func (s *CloudFormationStack) buildStackDetails(stack *cloudformation.Stack) StackDetails { stackDetails := StackDetails{ StackName: aws.StringValue(stack.StackName), Capabilities: aws.StringValueSlice(stack.Capabilities), DisableRollback: aws.BoolValue(stack.DisableRollback), Description: aws.StringValue(stack.Description), NotificationARNs: aws.StringValueSlice(stack.NotificationARNs), StackID: aws.StringValue(stack.StackId), StackStatus: s.stackStatus(aws.StringValue(stack.StackStatus)), TimeoutInMinutes: aws.Int64Value(stack.TimeoutInMinutes), } if stack.Parameters != nil && len(stack.Parameters) > 0 { stackDetails.Parameters = make(map[string]string) for _, parameter := range stack.Parameters { stackDetails.Parameters[aws.StringValue(parameter.ParameterKey)] = aws.StringValue(parameter.ParameterValue) } } if stack.Outputs != nil && len(stack.Outputs) > 0 { stackDetails.Outputs = make(map[string]string) for _, output := range stack.Outputs { stackDetails.Outputs[aws.StringValue(output.OutputKey)] = aws.StringValue(output.OutputValue) } } return stackDetails }
// Marshal parses the response from the aws sdk into an awsm LoadBalancer func (l *LoadBalancer) Marshal(balancer *elb.LoadBalancerDescription, region string, secGrpList *SecurityGroups, vpcList *Vpcs, subList *Subnets) { // security groups secGroupNames := secGrpList.GetSecurityGroupNames(aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.SecurityGroups)) secGroupNamesSorted := sort.StringSlice(secGroupNames[0:]) secGroupNamesSorted.Sort() // subnets subnetNames := subList.GetSubnetNames(aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.Subnets)) subnetNamesSorted := sort.StringSlice(subnetNames[0:]) subnetNamesSorted.Sort() l.Name = aws.StringValue(balancer.LoadBalancerName) l.DNSName = aws.StringValue(balancer.DNSName) l.CreatedTime = aws.TimeValue(balancer.CreatedTime) // robots l.CreatedHuman = humanize.Time(l.CreatedTime) // humans l.VpcID = aws.StringValue(balancer.VPCId) l.Vpc = vpcList.GetVpcName(l.VpcID) l.SubnetIDs = aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.Subnets) l.Subnets = strings.Join(subnetNamesSorted, ", ") l.HealthCheckTarget = aws.StringValue(balancer.HealthCheck.Target) l.HealthCheckInterval = fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds", *balancer.HealthCheck.Interval) l.Scheme = aws.StringValue(balancer.Scheme) l.SecurityGroups = strings.Join(secGroupNamesSorted, ", ") l.AvailabilityZones = strings.Join(aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.AvailabilityZones), ", ") // TODO l.Region = region }
func flattenEc2Attributes(ia *emr.Ec2InstanceAttributes) []map[string]interface{} { attrs := map[string]interface{}{} result := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0) if ia.Ec2KeyName != nil { attrs["key_name"] = *ia.Ec2KeyName } if ia.Ec2SubnetId != nil { attrs["subnet_id"] = *ia.Ec2SubnetId } if ia.IamInstanceProfile != nil { attrs["instance_profile"] = *ia.IamInstanceProfile } if ia.EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup != nil { attrs["emr_managed_master_security_group"] = *ia.EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup } if ia.EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup != nil { attrs["emr_managed_slave_security_group"] = *ia.EmrManagedSlaveSecurityGroup } if len(ia.AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups) > 0 { strs := aws.StringValueSlice(ia.AdditionalMasterSecurityGroups) attrs["additional_master_security_groups"] = strings.Join(strs, ",") } if len(ia.AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups) > 0 { strs := aws.StringValueSlice(ia.AdditionalSlaveSecurityGroups) attrs["additional_slave_security_groups"] = strings.Join(strs, ",") } result = append(result, attrs) return result }
func TestConvertToTaskDefinitionWithDnsServers(t *testing.T) { dnsServer := "" serviceConfig := &libcompose.ServiceConfig{DNS: libcompose.NewStringorslice(dnsServer)} taskDefinition := convertToTaskDefinitionInTest(t, "name", serviceConfig) containerDef := *taskDefinition.ContainerDefinitions[0] if !reflect.DeepEqual([]string{dnsServer}, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DnsServers)) { t.Errorf("Expected dnsServer [%s] But was [%v]", dnsServer, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DnsServers)) } }
