func (ui terminalUI) ShowConfiguration(config configuration.Reader) { if config.HasAPIEndpoint() { ui.Say("API endpoint: %s (API version: %s)", EntityNameColor(config.ApiEndpoint()), EntityNameColor(config.ApiVersion())) } if !config.IsLoggedIn() { ui.Say(NotLoggedInText()) return } else { ui.Say("User: %s", EntityNameColor(config.UserEmail())) } if !config.HasOrganization() && !config.HasSpace() { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -o ORG -s SPACE", cf.Name()) ui.Say("No org or space targeted, use '%s'", CommandColor(command)) return } if config.HasOrganization() { ui.Say("Org: %s", EntityNameColor(config.OrganizationFields().Name)) } else { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -o Org", cf.Name()) ui.Say("Org: No org targeted, use '%s'", CommandColor(command)) } if config.HasSpace() { ui.Say("Space: %s", EntityNameColor(config.SpaceFields().Name)) } else { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -s SPACE", cf.Name()) ui.Say("Space: No space targeted, use '%s'", CommandColor(command)) } }
func (ui terminalUI) ShowConfiguration(config configuration.Reader) { if config.HasAPIEndpoint() { ui.Say(T("API endpoint: {{.ApiEndpoint}} (API version: {{.ApiVersionString}})", map[string]interface{}{"ApiEndpoint": EntityNameColor(config.ApiEndpoint()), "ApiVersionString": EntityNameColor(config.ApiVersion())})) } if !config.IsLoggedIn() { ui.Say(NotLoggedInText()) return } else { ui.Say(T("User: {{.UserEmail}}", map[string]interface{}{"UserEmail": EntityNameColor(config.UserEmail())})) } if !config.HasOrganization() && !config.HasSpace() { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -o ORG -s SPACE", cf.Name()) ui.Say(T("No org or space targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'", map[string]interface{}{"CFTargetCommand": CommandColor(command)})) return } if config.HasOrganization() { ui.Say(T("Org: {{.OrganizationName}}", map[string]interface{}{"OrganizationName": EntityNameColor(config.OrganizationFields().Name)})) } else { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -o Org", cf.Name()) ui.Say(T("Org: No org targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'", map[string]interface{}{"CFTargetCommand": CommandColor(command)})) } if config.HasSpace() { ui.Say(T("Space: {{.SpaceName}}", map[string]interface{}{"SpaceName": EntityNameColor(config.SpaceFields().Name)})) } else { command := fmt.Sprintf("%s target -s SPACE", cf.Name()) ui.Say(T("Space: No space targeted, use '{{.CFTargetCommand}}'", map[string]interface{}{"CFTargetCommand": CommandColor(command)})) } }
func (req ApiEndpointRequirement) Execute() (success bool) { if req.config.ApiEndpoint() == "" { loginTip := terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s login", cf.Name())) apiTip := terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s api", cf.Name())) req.ui.Say("No API endpoint targeted. Use '%s' or '%s' to target an endpoint.", loginTip, apiTip) return false } return true }
func (cmd *Start) waitForInstancesToStage(app models.Application) bool { stagingStartTime := time.Now() var err error if cmd.StagingTimeout == 0 { app, err = cmd.appRepo.GetApp(app.Guid) } else { for app.PackageState != "STAGED" && app.PackageState != "FAILED" && time.Since(stagingStartTime) < cmd.StagingTimeout { app, err = cmd.appRepo.GetApp(app.Guid) if err != nil { break } time.Sleep(cmd.PingerThrottle) } } if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } if app.PackageState == "FAILED" { cmd.ui.Say("") if app.StagingFailedReason == "NoAppDetectedError" { cmd.ui.Failed(T(`{{.Err}} TIP: Buildpacks are detected when the "{{.PushCommand}}" is executed from within the directory that contains the app source code. Use '{{.BuildpackCommand}}' to see a list of supported buildpacks. Use '{{.Command}}' for more in depth log information.`, map[string]interface{}{ "Err": app.StagingFailedReason, "PushCommand": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s push", cf.Name())), "BuildpackCommand": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s buildpacks", cf.Name())), "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))})) } else { cmd.ui.Failed(T("{{.Err}}\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{ "Err": app.StagingFailedReason, "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))})) } } if time.Since(stagingStartTime) >= cmd.StagingTimeout { return false } return true }
