Example #1
func (w *Lucene41PostingsWriter) Close() (err error) {
	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if success {
			err = util.Close(w.docOut, w.posOut, w.payOut)
		} else {
			util.CloseWhileSuppressingError(w.docOut, w.posOut, w.payOut)
		w.docOut = nil
		w.posOut = nil
		w.payOut = nil

	if err == nil && w.docOut != nil {
		err = codec.WriteFooter(w.docOut)
	if err == nil && w.posOut != nil {
		err = codec.WriteFooter(w.posOut)
	if err == nil && w.payOut != nil {
		err = codec.WriteFooter(w.payOut)
	if err != nil {
	success = true
	return nil
Example #2
func (nc *NormsConsumer) Close() (err error) {
	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if success {
			err = util.Close(nc.data, nc.meta)
		} else {
			util.CloseWhileSuppressingError(nc.data, nc.meta)

	if nc.meta != nil {
		if err = nc.meta.WriteVInt(-1); err != nil { // write EOF marker
		if err = codec.WriteFooter(nc.meta); err != nil { // write checksum
	if nc.data != nil {
		if err = codec.WriteFooter(nc.data); err != nil { // write checksum
	success = true
	return nil
Example #3
func (w *BlockTreeTermsWriter) Close() (err error) {
	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if success {
			util.Close(w.out, w.indexOut, w.postingsWriter)
		} else {
			util.CloseWhileSuppressingError(w.out, w.indexOut, w.postingsWriter)

	dirStart := w.out.FilePointer()
	indexDirStart := w.indexOut.FilePointer()

	if err = w.out.WriteVInt(int32(len(w.fields))); err != nil {

	for _, field := range w.fields {
		// fmt.Printf("  field %v %v terms\n", field.fieldInfo.Name, field.numTerms)
		if err = w.out.WriteVInt(field.fieldInfo.Number); err == nil {
			assert(field.numTerms > 0)
			if err = w.out.WriteVLong(field.numTerms); err == nil {
				if err = w.out.WriteVInt(int32(len(field.rootCode))); err == nil {
					err = w.out.WriteBytes(field.rootCode)
					if err == nil && field.fieldInfo.IndexOptions() != INDEX_OPT_DOCS_ONLY {
						err = w.out.WriteVLong(field.sumTotalTermFreq)
					if err == nil {
						if err = w.out.WriteVLong(field.sumDocFreq); err == nil {
							if err = w.out.WriteVInt(int32(field.docCount)); err == nil {
								if err = w.out.WriteVInt(int32(field.longsSize)); err == nil {
									if err = w.indexOut.WriteVLong(field.indexStartFP); err == nil {
										if err = writeBytesRef(w.out, field.minTerm); err == nil {
											err = writeBytesRef(w.out, field.maxTerm)
	if err == nil {
		if err = w.writeTrailer(w.out, dirStart); err == nil {
			if err = codec.WriteFooter(w.out); err == nil {
				if err = w.writeIndexTrailer(w.indexOut, indexDirStart); err == nil {
					if err = codec.WriteFooter(w.indexOut); err == nil {
						success = true
Example #4
func (w *CompoundFileWriter) writeEntryTable(entries map[string]*FileEntry,
	entryOut IndexOutput) (err error) {
	if err = codec.WriteHeader(entryOut, CFD_ENTRY_CODEC, CFD_VERSION_CURRENT); err == nil {
		if err = entryOut.WriteVInt(int32(len(entries))); err == nil {
			var names []string
			for name, _ := range entries {
				names = append(names, name)
			for _, name := range names {
				// for _, fe := range entries {
				fe := entries[name]
				if err = Stream(entryOut).
					Close(); err != nil {
	if err == nil {
		err = codec.WriteFooter(entryOut)
	return err
Example #5
A utility for writing the SEGMENTS_GEN file to a Directory.

NOTE: this is an internal utility which is kept public so that it's
accessible by code from other packages. You should avoid calling this
method unless you're absolutely sure what you're doing!
func writeSegmentsGen(dir store.Directory, generation int64) {
	if err := func() (err error) {
		var genOutput store.IndexOutput
		genOutput, err = dir.CreateOutput(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN, store.IO_CONTEXT_READONCE)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		defer func() {
			err = mergeError(err, genOutput.Close())
			err = mergeError(err, dir.Sync([]string{INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN}))

		if err = genOutput.WriteInt(FORMAT_SEGMENTS_GEN_CURRENT); err == nil {
			if err = genOutput.WriteLong(generation); err == nil {
				if err = genOutput.WriteLong(generation); err == nil {
					err = codec.WriteFooter(genOutput)
		return err
	}(); err != nil {
		// It's OK if we fail to write this file since it's used only as
		// one of the retry fallbacks.
		// Ignore error; this file is only used in a retry fallback on init
Example #6
Writes this vector to the file name in Directory d, in a format that
can be read by the constructor BitVector(Directory, String, IOContext)
func (bv *BitVector) Write(d store.Directory, name string, ctx store.IOContext) (err error) {
	assert(reflect.TypeOf(d).Name() != "CompoundFileDirectory")
	var output store.IndexOutput
	if output, err = d.CreateOutput(name, ctx); err != nil {
		return err
	defer func() {
		err = mergeError(err, output.Close())

	if err = output.WriteInt(-2); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = codec.WriteHeader(output, CODEC, BV_VERSION_CURRENT); err != nil {
		return err
	if bv.isSparse() {
		// sparse bit-set more efficiently saved as d-gaps.
		err = bv.writeClearedDgaps(output)
	} else {
		err = bv.writeBits(output)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err = codec.WriteFooter(output); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Example #7
/* Closes all resouces and writes the entry table */
func (w *CompoundFileWriter) Close() (err error) {
	if w.closed {
		fmt.Println("CompoundFileWriter is already closed.")
		return nil

