Example #1
File: osif.go Project: krjoshi/tegu
	Fetch new maps and update the project list.
		osack reference map
		project name to id map
		id to project name map

	On error err is set, and nil values returned for conversion maps and the old os_list is returned
func update_project(os_admin *ostack.Ostack, old_os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack, os_projects map[string]*osif_project, old_pname2id map[string]*string, old_id2pname map[string]*string, update_list bool) (
	os_refs map[string]*ostack.Ostack,
	id2pname map[string]*string,
	pname2id map[string]*string) {

	new_name2id, new_id2pname, err := os_admin.Map_tenants() // fetch new maps, overwrite only if no errors
	if err == nil {
		pname2id = new_name2id
		id2pname = new_id2pname
	} else {
		osif_sheep.Baa(1, "WRN: unable to get tenant name/ID translation data: %s  [TGUOSI010]", err)
		return old_os_refs, old_pname2id, old_id2pname

	if update_list { // asked to update the os_refs too
		os_refs, _ = refresh_creds(os_admin, old_os_refs, id2pname) // periodic update of project cred list
		add2projects(os_projects, os_refs, pname2id, 2)             // add refernces to the projects list
		if osif_sheep.Would_baa(2) {
			for _, v := range os_projects {
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "update project sees: %s", *v.name)
	} else {
		os_refs = old_os_refs

	osif_sheep.Baa(1, "credentials were updated from openstack")

	return os_refs, pname2id, id2pname
Example #2
File: osif.go Project: krjoshi/tegu
	executed as a goroutine this loops waiting for messages from the tickler and takes
	action based on what is needed.
func Osif_mgr(my_chan chan *ipc.Chmsg) {

	var (
		msg           *ipc.Chmsg
		os_list       string                    = ""
		os_sects      []string                       // sections in the config file
		os_refs       map[string]*ostack.Ostack      // creds for each project we need to request info from
		os_projects   map[string]*osif_project       // list of project info (maps)
		os_admin      *ostack.Ostack                 // admin creds
		refresh_delay int                       = 15 // config file can override
		id2pname      map[string]*string             // project id/name translation maps
		pname2id      map[string]*string
		req_token     bool    = false // if set to true in config file the token _must_ be present when called to validate
		def_passwd    *string         // defaults and what we assume are the admin creds
		def_usr       *string
		def_url       *string
		def_project   *string
		def_region    *string

	osif_sheep = bleater.Mk_bleater(0, os.Stderr) // allocate our bleater and attach it to the master
	tegu_sheep.Add_child(osif_sheep) // we become a child so that if the master vol is adjusted we'll react too

	//ostack.Set_debugging( 0 );

	// ---- pick up configuration file things of interest --------------------------

	if cfg_data["osif"] != nil { // cannot imagine that this section is missing, but don't fail if it is
		def_passwd = cfg_data["osif"]["passwd"] // defaults applied if non-section given in list, or info omitted from the section
		def_usr = cfg_data["osif"]["usr"]
		def_url = cfg_data["osif"]["url"]
		def_project = cfg_data["osif"]["project"]

		p := cfg_data["osif"]["refresh"]
		if p != nil {
			refresh_delay = clike.Atoi(*p)
			if refresh_delay < 15 {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "resresh was too small (%ds), setting to 15", refresh_delay)
				refresh_delay = 15

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["debug"]
		if p != nil {
			v := clike.Atoi(*p)
			if v > -5 {

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["region"]
		if p != nil {
			def_region = p

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["ostack_list"] // preferred placement in osif section
		if p == nil {
			p = cfg_data["default"]["ostack_list"] // originally in default, so backwards compatable
		if p != nil {
			os_list = *p

