func (self *Inventory) DrawItem(t int64, quantity uint16, itemid ItemId, x float64, y float64) { gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() // angle := -90.0 const blocksize = float32(0.3) gl.Translated(x, y, 0) //gl.Rotated(angle, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(90, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(30*math.Sin(float64(t)/1e9+float64(itemid)/2), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Scalef(blocksize, blocksize, blocksize) self.drawBuffer.Reset() if itemid < 256 { TerrainCube(self.drawBuffer, Vectori{}, [18]BlockId{BLOCK_DIRT, BLOCK_DIRT, BLOCK_DIRT, BLOCK_DIRT, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_DIRT, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR, BLOCK_AIR}, NewBlockDefault(BlockId(itemid)), FACE_NONE) } else { RenderItemFlat(self.drawBuffer, Vectori{}, BlockId(itemid)) } self.drawBuffer.RenderDirect(false) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(x+2*PIXEL_SCALE-48*PIXEL_SCALE*float64(blocksize), y-7*PIXEL_SCALE-48*PIXEL_SCALE*float64(blocksize), 0) inventoryItemFont.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%d", quantity)) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (vbox vbox) Render(w, h, d float64) { l := len(vbox.renderers) dh := h / float64(l) gl.Translated(0, h, 0) for _, a := range vbox.renderers { gl.Translated(0, -dh, 0) a.Render(w, dh, d) } }
func (hbox hbox) Render(w, h, d float64) { l := len(hbox.renderers) dw := w / float64(l) for _, a := range hbox.renderers { a.Render(dw, h, d) gl.Translated(dw, 0, 0) } gl.Translated(-w, 0, 0) }
func renderPortrait(r Renderer, w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() ww := h / math.Phi if ww <= w { gl.Translated((w-ww)/2.0, 0, 0) r.Render(ww, h, d) } else { hh := w * math.Phi gl.Translated(0, (h-hh)/2.0, 0) r.Render(w, hh, d) } gl.PopMatrix() }
func renderLandscape(r Renderer, w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() hh := w / math.Phi if hh <= h { gl.Translated(0, (h-hh)/2.0, 0) r.Render(w, hh, d) } else { ww := h * math.Phi gl.Translated((w-ww)/2.0, 0, 0) r.Render(ww, h, d) } gl.PopMatrix() }
func (self *Pause) Draw(t int64) { gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHTING) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT0) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT1) gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 0, 240) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.End() str := "paused" h, w := pauseFont.Measure(str) // x := (viewport.rplane - viewport.lplane - w) / 2 // y := (viewport.tplane - viewport.bplane - h) / 2 gl.Translated(-w/2, -h/2, 0) pauseFont.Print(str) gl.PopMatrix() }
func Draw() { gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl.PushMatrix() defer gl.PopMatrix() gl.Color4f(0, 1, 0, .5) DrawCircle(vect.Vect{ScreenSize.X / 2, ScreenSize.Y / 2}, ScreenSize.Y/2.0-5.0, false) if Settings.Paused { gl.Color3f(1, 1, 1) RenderFontAt("Paused", 20, 30) } //draw collision objects gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(ScreenSize.X/2, ScreenSize.Y/2, 0) gl.Scaled(Settings.Scale, Settings.Scale, 1) DrawDebugData(space) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (c cube) Render(w, h, d float64) { x := math.Min(math.Min(w, h), d) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated((w-x)/2.0, (h-x)/2.0, (d-x)/2.0) c.child.Render(x, x, x) gl.PopMatrix() }
func positionCamera() { gl.LoadIdentity() x, y, z := player.Position() gl.Translated(-x, -y+4, -z) gl.Lightfv(gl.LIGHT1, gl.POSITION, []float32{float32(x), float32(y), float32(z) + 0.5, 1}) }
// OpenWindow opens a new window with the given size. func OpenWindow(w, h int) error { glfw.OpenWindowHint(glfw.WindowNoResize, 1) r, g, b := 0, 0, 0 // defaults a := 8 // 8-bit alpha channel d, s := 0, 0 // no depth or stencil buffers m := glfw.Windowed if err := glfw.OpenWindow(w, h, r, g, b, a, d, s, m); err != nil { return err } if gl.Init() != 0 { return errors.New("Failed to initialize OpenGL") } gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Ortho(0, float64(w), 0, float64(-h), -1, 1) gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(0, float64(-h), 0) return nil }
