error) {
	if dirname := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(path)); dirname == "@" {
		return Root, nil
	} else if prefix, err := types.NewACIdentifier(strings.Replace(dirname, ",", "/", -1)); err != nil {
		return "", err
	} else {
		return *prefix, nil
Example #14
func (ks *Keystore) loadKeyring(prefix string) (openpgp.KeyRing, error) {
	acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var keyring openpgp.EntityList
	trustedKeys := make(map[string]*openpgp.Entity)

	prefixRoot := strings.Split(acidentifier.String(), "/")[0]
	paths := []struct {
		root     string
		fullPath string
		{ks.SystemRootPath, ks.SystemRootPath},
		{ks.LocalRootPath, ks.LocalRootPath},
		{path.Join(ks.SystemPrefixPath, prefixRoot), path.Join(ks.SystemPrefixPath, acidentifier.String())},
		{path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, prefixRoot), path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, acidentifier.String())},
	for _, p := range paths {
		err := filepath.Walk(p.root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
			if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
				return err
			if info == nil {
				return nil
			if info.IsDir() {
				switch {
				case strings.HasPrefix(p.fullPath, path):
					return nil
					return filepath.SkipDir
			// Remove trust for default keys.
			if info.Size() == 0 {
				delete(trustedKeys, info.Name())
				return nil
			entity, err := entityFromFile(path)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			trustedKeys[fingerprintToFilename(entity.PrimaryKey.Fingerprint)] = entity
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	for _, v := range trustedKeys {
		keyring = append(keyring, v)
	return keyring, nil
Example #15
func (custom *CmakeCustomizations) GetImageName() (*types.ACIdentifier, error) {
	imageName := custom.Configuration.Project
	if filepath.Base(imageName) == "..." {
		imageName = filepath.Dir(imageName)
		if custom.Configuration.UseBinary != "" {
			imageName += "-" + custom.Configuration.UseBinary
	return types.NewACIdentifier(strings.ToLower(imageName))
Example #16
func newLabel(name, value string) (*types.Label, error) {
	acName, err := types.NewACIdentifier(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &types.Label{
		Name:  *acName,
		Value: value,
	}, nil
Example #17
func (p *Pod) processAci(e common.RuntimeApp) (*schema.RuntimeApp, error) {
	aci, err := p.buildAci(e)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	name, err := types.NewACName(e.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("name", e.Name), "Invalid name format")

	sum, err := Sha512sum(aci.target + pathImageAci)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, p.fields.WithField("file", aci.target+pathImageAci), "Failed to calculate sha512 of aci")

	tmp, _ := types.NewHash("sha512-" + sum)

	labels := types.Labels{}
	labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Version()})
	identifier, _ := types.NewACIdentifier(aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Name())
	ttmp := schema.RuntimeImage{Name: identifier, ID: *tmp, Labels: labels}

	e.App.Group = aci.manifest.Aci.App.Group
	e.App.User = aci.manifest.Aci.App.User
	if e.App.User == "" {
		e.App.User = "******"
	if e.App.Group == "" {
		e.App.Group = "0"

	isolators, err := common.ToAppcIsolators(e.App.Isolators)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errs.WithEF(err, p.fields, "Failed to prepare isolators")

	return &schema.RuntimeApp{
		Name:  *name,
		Image: ttmp,
		App: &types.App{
			Exec:              e.App.Exec,
			User:              e.App.User,
			Group:             e.App.Group,
			WorkingDirectory:  e.App.WorkingDirectory,
			SupplementaryGIDs: e.App.SupplementaryGIDs,
			Environment:       e.App.Environment,
			MountPoints:       e.App.MountPoints,
			Ports:             e.App.Ports,
			Isolators:         isolators,
		Mounts:      e.Mounts,
		Annotations: e.Annotations}, nil
Example #18
func (afl *AnnotationsFlag) Set(val string) error {
	pieces := strings.SplitN(val, "=", 2)
	if len(pieces) != 2 {
		return errors.New("Annotations must be provided in NAME=VALUE format")
	} else if name, err := types.NewACIdentifier(pieces[0]); err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		(*types.Annotations)(afl).Set(*name, pieces[1])
		return nil
Example #19
func (p *Pod) processAci() []schema.RuntimeApp {
	apps := []schema.RuntimeApp{}
	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {

		aciName := p.buildAciIfNeeded(e)
		// TODO: support not FS override by only storing info pod manifest
		//		if aciName == nil {
		//			aciName = &e.Image
		//		}

		name, _ := types.NewACName(e.Name)

		sum, err := utils.Sha512sum(p.path + "/" + e.Name + "/target/image.aci")
		if err != nil {

		tmp, _ := types.NewHash("sha512-" + sum)

