func ExampleCloudTrail_CreateTrail() { svc := cloudtrail.New(session.New()) params := &cloudtrail.CreateTrailInput{ Name: aws.String("String"), // Required S3BucketName: aws.String("String"), // Required CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: aws.String("String"), CloudWatchLogsRoleArn: aws.String("String"), EnableLogFileValidation: aws.Bool(true), IncludeGlobalServiceEvents: aws.Bool(true), IsMultiRegionTrail: aws.Bool(true), KmsKeyId: aws.String("String"), S3KeyPrefix: aws.String("String"), SnsTopicName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateTrail(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRedshift_ResetClusterParameterGroup() { svc := redshift.New(session.New()) params := &redshift.ResetClusterParameterGroupInput{ ParameterGroupName: aws.String("String"), // Required Parameters: []*redshift.Parameter{ { // Required AllowedValues: aws.String("String"), ApplyType: aws.String("ParameterApplyType"), DataType: aws.String("String"), Description: aws.String("String"), IsModifiable: aws.Bool(true), MinimumEngineVersion: aws.String("String"), ParameterName: aws.String("String"), ParameterValue: aws.String("String"), Source: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, ResetAllParameters: aws.Bool(true), } resp, err := svc.ResetClusterParameterGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleWorkSpaces_CreateWorkspaces() { svc := workspaces.New(session.New()) params := &workspaces.CreateWorkspacesInput{ Workspaces: []*workspaces.WorkspaceRequest{ // Required { // Required BundleId: aws.String("BundleId"), // Required DirectoryId: aws.String("DirectoryId"), // Required UserName: aws.String("UserName"), // Required RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled: aws.Bool(true), UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled: aws.Bool(true), VolumeEncryptionKey: aws.String("VolumeEncryptionKey"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateWorkspaces(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_PutConfigurationRecorder() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.PutConfigurationRecorderInput{ ConfigurationRecorder: &configservice.ConfigurationRecorder{ // Required Name: aws.String("RecorderName"), RecordingGroup: &configservice.RecordingGroup{ AllSupported: aws.Bool(true), IncludeGlobalResourceTypes: aws.Bool(true), ResourceTypes: []*string{ aws.String("ResourceType"), // Required // More values... }, }, RoleARN: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.PutConfigurationRecorder(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleSupport_DescribeCases() { svc := support.New(session.New()) params := &support.DescribeCasesInput{ AfterTime: aws.String("AfterTime"), BeforeTime: aws.String("BeforeTime"), CaseIdList: []*string{ aws.String("CaseId"), // Required // More values... }, DisplayId: aws.String("DisplayId"), IncludeCommunications: aws.Bool(true), IncludeResolvedCases: aws.Bool(true), Language: aws.String("Language"), MaxResults: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeCases(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRoute53_CreateHealthCheck() { svc := route53.New(session.New()) params := &route53.CreateHealthCheckInput{ CallerReference: aws.String("HealthCheckNonce"), // Required HealthCheckConfig: &route53.HealthCheckConfig{ // Required Type: aws.String("HealthCheckType"), // Required ChildHealthChecks: []*string{ aws.String("HealthCheckId"), // Required // More values... }, FailureThreshold: aws.Int64(1), FullyQualifiedDomainName: aws.String("FullyQualifiedDomainName"), HealthThreshold: aws.Int64(1), IPAddress: aws.String("IPAddress"), Inverted: aws.Bool(true), MeasureLatency: aws.Bool(true), Port: aws.Int64(1), RequestInterval: aws.Int64(1), ResourcePath: aws.String("ResourcePath"), SearchString: aws.String("SearchString"), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateHealthCheck(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleOpsWorks_CreateApp() { svc := opsworks.New(session.New()) params := &opsworks.CreateAppInput{ Name: aws.String("String"), // Required StackId: aws.String("String"), // Required Type: aws.String("AppType"), // Required AppSource: &opsworks.Source{ Password: aws.String("String"), Revision: aws.String("String"), SshKey: aws.String("String"), Type: aws.String("SourceType"), Url: aws.String("String"), Username: aws.String("String"), }, Attributes: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, DataSources: []*opsworks.DataSource{ { // Required Arn: aws.String("String"), DatabaseName: aws.String("String"), Type: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, Description: aws.String("String"), Domains: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, EnableSsl: aws.Bool(true), Environment: []*opsworks.EnvironmentVariable{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), // Required Value: aws.String("String"), // Required Secure: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, Shortname: aws.String("String"), SslConfiguration: &opsworks.SslConfiguration{ Certificate: aws.String("String"), // Required PrivateKey: aws.String("String"), // Required Chain: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateApp(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleOpsWorks_UpdateInstance() { svc := opsworks.New(session.New()) params := &opsworks.UpdateInstanceInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required AgentVersion: aws.String("String"), AmiId: aws.String("String"), Architecture: aws.String("Architecture"), AutoScalingType: aws.String("AutoScalingType"), EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), Hostname: aws.String("String"), InstallUpdatesOnBoot: aws.Bool(true), InstanceType: aws.String("String"), LayerIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Os: aws.String("String"), SshKeyName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.UpdateInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleAPIGateway_PutMethod() { svc := apigateway.New(session.New()) params := &apigateway.PutMethodInput{ AuthorizationType: aws.String("String"), // Required HttpMethod: aws.String("String"), // Required ResourceId: aws.String("String"), // Required RestApiId: aws.String("String"), // Required ApiKeyRequired: aws.Bool(true), RequestModels: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, RequestParameters: map[string]*bool{ "Key": aws.Bool(true), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.PutMethod(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleSimpleDB_PutAttributes() { svc := simpledb.New(session.New()) params := &simpledb.PutAttributesInput{ Attributes: []*simpledb.ReplaceableAttribute{ // Required { // Required Name: aws.String("String"), // Required Value: aws.String("String"), // Required Replace: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, DomainName: aws.String("String"), // Required ItemName: aws.String("String"), // Required Expected: &simpledb.UpdateCondition{ Exists: aws.Bool(true), Name: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.PutAttributes(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleElasticBeanstalk_CreateApplicationVersion() { svc := elasticbeanstalk.New(session.New()) params := &elasticbeanstalk.CreateApplicationVersionInput{ ApplicationName: aws.String("ApplicationName"), // Required VersionLabel: aws.String("VersionLabel"), // Required AutoCreateApplication: aws.Bool(true), Description: aws.String("Description"), Process: aws.Bool(true), SourceBundle: &elasticbeanstalk.S3Location{ S3Bucket: aws.String("S3Bucket"), S3Key: aws.String("S3Key"), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateApplicationVersion(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleOpsWorks_CloneStack() { svc := opsworks.New(session.New()) params := &opsworks.CloneStackInput{ ServiceRoleArn: aws.String("String"), // Required SourceStackId: aws.String("String"), // Required AgentVersion: aws.String("String"), Attributes: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ChefConfiguration: &opsworks.ChefConfiguration{ BerkshelfVersion: aws.String("String"), ManageBerkshelf: aws.Bool(true), }, CloneAppIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ClonePermissions: aws.Bool(true), ConfigurationManager: &opsworks.StackConfigurationManager{ Name: aws.String("String"), Version: aws.String("String"), }, CustomCookbooksSource: &opsworks.Source{ Password: aws.String("String"), Revision: aws.String("String"), SshKey: aws.String("String"), Type: aws.String("SourceType"), Url: aws.String("String"), Username: aws.String("String"), }, CustomJson: aws.String("String"), DefaultAvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), DefaultInstanceProfileArn: aws.String("String"), DefaultOs: aws.String("String"), DefaultRootDeviceType: aws.String("RootDeviceType"), DefaultSshKeyName: aws.String("String"), DefaultSubnetId: aws.String("String"), HostnameTheme: aws.String("String"), Name: aws.String("String"), Region: aws.String("String"), UseCustomCookbooks: aws.Bool(true), UseOpsworksSecurityGroups: aws.Bool(true), VpcId: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CloneStack(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleElastiCache_CreateReplicationGroup() { svc := elasticache.New(session.New()) params := &elasticache.CreateReplicationGroupInput{ ReplicationGroupDescription: aws.String("String"), // Required ReplicationGroupId: aws.String("String"), // Required AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: aws.Bool(true), AutomaticFailoverEnabled: aws.Bool(true), CacheNodeType: aws.String("String"), CacheParameterGroupName: aws.String("String"), CacheSecurityGroupNames: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, CacheSubnetGroupName: aws.String("String"), Engine: aws.String("String"), EngineVersion: aws.String("String"), NotificationTopicArn: aws.String("String"), NumCacheClusters: aws.Int64(1), Port: aws.Int64(1), PreferredCacheClusterAZs: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, PreferredMaintenanceWindow: aws.String("String"), PrimaryClusterId: aws.String("String"), SecurityGroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SnapshotArns: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SnapshotName: aws.String("String"), SnapshotRetentionLimit: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotWindow: aws.String("String"), Tags: []*elasticache.