// Handle the window being resized. func reshape(width int, height int) { // Render into the entire window. gl.Viewport(0, 0, width, height) gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) gl.LoadIdentity() // Configure the Frustrum so the front face of the rendering // volume fills the screen. w := float64(width) h := float64(height) depth := (w + h) / 2 near := depth / 2.0 right := w / 4.0 top := h / 4.0 far := 4 * depth gl.Frustum(-right, right, -top, top, near, far) gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.LoadIdentity() // Center the rendering volume in the viewport. Its origin // is at the far lower left corner. gl.Translated(-w/2, -h/2, -2*depth) }
func (x *wiggler) Render(w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() t := time.Now().Sub(x.start).Seconds() dx := w / 10.0 * math.Sin(t) gl.Translated(dx, 0, 0) x.child.Render(w, h, d) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (s square) Render(w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() dim := w if dim > h { dim = h } gl.Translated((w-dim)/2.0, (h-dim)/2.0, 0) gl.PopMatrix() }
func draw() { gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Rotated(view_rotx, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(view_roty, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(view_rotz, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(-3.0, -2.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear1) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(3.1, -2.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(-2.0*angle-9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear2) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(-3.1, 4.2, 0.0) gl.Rotated(-2.0*angle-25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear3) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PopMatrix() sdl.GL_SwapBuffers() Frames++ { t := sdl.GetTicks() if t-T0 >= 5000 { seconds := (t - T0) / 1000.0 fps := Frames / seconds print(Frames, " frames in ", seconds, " seconds = ", fps, " FPS\n") T0 = t Frames = 0 } } }
func (s stack) Render(w, h, d float64) { l := len(s.renderers) dw := d / float64(l) gl.PushMatrix() for _, r := range s.renderers { r.Render(w, h, dw) gl.Translated(0, 0, dw) } gl.PopMatrix() }
func draw() { gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Rotated(view_rotx, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(view_roty, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(view_rotz, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(-3.0, -2.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(angle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear1) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(3.1, -2.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(-2.0*angle-9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear2) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(-3.1, 4.2, 0.0) gl.Rotated(-2.0*angle-25.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.CallList(gear3) gl.PopMatrix() gl.PopMatrix() glfw.SwapBuffers() Frames++ { t := glfw.Time() if t-T0 >= 5 { seconds := (t - T0) fps := float64(Frames) / seconds print(Frames, " frames in ", int(seconds), " seconds = ", int(fps), " FPS\n") T0 = t Frames = 0 } } }
func drawCircle(s CircleShape) { center := s.Center() radius := s.Radius() angle := s.Body().Angle() gl.VertexPointer(2, 0, circleVerts) gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(center.X, center.Y, 0.0) gl.Rotated(angle*180.0/math.Pi, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Scaled(radius, radius, 1.0) gl.DrawArrays(gl.LINE_STRIP, 0, len(circleVerts)/2) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (self *Inventory) DrawItem(t int64, quantity uint16, blockid uint16, r Rect) { gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() const blocksize = float32(0.3) i := 1 gl.Translated(r.x+r.sizex/2, r.y+r.sizey/2+4*PIXEL_SCALE, 0) gl.Rotatef(360*float32(math.Sin(float64(t)/1e10+float64(i))), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.Rotatef(360*float32(math.Cos(float64(t)/1e10+float64(i))), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Rotatef(360*float32(math.Sin(float64(t)/1e10+float64(i))), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Scalef(blocksize, blocksize, blocksize) gVertexBuffer.Reset() TerrainCube(gVertexBuffer, Vectori{}, [18]uint16{}, blockid, FACE_NONE) gVertexBuffer.RenderDirect(false) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(r.x+5*PIXEL_SCALE, r.y+2*PIXEL_SCALE, 0) inventoryItemFont.Print(fmt.Sprintf("%d", quantity)) gl.PopMatrix() }
