// mkTokenCallback returns a callback function that can be used to save the // token initially or register to the Azure SDK to be called when the token is // refreshed. func mkTokenCallback(path string) azure.TokenRefreshCallback { return func(t azure.Token) error { if err := azure.SaveToken(path, 0600, t); err != nil { return err } return nil } }
// mkTokenCallback returns a callback function that can be used to save the // token initially or register to the Azure SDK to be called when the token is // refreshed. func mkTokenCallback(path string) azure.TokenRefreshCallback { return func(t azure.Token) error { if err := azure.SaveToken(path, 0600, t); err != nil { return err } log.Debug("Saved token to file.") return nil } }
func saveToken(spt azure.Token) { if tokenCachePath != "" { err := azure.SaveToken(tokenCachePath, 0600, spt) if err != nil { log.Println("error saving token", err) } else { log.Println("saved token to", tokenCachePath) } } }