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["require_token"]
		if p != nil && *p == "true" {
			req_token = true

		p = cfg_data["osif"]["verbose"]
		if p != nil {

	if os_list == " " || os_list == "" || os_list == "off" {
		osif_sheep.Baa(0, "osif disabled: no openstack list (ostack_list) defined in configuration file or setting is 'off'")
	} else {
		// TODO -- investigate getting id2pname maps from each specific set of creds defined if an overarching admin name is not given

		os_admin = get_admin_creds(def_url, def_usr, def_passwd, def_project, def_region) // this will block until we authenticate
		if os_admin != nil {
			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "admin creds generated, mapping tenants")
			pname2id, id2pname, _ = os_admin.Map_tenants() // list only projects we belong to
			for k, v := range pname2id {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "project known: %s %s", k, *v) // useful to see in log what projects we can see
		} else {
			id2pname = make(map[string]*string) // empty maps and we'll never generate a translation from project name to tenant ID since there are no default admin creds
			pname2id = make(map[string]*string)
			if def_project != nil {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=%s, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack  [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_project, def_region)
			} else {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: unable to use admin information (%s, proj=no-project, reg=%s) to authorise with openstack  [TGUOSI009]", def_usr, def_region) // YES msg ids are duplicated here

		if os_list == "all" {
			os_refs, _ = refresh_creds(os_admin, os_refs, id2pname) // for each project in id2pname get current ostack struct (auth)
			for k := range os_refs {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "inital os_list member: %s", k)
		} else {
			if strings.Index(os_list, ",") > 0 {
				os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, ",")
			} else {
				os_sects = strings.Split(os_list, " ")

			os_refs = make(map[string]*ostack.Ostack, len(os_sects)*2) // length is a guideline, not a hard value
			for i := 0; i < len(os_sects); i++ {
				osif_sheep.Baa(1, "creating openstack interface for %s", os_sects[i])
				url := def_url
				usr := def_usr
				passwd := def_passwd
				project := &os_sects[i]

				if cfg_data[os_sects[i]] != nil { // section name supplied, override defaults with information from the section
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"] != nil {
						url = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["url"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"] != nil {
						usr = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["usr"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"] != nil {
						passwd = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["passwd"]
					if cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"] != nil {
						project = cfg_data[os_sects[i]]["project"]
				os_refs[*project] = ostack.Mk_ostack(url, usr, passwd, project)
				os_refs["_ref_"] = os_refs[*project] // a quick access reference when any one will do

		os_projects = make(map[string]*osif_project)
		add2projects(os_projects, os_refs, pname2id, 0) // add refernces to the projects list

	// ---------------- end config parsing ----------------------------------------

	if os_admin != nil { // only if we are using openstack as a database
		//tklr.Add_spot( 3, my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, 1 )						// add tickle spot to drive us once in 3s and then another to drive us based on config refresh rate
		tklr.Add_spot(int64(180), my_chan, REQ_GENCREDS, nil, ipc.FOREVER)

	osif_sheep.Baa(2, "osif manager is running  %x", my_chan)
	for {
		msg = <-my_chan // wait for next message from tickler
		msg.State = nil // default to all OK

		osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request: %d", msg.Msg_type)
		switch msg.Msg_type {
		case REQ_GENMAPS: // driven by tickler
			// deprecated with switch to lazy update

		case REQ_GENCREDS: // driven by tickler now and then
			if os_admin != nil {
				os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")

			/* ---- before lite ----
			case REQ_VM2IP:														// driven by tickler; gen a new vm translation map and push to net mgr
				m := mapvm2ip( os_refs )
				if m != nil {
					count := 0;
					msg := ipc.Mk_chmsg( )
					msg.Send_req( nw_ch, nil, REQ_VM2IP, m, nil )					// send new map to network as it is managed there
					osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "VM2IP mapping updated from openstack" )
					for k, v := range m {
						osif_sheep.Baa( 3, "VM mapped: %s ==> %s", k, *v )
					osif_sheep.Baa( 2, "mapped %d VM names/IDs from openstack (verbose 3 for debug list)", count )

		case REQ_IP2MACMAP: // generate an ip to mac map and send to those who need it (fq_mgr at this point)
			freq := ipc.Mk_chmsg() // need a new request to pass to fq_mgr
			data, err := get_ip2mac(os_projects)
			if err == nil {
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "sending ip2mac map to fq_mgr")
				freq.Send_req(fq_ch, nil, REQ_IP2MACMAP, data, nil) // request data forward
				msg.State = nil                                     // response ok back to requestor
			} else {
				msg.State = err // error goes back to requesting process

			if msg.Response_ch != nil { // no sense going off to ostack if no place to send the list
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "starting list host")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = get_hosts(os_refs)
				osif_sheep.Baa(2, "finishing list host")
			} else {
				osif_sheep.Baa(0, "WRN: no response channel for host list request  [TGUOSI012]")

