// TestExists validates the ability to load configuration values // using the OS-level environment variables and read them back. func TestExists(t *testing.T) { t.Log("Given the need to read environment variables.") { os.Setenv("MYAPP_PROC_ID", "322") os.Setenv("MYAPP_SOCKET", "./tmp/sockets.po") os.Setenv("MYAPP_PORT", "4034") cfg.Init("myapp") t.Log("\tWhen given a namspace key to search for that exists.") { if cfg.Int("proc_id") != 322 { t.Errorf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %d", failed, "proc_id", 322) } else { t.Logf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %d", succeed, "proc_id", 322) } if cfg.String("socket") != "./tmp/sockets.po" { t.Errorf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %q", failed, "socket", "./tmp/sockets.po") } else { t.Logf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %q", succeed, "socket", "./tmp/sockets.po") } if cfg.Int("port") != 4034 { t.Errorf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %d", failed, "port", 4034) } else { t.Logf("\t\t%s Should have key %q with value %d", succeed, "port", 4034) } } } }
// ExampleDev shows how to use the config package. func ExampleDev() { // Set up some basic environment variables. os.Setenv("DOCK_IP", "") os.Setenv("DOCK_PORT", "4044") os.Setenv("DOCK_InitStamp", time.Date(2009, time.November, 10, 15, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).UTC().Format(time.UnixDate)) // Init() must be called only once with the given namespace to load. cfg.Init("dock") // NOTE: All keys must be in lowercase. // To get the ip. fmt.Println(cfg.String("ip")) // To get the port number. fmt.Println(cfg.Int("port")) // To get the timestamp. fmt.Println(cfg.Time("initstamp")) // Output: // // 4044 // 2009-11-10 15:00:00 +0000 UTC }
// TestNotExists validates the ability to load configuration values // using the OS-level environment variables and panic when something // is missing. func TestNotExists(t *testing.T) { t.Log("Given the need to panic when environment variables are missing.") { os.Setenv("MYAPP_PROC_ID", "322") os.Setenv("MYAPP_SOCKET", "./tmp/sockets.po") os.Setenv("MYAPP_PORT", "4034") cfg.Init("myapp") t.Log("\tWhen given a namspace key to search for that does NOT exist.") { shouldPanic(t, "stamp", func() { cfg.Time("stamp") }) shouldPanic(t, "pid", func() { cfg.Int("pid") }) shouldPanic(t, "dest", func() { cfg.String("dest") }) } } }