Example #1
func testPool(t *testing.T, nWorkers int, nJobs int, shouldCancel bool) {
	clock := times.NewMockedClock()
	waitTimeout := 100 * time.Millisecond

	// the "After" method may be called even if shouldCancel is false
	// because we call pool shutdown at the end of the test.
	clock.On("After", waitTimeout).Return(clock.AfterChannel)

	shutdownTimeout := 10000 * time.Millisecond
	clock.On("After", shutdownTimeout).Return(clock.AfterChannel)

	pool := NewPool(logger, nWorkers, waitTimeout, clock)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for i := 0; i < nJobs; i++ {
		jobID := fmt.Sprintf("job-%d", i)
		_ = jobID
		go func() {
			defer wg.Done()
			exercisePool(t, pool, jobID, shouldCancel)

	// give time for (some of) the jobs to complete normally
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)

	// send cancel signal to all running jobs and wait to finish
	assert.True(t, pool.ShutdownAndWait(shutdownTimeout))

	// Not verifying clock.After(waitTimeout) here. Refer to proc.go. We can't guarantee that 'doneChan' is not set the
	// first time waitEither(doneChan, clock.After) is checked.
	clock.AssertCalled(t, "After", shutdownTimeout)
Example #2
func createTestCase(t *testing.T, innerFunctionPanics bool) TestCase {
	// create job
	jobState := make(chan bool)
	job := func() {
		jobState <- true
		if innerFunctionPanics {
		jobState <- false

	return TestCase{
		Clock:               times.NewMockedClock(),
		CancelFlag:          NewChanneledCancelFlag(),
		CancelWaitMillis:    time.Duration(100 * time.Millisecond),
		InnerFunctionPanics: innerFunctionPanics,
		innerFunction:       job,
		innerFunctionState:  jobState,
		testFunctionState:   make(chan bool),
		t:                   t,