			/* ======= don't think these are needed but holding ======
			case REQ_PROJNAME2ID:					// translate a project name (tenant) to ID
				if msg.Response_ch != nil {
					pname := msg.Req_data.( *string )
					if s, ok := pname2id[*pname]; ok {			// translate if there, else assume it's in it's "final" form
						msg.Response_data = s
					} else {
						msg.Response_data = pname


		case REQ_VALIDATE_TOKEN: // given token/tenant validate it and translate tenant name to ID if given; returns just ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				s := msg.Req_data.(*string)
				*s += "/"                                 // add trailing slant to simulate "data"
				if !have_project(s, pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(s, os_refs, pname2id, req_token)

		case REQ_GET_HOSTINFO: // dig out all of the bits of host info for a single host from openstack and return in a network update struct
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_os_hostinfo(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                         // prevent early response

			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_all_osvm_info(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                           // prevent response from this function

		case REQ_GET_DEFGW: // dig out the default gateway for a project
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				go get_os_defgw(msg, os_refs, os_projects, id2pname, pname2id) // do it asynch and return the result on the message channel
				msg = nil                                                      // prevent early response

		case REQ_VALIDATE_HOST: // validate and translate a [token/]project-name/host  string
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, req_token)

		case REQ_XLATE_HOST: // accepts a [token/][project/]host name and translate project to an ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.Response_data, msg.State = validate_token(msg.Req_data.(*string), os_refs, pname2id, false) // same process as validation but token not required

		case REQ_VALIDATE_TEGU_ADMIN: // validate that the token is for the tegu user
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				if !have_project(msg.Req_data.(*string), pname2id, id2pname) { // ensure that we have creds for this project, if not attempt to get
					os_refs, pname2id, id2pname = update_project(os_admin, os_refs, os_projects, pname2id, id2pname, os_list == "all")
				msg.State = validate_admin_token(os_admin, msg.Req_data.(*string), def_usr)
				msg.Response_data = ""

		case REQ_HAS_ANY_ROLE: // given a token and list of roles, returns true if any role listed is listed by openstack for the token
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				d := msg.Req_data.(*string)
				dtoks := strings.Split(*d, " ") // data assumed to be token <space> role[,role...]
				if len(dtoks) > 1 {
					msg.Response_data, msg.State = has_any_role(os_refs, os_admin, &dtoks[0], &dtoks[1])
				} else {
					msg.State = fmt.Errorf("has_any_role: bad input data")
					msg.Response_data = false


		case REQ_PNAME2ID: // user, project, tenant (what ever) name to ID
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				msg.Response_data = pname2id[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))]
				if msg.Response_data.(*string) == nil { // maybe it was an ID that came in
					if id2pname[*(msg.Req_data.(*string))] != nil { // if in id map, then return the stirng (the id) they passed (#202)
						msg.Response_data = msg.Req_data.(*string)
					} else {
						msg.Response_data = nil // couldn't translate

			osif_sheep.Baa(1, "unknown request: %d", msg.Msg_type)
			msg.Response_data = nil
			if msg.Response_ch != nil {
				msg.State = fmt.Errorf("osif: unknown request (%d)", msg.Msg_type)

		if msg != nil { // if msg wasn't passed off to a go routine
			osif_sheep.Baa(3, "processing request complete: %d", msg.Msg_type)

			if msg.Response_ch != nil { // if a reqponse channel was provided
				msg.Response_ch <- msg // send our result back to the requestor