
		Context("when the input is not valid JSON", func() {
			It("returns an error", func() {
				configReader := strings.NewReader(`{{{{{`)
				_, err := config.Unmarshal(configReader)
				Expect(err).To(MatchError("json decode: invalid character '{' looking for beginning of object key string"))

	Describe("parsing and validating the fields", func() {
		It("parses and composes the config into Go types", func() {
			validated, err := fixtureDaemon.ParseAndValidate()

			_, expectedOverlay, _ := net.ParseCIDR("")
			expectedLocalSubnet := &net.IPNet{
				IP:   net.ParseIP(""),
				Mask: net.CIDRMask(16, 32),

			dbURL := "postgres://*****:*****@"

				ListenAddress:     "",
				OverlayNetwork:    expectedOverlay,
				LocalSubnet:       expectedLocalSubnet,
				DatabaseURL:       dbURL,