import ( "testing" . "" ) func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } type MySuite struct{} var _ = Suite(&MySuite{}) func (s *MySuite) TestExample(c *C) { res := getSomeResult() c.Assert(res, Equals, "expected result") }In this example, the `TestExample` function is defined as a test case within the `MySuite` suite of tests, which has been set up using the `Suite` function. Within this test case, the `getSomeResult` function is called and its result is compared against an expected value using the `c.Assert` function, which takes the actual value, the expected value, and an assertion method (in this case, `Equals`) as arguments. Overall, this package library can be a useful tool for developers looking to write effective unit tests with Go, keeping their code clean and their testing procedures efficient.