Example #1
func TestNewTagFile(t *testing.T) {
	_, err := bagins.NewTagFile("tagfile.txt")
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("Tagfile raised an error incorrectly!")
	_, err = bagins.NewTagFile(".tagfile")
	if err == nil {
		t.Error("Bag tagfile name did not raise error as expected.")
Example #2
func TestTagFileCreate(t *testing.T) {
	testPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "golang_test_tagfiles/_GOTEST_bagit.txt")
	tagFile, _ := bagins.NewTagFile(testPath)
	tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField("BagIt-Version", "A metadata element MUST consist of a label, a colon, and a value, each separated by optional whitespace.  It is RECOMMENDED that lines not exceed 79 characters in length.  Long values may be continued onto the next line by inserting a newline (LF), a carriage return (CR), or carriage return plus newline (CRLF) and indenting the next line with linear white space (spaces or tabs)."))
	tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField("Tag-File-Character-Encodeing", "UTF-8"))

	err := tagFile.Create()
	if err != nil {
	fileInfo, err := os.Stat(testPath)
	if err != nil {
		t.Error("File and path", testPath, "not created!")
	if fileInfo.Size() == 0 {
		t.Error("Tag file was created but is empty.")
Example #3
func TestTagFileToString(t *testing.T) {
	testPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "golang_test_tagfiles/_GOTEST_bagit.txt")
	tagFile, _ := bagins.NewTagFile(testPath)
	tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField("BagIt-Version", "0.97"))
	tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField("Tag-File-Character-Encoding", "UTF-8"))
	tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField("Long-Line", "A metadata element MUST consist of a label, a colon, and a value, each separated by optional whitespace.  It is RECOMMENDED that lines not exceed 79 characters in length.  Long values may be continued onto the next line by inserting a newline (LF), a carriage return (CR), or carriage return plus newline (CRLF) and indenting the next line with linear white space (spaces or tabs)."))

	str, err := tagFile.ToString()
	if err != nil {
	expected := `BagIt-Version:  0.97
Tag-File-Character-Encoding:  UTF-8
Long-Line:  A metadata element MUST consist of a label, a colon, and a value,
    each separated by optional whitespace.  It is RECOMMENDED that lines not
    exceed 79 characters in length.  Long values may be continued onto the next
    line by inserting a newline (LF), a carriage return (CR), or carriage
    return plus newline (CRLF) and indenting the next line with linear white
    space (spaces or tabs).
	if str != expected {
		t.Errorf("ToString() returned\n\n%s  \nExpected\n\n%s", str, expected)
Example #4
func TestReadTagFile(t *testing.T) {
	// Expected Data
	exp_list := [][]string{
		[]string{"description", strings.Repeat("test ", 40)},
		[]string{"title", "This is my title"},
		[]string{"description", strings.Repeat("more ", 80)},

	// Prep the test file
	testPath := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "_GOTEST_READTAGFILE_bagit.txt")
	tagFile, _ := bagins.NewTagFile(testPath)
	for _, exp := range exp_list {
		tagFile.Data.AddField(*bagins.NewTagField(exp[0], exp[1]))
	defer os.Remove(testPath)

	// Open and test parsing the file.
	tf, errs := bagins.ReadTagFile(testPath)
	for _, err := range errs {
	if len(tf.Data.Fields()) != 3 {
		t.Error("Expected 3 but returned", len(tf.Data.Fields()), "fields!")

	fields := tagFile.Data.Fields()
	for idx, exp := range exp_list {
		if fields[idx].Label() != exp[0] {
			t.Error("Tag field", idx, "label", fields[idx].Label(), "is not expected value of", exp[0])
		if fields[idx].Value() != exp[1] {
			t.Error("Tag field", idx, "value", fields[idx].Value(), "is not expected value of", exp[1])