func TestConvertToTaskDefinitionWithDnsSearch(t *testing.T) { dnsSearchDomains := []string{""} serviceConfig := &libcompose.ServiceConfig{DNSSearch: libcompose.NewStringorslice(dnsSearchDomains...)} taskDefinition := convertToTaskDefinitionInTest(t, "name", serviceConfig) containerDef := *taskDefinition.ContainerDefinitions[0] if !reflect.DeepEqual(dnsSearchDomains, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DnsSearchDomains)) { t.Errorf("Expected dnsSearchDomains [%v] But was [%v]", dnsSearchDomains, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DnsSearchDomains)) } }
// configChanged checks if function configuration differs from configuration stored in AWS Lambda func (f *Function) configChanged(config *lambda.GetFunctionOutput) bool { type diffConfig struct { Description string Memory int64 Timeout int64 Role string Runtime string Handler string VPC vpc.VPC } localConfig := &diffConfig{ Description: f.Description, Memory: f.Memory, Timeout: f.Timeout, Role: f.Role, Runtime: f.Runtime, Handler: f.Handler, VPC: vpc.VPC{ Subnets: f.VPC.Subnets, SecurityGroups: f.VPC.SecurityGroups, }, } remoteConfig := &diffConfig{ Description: *config.Configuration.Description, Memory: *config.Configuration.MemorySize, Timeout: *config.Configuration.Timeout, Role: *config.Configuration.Role, Runtime: *config.Configuration.Runtime, Handler: *config.Configuration.Handler, } // SDK is inconsistent here. VpcConfig can be nil or empty struct. remoteConfig.VPC = vpc.VPC{Subnets: []string{}, SecurityGroups: []string{}} if config.Configuration.VpcConfig != nil { remoteConfig.VPC = vpc.VPC{ Subnets: aws.StringValueSlice(config.Configuration.VpcConfig.SubnetIds), SecurityGroups: aws.StringValueSlice(config.Configuration.VpcConfig.SecurityGroupIds), } } // don't make any assumptions about the order AWS stores the subnets or security groups sort.StringSlice(remoteConfig.VPC.Subnets).Sort() sort.StringSlice(localConfig.VPC.Subnets).Sort() sort.StringSlice(remoteConfig.VPC.SecurityGroups).Sort() sort.StringSlice(localConfig.VPC.SecurityGroups).Sort() localConfigJSON, _ := json.Marshal(localConfig) remoteConfigJSON, _ := json.Marshal(remoteConfig) return string(localConfigJSON) != string(remoteConfigJSON) }
func resourceAwsRDSClusterRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn resp, err := conn.DescribeDBClusters(&rds.DescribeDBClustersInput{ DBClusterIdentifier: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { if "DBClusterNotFoundFault" == awsErr.Code() { d.SetId("") log.Printf("[DEBUG] RDS Cluster (%s) not found", d.Id()) return nil } } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error describing RDS Cluster (%s)", d.Id()) return err } var dbc *rds.DBCluster for _, c := range resp.DBClusters { if *c.DBClusterIdentifier == d.Id() { dbc = c } } if dbc == nil { log.Printf("[WARN] RDS Cluster (%s) not found", d.Id()) d.SetId("") return nil } if err := d.Set("availability_zones", aws.StringValueSlice(dbc.AvailabilityZones)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving AvailabilityZones to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } d.Set("database_name", dbc.DatabaseName) d.Set("db_subnet_group_name", dbc.DBSubnetGroup) d.Set("endpoint", dbc.Endpoint) d.Set("engine", dbc.Engine) d.Set("master_username", dbc.MasterUsername) d.Set("port", dbc.Port) var vpcg []string for _, g := range dbc.VpcSecurityGroups { vpcg = append(vpcg, *g.VpcSecurityGroupId) } if err := d.Set("vpc_security_group_ids", vpcg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving VPC Security Group IDs to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } var cm []string for _, m := range dbc.DBClusterMembers { cm = append(cm, *m.DBInstanceIdentifier) } if err := d.Set("cluster_members", cm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving RDS Cluster Members to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } return nil }
func TestStringValueSlice(t *testing.T) { for idx, in := range testCasesStringValueSlice { if in == nil { continue } out := aws.StringValueSlice(in) assert.Len(t, out, len(in), "Unexpected len at idx %d", idx) for i := range out { if in[i] == nil { assert.Empty(t, out[i], "Unexpected value at idx %d", idx) } else { assert.Equal(t, *(in[i]), out[i], "Unexpected value at idx %d", idx) } } out2 := aws.StringSlice(out) assert.Len(t, out2, len(in), "Unexpected len at idx %d", idx) for i := range out2 { if in[i] == nil { assert.Empty(t, *(out2[i]), "Unexpected value at idx %d", idx) } else { assert.Equal(t, in[i], out2[i], "Unexpected value at idx %d", idx) } } } }
func dataSourceAwsVpcEndpointServiceRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn service := d.Get("service").(string) log.Printf("[DEBUG] Reading VPC Endpoint Services.") request := &ec2.DescribeVpcEndpointServicesInput{} resp, err := conn.DescribeVpcEndpointServices(request) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error fetching VPC Endpoint Services: %s", err) } names := aws.StringValueSlice(resp.ServiceNames) for _, name := range names { if strings.HasSuffix(name, "."+service) { d.SetId(strconv.Itoa(hashcode.String(name))) d.Set("service_name", name) return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("VPC Endpoint Service (%s) not found", service) }
func testAccCheckAWSOpsworksCreateLayerAttributes( opslayer *opsworks.Layer, stackName string) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { if *opslayer.Name != stackName { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected name: %s", *opslayer.Name) } if *opslayer.AutoAssignElasticIps { return fmt.Errorf( "Unexpected AutoAssignElasticIps: %t", *opslayer.AutoAssignElasticIps) } if !*opslayer.EnableAutoHealing { return fmt.Errorf( "Unexpected EnableAutoHealing: %t", *opslayer.EnableAutoHealing) } if !*opslayer.LifecycleEventConfiguration.Shutdown.DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained { return fmt.Errorf( "Unexpected DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained: %t", *opslayer.LifecycleEventConfiguration.Shutdown.DelayUntilElbConnectionsDrained) } if *opslayer.LifecycleEventConfiguration.Shutdown.ExecutionTimeout != 300 { return fmt.Errorf( "Unexpected ExecutionTimeout: %d", *opslayer.LifecycleEventConfiguration.Shutdown.ExecutionTimeout) } if v := len(opslayer.CustomSecurityGroupIds); v != 2 { return fmt.Errorf("Expected 2 customSecurityGroupIds, got %d", v) } expectedPackages := []*string{ aws.String("git"), aws.String("golang"), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedPackages, opslayer.Packages) { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected Packages: %v", aws.StringValueSlice(opslayer.Packages)) } expectedEbsVolumes := []*opsworks.VolumeConfiguration{ &opsworks.VolumeConfiguration{ VolumeType: aws.String("gp2"), NumberOfDisks: aws.Int64(2), MountPoint: aws.String("/home"), Size: aws.Int64(100), RaidLevel: aws.Int64(0), }, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedEbsVolumes, opslayer.VolumeConfigurations) { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected VolumeConfiguration: %s", opslayer.VolumeConfigurations) } return nil } }
func testAccCheckAWSS3BucketLambdaFunctionConfiguration(n, i, t string, events []string, filters *s3.KeyFilter) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { rs, _ := s.RootModule().Resources[n] funcArn := s.RootModule().Resources[t].Primary.Attributes["arn"] conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*AWSClient).s3conn err := resource.Retry(1*time.Minute, func() *resource.RetryError { out, err := conn.GetBucketNotificationConfiguration(&s3.GetBucketNotificationConfigurationRequest{ Bucket: aws.String(rs.Primary.ID), }) if err != nil { return resource.NonRetryableError(fmt.Errorf("GetBucketNotification error: %v", err)) } eventSlice := sort.StringSlice(events) eventSlice.Sort() outputFunctions := out.LambdaFunctionConfigurations matched := false for _, outputFunc := range outputFunctions { if *outputFunc.Id == i { matched = true if *outputFunc.LambdaFunctionArn != funcArn { return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("bad lambda function arn, expected: %s, got %#v", funcArn, *outputFunc.LambdaFunctionArn)) } if filters != nil { if !reflect.DeepEqual(filters, outputFunc.Filter.Key) { return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("bad notification filters, expected: %#v, got %#v", filters, outputFunc.Filter.Key)) } } else { if outputFunc.Filter != nil { return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("bad notification filters, expected: nil, got %#v", outputFunc.Filter)) } } outputEventSlice := sort.StringSlice(aws.StringValueSlice(outputFunc.Events)) outputEventSlice.Sort() if !reflect.DeepEqual(eventSlice, outputEventSlice) { return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("bad notification events, expected: %#v, got %#v", events, outputEventSlice)) } } } if !matched { return resource.RetryableError(fmt.Errorf("No match lambda function configurations: %#v", out)) } return nil }) return err } }
func (kin *Kinesumer) GetStreams() (streams []string, err error) { streams = make([]string, 0) err = kin.Kinesis.ListStreamsPages(&kinesis.ListStreamsInput{ Limit: &kin.Options.ListStreamsLimit, }, func(sts *kinesis.ListStreamsOutput, _ bool) bool { streams = append(streams, aws.StringValueSlice(sts.StreamNames)...) return true }) return }
