Example #1
func K8sNP2CP(np *v1beta1.NetworkPolicy) (string, *policy.Node, error) {
	var parentNodeName, policyName string
	if np.Annotations[common.K8sAnnotationParentName] == "" {
		parentNodeName = common.GlobalLabelPrefix
	} else {
		parentNodeName = np.Annotations[common.K8sAnnotationParentName]
	if np.Annotations[common.K8sAnnotationName] == "" {
		policyName = np.Name
	} else {
		policyName = np.Annotations[common.K8sAnnotationName]

	allowRules := []policy.AllowRule{}
	for _, iRule := range np.Spec.Ingress {
		if iRule.From != nil {
			for _, rule := range iRule.From {
				if rule.PodSelector != nil {
					for k, v := range rule.PodSelector.MatchLabels {
						l := labels.NewLabel(k, v, "")
						if l.Source == common.CiliumLabelSource {
							l.Source = common.K8sLabelSource
						ar := policy.AllowRule{
							Action: policy.ALWAYS_ACCEPT,
							Label:  *l,
						allowRules = append(allowRules, ar)
				} else if rule.NamespaceSelector != nil {
					for k := range rule.NamespaceSelector.MatchLabels {
						l := labels.NewLabel(common.K8sPodNamespaceLabel, k, common.K8sLabelSource)
						ar := policy.AllowRule{
							Action: policy.ALWAYS_ACCEPT,
							Label:  *l,
						allowRules = append(allowRules, ar)

	coverageLbls := labels.Map2Labels(np.Spec.PodSelector.MatchLabels, common.K8sLabelSource)
	pn := policy.NewNode(policyName, nil)
	pn.Rules = []policy.PolicyRule{
			Coverage: coverageLbls.ToSlice(),
			Allow:    allowRules,
	return parentNodeName, pn, nil
Example #2
func (d *Daemon) policyAdd(path string, node *policy.Node) error {
	var (
		currNode, parentNode *policy.Node
		err                  error

	if node.Name == "" {
		path, node.Name = policy.SplitNodePath(path)
	} else if strings.Contains(node.Name, ".") && node.Name != common.GlobalLabelPrefix {
		path, node.Name = policy.SplitNodePath(path + "." + node.Name)

	currNode, parentNode, err = d.findNode(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Debugf("Policy currNode %+v, parentNode %+v", currNode, parentNode)

	// eg. path = io.cilium.lizards.foo.db and io.cilium.lizards doesn't exist
	if (currNode == nil && parentNode == nil) ||
		// eg. path = io.cilium.lizards.foo and io.cilium.lizards.foo doesn't exist
		(currNode == nil && parentNode != nil) {

		pn := policy.NewNode("", nil)
		if err := d.policyAdd(path, pn); err != nil {
			return err
		currNode, parentNode, err = d.findNode(path)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		log.Debugf("Policy currNode %+v, parentNode %+v", currNode, parentNode)
	// eg. path = io.cilium
	if currNode != nil && parentNode == nil {
		if currNode.Name == node.Name {
			if err := currNode.Merge(node); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			if err := currNode.AddChild(node.Name, node); err != nil {
				return err
	} else if currNode != nil && parentNode != nil {
		// eg. path = io.cilium.lizards.db exists
		if err := currNode.AddChild(node.Name, node); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Example #3
// PolicyDelete deletes the policy set in path from the policy tree.
func (d *Daemon) PolicyDelete(path string) error {
	log.Debugf("Policy Delete Request: %s", path)

	node, parent, err := d.findNode(path)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if parent == nil {
		d.policy.Root = policy.NewNode(common.GlobalLabelPrefix, nil)

	} else {
		delete(parent.Children, node.Name)


	return nil
Example #4
// NewDaemon creates and returns a new Daemon with the parameters set in c.
func NewDaemon(c *Config) (*Daemon, error) {
	if c == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Configuration is nil")

	var kvClient kvstore.KVClient

	if c.ConsulConfig != nil {
		c, err := kvstore.NewConsulClient(c.ConsulConfig)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		kvClient = c
	} else if c.EtcdCfgPath != "" || c.EtcdConfig != nil {
		c, err := kvstore.NewEtcdClient(c.EtcdConfig, c.EtcdCfgPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		kvClient = c
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty KVStore configuration provided")

	dockerClient, err := createDockerClient(c.DockerEndpoint)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	rootNode := policy.Tree{
		Root: policy.NewNode(common.GlobalLabelPrefix, nil),


	lb := types.NewLoadBalancer()

	d := Daemon{
		conf:                      c,
		kvClient:                  kvClient,
		dockerClient:              dockerClient,
		containers:                make(map[string]*types.Container),
		endpoints:                 make(map[uint16]*endpoint.Endpoint),
		endpointsDocker:           make(map[string]*endpoint.Endpoint),
		endpointsDockerEP:         make(map[string]*endpoint.Endpoint),
		endpointsLearning:         make(map[uint16]labels.LearningLabel),
		endpointsLearningRegister: make(chan labels.LearningLabel, 1),
		loadBalancer:              lb,
		cacheIteration:            1,
		reservedConsumables:       make([]*policy.Consumable, 0),
		policy:                    rootNode,
		uiTopo:                    types.NewUITopo(),
		uiListeners:               make(map[*Conn]bool),
		registerUIListener:        make(chan *Conn, 1),

	if c.IsK8sEnabled() {
		d.k8sClient, err = createK8sClient(c.K8sEndpoint, c.K8sCfgPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if nodeName := os.Getenv(common.K8sEnvNodeNameSpec); nodeName != "" {
		// Try to retrieve node's cidr from k8s's configuration
		if err := d.useK8sNodeCIDR(nodeName); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// Set up ipam conf after init() because we might be running d.conf.KVStoreIPv4Registration
	if d.ipamConf, err = d.conf.createIPAMConf(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err = d.init(); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Error while initializing daemon: %s\n", err)
		return nil, err

	if d.conf.IsUIEnabled() {

	if c.RestoreState {
		if err := d.SyncState(common.CiliumPath, true); err != nil {
			log.Warningf("Error while recovering endpoints: %s\n", err)
		if err := d.SyncLBMap(); err != nil {
			log.Warningf("Error while recovering endpoints: %s\n", err)

	defer d.endpointsMU.Unlock()

	walker := func(path string, _ os.FileInfo, _ error) error {
		return d.staleMapWalker(path)
	if err := filepath.Walk(common.BPFCiliumMaps, walker); err != nil {
		log.Warningf("Error while scanning for stale maps: %s", err)

	return &d, nil