func plot_list(list uint) { gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.PointSize(1.0) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Rotated(xrot, 1, 0, 0) gl.Rotated(yrot, 0, 1, 0) gl.Rotated(zrot, 0, 0, 1) gl.Scaled(scale, scale, scale) gl.Translated(xoff, yoff, zoff) gl.CallList(list) gl.Flush() }
func onResize(w, h int) { if h == 0 { h = 1 } gl.Viewport(0, 0, w, h) scale := math.Min(float64(w)/640.0, float64(h)/480.0) hw := float64(w) * (0.5 / scale) hh := float64(h) * (0.5 / scale) gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Ortho(-hw, hw, -hh, hh, -1.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0.5, 0.5, 0.0) Width = w Height = h }
func (self *Inventory) ShowTooltip(x, y float64, str string) { h, w := inventoryItemFont.Measure(str) pad := 4 * PIXEL_SCALE gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 0, 255) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2d(x, y) gl.Vertex2d(x+w+pad, y) gl.Vertex2d(x+w+pad, y+h) gl.Vertex2d(x, y+h) gl.End() gl.Translated(x+pad/2, y+pad/2, 0) inventoryItemFont.Print(str) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (player *Player) Draw(center Vectorf, selectedBlockFace *BlockFace) { pos := Vectorf{player.position[XAXIS], player.position[YAXIS], player.position[ZAXIS]} gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translatef(float32(player.position[XAXIS]), float32(player.position[YAXIS]), float32(player.position[ZAXIS])) //stepHeight := float32(math.Sin(player.Bounce * piover180)/10.0) gl.Rotated(player.Heading(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // Translate to top of ground block gl.Translatef(0.0, -0.5, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += -0.5 // From headHeight := float64(0.25) hatHeight := headHeight brimHeight := 0.15 * headHeight brimWidth := 1.5 * headHeight brimDepth := 1.5 * headHeight neckHeight := 0.25 * headHeight torsoWidth := 2 * headHeight torsoHeight := 3.25 * headHeight torsoDepth := 1 * headHeight legHeight := 8*headHeight - torsoHeight - neckHeight - headHeight legWidth := (torsoWidth - 0.25*headHeight) / 2 legDepth := legWidth armHeight := 2.75 * headHeight armWidth := 0.75 * torsoDepth armDepth := 0.75 * torsoDepth // lowerArmHeight := 1.25 * headHeight // handHeight := 0.75 * headHeight var legAngle, torsoAngle, leftArmAngle, rightArmAngle, step float64 // if player.velocity[YAXIS] != 0 { // legAngle = 20 // leftArmAngle = 120 // rightArmAngle = 120 // } else { legAngle = 40 * (math.Abs(player.velocity[XAXIS]) + math.Abs(player.velocity[ZAXIS])) / player.walkingSpeed * math.Sin(player.walkSequence) torsoAngle = -math.Abs(legAngle / 6) leftArmAngle = -legAngle * 1.2 rightArmAngle = legAngle * 1.2 step = headHeight * 0.1 * math.Pow(math.Sin(player.walkSequence), 2) // } gl.Translated(0.0, step, 0) pos[YAXIS] += step // Translate to top of leg gl.Translated(0.0, legHeight, 0) pos[YAXIS] += legHeight // Translate to centre of leg gl.Rotated(legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0.0, -legHeight/2, (legWidth+0.25*headHeight)/2) pos[YAXIS] += -legHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += (legWidth + 0.25*headHeight) / 2 Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_LEG_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_LEG_SIDE], textures[32], textures[32], FACE_NONE) gl.Translated(0.0, legHeight/2, -(legWidth+0.25*headHeight)/2) pos[YAXIS] += legHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += -(legWidth + 0.25*headHeight) / 2 gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0.0, -legHeight/2, -(legWidth+0.25*headHeight)/2) pos[YAXIS] += -legHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += -(legWidth + 0.25*headHeight) / 2 Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_LEG_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_LEG_SIDE], textures[32], textures[32], FACE_NONE) gl.Translated(0.0, legHeight/2, (legWidth+0.25*headHeight)/2) pos[YAXIS] += legHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += (legWidth + 0.25*headHeight) / 2 gl.Rotated(+legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Rotated(torsoAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) // Translate to centre of torso gl.Translated(0.0, torsoHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += torsoHeight / 2 Cuboid(pos, torsoWidth, torsoHeight, torsoDepth, textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_FRONT], textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_BACK], textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_LEFT], textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_RIGHT], textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_TOP], textures[TEXTURE_TORSO_TOP], FACE_NONE) // Translate to shoulders gl.Translated(0.0, torsoHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += torsoHeight / 2 gl.Rotated(leftArmAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0.0, -armHeight/2, torsoWidth/2+armWidth/2) pos[YAXIS] += -armHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += torsoWidth/2 + armWidth/2 Cuboid(pos, armWidth, armHeight, armDepth, textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM_TOP], textures[TEXTURE_HAND], FACE_NONE) gl.Translated(0.0, armHeight/2, -torsoWidth/2-armWidth/2) pos[YAXIS] += armHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += -torsoWidth/2 + armWidth/2 gl.Rotated(-leftArmAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Rotated(rightArmAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0.0, -armHeight/2, -torsoWidth/2-armWidth/2) pos[YAXIS] += -armHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += -torsoWidth/2 + armWidth/2 Cuboid(pos, armWidth, armHeight, armDepth, textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM], textures[TEXTURE_ARM_TOP], textures[TEXTURE_HAND], FACE_NONE) gl.Translated(0.0, armHeight/2, torsoWidth/2+armWidth/2) pos[YAXIS] += armHeight / 2 pos[ZAXIS] += torsoWidth/2 + armWidth/2 gl.Rotated(-rightArmAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) // Translate to centre of head gl.Translated(0.0, neckHeight+headHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += neckHeight + headHeight/2 if selectedBlockFace != nil { blockPos := selectedBlockFace.pos.Vectorf() headPos := player.position.Add(Vectorf{0, headHeight * 9, 0}) blockDir := blockPos.Minus(headPos) if player.Facing(blockDir) { yrot := (math.Atan2(blockDir[XAXIS], blockDir[ZAXIS]) - math.Pi/2) * 180 / math.Pi zrot, xrot := -12.0, -12.0 gl.Rotated(-player.Heading(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(yrot, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) gl.Rotated(zrot, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Rotated(xrot, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) } } Cuboid(pos, headHeight, headHeight, headHeight, textures[TEXTURE_HEAD_FRONT], textures[TEXTURE_HEAD_BACK], textures[TEXTURE_HEAD_LEFT], textures[TEXTURE_HEAD_RIGHT], nil, textures[TEXTURE_HEAD_BOTTOM], FACE_NONE) // Translate to hat brim gl.Translated(0.0, headHeight/2+brimHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += headHeight/2 + brimHeight/2 Cuboid(pos, brimWidth, brimHeight, brimDepth, textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], textures[TEXTURE_BRIM], FACE_NONE) gl.Translated(0.0, brimHeight/2+hatHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += headHeight/2 + brimHeight/2 Cuboid(pos, hatHeight, hatHeight, hatHeight, textures[TEXTURE_HAT_FRONT], textures[TEXTURE_HAT_BACK], textures[TEXTURE_HAT_LEFT], textures[TEXTURE_HAT_RIGHT], textures[TEXTURE_HAT_TOP], nil, FACE_NONE) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (self *Inventory) Draw(t