// Marshal parses the response from the aws sdk into an awsm AutoScale Group func (a *AutoScaleGroup) Marshal(autoscalegroup *autoscaling.Group, region string, subList *Subnets) { a.Name = aws.StringValue(autoscalegroup.AutoScalingGroupName) a.Class = GetTagValue("Class", autoscalegroup.Tags) a.HealthCheckType = aws.StringValue(autoscalegroup.HealthCheckType) a.HealthCheckGracePeriod = int(aws.Int64Value(autoscalegroup.HealthCheckGracePeriod)) a.LaunchConfig = aws.StringValue(autoscalegroup.LaunchConfigurationName) a.LoadBalancers = aws.StringValueSlice(autoscalegroup.LoadBalancerNames) a.InstanceCount = len(autoscalegroup.Instances) a.DesiredCapacity = int(aws.Int64Value(autoscalegroup.DesiredCapacity)) a.MinSize = int(aws.Int64Value(autoscalegroup.MinSize)) a.MaxSize = int(aws.Int64Value(autoscalegroup.MaxSize)) a.DefaultCooldown = int(aws.Int64Value(autoscalegroup.DefaultCooldown)) a.AvailabilityZones = aws.StringValueSlice(autoscalegroup.AvailabilityZones) a.SubnetID = aws.StringValue(autoscalegroup.VPCZoneIdentifier) a.SubnetName = subList.GetSubnetName(a.SubnetID) a.VpcID = subList.GetVpcIDBySubnetID(a.SubnetID) a.VpcName = subList.GetVpcNameBySubnetID(a.SubnetID) a.Region = region }
// Convert *cloudfront.ActiveTrustedSigners to a flatmap.Map type, which ensures // it can probably be inserted into the schema.TypeMap type used by the // active_trusted_signers attribute. func flattenActiveTrustedSigners(ats *cloudfront.ActiveTrustedSigners) flatmap.Map { m := make(map[string]interface{}) s := []interface{}{} m["enabled"] = *ats.Enabled for _, v := range ats.Items { signer := make(map[string]interface{}) signer["aws_account_number"] = *v.AwsAccountNumber signer["key_pair_ids"] = aws.StringValueSlice(v.KeyPairIds.Items) s = append(s, signer) } m["items"] = s return flatmap.Flatten(m) }
func (r *RecordManager) ProcessFunc(instances []*ec2.Instance) error { if len(instances) == 0 { return errors.New("no instance to process") } publicIps := make([]*string, 0, len(instances)) for _, instance := range instances { publicIps = append(publicIps, instance.PublicIpAddress) } r.log.Debug("Autoscaling operating IPs %s", aws.StringValueSlice(publicIps)) return r.UpsertRecordSet(publicIps) }
// configChanged checks if function configuration differs from configuration stored in AWS Lambda func (f *Function) configChanged(config *lambda.GetFunctionOutput) bool { type diffConfig struct { Description string Memory int64 Timeout int64 Role string Handler string VPC vpc.VPC } localConfig, _ := json.Marshal(diffConfig{ Description: f.Description, Memory: f.Memory, Timeout: f.Timeout, Role: f.Role, Handler: f.Handler, VPC: vpc.VPC{ Subnets: f.VPC.Subnets, SecurityGroups: f.VPC.SecurityGroups, }, }) remoteConfig, _ := json.Marshal(diffConfig{ Description: *config.Configuration.Description, Memory: *config.Configuration.MemorySize, Timeout: *config.Configuration.Timeout, Role: *config.Configuration.Role, Handler: *config.Configuration.Handler, VPC: vpc.VPC{ Subnets: aws.StringValueSlice(config.Configuration.VpcConfig.SubnetIds), SecurityGroups: aws.StringValueSlice(config.Configuration.VpcConfig.SecurityGroupIds), }, }) return string(localConfig) != string(remoteConfig) }
// Marshal parses the response from the aws sdk into an awsm LaunchConfig func (l *LaunchConfig) Marshal(config *autoscaling.LaunchConfiguration, region string, secGrpList *SecurityGroups, imgList *Images) { secGroupNames := secGrpList.GetSecurityGroupNames(aws.StringValueSlice(config.SecurityGroups)) secGroupNamesSorted := sort.StringSlice(secGroupNames[0:]) secGroupNamesSorted.Sort() l.Name = aws.StringValue(config.LaunchConfigurationName) l.ImageID = aws.StringValue(config.ImageId) l.ImageName = imgList.GetImageName(l.ImageID) l.InstanceType = aws.StringValue(config.InstanceType) l.KeyName = aws.StringValue(config.KeyName) l.CreationTime = aws.TimeValue(config.CreatedTime) // robots l.CreatedHuman = humanize.Time(l.CreationTime) // humans l.EbsOptimized = aws.BoolValue(config.EbsOptimized) l.SecurityGroups = strings.Join(secGroupNamesSorted, ", ") l.Region = region for _, snapshot := range config.BlockDeviceMappings { l.SnapshotIDs = append(l.SnapshotIDs, *snapshot.Ebs.SnapshotId) } }