		labels := types.Labels{}
		labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: aciName.Version()})
		identifier, _ := types.NewACIdentifier(aciName.Name())
		ttmp := schema.RuntimeImage{Name: identifier, ID: *tmp, Labels: labels}

		if e.App.User == "" {
			e.App.User = "******"
		if e.App.Group == "" {
			e.App.Group = "0"

		apps = append(apps, schema.RuntimeApp{
			Name:  *name,
			Image: ttmp,
			App: &types.App{
				Exec:             e.App.Exec,
				EventHandlers:    e.App.EventHandlers,
				User:             e.App.User,
				Group:            e.App.Group,
				WorkingDirectory: e.App.WorkingDirectory,
				Environment:      e.App.Environment,
				MountPoints:      e.App.MountPoints,
				Ports:            e.App.Ports,
				Isolators:        e.App.Isolators,
			Mounts:      e.Mounts,
			Annotations: e.Annotations})


	return apps
Example #20
func NewApp(name string, labels map[types.ACIdentifier]string) (*App, error) {
	if labels == nil {
		labels = make(map[types.ACIdentifier]string, 0)
	acn, err := types.NewACIdentifier(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &App{
		Name:   *acn,
		Labels: labels,
	}, nil
Example #21
func (ls *labellist) Set(input string) error {
	parts := strings.SplitN(input, "=", 2)
	if len(parts) != 2 {
		return fmt.Errorf("no '=' character in %q", input)
	acid, err := types.NewACIdentifier(parts[0])
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*ls = append(*ls, types.Label{
		Name:  *acid,
		Value: parts[1],
	return nil
Example #22
func trustKeys(args []string) error {
	for _, loc := range args {
		if trustPrefix.Empty() {
			if acnLoc, err := types.NewACIdentifier(loc); err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
			} else if err := Host.TrustKey(*acnLoc, "", trustFingerprint); err != nil {
				return errors.Trace(err)
		} else if err := Host.TrustKey(trustPrefix, loc, trustFingerprint); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)

	return nil
Example #23
func validateAppAnnotations(metadataURL string, pm *schema.PodManifest, app *schema.RuntimeApp, img *schema.ImageManifest) results {
	r := results{}

	// build a map of expected annotations by merging app.Annotations
	// with PodManifest overrides
	expectedAnnots := app.Annotations
	a := pm.Apps.Get(app.Name)
	if a == nil {
		panic("could not find app in manifest!")
	for _, annot := range a.Annotations {
		expectedAnnots.Set(annot.Name, annot.Value)

	var actualAnnots types.Annotations

	annots, err := metadataGet(metadataURL, "/apps/"+string(app.Name)+"/annotations/")
	if err != nil {
		return append(r, err)

	for _, key := range strings.Split(string(annots), "\n") {
		if key == "" {

		val, err := metadataGet(metadataURL, "/apps/"+string(app.Name)+"/annotations/"+key)
		if err != nil {
			r = append(r, err)

		lbl, err := types.NewACIdentifier(key)
		if err != nil {
			r = append(r, fmt.Errorf("invalid annotation name: %v", err))

		actualAnnots.Set(*lbl, string(val))

	if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualAnnots, expectedAnnots) {
		err := fmt.Errorf("%v annotations mismatch: %v vs %v", app.Name, actualAnnots, expectedAnnots)
		r = append(r, err)

	return r
Example #24
func (p *Pod) processAci() []schema.RuntimeApp {
	apps := []schema.RuntimeApp{}
	for _, e := range p.manifest.Pod.Apps {

		aci := p.buildAci(e)

		name, _ := types.NewACName(e.Name)

		sum, err := utils.Sha512sum(aci.target + "/image.aci")
		if err != nil {

		tmp, _ := types.NewHash("sha512-" + sum)

		labels := types.Labels{}
		labels = append(labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Version()})
		identifier, _ := types.NewACIdentifier(aci.manifest.NameAndVersion.Name())
		ttmp := schema.RuntimeImage{Name: identifier, ID: *tmp, Labels: labels}

		if e.App.User == "" {
			e.App.User = "******"
		if e.App.Group == "" {
			e.App.Group = "0"

		apps = append(apps, schema.RuntimeApp{
			Name:  *name,
			Image: ttmp,
			App: &types.App{
				Exec:             e.App.Exec,
				User:             e.App.User,
				Group:            e.App.Group,
				WorkingDirectory: e.App.WorkingDirectory,
				Environment:      e.App.Environment,
				MountPoints:      e.App.MountPoints,
				Ports:            e.App.Ports,
				Isolators:        e.App.Isolators,
			Mounts:      e.Mounts,
			Annotations: e.Annotations})

	return apps
Example #25
func toAppcDependencies(dependencies []spec.ACFullname) types.Dependencies {
	appcDependencies := types.Dependencies{}
	for _, dep := range dependencies {
		id, err := types.NewACIdentifier(dep.Name())
		if err != nil {
		t := types.Dependency{ImageName: *id}
		if dep.Version() != "" {
			t.Labels = types.Labels{}
			t.Labels = append(t.Labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: dep.Version()})

