func ExampleSQS_AddPermission() { svc := sqs.New(session.New()) params := &sqs.AddPermissionInput{ AWSAccountIds: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Actions: []*string{ // Required aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Label: aws.String("String"), // Required QueueUrl: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.AddPermission(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudWatch_DescribeAlarms() { svc := cloudwatch.New(session.New()) params := &cloudwatch.DescribeAlarmsInput{ ActionPrefix: aws.String("ActionPrefix"), AlarmNamePrefix: aws.String("AlarmNamePrefix"), AlarmNames: []*string{ aws.String("AlarmName"), // Required // More values... }, MaxRecords: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), StateValue: aws.String("StateValue"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeAlarms(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleWorkSpaces_DescribeWorkspaces() { svc := workspaces.New(session.New()) params := &workspaces.DescribeWorkspacesInput{ BundleId: aws.String("BundleId"), DirectoryId: aws.String("DirectoryId"), Limit: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("PaginationToken"), UserName: aws.String("UserName"), WorkspaceIds: []*string{ aws.String("WorkspaceId"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeWorkspaces(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func Test200WithErrorUnmarshalError(t *testing.T) { s := s3.New(unit.Session) s.Handlers.Send.Clear() s.Handlers.Send.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { r.HTTPResponse = &http.Response{ StatusCode: 200, Header: http.Header{"X-Amz-Request-Id": []string{"abc123"}}, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(completeMultiErrResp)), ContentLength: -1, } r.HTTPResponse.Status = http.StatusText(r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode) }) _, err := s.CompleteMultipartUpload(&s3.CompleteMultipartUploadInput{ Bucket: aws.String("bucket"), Key: aws.String("key"), UploadId: aws.String("id"), MultipartUpload: &s3.CompletedMultipartUpload{Parts: []*s3.CompletedPart{ {ETag: aws.String("etag"), PartNumber: aws.Int64(1)}, }}, }) assert.Error(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "SomeException", err.(awserr.Error).Code()) assert.Equal(t, "Exception message", err.(awserr.Error).Message()) assert.Equal(t, "abc123", err.(awserr.RequestFailure).RequestID()) }
func TestPresignHandler(t *testing.T) { svc := s3.New(unit.Session) req, _ := svc.PutObjectRequest(&s3.PutObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String("bucket"), Key: aws.String("key"), ContentDisposition: aws.String("a+b c$d"), ACL: aws.String("public-read"), }) req.Time = time.Unix(0, 0) urlstr, err := req.Presign(5 * time.Minute) assert.NoError(t, err) expectedDate := "19700101T000000Z" expectedHeaders := "host;x-amz-acl" expectedSig := "7edcb4e3a1bf12f4989018d75acbe3a7f03df24bd6f3112602d59fc551f0e4e2" expectedCred := "AKID/19700101/mock-region/s3/aws4_request" u, _ := url.Parse(urlstr) urlQ := u.Query() assert.Equal(t, expectedSig, urlQ.Get("X-Amz-Signature")) assert.Equal(t, expectedCred, urlQ.Get("X-Amz-Credential")) assert.Equal(t, expectedHeaders, urlQ.Get("X-Amz-SignedHeaders")) assert.Equal(t, expectedDate, urlQ.Get("X-Amz-Date")) assert.Equal(t, "300", urlQ.Get("X-Amz-Expires")) assert.NotContains(t, urlstr, "+") // + encoded as %20 }
func TestDownloadError(t *testing.T) { s, names, _ := dlLoggingSvc([]byte{1, 2, 3}) num := 0 s.Handlers.Send.PushBack(func(r *request.Request) { num++ if num > 1 { r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode = 400 r.HTTPResponse.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader([]byte{})) } }) d := s3manager.NewDownloaderWithClient(s, func(d *s3manager.Downloader) { d.Concurrency = 1 d.PartSize = 1 }) w := &aws.WriteAtBuffer{} n, err := d.Download(w, &s3.GetObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String("bucket"), Key: aws.String("key"), }) assert.NotNil(t, err) assert.Equal(t, int64(1), n) assert.Equal(t, []string{"GetObject", "GetObject"}, *names) assert.Equal(t, []byte{1}, w.Bytes()) }
func ExampleCloudWatchLogs_PutLogEvents() { svc := cloudwatchlogs.New(session.New()) params := &cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput{ LogEvents: []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent{ // Required { // Required Message: aws.String("EventMessage"), // Required Timestamp: aws.Int64(1), // Required }, // More values... }, LogGroupName: aws.String("LogGroupName"), // Required LogStreamName: aws.String("LogStreamName"), // Required SequenceToken: aws.String("SequenceToken"), } resp, err := svc.PutLogEvents(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleELB_RemoveTags() { svc := elb.New(session.New()) params := &elb.RemoveTagsInput{ LoadBalancerNames: []*string{ // Required aws.String("AccessPointName"), // Required // More values... }, Tags: []*elb.TagKeyOnly{ // Required { // Required Key: aws.String("TagKey"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.RemoveTags(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleELB_ConfigureHealthCheck() { svc := elb.New(session.New()) params := &elb.ConfigureHealthCheckInput{ HealthCheck: &elb.HealthCheck{ // Required HealthyThreshold: aws.Int64(1), // Required Interval: aws.Int64(1), // Required Target: aws.String("HealthCheckTarget"), // Required Timeout: aws.Int64(1), // Required UnhealthyThreshold: aws.Int64(1), // Required }, LoadBalancerName: aws.String("AccessPointName"), // Required } resp, err := svc.ConfigureHealthCheck(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleELB_CreateLoadBalancerListeners() { svc := elb.New(session.New()) params := &elb.CreateLoadBalancerListenersInput{ Listeners: []*elb.Listener{ // Required { // Required InstancePort: aws.Int64(1), // Required LoadBalancerPort: aws.Int64(1), // Required Protocol: aws.String("Protocol"), // Required InstanceProtocol: aws.String("Protocol"), SSLCertificateId: aws.String("SSLCertificateId"), }, // More values... }, LoadBalancerName: aws.String("AccessPointName"), // Required } resp, err := svc.CreateLoadBalancerListeners(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleELB_CreateLoadBalancerPolicy() { svc := elb.New(session.New()) params := &elb.CreateLoadBalancerPolicyInput{ LoadBalancerName: aws.String("AccessPointName"), // Required PolicyName: aws.String("PolicyName"), // Required PolicyTypeName: aws.String("PolicyTypeName"), // Required PolicyAttributes: []*elb.PolicyAttribute{ { // Required AttributeName: aws.String("AttributeName"), AttributeValue: aws.String("AttributeValue"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateLoadBalancerPolicy(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudFormation_EstimateTemplateCost() { svc := cloudformation.New(session.New()) params := &cloudformation.EstimateTemplateCostInput{ Parameters: []*cloudformation.Parameter{ { // Required ParameterKey: aws.String("ParameterKey"), ParameterValue: aws.String("ParameterValue"), UsePreviousValue: aws.Bool(true), }, // More values... }, TemplateBody: aws.String("TemplateBody"), TemplateURL: aws.String("TemplateURL"), } resp, err := svc.EstimateTemplateCost(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleSQS_ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch() { svc := sqs.New(session.New()) params := &sqs.ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchInput{ Entries: []*sqs.ChangeMessageVisibilityBatchRequestEntry{ // Required { // Required Id: aws.String("String"), // Required ReceiptHandle: aws.String("String"), // Required VisibilityTimeout: aws.Int64(1), }, // More values... }, QueueUrl: aws.String("String"), // Required } resp, err := svc.ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleSQS_ReceiveMessage() { svc := sqs.New(session.New()) params := &sqs.ReceiveMessageInput{ QueueUrl: aws.String("String"), // Required AttributeNames: []*string{ aws.String("QueueAttributeName"), // Required // More values... }, MaxNumberOfMessages: aws.Int64(1), MessageAttributeNames: []*string{ aws.String("MessageAttributeName"), // Required // More values... }, VisibilityTimeout: aws.Int64(1), WaitTimeSeconds: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.ReceiveMessage(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleECS_UpdateService() { svc := ecs.New(session.New()) params := &ecs.UpdateServiceInput{ Service: aws.String("String"), // Required Cluster: aws.String("String"), DeploymentConfiguration: &ecs.DeploymentConfiguration{ MaximumPercent: aws.Int64(1), MinimumHealthyPercent: aws.Int64(1), }, DesiredCount: aws.Int64(1), TaskDefinition: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.UpdateService(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCognitoIdentity_UnlinkIdentity() { svc := cognitoidentity.New(session.New()) params := &cognitoidentity.UnlinkIdentityInput{ IdentityId: aws.String("IdentityId"), // Required Logins: map[string]*string{ // Required "Key": aws.String("IdentityProviderToken"), // Required // More values... }, LoginsToRemove: []*string{ // Required aws.String("IdentityProviderName"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.UnlinkIdentity(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleEFS_CreateTags() { svc := efs.New(session.New()) params := &efs.CreateTagsInput{ FileSystemId: aws.String("FileSystemId"), // Required Tags: []*efs.Tag{ // Required { // Required Key: aws.String("TagKey"), // Required Value: aws.String("TagValue"), // Required }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateTags(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCognitoIdentity_UpdateIdentityPool() { svc := cognitoidentity.New(session.New()) params := &cognitoidentity.IdentityPool{ AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: aws.Bool(true), // Required IdentityPoolId: aws.String("IdentityPoolId"), // Required IdentityPoolName: aws.String("IdentityPoolName"), // Required DeveloperProviderName: aws.String("DeveloperProviderName"), OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: []*string{ aws.String("ARNString"), // Required // More values... }, SupportedLoginProviders: map[string]*string{ "Key": aws.String("IdentityProviderId"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.UpdateIdentityPool(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudWatchLogs_FilterLogEvents() { svc := cloudwatchlogs.New(session.New()) params := &cloudwatchlogs.FilterLogEventsInput{ LogGroupName: aws.String("LogGroupName"), // Required EndTime: aws.Int64(1), FilterPattern: aws.String("FilterPattern"), Interleaved: aws.Bool(true), Limit: aws.Int64(1), LogStreamNames: []*string{ aws.String("LogStreamName"), // Required // More values... }, NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), StartTime: aws.Int64(1), } resp, err := svc.FilterLogEvents(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_ListDiscoveredResources() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.ListDiscoveredResourcesInput{ ResourceType: aws.String("ResourceType"), // Required IncludeDeletedResources: aws.Bool(true), Limit: aws.Int64(1), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), ResourceIds: []*string{ aws.String("ResourceId"), // Required // More values... }, ResourceName: aws.String("ResourceName"), } resp, err := svc.ListDiscoveredResources(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleSES_SendRawEmail() { svc := ses.New(session.New()) params := &ses.SendRawEmailInput{ RawMessage: &ses.RawMessage{ // Required Data: []byte("PAYLOAD"), // Required }, Destinations: []*string{ aws.String("Address"), // Required // More values... }, FromArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), ReturnPathArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), Source: aws.String("Address"), SourceArn: aws.String("AmazonResourceName"), } resp, err := svc.SendRawEmail(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_PutConfigurationRecorder() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.PutConfigurationRecorderInput{ ConfigurationRecorder: &configservice.ConfigurationRecorder{ // Required Name: aws.String("RecorderName"), RecordingGroup: &configservice.RecordingGroup{ AllSupported: aws.Bool(true), IncludeGlobalResourceTypes: aws.Bool(true), ResourceTypes: []*string{ aws.String("ResourceType"), // Required // More values... }, }, RoleARN: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.PutConfigurationRecorder(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleOpsWorks_UpdateInstance() { svc := opsworks.New(session.New()) params := &opsworks.UpdateInstanceInput{ InstanceId: aws.String("String"), // Required AgentVersion: aws.String("String"), AmiId: aws.String("String"), Architecture: aws.String("Architecture"), AutoScalingType: aws.String("AutoScalingType"), EbsOptimized: aws.Bool(true), Hostname: aws.String("String"), InstallUpdatesOnBoot: aws.Bool(true), InstanceType: aws.String("String"), LayerIds: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, Os: aws.String("String"), SshKeyName: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.UpdateInstance(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_PutDeliveryChannel() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.PutDeliveryChannelInput{ DeliveryChannel: &configservice.DeliveryChannel{ // Required ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties: &configservice.ConfigSnapshotDeliveryProperties{ DeliveryFrequency: aws.String("MaximumExecutionFrequency"), }, Name: aws.String("ChannelName"), S3BucketName: aws.String("String"), S3KeyPrefix: aws.String("String"), SnsTopicARN: aws.String("String"), }, } resp, err := svc.PutDeliveryChannel(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleCloudWatch_ListMetrics() { svc := cloudwatch.New(session.New()) params := &cloudwatch.ListMetricsInput{ Dimensions: []*cloudwatch.DimensionFilter{ { // Required Name: aws.String("DimensionName"), // Required Value: aws.String("DimensionValue"), }, // More values... }, MetricName: aws.String("MetricName"), Namespace: aws.String("Namespace"), NextToken: aws.String("NextToken"), } resp, err := svc.ListMetrics(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_PutEvaluations() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.PutEvaluationsInput{ ResultToken: aws.String("String"), // Required Evaluations: []*configservice.Evaluation{ { // Required ComplianceResourceId: aws.String("StringWithCharLimit256"), // Required ComplianceResourceType: aws.String("StringWithCharLimit256"), // Required ComplianceType: aws.String("ComplianceType"), // Required OrderingTimestamp: aws.Time(time.Now()), // Required Annotation: aws.String("StringWithCharLimit256"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.PutEvaluations(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleWorkSpaces_CreateWorkspaces() { svc := workspaces.New(session.New()) params := &workspaces.CreateWorkspacesInput{ Workspaces: []*workspaces.WorkspaceRequest{ // Required { // Required BundleId: aws.String("BundleId"), // Required DirectoryId: aws.String("DirectoryId"), // Required UserName: aws.String("UserName"), // Required RootVolumeEncryptionEnabled: aws.Bool(true), UserVolumeEncryptionEnabled: aws.Bool(true), VolumeEncryptionKey: aws.String("VolumeEncryptionKey"), }, // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.CreateWorkspaces(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleConfigService_DescribeComplianceByConfigRule() { svc := configservice.New(session.New()) params := &configservice.DescribeComplianceByConfigRuleInput{ ComplianceTypes: []*string{ aws.String("ComplianceType"), // Required // More values... }, ConfigRuleNames: []*string{ aws.String("StringWithCharLimit64"), // Required // More values... }, NextToken: aws.String("String"), } resp, err := svc.DescribeComplianceByConfigRule(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleKinesis_PutRecords() { svc := kinesis.New(session.New()) params := &kinesis.PutRecordsInput{ Records: []*kinesis.PutRecordsRequestEntry{ // Required { // Required Data: []byte("PAYLOAD"), // Required PartitionKey: aws.String("PartitionKey"), // Required ExplicitHashKey: aws.String("HashKey"), }, // More values... }, StreamName: aws.String("StreamName"), // Required } resp, err := svc.PutRecords(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }
func ExampleRedshift_DescribeHsmConfigurations() { svc := redshift.New(session.New()) params := &redshift.DescribeHsmConfigurationsInput{ HsmConfigurationIdentifier: aws.String("String"), Marker: aws.String("String"), MaxRecords: aws.Int64(1), TagKeys: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, TagValues: []*string{ aws.String("String"), // Required // More values... }, } resp, err := svc.DescribeHsmConfigurations(params) if err != nil { // Print the error, cast err to awserr.Error to get the Code and // Message from an error. fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Pretty-print the response data. fmt.Println(resp) }