// Marshal parses the response from the aws sdk into an awsm LoadBalancerV2 func (l *LoadBalancerV2) Marshal(balancer *elbv2.LoadBalancer, region string, secGrpList *SecurityGroups) { secGroupNames := secGrpList.GetSecurityGroupNames(aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.SecurityGroups)) secGroupNamesSorted := sort.StringSlice(secGroupNames[0:]) secGroupNamesSorted.Sort() l.Name = aws.StringValue(balancer.LoadBalancerName) l.DNSName = aws.StringValue(balancer.DNSName) l.CreatedTime = aws.TimeValue(balancer.CreatedTime) // robots l.CreatedHuman = humanize.Time(l.CreatedTime) // humans l.VpcID = aws.StringValue(balancer.VpcId) l.Type = aws.StringValue(balancer.Type) l.State = balancer.State.String() l.Scheme = aws.StringValue(balancer.Scheme) l.CanonicalHostedZoneID = aws.StringValue(balancer.CanonicalHostedZoneId) l.LoadBalancerArn = aws.StringValue(balancer.LoadBalancerArn) l.SecurityGroups = strings.Join(secGroupNamesSorted, ", ") // l.AvailabilityZones = strings.Join(aws.StringValueSlice(balancer.AvailabilityZones), ", ") // TODO l.Region = region }
func resourceAwsVPCEndpointRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn input := &ec2.DescribeVpcEndpointsInput{ VpcEndpointIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Id())}, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Reading VPC Endpoint: %q", d.Id()) output, err := conn.DescribeVpcEndpoints(input) if err != nil { ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading VPC Endpoint: %s", err.Error()) } if ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVpcEndpointId.NotFound" { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error reading VPC Endpoint: %s", err.Error()) } if len(output.VpcEndpoints) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("There's no unique VPC Endpoint, but %d endpoints: %#v", len(output.VpcEndpoints), output.VpcEndpoints) } vpce := output.VpcEndpoints[0] d.Set("vpc_id", vpce.VpcId) d.Set("policy", normalizeJson(*vpce.PolicyDocument)) d.Set("service_name", vpce.ServiceName) if err := d.Set("route_table_ids", aws.StringValueSlice(vpce.RouteTableIds)); err != nil { return err } return nil }
func resourceAwsVPCEndpointRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).ec2conn input := &ec2.DescribeVpcEndpointsInput{ VpcEndpointIds: []*string{aws.String(d.Id())}, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Reading VPC Endpoint: %q", d.Id()) output, err := conn.DescribeVpcEndpoints(input) if err != nil { ec2err, ok := err.(awserr.Error) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading VPC Endpoint: %s", err.Error()) } if ec2err.Code() == "InvalidVpcEndpointId.NotFound" { log.Printf("[WARN] VPC Endpoint (%s) not found, removing from state", d.Id()) d.SetId("") return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Error reading VPC Endpoint: %s", err.Error()) } if len(output.VpcEndpoints) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("There's no unique VPC Endpoint, but %d endpoints: %#v", len(output.VpcEndpoints), output.VpcEndpoints) } vpce := output.VpcEndpoints[0] // A VPC Endpoint is associated with exactly one prefix list name (also called Service Name). // The prefix list ID can be used in security groups, so retrieve it to support that capability. prefixListServiceName := *vpce.ServiceName prefixListInput := &ec2.DescribePrefixListsInput{ Filters: []*ec2.Filter{ {Name: aws.String("prefix-list-name"), Values: []*string{aws.String(prefixListServiceName)}}, }, } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Reading VPC Endpoint prefix list: %s", prefixListServiceName) prefixListsOutput, err := conn.DescribePrefixLists(prefixListInput) if err != nil { _, ok := err.(awserr.Error) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading VPC Endpoint prefix list: %s", err.Error()) } } if len(prefixListsOutput.PrefixLists) != 1 { return fmt.Errorf("There are multiple prefix lists associated with the service name '%s'. Unexpected", prefixListServiceName) } policy, err := normalizeJsonString(*vpce.PolicyDocument) if err != nil { return errwrap.Wrapf("policy contains an invalid JSON: {{err}}", err) } d.Set("vpc_id", vpce.VpcId) d.Set("policy", policy) d.Set("service_name", vpce.ServiceName) if err := d.Set("route_table_ids", aws.StringValueSlice(vpce.RouteTableIds)); err != nil { return err } pl := prefixListsOutput.PrefixLists[0] d.Set("prefix_list_id", pl.PrefixListId) d.Set("cidr_blocks", aws.StringValueSlice(pl.Cidrs)) return nil }
func resourceAwsRDSClusterRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error { conn := meta.(*AWSClient).rdsconn resp, err := conn.DescribeDBClusters(&rds.DescribeDBClustersInput{ DBClusterIdentifier: aws.String(d.Id()), }) if err != nil { if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok { if "DBClusterNotFoundFault" == awsErr.Code() { d.SetId("") log.Printf("[DEBUG] RDS Cluster (%s) not found", d.Id()) return nil } } log.Printf("[DEBUG] Error describing RDS Cluster (%s)", d.Id()) return err } var dbc *rds.DBCluster for _, c := range resp.DBClusters { if *c.DBClusterIdentifier == d.Id() { dbc = c } } if dbc == nil { log.Printf("[WARN] RDS Cluster (%s) not found", d.Id()) d.SetId("") return nil } if err := d.Set("availability_zones", aws.StringValueSlice(dbc.AvailabilityZones)); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving AvailabilityZones to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } // Only set the DatabaseName if it is not nil. There is a known API bug where // RDS accepts a DatabaseName but does not return it, causing a perpetual // diff. // See for backstory if dbc.DatabaseName != nil { d.Set("database_name", dbc.DatabaseName) } d.Set("db_subnet_group_name", dbc.DBSubnetGroup) d.Set("parameter_group_name", dbc.DBClusterParameterGroup) d.Set("db_cluster_parameter_group_name", dbc.DBClusterParameterGroup) d.Set("endpoint", dbc.Endpoint) d.Set("engine", dbc.Engine) d.Set("master_username", dbc.MasterUsername) d.Set("port", dbc.Port) d.Set("storage_encrypted", dbc.StorageEncrypted) d.Set("backup_retention_period", dbc.BackupRetentionPeriod) d.Set("preferred_backup_window", dbc.PreferredBackupWindow) d.Set("preferred_maintenance_window", dbc.PreferredMaintenanceWindow) var vpcg []string for _, g := range dbc.VpcSecurityGroups { vpcg = append(vpcg, *g.VpcSecurityGroupId) } if err := d.Set("vpc_security_group_ids", vpcg); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving VPC Security Group IDs to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } var cm []string for _, m := range dbc.DBClusterMembers { cm = append(cm, *m.DBInstanceIdentifier) } if err := d.Set("cluster_members", cm); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("[DEBUG] Error saving RDS Cluster Members to state for RDS Cluster (%s): %s", d.Id(), err) } return nil }
func GetContainerInstanceArnsForService(ecs_obj *ecs.ECS, cluster string, service string, local_container_instance_arn string, debug bool) ([]string, error) { // Fetch a task list based on the service name. list_tasks_params := &ecs.ListTasksInput{ Cluster: &cluster, ServiceName: &service, } list_tasks_resp, list_tasks_err := ecs_obj.ListTasks(list_tasks_params) if list_tasks_err != nil { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve ECS task list: %s", FormatAwsError(list_tasks_err)) } if len(list_tasks_resp.TaskArns) <= 0 { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("No ECS tasks found with specified filter - cluster: ", cluster, ", service:", service) } // Describe the tasks retrieved above. describe_tasks_params := &ecs.DescribeTasksInput{ Cluster: &cluster, Tasks: list_tasks_resp.TaskArns, } describe_tasks_resp, describe_tasks_err := ecs_obj.DescribeTasks(describe_tasks_params) if describe_tasks_err != nil { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot retrieve ECS task details:", FormatAwsError(describe_tasks_err)) } if len(describe_tasks_resp.Tasks) <= 0 { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("No ECS task details found with specified filter - tasks:", strings.Join(aws.StringValueSlice(list_tasks_resp.TaskArns), ", ")) } var result []string for _, value := range describe_tasks_resp.Tasks { if *value.LastStatus == "RUNNING" && *value.ContainerInstanceArn != local_container_instance_arn { result = append(result, *value.ContainerInstanceArn) } else { if debug == true { fmt.Println(*value.ContainerInstanceArn, "is not in a RUNNING state, or is this instance (we dont return ourself). Excluded from results.") } } } if len(result) == 0 { return []string{}, fmt.Errorf("No ECS task results found in RUNNING state, no ECS container instances to return.") } return result, nil }