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateReplicationGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRedshift_CreateCluster() { svc := redshift.New(session.New()) params := &redshift.CreateClusterInput{ ClusterIdentifier: aws.String("String"), // Required MasterUserPassword: aws.String("String"), // Required MasterUsername: aws.String("String"), // Required NodeType: aws.String("String"), // Required AllowVersionUpgrade: aws.Bool(true), AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod: aws.Int64(1), AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), ClusterParameterGroupName: aws.String("String"), ClusterSecurityGroups: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, ClusterSubnetGroupName: aws.String("String"), ClusterType: aws.String("String"), ClusterVersion: aws.String("String"), DBName: aws.String("String"), ElasticIp: aws.String("String"), Encrypted: aws.Bool(true), HsmClientCertificateIdentifier: aws.String("String"), HsmConfigurationIdentifier: aws.String("String"), KmsKeyId: aws.String("String"), NumberOfNodes: aws.Int64(1), Port: aws.Int64(1), PreferredMaintenanceWindow: aws.String("String"), PubliclyAccessible: aws.Bool(true), Tags: []*redshift.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("String"), Value: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, VpcSecurityGroupIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateCluster(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudFormation_CreateStack() { svc := cloudformation.New(session.New()) params := &cloudformation.CreateStackInput{ StackName: aws.String("StackName"), // Required Capabilities: []*string{ aws.String("Capability"), // Required // More values... }, DisableRollback: aws.Bool(true), NotificationARNs: []*string{ aws.String("NotificationARN"), // Required // More values... }, OnFailure: aws.String("OnFailure"), Parameters: []*cloudformation.Parameter{ { // Required ParameterKey: aws.String("ParameterKey"), ParameterValue: aws.String("ParameterValue"), UsePreviousValue: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, ResourceTypes: []*string{ aws.String("ResourceType"), // Required // More values... }, StackPolicyBody: aws.String("StackPolicyBody"), StackPolicyURL: aws.String("StackPolicyURL"), Tags: []*cloudformation.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("TagKey"), Value: aws.String("TagValue"), }, // More values... }, TemplateBody: aws.String("TemplateBody"), TemplateURL: aws.String("TemplateURL"), TimeoutInMinutes: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.CreateStack(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleOpsWorks_CreateInstance() { svc := opsworks.New(session.New()) params := &opsworks.CreateInstanceInput{ InstanceType: aws.String("String"), // Required LayerIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, StackId: aws.String("String"), // Required AgentVersion: aws.String("String"), AmiId: aws.String("String"), Architecture: aws.String("Architecture"), AutoScalingType: aws.String("AutoScalingType"), AvailabilityZone: aws.String("String"), BlockDeviceMappings: []*opsworks.BlockDeviceMapping{ { // Required DeviceName: aws.String("String"), Ebs: &opsworks.EbsBlockDevice{ DeleteOnTermination: aws.Bool(true), Iops: aws.Int64(1), SnapshotId: aws.String("String"), VolumeSize: aws.Int64(1), VolumeType: aws.String("VolumeType"), }, NoDevice: aws.String("String"), VirtualName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), Hostname: aws.String("String"), InstallUpdatesOnBoot: aws.Bool(true), Os: aws.String("String"), RootDeviceType: aws.String("RootDeviceType"), SshKeyName: aws.String("String"), SubnetId: aws.String("String"), VirtualizationType: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.CreateInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleAutoScaling_CreateAutoScalingGroup() { svc := autoscaling.New(session.New()) params := &autoscaling.CreateAutoScalingGroupInput{ AutoScalingGroupName: aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen255"), // Required MaxSize: aws.Int64(1), // Required MinSize: aws.Int64(1), // Required AvailabilityZones: []*string{ aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen255"), // Required // More values... }, DefaultCooldown: aws.Int64(1), DesiredCapacity: aws.Int64(1), HealthCheckGracePeriod: aws.Int64(1), HealthCheckType: aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen32"), InstanceId: aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen19"), LaunchConfigurationName: aws.String("ResourceName"), LoadBalancerNames: []*string{ aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen255"), // Required // More values... }, NewInstancesProtectedFromScaleIn: aws.Bool(true), PlacementGroup: aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen255"), Tags: []*autoscaling.Tag{ { // Required Key: aws.String("TagKey"), // Required PropagateAtLaunch: aws.Bool(true), ResourceId: aws.String("XmlString"), ResourceType: aws.String("XmlString"), Value: aws.String("TagValue"), }, // More values... }, TerminationPolicies: []*string{ aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen1600"), // Required // More values... }, VPCZoneIdentifier: aws.String("XmlStringMaxLen255"), } resp, err := svc.CreateAutoScalingGroup(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleDeviceFarm_ScheduleRun() { svc := devicefarm.New(session.New()) params := &devicefarm.ScheduleRunInput{ DevicePoolArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), // Required ProjectArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), // Required Test: &devicefarm.ScheduleRunTest{ // Required Type: aws.String("TestType"), // Required Filter: aws.String("Filter"), Parameters: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, TestPackageArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), }, AppArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), Configuration: &devicefarm.ScheduleRunConfiguration{ AuxiliaryApps: []*string{ aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), // Required // More values... }, BillingMethod: aws.String("BillingMethod"), ExtraDataPackageArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), Locale: aws.String("String"), Location: &devicefarm.Location{ Latitude: aws.Float64(1.0), // Required Longitude: aws.Float64(1.0), // Required }, NetworkProfileArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), Radios: &devicefarm.Radios{ Bluetooth: aws.Bool(true), Gps: aws.Bool(true), Nfc: aws.Bool(true), Wifi: aws.Bool(true), }, }, Name: aws.String("Name"), } resp, err := svc.ScheduleRun(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudFront_UpdateStreamingDistribution() { svc := cloudfront.New(session.New()) params := &cloudfront.UpdateStreamingDistributionInput{ Id: aws.String("string"), // Required StreamingDistributionConfig: &cloudfront.StreamingDistributionConfig{ // Required CallerReference: aws.String("string"), // Required Comment: aws.String("string"), // Required Enabled: aws.Bool(true), // Required S3Origin: &cloudfront.S3Origin{ // Required DomainName: aws.String("string"), // Required OriginAccessIdentity: aws.String("string"), // Required }, TrustedSigners: &cloudfront.TrustedSigners{ // Required Enabled: aws.Bool(true), // Required Quantity: aws.Int64(1), // Required Items: []*string{ aws.String("string"), // Required // More values... }, }, Aliases: &cloudfront.Aliases{ Quantity: aws.Int64(1), // Required Items: []*string{ aws.String("string"), // Required // More values... }, }, Logging: &cloudfront.StreamingLoggingConfig{ Bucket: aws.String("string"), // Required Enabled: aws.Bool(true), // Required Prefix: aws.String("string"), // Required }, PriceClass: aws.String("PriceClass"), }, IfMatch: aws.String("string"), } resp, err := svc.UpdateStreamingDistribution(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleAPIGateway_CreateApiKey() { svc := apigateway.New(session.New()) params := &apigateway.CreateApiKeyInput{ Description: aws.String("String"), Enabled: aws.Bool(true), Name: aws.String("String"), StageKeys: []*apigateway.StageKey{ { // Required RestApiId: aws.String("String"), StageName: aws.String("String"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateApiKey(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleAPIGateway_CreateDeployment() { svc := apigateway.New(session.New()) params := &apigateway.CreateDeploymentInput{ RestApiId: aws.String("String"), // Required StageName: aws.String("String"), // Required CacheClusterEnabled: aws.Bool(true), CacheClusterSize: aws.String("CacheClusterSize"), Description: aws.String("String"), StageDescription: aws.String("String"), Variables: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateDeployment(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleS3_DeleteObjects() { svc := s3.New(session.New()) params := &s3.DeleteObjectsInput{ Bucket: aws.String("BucketName"), // Required Delete: &s3.Delete{ // Required Objects: []*s3.ObjectIdentifier{ // Required { // Required Key: aws.String("ObjectKey"), // Required VersionId: aws.String("ObjectVersionId"), }, // More