func (cmd *UpdateUserProvidedService) Run(c *cli.Context) { serviceInstance := cmd.serviceInstanceReq.GetServiceInstance() if !serviceInstance.IsUserProvided() { cmd.ui.Failed(T("Service Instance is not user provided")) return } drainUrl := c.String("l") params := c.String("p") paramsMap := make(map[string]string) if params != "" { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(params), ¶msMap) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(T("JSON is invalid: {{.ErrorDescription}}", map[string]interface{}{"ErrorDescription": err.Error()})) return } } cmd.ui.Say(T("Updating user provided service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "ServiceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(serviceInstance.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) serviceInstance.Params = paramsMap serviceInstance.SysLogDrainUrl = drainUrl apiErr := cmd.userProvidedServiceInstanceRepo.Update(serviceInstance.ServiceInstanceFields) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: To make these changes take effect, use '{{.CFUnbindCommand}}' to unbind the service, '{{.CFBindComand}}' to rebind, and then '{{.CFPushCommand}}' to update the app with the new env variables", map[string]interface{}{ "CFUnbindCommand": cf.Name() + " " + "unbind-service", "CFBindComand": cf.Name() + " " + "bind-service", "CFPushCommand": cf.Name() + " " + "push", })) if params == "" && drainUrl == "" { cmd.ui.Warn(T("No flags specified. No changes were made.")) } }
func displayCrashDialog(errorMessage string) { formattedString := ` Aww shucks. Something completely unexpected happened. This is a bug in %s. Please file this bug : Tell us that you ran this command: %s this error occurred: %s and this stack trace: %s ` stackByteCount := 0 STACK_SIZE_LIMIT := 1024 * 1024 var bytes []byte for stackSize := 1024; (stackByteCount == 0 || stackByteCount == stackSize) && stackSize < STACK_SIZE_LIMIT; stackSize = 2 * stackSize { bytes = make([]byte, stackSize) stackByteCount = runtime.Stack(bytes, true) } stackTrace := "\t" + strings.Replace(string(bytes), "\n", "\n\t", -1) println(fmt.Sprintf(formattedString, cf.Name(), strings.Join(os.Args, " "), errorMessage, stackTrace)) }
func (cmd *RenameService) Run(c *cli.Context) { newName := c.Args()[1] serviceInstance := cmd.serviceInstanceReq.GetServiceInstance() cmd.ui.Say(T("Renaming service {{.ServiceName}} to {{.NewServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "ServiceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(serviceInstance.Name), "NewServiceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(newName), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) err := cmd.serviceRepo.RenameService(serviceInstance, newName) if err != nil { if httpError, ok := err.(errors.HttpError); ok && httpError.ErrorCode() == errors.SERVICE_INSTANCE_NAME_TAKEN { cmd.ui.Failed(T("{{.ErrorDescription}}\nTIP: Use '{{.CFServicesCommand}}' to view all services in this org and space.", map[string]interface{}{ "ErrorDescription": httpError.Error(), "CFServicesCommand": cf.Name() + " " + "services", })) } else { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } } cmd.ui.Ok() }
func (cmd *DeleteSpace) Run(c *cli.Context) { spaceName := c.Args()[0] if !c.Bool("f") { if !cmd.ui.ConfirmDelete("space", spaceName) { return } } cmd.ui.Say("Deleting space %s in org %s as %s...", terminal.EntityNameColor(spaceName), terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), ) space := cmd.spaceReq.GetSpace() apiErr := cmd.spaceRepo.Delete(space.Guid) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() if cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name == spaceName { cmd.config.SetSpaceFields(models.SpaceFields{}) cmd.ui.Say("TIP: No space targeted, use '%s target -s' to target a space", cf.Name()) } return }
func CrashDialog(errorMessage string, commandArgs string, stackTrace string) string { formattedString := ` Something unexpected happened. This is a bug in %s. Please re-run the command that caused this exception with the environment variable CF_TRACE set to true. Also, please update to the latest cli and try the command again: Please create an issue at: Include the below information when creating the issue: Command %s CLI Version %s Error %s Stack Trace %s Your Platform Details e.g. Mac OS X 10.11, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Ubuntu 14.04.3 64-bit Shell e.g. Terminal, iTerm, Powershell, Cygwin, gnome-terminal, terminator ` return fmt.Sprintf(formattedString, cf.Name(), commandArgs, cf.Version, errorMessage, stackTrace) }
func CrashDialog(errorMessage string, commandArgs string, stackTrace string) string { formattedString := ` Aww shucks. Something completely unexpected happened. This is a bug in %s. Please file this bug : Tell us that you ran this command: %s using this version of the CLI: %s and that this error occurred: %s and this stack trace: %s ` return fmt.Sprintf(formattedString, cf.Name(), commandArgs, cf.Version, errorMessage, stackTrace) }
