func itValidatesPresenceOfPlacementError(lrp *models.ActualLRP) {
	Context("when placement error is set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.PlacementError = "insufficient capacity"

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {

	Context("when placement error is not set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.PlacementError = ""

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {
func itValidatesAbsenceOfPlacementError(lrp *models.ActualLRP) {
	Context("when placement error is set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.PlacementError = "insufficient capacity"

		It("validate returns an error", func() {
			err := lrp.Validate()
			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("placement error"))

	Context("when placement error is not set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.PlacementError = ""

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {
func itValidatesAbsenceOfNetInfo(lrp *models.ActualLRP) {
	Context("when net info is set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPNetInfo = models.NewActualLRPNetInfo("", []models.PortMapping{})

		It("validate returns an error", func() {
			err := lrp.Validate()
			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("net info"))

	Context("when net info is not set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPNetInfo = models.ActualLRPNetInfo{}

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {
func itValidatesAbsenceOfTheInstanceKey(lrp *models.ActualLRP) {
	Context("when the instance key is set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPInstanceKey = models.NewActualLRPInstanceKey("some-instance", "some-cell")

		It("validate returns an error", func() {
			err := lrp.Validate()
			Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("instance key"))

	Context("when the instance key is not set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPInstanceKey = models.ActualLRPInstanceKey{}

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {
func itValidatesPresenceOfTheLRPKey(lrp *models.ActualLRP) {
	Context("when the lrp key is set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPKey = models.NewActualLRPKey("some-guid", 1, "domain")

		It("validate does not return an error", func() {

	Context("when the lrp key is not set", func() {
		BeforeEach(func() {
			lrp.ActualLRPKey = models.ActualLRPKey{}

		It("validate returns an error", func() {
			err := lrp.Validate()
	oldmodels ""
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Actual LRP Handlers", func() {
	var (
		logger           lager.Logger
		fakeLegacyBBS    *fake_legacy_bbs.FakeReceptorBBS
		fakeBBS          *fake_bbs.FakeClient
		responseRecorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder
		handler          *handlers.ActualLRPHandler

		oldActualLRP1     oldmodels.ActualLRP
		oldActualLRP2     oldmodels.ActualLRP
		oldEvacuatingLRP2 oldmodels.ActualLRP

		actualLRP1     models.ActualLRP
		actualLRP2     models.ActualLRP
		evacuatingLRP2 models.ActualLRP

	BeforeEach(func() {
		fakeLegacyBBS = new(fake_legacy_bbs.FakeReceptorBBS)
		fakeBBS = new(fake_bbs.FakeClient)
		logger = lager.NewLogger("test")
		logger.RegisterSink(lager.NewWriterSink(GinkgoWriter, lager.DEBUG))
		responseRecorder = httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler = handlers.NewActualLRPHandler(fakeBBS, fakeLegacyBBS, logger)

	Describe("ActualLRPGroup", func() {
		Describe("Resolve", func() {
			var (
				instanceLRP   *models.ActualLRP
				evacuatingLRP *models.ActualLRP

				group models.ActualLRPGroup

				resolvedLRP *models.ActualLRP
				evacuating  bool
				resolveErr  error

			BeforeEach(func() {
				lrpKey := models.NewActualLRPKey("process-guid", 1, "domain")
				instanceLRP = &models.ActualLRP{
					ActualLRPKey: lrpKey,
					Since:        1138,
				evacuatingLRP = &models.ActualLRP{
					ActualLRPKey: lrpKey,
					Since:        3417,
	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("Actual LRP Handlers", func() {
	var (
		logger           lager.Logger
		fakeBBS          *fake_bbs.FakeReceptorBBS
		responseRecorder *httptest.ResponseRecorder
		handler          *handlers.ActualLRPHandler

		actualLRP1     models.ActualLRP
		actualLRP2     models.ActualLRP
		evacuatingLRP2 models.ActualLRP

	BeforeEach(func() {
		fakeBBS = new(fake_bbs.FakeReceptorBBS)
		logger = lager.NewLogger("test")
		logger.RegisterSink(lager.NewWriterSink(GinkgoWriter, lager.DEBUG))
		responseRecorder = httptest.NewRecorder()
		handler = handlers.NewActualLRPHandler(fakeBBS, logger)

		actualLRP1 = models.ActualLRP{
			ActualLRPKey: models.NewActualLRPKey(
package serialization_test

import (

	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("ActualLRP Serialization", func() {
	Describe("ActualLRPToResponse", func() {
		var actualLRP models.ActualLRP
		BeforeEach(func() {
			actualLRP = models.ActualLRP{
				ActualLRPKey: models.NewActualLRPKey(
				ActualLRPInstanceKey: models.NewActualLRPInstanceKey(
				ActualLRPNetInfo: models.NewActualLRPNetInfo(
							ContainerPort: 2345,