		appcDependencies = append(appcDependencies, t)
	return appcDependencies
Example #26
func ToAppcDependencies(dependencies []ACFullname) (types.Dependencies, error) {
	appcDependencies := types.Dependencies{}
	for _, dep := range dependencies {
		id, err := types.NewACIdentifier(dep.Name())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, errs.WithEF(err, data.WithField("name", dep.Name()), "invalid identifer name for rkt")
		t := types.Dependency{ImageName: *id}
		if dep.Version() != "" {
			t.Labels = types.Labels{}
			t.Labels = append(t.Labels, types.Label{Name: "version", Value: dep.Version()})

		appcDependencies = append(appcDependencies, t)
	return appcDependencies, nil
Example #27
func (ks *Keystore) TrustedKeyPrefixExists(prefix string, r io.ReadSeeker) (bool, error) {
	defer r.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)

	entityList, err := openpgp.ReadArmoredKeyRing(r)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	if len(entityList) < 1 {
		return false, errors.New("missing opengpg entity")
	pubKey := entityList[0].PrimaryKey
	fileName := fingerprintToFilename(pubKey.Fingerprint)

	pathNamesRoot := []string{
		// example: /etc/rkt/trustedkeys/root.d/8b86de38890ddb7291867b025210bd8888182190
		path.Join(ks.LocalRootPath, fileName),
		// example: /usr/lib/rkt/trustedkeys/root.d/8b86de38890ddb7291867b025210bd8888182190
		path.Join(ks.SystemRootPath, fileName),

	var pathNamesPrefix []string
	if prefix != "" {
		acidentifier, err := types.NewACIdentifier(prefix)
		if err != nil {
			return false, err
		pathNamesPrefix = []string{
			// example: /etc/rkt/trustedkeys/prefix.d/coreos.com/etcd/8b86de38890ddb7291867b025210bd8888182190
			path.Join(ks.LocalPrefixPath, acidentifier.String(), fileName),
			// example: /usr/lib/rkt/trustedkeys/prefix.d/coreos.com/etcd/8b86de38890ddb7291867b025210bd8888182190
			path.Join(ks.SystemPrefixPath, acidentifier.String(), fileName),

	pathNames := append(pathNamesRoot, pathNamesPrefix...)
	for _, p := range pathNames {
		_, err := os.Stat(p)
		if err == nil {
			return true, nil
		} else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			return false, errwrap.Wrap(fmt.Errorf("cannot check file %q", p), err)

	return false, nil
Example #28
// RemoveAnnotation will remove the annotation with the given name from the
// untarred ACI stored at a.CurrentACIPath
func (a *ACBuild) RemoveAnnotation(name string) (err error) {
	if err = a.lock(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		if err1 := a.unlock(); err == nil {
			err = err1

	acid, err := types.NewACIdentifier(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return util.ModifyManifest(removeAnnotation(*acid), a.CurrentACIPath)
Example #29
func (a *ACBuild) AddIsolator(name string, value []byte) (err error) {
	if err = a.lock(); err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		if err1 := a.unlock(); err == nil {
			err = err1

	acid, err := types.NewACIdentifier(name)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	rawMsg := json.RawMessage(value)

	fn := func(s *schema.ImageManifest) error {
		if s.App == nil {
			s.App = newManifestApp()
		_, ok := types.ResourceIsolatorNames[*acid]
		if !ok {
			_, ok = types.LinuxIsolatorNames[*acid]
			if !ok {
				return fmt.Errorf("unknown isolator name: %s", name)
		i := &types.Isolator{
			Name:     *acid,
			ValueRaw: &rawMsg,
		blob, err := json.Marshal(i)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		err = i.UnmarshalJSON(blob)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		s.App.Isolators = append(s.App.Isolators, *i)
		return nil
	return util.ModifyManifest(fn, a.CurrentACIPath)
Example #30
func validateACIVars(vars map[string]string, extension bool) (*aciVars, error) {
	if _, err := types.NewACIdentifier(vars["name"]); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ACIdentifier %q, must match the regexp %q", vars["name"], types.ValidACIdentifier)

	if _, err := semver.NewVersion(vars["version"]); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid version %q, must be a valid semver string", vars["version"])

	if extension && (vars["ext"] != ".aci" && vars["ext"] != ".aci.asc") {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid extension %q, must be '.aci' or '.aci.asc'", vars["ext"])
	if v, ok := vars["ext"]; (ok && v != ".") && !extension {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("extension was specified when not expected")

	return &aciVars{name: vars["name"], version: vars["version"], os: vars["os"], arch: vars["arch"], ext: vars["ext"]}, nil