int64) { gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHTING) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT0) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT1) gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 0, 208) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.End() picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 3) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 4) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 5) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 6) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 7) picker.DrawPlayerItems(t, false) const blocksize = float64(0.3) const COLSIZE = 12 slotsize := blocksize * 2.4 slotstep := slotsize + float64(4)*PIXEL_SCALE slotsInRow := len(self.componentRects) xtools := float64(viewport.lplane) + 10.0*PIXEL_SCALE ytools := float64(viewport.tplane) - 10.0*PIXEL_SCALE - slotstep gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(xtools, ytools+4*PIXEL_SCALE, 0) inventoryItemFont.Print("Inventory") gl.PopMatrix() for i := range self.inventoryRects { x := xtools + float64(i%slotsInRow)*slotstep y := ytools - float64(i/slotsInRow)*slotstep self.inventoryRects[i] = Rect{x, y - slotsize, slotsize, slotsize} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.inventoryRects[i]) } for i := range self.inventorySlots { if self.inventorySlots[i].item != 0 && self.inventorySlots[i].quantity > 0 { self.DrawItemInSlot(t, self.inventorySlots[i].quantity, self.inventorySlots[i].item, self.inventoryRects[i]) } } xtools += slotstep * (1.0 + float64(slotsInRow)) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(xtools, ytools+4*PIXEL_SCALE, 0) if self.currentCrafting == nil { inventoryItemFont.Print("Handcrafting") } else { inventoryItemFont.Print(self.currentCrafting.Label()) } gl.PopMatrix() for i := range self.componentSlots { x := xtools + float64(i)*slotstep y := ytools self.componentRects[i] = Rect{x, y - slotsize, slotsize, slotsize} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.componentRects[i]) } for i, cs := range self.componentSlots { if cs.item != 0 { self.DrawItemInSlot(t, cs.quantity, cs.item, self.componentRects[i]) } } ytools -= slotstep * 2 for i := range self.productSlots { x := xtools + slotstep*float64(i%slotsInRow) y := ytools - slotstep*float64(i/slotsInRow) self.productRects[i] = Rect{x, y - slotsize, slotsize, slotsize} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.productRects[i]) } for i, ps := range self.productSlots { if ps != nil { self.DrawItemInSlot(t, ps.product.quantity, ps.product.item, self.productRects[i]) } } ytools -= slotstep * float64(1+len(self.productRects)/slotsInRow) if self.currentContainer != nil { gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(xtools, ytools+4*PIXEL_SCALE, 0) inventoryItemFont.Print(self.currentContainer.Label()) gl.PopMatrix() for i := range self.containerRects { x := xtools + slotstep*float64(i%slotsInRow) y := ytools - slotstep*float64(i/slotsInRow) self.containerRects[i] = Rect{x, y - slotsize, slotsize, slotsize} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.containerRects[i]) } for i := 0; i < self.currentContainer.Slots(); i++ { if self.currentContainer.Item(i).item != 0 { self.DrawItemInSlot(t, self.currentContainer.Item(i).quantity, self.currentContainer.Item(i).item, self.containerRects[i]) } } } var mousex, mousey int mousestate := sdl.GetMouseState(&mousex, &mousey) if self.selectedItem != nil { x, y := viewport.ScreenCoordsToWorld2D(uint16(mousex), uint16(mousey)) self.DrawItem(t, self.selectedItem.quantity, self.selectedItem.item, x, y) } self.HandleMouse(mousex, mousey, mousestate) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (f flat) Render(w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(0, 0, d) f.child.Render(w, h, 0) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (self *Wolf) Draw(center Vectorf, selectedBlockFace *BlockFace) { pos := Vectorf{self.position[XAXIS], self.position[YAXIS], self.position[ZAXIS]} gl.PushMatrix() gl.Translated(self.position[XAXIS], self.position[YAXIS], self.position[ZAXIS]) gl.Rotated(self.Heading(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) // Translate to top of ground block