func (cmd *SetEnv) Run(c *cli.Context) { varName := c.Args()[1] varValue := c.Args()[2] app := cmd.appReq.GetApplication() cmd.ui.Say(T("Setting env variable '{{.VarName}}' to '{{.VarValue}}' for app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "VarName": terminal.EntityNameColor(varName), "VarValue": terminal.EntityNameColor(varValue), "AppName": terminal.EntityNameColor(app.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username())})) if len(app.EnvironmentVars) == 0 { app.EnvironmentVars = map[string]string{} } envParams := app.EnvironmentVars envParams[varName] = varValue _, apiErr := cmd.appRepo.Update(app.Guid, models.AppParams{EnvironmentVars: &envParams}) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: Use '{{.Command}}' to ensure your env variable changes take effect", map[string]interface{}{"Command": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " restage")})) }
func (cmd *UpdateUserProvidedService) Execute(c flags.FlagContext) { serviceInstance := cmd.serviceInstanceReq.GetServiceInstance() if !serviceInstance.IsUserProvided() { cmd.ui.Failed(T("Service Instance is not user provided")) return } drainUrl := c.String("l") credentials := strings.Trim(c.String("p"), `'"`) routeServiceUrl := c.String("r") credentialsMap := make(map[string]interface{}) if c.IsSet("p") { jsonBytes, err := util.GetContentsFromFlagValue(credentials) if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(credentials, "@") { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } if bytes.IndexAny(jsonBytes, "[{") != -1 { err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, &credentialsMap) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(T("JSON is invalid: {{.ErrorDescription}}", map[string]interface{}{"ErrorDescription": err.Error()})) } } else { for _, param := range strings.Split(credentials, ",") { param = strings.Trim(param, " ") credentialsMap[param] = cmd.ui.Ask("%s", param) } } } cmd.ui.Say(T("Updating user provided service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "ServiceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(serviceInstance.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) serviceInstance.Params = credentialsMap serviceInstance.SysLogDrainUrl = drainUrl serviceInstance.RouteServiceUrl = routeServiceUrl apiErr := cmd.userProvidedServiceInstanceRepo.Update(serviceInstance.ServiceInstanceFields) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: Use '{{.CFRestageCommand}}' for any bound apps to ensure your env variable changes take effect", map[string]interface{}{ "CFRestageCommand": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " restage"), })) if routeServiceUrl == "" && credentials == "" && drainUrl == "" { cmd.ui.Warn(T("No flags specified. No changes were made.")) } }
func (cmd *Start) waitForInstancesToStage(app models.Application) bool { stagingStartTime := time.Now() var err error if cmd.StagingTimeout == 0 { app, err = cmd.appRepo.GetApp(app.Guid) } else { for app.PackageState != "STAGED" && app.PackageState != "FAILED" && time.Since(stagingStartTime) < cmd.StagingTimeout { app, err = cmd.appRepo.GetApp(app.Guid) if err != nil { break } cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) } } if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } if app.PackageState == "FAILED" { cmd.ui.Say("") cmd.ui.Failed(T("{{.Err}}\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{ "Err": app.StagingFailedReason, "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))})) } if time.Since(stagingStartTime) >= cmd.StagingTimeout { return false } return true }
func (cmd Start) waitForOneRunningInstance(app models.Application) { startupStartTime := time.Now() for { if time.Since(startupStartTime) > cmd.StartupTimeout { cmd.ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf(T("Start app timeout\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{ "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))}))) return } count, err := cmd.fetchInstanceCount(app.Guid) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) continue } cmd.ui.Say(instancesDetails(count)) if count.running > 0 { return } if count.flapping > 0 { cmd.ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf(T("Start unsuccessful\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{"Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))}))) return } cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) } }