values... }, Quiet: aws.Bool(true), }, MFA: aws.String("MFA"), RequestPayer: aws.String("RequestPayer"), } resp, err := svc.DeleteObjects(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudWatchLogs_FilterLogEvents() { svc := cloudwatchlogs.New(session.New()) params := &cloudwatchlogs.FilterLogEventsInput{ LogGroupName: aws.String("LogGroupName"), // Required EndTime: aws.Int64(1), FilterPattern: aws.String("FilterPattern"), Interleaved: aws.Bool(true), Limit: aws.Int64(1), LogStreamNames: []*string{ aws.String("LogStreamName"), // Required // More values... }, NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), StartTime: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.FilterLogEvents(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRoute53_CreateHostedZone() { svc := route53.New(session.New()) params := &route53.CreateHostedZoneInput{ CallerReference: aws.String("Nonce"), // Required Name: aws.String("DNSName"), // Required DelegationSetId: aws.String("ResourceId"), HostedZoneConfig: &route53.HostedZoneConfig{ Comment: aws.String("ResourceDescription"), PrivateZone: aws.Bool(true), }, VPC: &route53.VPC{ VPCId: aws.String("VPCId"), VPCRegion: aws.String("VPCRegion"), }, } resp, err := svc.CreateHostedZone(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_ListDiscoveredResources() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.ListDiscoveredResourcesInput{ ResourceType: aws.String("ResourceType"), // Required IncludeDeletedResources: aws.Bool(true), Limit: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), ResourceIds: []*string{ aws.String("ResourceId"), // Required // More values... }, ResourceName: aws.String("ResourceName"), } resp, err := svc.ListDiscoveredResources(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCognitoIdentity_UpdateIdentityPool() { svc := cognitoidentity.New(session.New()) params := &cognitoidentity.IdentityPool{ AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: aws.Bool(true), // Required IdentityPoolId: aws.String("IdentityPoolId"), // Required IdentityPoolName: aws.String("IdentityPoolName"), // Required DeveloperProviderName: aws.String("DeveloperProviderName"), OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: []*string{ aws.String("ARNString"), // Required // More values... }, SupportedLoginProviders: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("IdentityProviderId"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.UpdateIdentityPool(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleLambda_CreateFunction() { svc := lambda.New(session.New()) params := &lambda.CreateFunctionInput{ Code: &lambda.FunctionCode{ // Required S3Bucket: aws.String("S3Bucket"), S3Key: aws.String("S3Key"), S3ObjectVersion: aws.String("S3ObjectVersion"), ZipFile: []byte("PAYLOAD"), }, FunctionName: aws.String("FunctionName"), // Required Handler: aws.String("Handler"), // Required Role: aws.String("RoleArn"), // Required Runtime: aws.String("Runtime"), // Required Description: aws.String("Description"), MemorySize: aws.Int64(1), Publish: aws.Bool(true), Timeout: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.CreateFunction(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudFormation_EstimateTemplateCost() { svc := cloudformation.New(session.New()) params := &cloudformation.EstimateTemplateCostInput{ Parameters: []*cloudformation.Parameter{ { // Required ParameterKey: aws.String("ParameterKey"), ParameterValue: aws.String("ParameterValue"), UsePreviousValue: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, TemplateBody: aws.String("TemplateBody"), TemplateURL: aws.String("TemplateURL"), } resp, err := svc.EstimateTemplateCost(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleMachineLearning_CreateDataSourceFromS3() { svc := machinelearning.New(session.New()) params := &machinelearning.CreateDataSourceFromS3Input{ DataSourceId: aws.String("EntityId"), // Required DataSpec: &machinelearning.S3DataSpec{ // Required DataLocationS3: aws.String("S3Url"), // Required DataRearrangement: aws.String("DataRearrangement"), DataSchema: aws.String("DataSchema"), DataSchemaLocationS3: aws.String("S3Url"), }, ComputeStatistics: aws.Bool(true), DataSourceName: aws.String("EntityName"), } resp, err := svc.CreateDataSourceFromS3(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRedshift_ModifyEventSubscription() { svc := redshift.New(session.New()) params := &redshift.ModifyEventSubscriptionInput{ SubscriptionName: aws.String("String"), // Required Enabled: aws.Bool(true), EventCategories: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Severity: aws.String("String"), SnsTopicArn: aws.String("String"), SourceIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, SourceType: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.ModifyEventSubscription(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }