// newSubmitStateChangeClient returns a client intended to be used for
// Submit*StateChange APIs which has the behavior of retrying the call on
// retriable errors for an extended period of time (roughly 24 hours).
func newSubmitStateChangeClient(awsConfig *aws.Config) *ecs.ECS {
	sscConfig := awsConfig.Copy()
	sscConfig.MaxRetries = submitStateChangeMaxDelayRetries
	client := ecs.New(&sscConfig)
	client.DefaultMaxRetries = submitStateChangeMaxDelayRetries
	return client
// newSubmitStateChangeClient returns a client intended to be used for
// Submit*StateChange APIs which has the behavior of retrying the call on
// retriable errors for an extended period of time (roughly 24 hours).
func newSubmitStateChangeClient(awsConfig *aws.Config) *ecs.ECS {
	sscConfig := awsConfig.Copy()
	sscConfig.Retryer = &oneDayRetrier{}
	client := ecs.New(session.New(sscConfig))
	return client