func (cmd *BindService) Run(c *cli.Context) { app := cmd.appReq.GetApplication() serviceInstance := cmd.serviceInstanceReq.GetServiceInstance() cmd.ui.Say(T("Binding service {{.ServiceInstanceName}} to app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "ServiceInstanceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(serviceInstance.Name), "AppName": terminal.EntityNameColor(app.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) err := cmd.BindApplication(app, serviceInstance) if err != nil { if httperr, ok := err.(errors.HttpError); ok && httperr.ErrorCode() == errors.APP_ALREADY_BOUND { cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Warn(T("App {{.AppName}} is already bound to {{.ServiceName}}.", map[string]interface{}{ "AppName": app.Name, "ServiceName": serviceInstance.Name, })) return } else { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: Use '{{.CFCommand}}' to ensure your env variable changes take effect", map[string]interface{}{"CFCommand": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " restage")})) }
func (cmd *UnsetEnv) Execute(c flags.FlagContext) { varName := c.Args()[1] app := cmd.appReq.GetApplication() cmd.ui.Say(T("Removing env variable {{.VarName}} from app {{.AppName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "VarName": terminal.EntityNameColor(varName), "AppName": terminal.EntityNameColor(app.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username())})) envParams := app.EnvironmentVars if _, ok := envParams[varName]; !ok { cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Warn(T("Env variable {{.VarName}} was not set.", map[string]interface{}{"VarName": varName})) return } delete(envParams, varName) _, apiErr := cmd.appRepo.Update(app.Guid, models.AppParams{EnvironmentVars: &envParams}) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: Use '{{.Command}}' to ensure your env variable changes take effect", map[string]interface{}{"Command": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " restage")})) }
func (cmd CreateOrg) Run(c *cli.Context) { name := c.Args()[0] cmd.ui.Say(T("Creating org {{.OrgName}} as {{.Username}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(name), "Username": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username())})) org := models.Organization{OrganizationFields: models.OrganizationFields{Name: name}} quotaName := c.String("q") if quotaName != "" { quota, err := cmd.quotaRepo.FindByName(quotaName) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } org.QuotaDefinition.Guid = quota.Guid } err := cmd.orgRepo.Create(org) if err != nil { if apiErr, ok := err.(errors.HttpError); ok && apiErr.ErrorCode() == errors.ORG_EXISTS { cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Warn(T("Org {{.OrgName}} already exists", map[string]interface{}{"OrgName": name})) return } else { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) } } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("\nTIP: Use '{{.Command}}' to target new org", map[string]interface{}{"Command": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " target -o " + name)})) }
func (cmd *DeleteSpace) Run(c *cli.Context) { spaceName := c.Args()[0] if !c.Bool("f") { if !cmd.ui.ConfirmDelete(T("space"), spaceName) { return } } cmd.ui.Say(T("Deleting space {{.TargetSpace}} in org {{.TargetOrg}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "TargetSpace": terminal.EntityNameColor(spaceName), "TargetOrg": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) space := cmd.spaceReq.GetSpace() apiErr := cmd.spaceRepo.Delete(space.Guid) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() if cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name == spaceName { cmd.config.SetSpaceFields(models.SpaceFields{}) cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: No space targeted, use '{{.CfTargetCommand}}' to target a space", map[string]interface{}{"CfTargetCommand": cf.Name() + " target -s"})) } return }
func (cmd CreateSpace) Run(c *cli.Context) { spaceName := c.Args()[0] orgName := c.String("o") orgGuid := "" if orgName == "" { orgName = cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name orgGuid = cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Guid } cmd.ui.Say("Creating space %s in org %s as %s...", terminal.EntityNameColor(spaceName), terminal.EntityNameColor(orgName), terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), ) if orgGuid == "" { org, apiErr := cmd.orgRepo.FindByName(orgName) switch apiErr.(type) { case nil: case *errors.ModelNotFoundError: cmd.ui.Failed("Org %s does not exist or is not accessible", orgName) return default: cmd.ui.Failed("Error finding org %s\n%s", orgName, apiErr.Error()) return } orgGuid = org.Guid } space, err := cmd.spaceRepo.Create(spaceName, orgGuid) if err != nil { if httpErr, ok := err.(errors.HttpError); ok && httpErr.ErrorCode() == errors.SPACE_EXISTS { cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Warn("Space %s already exists", spaceName) return } cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() err = cmd.spaceRoleSetter.SetSpaceRole(space, models.SPACE_MANAGER, cmd.config.UserGuid(), cmd.config.Username()) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) return } err = cmd.spaceRoleSetter.SetSpaceRole(space, models.SPACE_DEVELOPER, cmd.config.UserGuid(), cmd.config.Username()) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(err.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Say("\nTIP: Use '%s' to target new space", terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name()+" target -o "+orgName+" -s "+space.Name)) }
func (req targetedOrgApiRequirement) Execute() (success bool) { if !req.config.HasOrganization() { message := fmt.Sprintf("No org targeted, use '%s' to target an org.", terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name()+" target -o ORG")) req.ui.Failed(message) return false } return true }
func getCommand(metadata command_metadata.CommandMetadata, runner command_runner.Runner) cli.Command { return cli.Command{ Name: metadata.Name, ShortName: metadata.ShortName, Description: metadata.Description, Usage: strings.Replace(metadata.Usage, "CF_NAME", cf.Name(), -1), Action: func(context *cli.Context) { runner.RunCmdByName(metadata.Name, context) }, Flags: metadata.Flags, SkipFlagParsing: metadata.SkipFlagParsing, } }
func (cmd *UpdateUserProvidedService) Execute(c flags.FlagContext) { serviceInstance := cmd.serviceInstanceReq.GetServiceInstance() if !serviceInstance.IsUserProvided() { cmd.ui.Failed(T("Service Instance is not user provided")) return } drainUrl := c.String("l") params := c.String("p") routeServiceUrl := c.String("r") paramsMap := make(map[string]interface{}) if params != "" { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(params), ¶msMap) if err != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(T("JSON is invalid: {{.ErrorDescription}}", map[string]interface{}{"ErrorDescription": err.Error()})) return } } cmd.ui.Say(T("Updating user provided service {{.ServiceName}} in org {{.OrgName}} / space {{.SpaceName}} as {{.CurrentUser}}...", map[string]interface{}{ "ServiceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(serviceInstance.Name), "OrgName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.OrganizationFields().Name), "SpaceName": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.SpaceFields().Name), "CurrentUser": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), })) serviceInstance.Params = paramsMap serviceInstance.SysLogDrainUrl = drainUrl serviceInstance.RouteServiceUrl = routeServiceUrl apiErr := cmd.userProvidedServiceInstanceRepo.Update(serviceInstance.ServiceInstanceFields) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("TIP: Use '{{.CFRestageCommand}}' for any bound apps to ensure your env variable changes take effect", map[string]interface{}{ "CFRestageCommand": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " restage"), })) if routeServiceUrl == "" && params == "" && drainUrl == "" { cmd.ui.Warn(T("No flags specified. No changes were made.")) } }
func (r *registry) CommandUsage(cmdName string) string { output := "" cmd := r.FindCommand(cmdName) output = T("NAME") + ":" + "\n" output += " " + cmd.MetaData().Name + " - " + cmd.MetaData().Description + "\n\n" output += T("USAGE") + ":" + "\n" output += " " + strings.Replace(cmd.MetaData().Usage, "CF_NAME", cf.Name(), -1) + "\n" if cmd.MetaData().ShortName != "" { output += "\n" + T("ALIAS") + ":" + "\n" output += " " + cmd.MetaData().ShortName + "\n" } if cmd.MetaData().Flags != nil { output += "\n" + T("OPTIONS") + ":" + "\n" //find longest name length l := 0 for n, _ := range cmd.MetaData().Flags { if len(n) > l { l = len(n) } } //print non-bool flags first for n, f := range cmd.MetaData().Flags { switch f.GetValue().(type) { case bool: default: output += " -" + n + strings.Repeat(" ", 7+(l-len(n))) + f.String() + "\n" } } //then bool flags for n, f := range cmd.MetaData().Flags { switch f.GetValue().(type) { case bool: if len(f.GetName()) == 1 { output += " -" + n + strings.Repeat(" ", 7+(l-len(n))) + f.String() + "\n" } else { output += " --" + n + strings.Repeat(" ", 6+(l-len(n))) + f.String() + "\n" } } } } return output }
func (req TargetedSpaceRequirement) Execute() (success bool) { if !req.config.HasOrganization() { message := fmt.Sprintf("No org and space targeted, use '%s' to target an org and space", terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name()+" target -o ORG -s SPACE")) req.ui.Failed(message) return false } if !req.config.HasSpace() { message := fmt.Sprintf("No space targeted, use '%s' to target a space", terminal.CommandColor("cf target -s")) req.ui.Failed(message) return false } return true }