gl.Translatef(0.0, -0.5, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += -0.5 headHeight := 0.25 headWidth := headHeight headDepth := headHeight * 2.0 neckHeight := 0.0 torsoWidth := 1.5 * headHeight torsoHeight := 1.5 * headHeight torsoDepth := 5 * headHeight legHeight := 5*headHeight - torsoHeight - neckHeight - headHeight legWidth := (torsoWidth - 0.25*headHeight) / 2 legDepth := legWidth var legAngle, step float64 horzSpeed := self.velocity[XAXIS]*self.velocity[XAXIS] + self.velocity[ZAXIS]*self.velocity[ZAXIS] legAngle = math.Sin(self.walkSequence) * (15 + 55*horzSpeed/(self.sprintSpeed*self.sprintSpeed)) headAngle := 30.0 // torsoAngle = -math.Abs(legAngle / 6) step = headHeight * 0.3 * math.Pow(math.Sin(self.walkSequence), 2) gl.Translated(0.0, step, 0) pos[YAXIS] += step // Translate to top of leg // Translate to centre of front left leg gl.Translated(0.0, legHeight, 0) pos[YAXIS] += legHeight legDepthOffset := torsoDepth/2 - legWidth/2 legHeightOffset := -legHeight / 2 legWidthOffset := (legWidth + 0.25*headHeight) / 2 // Translate to centre of front left leg gl.Translated(legDepthOffset, 0, legWidthOffset) gl.Rotated(legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0, legHeightOffset, 0) pos[XAXIS] += legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] += legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] += legWidthOffset Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], FACE_NONE) pos[XAXIS] -= legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] -= legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] -= legWidthOffset gl.Translated(0, -legHeightOffset, 0) gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(-legDepthOffset, 0, -legWidthOffset) legWidthOffset = -legWidthOffset if horzSpeed <= self.walkingSpeed*self.walkingSpeed { legAngle = -legAngle } gl.Translated(legDepthOffset, 0, legWidthOffset) gl.Rotated(legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0, legHeightOffset, 0) pos[XAXIS] += legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] += legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] += legWidthOffset Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], FACE_NONE) pos[XAXIS] -= legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] -= legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] -= legWidthOffset gl.Translated(0, -legHeightOffset, 0) gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(-legDepthOffset, 0, -legWidthOffset) legDepthOffset = -legDepthOffset legWidthOffset = -legWidthOffset if horzSpeed > self.walkingSpeed*self.walkingSpeed { legAngle = -legAngle } gl.Translated(legDepthOffset, 0, legWidthOffset) gl.Rotated(legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0, legHeightOffset, 0) pos[XAXIS] += legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] += legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] += legWidthOffset Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], FACE_NONE) pos[XAXIS] -= legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] -= legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] -= legWidthOffset gl.Translated(0, -legHeightOffset, 0) gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(-legDepthOffset, 0, -legWidthOffset) legWidthOffset = -legWidthOffset if horzSpeed <= self.walkingSpeed*self.walkingSpeed { legAngle = -legAngle } gl.Translated(legDepthOffset, 0, legWidthOffset) gl.Rotated(legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(0, legHeightOffset, 0) pos[XAXIS] += legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] += legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] += legWidthOffset Cuboid(pos, legWidth, legHeight, legDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_LEG], FACE_NONE) pos[XAXIS] -= legDepthOffset pos[YAXIS] -= legHeightOffset pos[ZAXIS] -= legWidthOffset gl.Translated(0, -legHeightOffset, 0) gl.Rotated(-legAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) gl.Translated(-legDepthOffset, 0, -legWidthOffset) //gl.Rotated(torsoAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) // Translate to centre of torso