func testAccCheckAWSOpsworksUpdateAppAttributes( opsapp *opsworks.App) resource.TestCheckFunc { return func(s *terraform.State) error { if *opsapp.Type != "rails" { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected type: %s", *opsapp.Type) } if !*opsapp.EnableSsl { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected enable ssl: %t", *opsapp.EnableSsl) } if *opsapp.SslConfiguration.Certificate != "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nV/YEvOqdAiy5NEWBztHx8HvB9G4=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----" { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected ssl configuration certificate: %s", *opsapp.SslConfiguration.Certificate) } if *opsapp.SslConfiguration.PrivateKey != "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIICXQIBAAKBgQCikCm00x/ybpc9esWOwK2JcyWAj3nUwsdW6Kbq8gsf/ndYAveD\nLUXZT0qUJfJn3PYgXbV2yaaae90Ifw8y8zvTbNucWfpFEDIWyMi7Gggc7hBi4AGl\nXRqTb0QcPvlKGLXdFO0HMxQK3kxix/J/PhSM7iOTHPjCdUym27eYBX0UswIDAQAB\nAoGBAIYcrvuqDboguI8U4TUjCkfSAgds1pLLWk79wu8jXkA329d1IyNKT0y3WIye\nPbyoEzmidZmZROQ/+ZsPz8c12Y0DrX73WSVzKNyJeP7XMk9HSzA1D9RX0U0S+5Kh\nFAMc2NEVVFIfQtVtoVmHdKDpnRYtOCHLW9rRpvqOOjd4mYk5AkEAzeiFr1mtlnsa\n67shMxzDaOTAFMchRz6G7aSovvCztxcB63ulFI/w9OTUMdTQ7ff7pet+lVihLc2W\nefIL0HvsjQJBAMocNTKaR/TnsV5GSk2kPAdR+zFP5sQy8sfMy0lEXTylc7zN4ajX\nMeHVoxp+GZgpfDcZ3ya808H1umyXh+xA1j8CQE9x9ZKQYT98RAjL7KVR5btk9w+N\nPTPF1j1+mHUDXfO4ds8qp6jlWKzEVXLcj7ghRADiebaZuaZ4eiSW1SQdjEkCQQC4\nwDhQ3X9RfEpCp3ZcqvjEqEg6t5N3XitYQPjDLN8eBRBbUsgpEy3iBuxl10eGNMX7\niIbYXlwkPYAArDPv3wT5AkAwp4vym+YKmDqh6gseKfRDuJqRiW9yD5A8VGr/w88k\n5rkuduVGP7tK3uIp00Its3aEyKF8mLGWYszVGeeLxAMH\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" { return fmt.Errorf("Unexpected ssl configuration private key: %s", *opsapp.SslConfiguration.PrivateKey) } expectedAttrs := map[string]*string{ "DocumentRoot": aws.String("root"), "RailsEnv": aws.String("staging"), "AutoBundleOnDeploy": aws.String("true"), "AwsFlowRubySettings": nil, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAttrs, opsapp.Attributes) { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected Attributes: %v", aws.StringValueMap(opsapp.Attributes)) } expectedAppSource := &opsworks.Source{ Type: aws.String("git"), Revision: aws.String("master"), Url: aws.String(""), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedAppSource, opsapp.AppSource) { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected appsource: %s", opsapp.AppSource) } expectedEnv := []*opsworks.EnvironmentVariable{ &opsworks.EnvironmentVariable{ Key: aws.String("key2"), Value: aws.String("*****FILTERED*****"), Secure: aws.Bool(true), }, &opsworks.EnvironmentVariable{ Key: aws.String("key1"), Value: aws.String("value1"), Secure: aws.Bool(false), }, } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedEnv, opsapp.Environment) { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected environment: %s", opsapp.Environment) } expectedDomains := []*string{ aws.String(""), aws.String(""), } if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedDomains, opsapp.Domains) { return fmt.Errorf("Unnexpected Daomins : %v", aws.StringValueSlice(opsapp.Domains)) } return nil } }
func TestConvertToTaskDefinition(t *testing.T) { name := "mysql" cpu := int64(10) command := "cmd" essential := false hostname := "foobarbaz" image := "testimage" links := []string{"container1"} memory := int64(100) // 1 MiB = 1048576B privileged := true readOnly := true restart := "no" securityOpts := []string{"label:type:test_virt"} user := "******" workingDir := "/var" serviceConfig := &libcompose.ServiceConfig{ CpuShares: cpu, Command: libcompose.NewCommand(command), Hostname: hostname, Image: image, Links: libcompose.NewMaporColonSlice(links), MemLimit: int64(1048576) * memory, Privileged: privileged, ReadOnly: readOnly, Restart: restart, SecurityOpt: securityOpts, User: user, WorkingDir: workingDir, } // convert taskDefinition := convertToTaskDefinitionInTest(t, name, serviceConfig) containerDef := *taskDefinition.ContainerDefinitions[0] // verify if name != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Name) { t.Errorf("Expected Name [%s] But was [%s]", name, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Name)) } if cpu != aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Cpu) { t.Errorf("Expected cpu [%s] But was [%s]", cpu, aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Cpu)) } if len(containerDef.Command) != 1 || command != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Command[0]) { t.Errorf("Expected command [%s] But was [%v]", command, containerDef.Command) } if essential != aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Essential) { t.Errorf("Expected essential [%s] But was [%s]", essential, aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Essential)) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(securityOpts, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DockerSecurityOptions)) { t.Errorf("Expected securityOpt [%v] But was [%v]", securityOpts, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DockerSecurityOptions)) } if hostname != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Hostname) { t.Errorf("Expected hostname [%s] But was [%s]", hostname, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Hostname)) } if image != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Image) { t.Errorf("Expected Image [%s] But was [%s]", image, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Image)) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(links, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.Links)) { t.Errorf("Expected links [%v] But was [%v]", links, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.Links)) } if memory != aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Memory) { t.Errorf("Expected memory [%s] But was [%s]", memory, aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Memory)) } if privileged != aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Privileged) { t.Errorf("Expected privileged [%s] But was [%s]", privileged, aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Privileged)) } if readOnly != aws.BoolValue(containerDef.ReadonlyRootFilesystem) { t.Errorf("Expected ReadonlyRootFilesystem [%s] But was [%s]", readOnly, aws.BoolValue(containerDef.ReadonlyRootFilesystem)) } if user != aws.StringValue(containerDef.User) { t.Errorf("Expected user [%s] But was [%s]", user, aws.StringValue(containerDef.User)) } if workingDir != aws.StringValue(containerDef.WorkingDirectory) { t.Errorf("Expected WorkingDirectory [%s] But was [%s]", workingDir, aws.StringValue(containerDef.WorkingDirectory)) } }
func TestConvertToTaskDefinition(t *testing.T) { name := "mysql" cpu := int64(131072) // 128 * 1024 command := "cmd" hostname := "foobarbaz" image := "testimage" links := []string{"container1"} memory := int64(131072) // 128 GiB = 131072 MiB privileged := true readOnly := true securityOpts := []string{"label:type:test_virt"} user := "******" workingDir := "/var" serviceConfig := &config.ServiceConfig{ CPUShares: yaml.StringorInt(cpu), Command: []string{command}, Hostname: hostname, Image: image, Links: links, MemLimit: yaml.StringorInt(int64(1048576) * memory), //1 MiB = 1048576B Privileged: privileged, ReadOnly: readOnly, SecurityOpt: securityOpts, User: user, WorkingDir: workingDir, } // convert taskDefinition := convertToTaskDefinitionInTest(t, name, serviceConfig) containerDef := *taskDefinition.ContainerDefinitions[0] // verify if name != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Name) { t.Errorf("Expected Name [%s] But was [%s]", name, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Name)) } if cpu != aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Cpu) { t.Errorf("Expected cpu [%s] But was [%s]", cpu, aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Cpu)) } if len(containerDef.Command) != 1 || command != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Command[0]) { t.Errorf("Expected command [%s] But was [%v]", command, containerDef.Command) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(securityOpts, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DockerSecurityOptions)) { t.Errorf("Expected securityOpt [%v] But was [%v]", securityOpts, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.DockerSecurityOptions)) } if hostname != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Hostname) { t.Errorf("Expected hostname [%s] But was [%s]", hostname, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Hostname)) } if image != aws.StringValue(containerDef.Image) { t.Errorf("Expected Image [%s] But was [%s]", image, aws.StringValue(containerDef.Image)) } if !reflect.DeepEqual(links, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.Links)) { t.Errorf("Expected links [%v] But was [%v]", links, aws.StringValueSlice(containerDef.Links)) } if memory != aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Memory) { t.Errorf("Expected memory [%s] But was [%s]", memory, aws.Int64Value(containerDef.Memory)) } if privileged != aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Privileged) { t.Errorf("Expected privileged [%s] But was [%s]", privileged, aws.BoolValue(containerDef.Privileged)) } if readOnly != aws.BoolValue(containerDef.ReadonlyRootFilesystem) { t.Errorf("Expected ReadonlyRootFilesystem [%s] But was [%s]", readOnly, aws.BoolValue(containerDef.ReadonlyRootFilesystem)) } if user != aws.StringValue(containerDef.User) { t.Errorf("Expected user [%s] But was [%s]", user, aws.StringValue(containerDef.User)) } if workingDir != aws.StringValue(containerDef.WorkingDirectory) { t.Errorf("Expected WorkingDirectory [%s] But was [%s]", workingDir, aws.StringValue(containerDef.WorkingDirectory)) } }