func (cmd Start) waitForInstancesToStage(app models.Application) { stagingStartTime := time.Now() _, err := cmd.appInstancesRepo.GetInstances(app.Guid) for err != nil && time.Since(stagingStartTime) < cmd.StagingTimeout { if httpError, ok := err.(errors.HttpError); ok && httpError.ErrorCode() != errors.APP_NOT_STAGED { cmd.ui.Say("") cmd.ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\nTIP: use '%s' for more information", httpError.Error(), terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name)))) return } cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) _, err = cmd.appInstancesRepo.GetInstances(app.Guid) } return }
func (cmd Start) waitForOneRunningInstance(app models.Application) { var runningCount, startingCount, flappingCount, downCount int startupStartTime := time.Now() for runningCount == 0 { if time.Since(startupStartTime) > cmd.StartupTimeout { cmd.ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf(T("Start app timeout\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{ "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))}))) return } instances, apiErr := cmd.appInstancesRepo.GetInstances(app.Guid) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) continue } totalCount := len(instances) runningCount, startingCount, flappingCount, downCount = 0, 0, 0, 0 for _, inst := range instances { switch inst.State { case models.InstanceRunning: runningCount++ case models.InstanceStarting: startingCount++ case models.InstanceFlapping: flappingCount++ case models.InstanceDown: downCount++ } } cmd.ui.Say(instancesDetails(startingCount, downCount, runningCount, flappingCount, totalCount)) if flappingCount > 0 { cmd.ui.Failed(fmt.Sprintf(T("Start unsuccessful\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{"Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))}))) return } } }
func (cmd Start) waitForInstancesToStage(app models.Application) { stagingStartTime := time.Now() _, err := cmd.appInstancesRepo.GetInstances(app.Guid) for isStagingError(err) && time.Since(stagingStartTime) < cmd.StagingTimeout { cmd.ui.Wait(cmd.PingerThrottle) _, err = cmd.appInstancesRepo.GetInstances(app.Guid) } if err != nil && !isStagingError(err) { cmd.ui.Say("") cmd.ui.Failed(T("{{.Err}}\n\nTIP: use '{{.Command}}' for more information", map[string]interface{}{ "Err": err.Error(), "Command": terminal.CommandColor(fmt.Sprintf("%s logs %s --recent", cf.Name(), app.Name))})) } return }
func (cmd Authenticate) Run(c *cli.Context) { cmd.config.ClearSession() cmd.authenticator.GetLoginPromptsAndSaveUAAServerURL() cmd.ui.Say(T("API endpoint: {{.ApiEndpoint}}", map[string]interface{}{"ApiEndpoint": terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.ApiEndpoint())})) cmd.ui.Say(T("Authenticating...")) apiErr := cmd.authenticator.Authenticate(map[string]string{"username": c.Args()[0], "password": c.Args()[1]}) if apiErr != nil { cmd.ui.Failed(apiErr.Error()) return } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say(T("Use '{{.Name}}' to view or set your target org and space", map[string]interface{}{"Name": terminal.CommandColor(cf.Name() + " target")})) return }
func NewApp(cmdRunner command_runner.Runner, metadatas ...command_metadata.CommandMetadata) (app *cli.App) { helpCommand := cli.Command{ Name: "help", ShortName: "h", Description: "Show help", Usage: fmt.Sprintf("%s help [COMMAND]", cf.Name()), Action: func(c *cli.Context) { args := c.Args() if len(args) > 0 { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, args[0]) } else { showAppHelp(appHelpTemplate, c.App) } }, } cli.HelpPrinter = showAppHelp cli.AppHelpTemplate = appHelpTemplate trace.Logger.Printf("\n%s\n%s\n\n", terminal.HeaderColor("VERSION:"), cf.Version) app = cli.NewApp() app.Usage = cf.Usage app.Version = cf.Version + "-" + cf.BuiltOnDate app.Action = helpCommand.Action compiledAtTime, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T03:04:05+00:00", cf.BuiltOnDate) if err == nil { app.Compiled = compiledAtTime } else { err = nil app.Compiled = time.Now() } app.Commands = []cli.Command{helpCommand} for _, metadata := range metadatas { app.Commands = append(app.Commands, getCommand(metadata, cmdRunner)) } return }
func (cmd CreateUser) Run(c *cli.Context) { username := c.Args()[0] password := c.Args()[1] cmd.ui.Say("Creating user %s as %s...", terminal.EntityNameColor(username), terminal.EntityNameColor(cmd.config.Username()), ) err := cmd.userRepo.Create(username, password) switch err.(type) { case nil: case *errors.ModelAlreadyExistsError: cmd.ui.Warn("%s", err.Error()) default: cmd.ui.Failed("Error creating user %s.\n%s", terminal.EntityNameColor(username), err.Error()) } cmd.ui.Ok() cmd.ui.Say("\nTIP: Assign roles with '%s set-org-role' and '%s set-space-role'", cf.Name(), cf.Name()) }