gl.Translated(0.0, torsoHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += torsoHeight / 2 Cuboid(pos, torsoWidth, torsoHeight, torsoDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_FRONT], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_BACK], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_TOP], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_TORSO_TOP], FACE_NONE) // Translate to shoulders gl.Translated(0.0, torsoHeight/2, 0.0) pos[YAXIS] += torsoHeight / 2 // Translate to centre of head gl.Translated(torsoDepth/2+headDepth*0.5, 0.0, 0.0) pos[XAXIS] += torsoDepth/2 + headDepth*0.5 pos[YAXIS] += 0.0 gl.Rotated(-headAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) Cuboid(pos, headWidth, headHeight, headDepth, textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_FRONT], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_BACK], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_SIDE], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_TOP], textures[TEXTURE_WOLF_HEAD_BOTTOM], FACE_NONE) gl.PopMatrix() }
func (s *Scatter) Render(w, h, d float64) { gl.PushMatrix() min, max := s.points.Bounds() dim := max.Sub(min) gl.Scaled(w/dim.X, h/dim.Y, d/dim.Z) gl.Translated(-min.X, -min.Y, -min.Z) // Draw axes: red X, green Y, blue Z. gl.Begin(gl.LINES) gl.LineWidth(1.5) gl.Color3ub(255, 0, 0) gl.Vertex3d(min.X, min.Y, min.Z) gl.Vertex3d(max.X, min.Y, min.Z) gl.Color3ub(0, 255, 0) gl.Vertex3d(min.X, min.Y, min.Z) gl.Vertex3d(min.X, max.Y, min.Z) gl.Color3ub(0, 0, 255) gl.Vertex3d(min.X, min.Y, min.Z) gl.Vertex3d(min.X, min.Y, max.Z) gl.End() // Draw 2d plots on the XY, YZ, and XZ planes. gl.PointSize(10.0) gl.Begin(gl.POINTS) // X plot gl.Color4ub(255, 0, 0, 31) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(p.X, min.Y, min.Z) } // Y plot gl.Color4ub(0, 255, 0, 31) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(min.X, p.Y, min.Z) } // Z plot gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 255, 31) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(min.X, min.Y, p.Z) } // XY plot gl.Color4ub(255, 255, 0, 63) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(p.X, p.Y, min.Z) } // YZ plot gl.Color4ub(0, 255, 255, 63) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(min.X, p.Y, p.Z) } // XZ plot gl.Color4ub(255, 0, 255, 63) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(p.X, min.Y, p.Z) } // XYZ plot gl.Color4ub(255, 255, 255, 128) for _, p := range s.points { gl.Vertex3d(p.X, p.Y, p.Z) } gl.End() gl.PopMatrix() }
func testPlot(dimension, order int) { var ( iterations float64 = 0 start_t = time.Now() split time.Time = start_t total time.Duration fps float64 = 1.0 new_attractor, redraw bool = true, true npoints int = 1e5 coeffs []float64 //offsets, offset_coeffs []float64 start Matrix = MakeMatrix(1, int(math.Max(3, float64(dimension)))) points, points2/*, points3*/ Matrix //attractor = gl.GenLists(1); ) //offsets = make([]float64, ncoeffs(order)) //offset_coeffs = make([]float64, ncoeffs(order)) //coeffs = make([]float64, dimension + nCoeffs(order, dimension) * dimension) //for i := range offsets { offsets[i] += rand.Float64() } for handleEvents(&new_attractor, &redraw, &npoints) { xoff += xvel / fps yoff += yvel / fps zoff += zvel / fps xrot += xrotvel / fps yrot += yrotvel / fps zrot += zrotvel / fps scale += svel / fps if new_attractor { coeffs, start = find_map_with_L(dimension, order, 0.1, 0.4) redraw = true new_attractor = false } if redraw { points = MakePointMatrix(makeMapFn(dimension, order, coeffs), start, 500, npoints) points2 = MakeMatrix(npoints, points.Height()) //points3 = MakeMatrix(npoints, points.Height()) redraw = false fmt.Println("Redraw", npoints, "points") } //points2 = points //RotationXW(xwrot).Apply(points, points2) //RotationYW(xwrot + 0.25).Apply(points2, points3) //RotationZW(xwrot + 0.50).Apply(points3, points2) if dimension == 4 { RotationZW(xwrot).Apply(points, points2) xwrot += 0.05 ApplyW(points2, points2) } else { points2 = points } gl.Enable(gl.BLEND) gl.Enable(gl.POINT_SMOOTH) gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) gl.PointSize(1.0) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Rotated(xrot, 