import (


	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection", func() {
	var (
		inputChan  chan []byte
		outputChan chan *events.Envelope
		collection dropsonde_unmarshaller.DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection
		waitGroup  *sync.WaitGroup
	BeforeEach(func() {
		inputChan = make(chan []byte, 10)
		outputChan = make(chan *events.Envelope, 10)
		collection = dropsonde_unmarshaller.NewDropsondeUnmarshallerCollection(loggertesthelper.Logger(), 5)
		waitGroup = &sync.WaitGroup{}

	Context("DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection", func() {
		It("creates the right number of unmarshallers", func() {


	. ""
	. ""

var _ = Describe("DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection", func() {
	var (
		inputChan  chan []byte
		outputChan chan *events.Envelope
		collection dropsonde_unmarshaller.DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection
		waitGroup  *sync.WaitGroup
	BeforeEach(func() {
		inputChan = make(chan []byte, 10)
		outputChan = make(chan *events.Envelope, 10)
		collection = dropsonde_unmarshaller.NewDropsondeUnmarshallerCollection(loggertesthelper.Logger(), 5)
		waitGroup = &sync.WaitGroup{}

	Context("DropsondeUnmarshallerCollection", func() {
		It("creates the right number of unmarshallers", func() {