	// TODO this code should clean up after itself (remove partial .cfs/.cfe)
	if err = func() (err error) {
		var success = false
		defer func() {
			if success {
			} else {

		assert2(w.pendingEntries.Len() == 0 && !w.outputTaken.Get(),
			"CFS has pending open files")
		w.closed = true
		// open the compound stream; we can safely use IO_CONTEXT_DEFAULT
		// here because this will only open the output if no file was
		// added to the CFS
		_, err = w.output(IO_CONTEXT_DEFAULT)
		if err != nil {
		assert(w.dataOut != nil)
		err = codec.WriteFooter(w.dataOut)
		if err != nil {
		success = true
		return nil
	}(); err != nil {

	var entryTableOut IndexOutput
	var success = false
	defer func() {
		if success {
		} else {
	entryTableOut, err = w.directory.CreateOutput(w.entryTableName, IO_CONTEXT_DEFAULT)
	if err != nil {
	err = w.writeEntryTable(w.entries, entryTableOut)
	if err != nil {
	success = true
func (w *StoredFieldsIndexWriter) finish(numDocs int, maxPointer int64) (err error) {
	assert(w != nil)
	assert2(numDocs == w.totalDocs, "Expected %v docs, but got %v", numDocs, w.totalDocs)
	if w.blockChunks > 0 {
		if err = w.writeBlock(); err != nil {
	if err = w.fieldsIndexOut.WriteVInt(0); err != nil { // end marker
	if err = w.fieldsIndexOut.WriteVLong(maxPointer); err != nil {
	return codec.WriteFooter(w.fieldsIndexOut)
Example #9
func (w *CompressingStoredFieldsWriter) Finish(fis model.FieldInfos, numDocs int) (err error) {
	if w == nil {
		return errors.New("Nil class pointer encountered.")
	assert2(w.indexWriter != nil, "already closed?")
	if w.numBufferedDocs > 0 {
		if err = w.flush(); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		assert(w.bufferedDocs.length == 0)
	assert2(w.docBase == numDocs,
		"Wrote %v docs, finish called with numDocs=%v", w.docBase, numDocs)
	if err = w.indexWriter.finish(numDocs, w.fieldsStream.FilePointer()); err != nil {
		return err
	if err = codec.WriteFooter(w.fieldsStream); err != nil {
		return err
	assert(w.bufferedDocs.length == 0)
	return nil
Example #10
func (sis *SegmentInfos) finishCommit(dir store.Directory) (fileName string, err error) {
	assert(dir != nil)
	assert2(sis.pendingSegnOutput != nil, "prepareCommit was not called")
	if err = func() error {
		var success = false
		defer func() {
			if !success {
				// Closes pendingSegnOutput & delets partial segments_N:
			} else {
				err := func() error {
					var success = false
					defer func() {
						if !success {
							// Closes pendingSegnOutput & delets partial segments_N:
						} else {
							sis.pendingSegnOutput = nil

					err := sis.pendingSegnOutput.Close()
					success = err == nil
					return err
				assertn(err == nil, "%v", err) // no shadow

		if err := codec.WriteFooter(sis.pendingSegnOutput); err != nil {
			return err
		success = true
		return nil
	}(); err != nil {

	// NOTE: if we crash here, we have left a segments_N file in the
	// directory in a possibly corrupt state (if some bytes made it to
	// stable storage and others didn't). But, the segments_N file
	// includes checksum at the end, which should catch this case. So
	// when a reader tries to read it, it will return an index corrupt
	// error, which should cause the retry logic in SegmentInfos to
	// kick in and load the last good (previous) segments_N-1 file.

	fileName = util.FileNameFromGeneration(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS, "", sis.generation)
	if err = func() error {
		var success = false
		defer func() {
			if !success {
				// suppress error so we keep returning the original error

		err := dir.Sync([]string{fileName})
		success = err == nil
		return err
	}(); err != nil {

	sis.lastGeneration = sis.generation
	writeSegmentsGen(dir, sis.generation)
Example #11
		// pack the DV types in one byte
		dv := byte(fi.DocValuesType())
		nrm := byte(fi.NormType())
		assert((dv&(^byte(0xF))) == 0 && (nrm&(^byte(0x0F))) == 0)
		val := (0xff & ((nrm << 4) | dv))
		if err = output.WriteByte(val); err == nil {
			if err = output.WriteLong(fi.DocValuesGen()); err == nil {
				err = output.WriteStringStringMap(fi.Attributes())
		if err != nil {
	if err = codec.WriteFooter(output); err != nil {
	success = true
	return nil

func assert(ok bool) {
	if !ok {
		panic("assert fail")

func assert2(ok bool, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
	if !ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...))