1, 0, 0) gl.Rotated(yrot, 0, 1, 0) gl.Rotated(zrot, 0, 0, 1) gl.Scaled(scale, scale, scale) gl.Translated(xoff, yoff, zoff) gl.Color4d(1, 1, 1, 0.25) gl.EnableClientState(gl.VERTEX_ARRAY) if dimension > 3 { gl.VertexPointer(3, (dimension-3)*32, points2.FlatCols()) } else { gl.VertexPointer(3, 0, points2.FlatCols()) } gl.DrawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, points2.Width()) gl.DisableClientState(gl.VERTEX_ARRAY) sdl.GL_SwapBuffers() gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) iterations++ if time.Since(split).Seconds() > 1.0 { total = time.Since(start_t) fps = iterations / total.Seconds() fmt.Println(iterations, "iterations in", total.Seconds(), "gives", fps, "fps") split = time.Now() } } }
func (self *Inventory) Draw(t int64) { gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHTING) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT0) gl.Disable(gl.LIGHT1) gl.Color4ub(0, 0, 0, 208) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.bplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.rplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.Vertex2f(float32(viewport.lplane), float32(viewport.tplane)) gl.End() picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 3) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 4) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 5) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 6) picker.DrawItemHighlight(t, 7) picker.DrawPlayerItems(t) const blocksize = float64(0.3) const COLSIZE = 12 diam := blocksize * 2.4 offset := diam + float64(4)*PIXEL_SCALE for i := range self.inventoryRects { x := float64(viewport.lplane) + float64(10)*PIXEL_SCALE + float64(i/COLSIZE)*offset y := float64(viewport.tplane) - float64(10)*PIXEL_SCALE - float64(i%COLSIZE)*offset self.inventoryRects[i] = Rect{x, y - diam, diam, diam} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.inventoryRects[i]) } slot := 0 for i := 1; i < len(ThePlayer.inventory); i++ { if ThePlayer.inventory[i] > 0 { self.inventorySlots[slot] = uint16(i) self.DrawItem(t, ThePlayer.inventory[i], uint16(i), self.inventoryRects[slot]) slot++ } } for i := range self.componentSlots { x := float64(viewport.lplane) + offset*float64(2+len(self.inventoryRects)/COLSIZE) + float64(i)*offset y := float64(viewport.tplane) - (10.0 * PIXEL_SCALE) self.componentRects[i] = Rect{x, y - diam, diam, diam} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.componentRects[i]) } for i, cs := range self.componentSlots { if cs != 0 { self.DrawItem(t, ThePlayer.inventory[cs], cs, self.componentRects[i]) } } for i := range self.productSlots { x := float64(viewport.lplane) + offset*float64(2+len(self.inventoryRects)/COLSIZE) + offset*float64(i%len(self.componentRects)) y := float64(viewport.tplane) - (10.0 * PIXEL_SCALE) - offset*float64(2+float64(i/len(self.componentRects))) self.productRects[i] = Rect{x, y - diam, diam, diam} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.productRects[i]) } for i, ps := range self.productSlots { if ps != nil { self.DrawItem(t, ps.product.quantity, ps.product.item, self.productRects[i]) } } if self.currentContainer != nil { for i := range self.containerRects { x := float64(viewport.lplane) + offset*float64(2+len(self.inventoryRects)/COLSIZE) + float64(i)*offset y := float64(viewport.tplane) - (10.0 * PIXEL_SCALE) - offset*float64(2+float64(len(self.productRects)/len(self.componentRects))) - offset*float64(2+float64(i/len(self.componentRects))) self.containerRects[i] = Rect{x, y - diam, diam, diam} self.DrawItemSlot(t, self.containerRects[i]) } for i := uint16(0); i < self.currentContainer.Slots(); i++ { item := self.currentContainer.Item(i) if item != nil { self.DrawItem(t, item.quantity, item.item, self.containerRects[i]) } } gl.PushMatrix() gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(self.containerRects[0].x, self.containerRects[0].y+diam, 0) inventoryItemFont.Print(self.currentContainer.Label()) gl.PopMatrix() } var mousex, mousey int mousestate := sdl.GetMouseState(&mousex, &mousey) self.HandleMouse(mousex, mousey, mousestate) gl.PopMatrix() }