Example #1
func getFieldNamesFromStruct(structDesc types.StructDesc) (fieldNames []string) {
	for _, f := range structDesc.Fields {
		d.Exp.Equal(true, types.IsPrimitiveKind(f.T.Desc.Kind()),
			"Non-primitive CSV export not supported:", f.T.Desc.Describe())
		fieldNames = append(fieldNames, f.Name)
Example #2
// ToType returns a string containing Go code that instantiates a types.Type instance equivalent to t.
func (gen *Generator) ToType(t types.Type, fileID, packageName string) string {
	d.Chk.True(!t.HasPackageRef() && !t.IsUnresolved() || t.HasOrdinal(), "%s does not have an ordinal set", t.Name())
	if t.HasPackageRef() {
		d.Chk.True(t.HasOrdinal(), "%s does not have an ordinal set", t.Name())
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%sMakeType(ref.Parse("%s"), %d)`, gen.TypesPackage, t.PackageRef().String(), t.Ordinal())

	if t.IsUnresolved() {
		if fileID != "" {
			return fmt.Sprintf(`%sMakeType(__%sPackageInFile_%s_CachedRef, %d)`, gen.TypesPackage, packageName, fileID, t.Ordinal())

		d.Chk.True(t.HasOrdinal(), "%s does not have an ordinal set", t.Name())
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%sMakeType(ref.Ref{}, %d)`, gen.TypesPackage, t.Ordinal())

	if types.IsPrimitiveKind(t.Kind()) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("%sMakePrimitiveType(%s%sKind)", gen.TypesPackage, gen.TypesPackage, kindToString(t.Kind()))

	switch desc := t.Desc.(type) {
	case types.CompoundDesc:
		types := make([]string, len(desc.ElemTypes))
		for i, t := range desc.ElemTypes {
			types[i] = gen.ToType(t, fileID, packageName)
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%sMakeCompoundType(%s%sKind, %s)`, gen.TypesPackage, gen.TypesPackage, kindToString(t.Kind()), strings.Join(types, ", "))
	case types.EnumDesc:
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%sMakeEnumType("%s", "%s")`, gen.TypesPackage, t.Name(), strings.Join(desc.IDs, `", "`))
	case types.StructDesc:
		flatten := func(f []types.Field) string {
			out := make([]string, 0, len(f))
			for _, field := range f {
				out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf(`%sField{"%s", %s, %t},`, gen.TypesPackage, field.Name, gen.ToType(field.T, fileID, packageName), field.Optional))
			return strings.Join(out, "\n")
		fields := fmt.Sprintf("[]%sField{\n%s\n}", gen.TypesPackage, flatten(desc.Fields))
		choices := fmt.Sprintf("%sChoices{\n%s\n}", gen.TypesPackage, flatten(desc.Union))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%sMakeStructType(\"%s\",\n%s,\n%s,\n)", gen.TypesPackage, t.Name(), fields, choices)
		d.Chk.Fail("Unknown TypeDesc.", "%#v (%T)", desc, desc)
Example #3
// ToTypeValueJS returns a string containing JS code that instantiates a Type instance equivalent to t for JavaScript.
func (gen *Generator) ToTypeValueJS(t types.Type, inPackageDef bool, indent int) string {
	d.Chk.True(!t.HasPackageRef() && !t.IsUnresolved() || t.HasOrdinal(), "%s does not have an ordinal set", t.Name())
	if t.HasPackageRef() {
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%s(%s.parse('%s'), %d)`, gen.ImportJS("makeType"), gen.ImportJS("Ref"), t.PackageRef().String(), t.Ordinal())

	if t.IsUnresolved() {
		if inPackageDef {
			return fmt.Sprintf(`%s(new %s(), %d)`, gen.ImportJS("makeType"), gen.ImportJS("Ref"), t.Ordinal())
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s(_pkg.ref, %d)", gen.ImportJS("makeType"), t.Ordinal())

	if types.IsPrimitiveKind(t.Kind()) {
		return gen.ImportJS(firstToLower(kindToString(t.Kind())) + "Type")

	switch desc := t.Desc.(type) {
	case types.CompoundDesc:
		types := make([]string, len(desc.ElemTypes))
		for i, t := range desc.ElemTypes {
			types[i] = gen.ToTypeValueJS(t, inPackageDef, 0)
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%s(%s.%s, %s)`, gen.ImportJS("makeCompoundType"), gen.ImportJS("Kind"), kindToString(t.Kind()), strings.Join(types, ", "))
	case types.EnumDesc:
		return fmt.Sprintf(`%s('%s', '%s')`, gen.ImportJS("makeEnumType"), t.Name(), strings.Join(desc.IDs, `', '`))
	case types.StructDesc:
		flatten := func(f []types.Field) string {
			out := make([]string, 0, len(f))
			for _, field := range f {
				out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf(`%snew %s('%s', %s, %t),`, ind(indent+1), gen.ImportJS("Field"), field.Name, gen.ToTypeValueJS(field.T, inPackageDef, 0), field.Optional))
			return strings.Join(out, "\n")
		fields := fmt.Sprintf("%s[\n%s\n%s]", ind(indent), flatten(desc.Fields), ind(indent))
		choices := fmt.Sprintf("%s[\n%s\n%s]", ind(indent), flatten(desc.Union), ind(indent))
		return fmt.Sprintf("%s('%s',\n%s,\n%s\n%s)", gen.ImportJS("makeStructType"), t.Name(), fields, choices, ind(indent-1))
		d.Chk.Fail("Unknown TypeDesc.", "%#v (%T)", desc, desc)