var mbusClient *yagnats.Client
	var registry *rregistry.RouteRegistry
	var varz vvarz.Varz
	var router *Router
	var natsPort uint16

	BeforeEach(func() {
		natsPort = test_util.NextAvailPort()
		natsRunner = natsrunner.NewNATSRunner(int(natsPort))

		proxyPort := test_util.NextAvailPort()
		statusPort := test_util.NextAvailPort()

		config = test_util.SpecConfig(natsPort, statusPort, proxyPort)
		config.EndpointTimeout = 5 * time.Second

		mbusClient = natsRunner.MessageBus.(*yagnats.Client)
		registry = rregistry.NewRouteRegistry(config, mbusClient)
		varz = vvarz.NewVarz(registry)
		logcounter := vcap.NewLogCounter()
		proxy := proxy.NewProxy(proxy.ProxyArgs{
			EndpointTimeout: config.EndpointTimeout,
			Ip:              config.Ip,
			TraceKey:        config.TraceKey,
			Registry:        registry,
			Reporter:        varz,
			AccessLogger:    &access_log.NullAccessLogger{},
		r, err := NewRouter(config, proxy, mbusClient, registry, varz, logcounter)
Example #2
		ioutil.WriteFile(cfgFile, cfgBytes, os.ModePerm)

	configDrainSetup := func(cfg *config.Config, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold int) {
		// ensure the threshold is longer than the interval that we check,
		// because we set the route's timestamp to time.Now() on the interval
		// as part of pausing
		cfg.PruneStaleDropletsIntervalInSeconds = pruneInterval
		cfg.DropletStaleThresholdInSeconds = pruneThreshold
		cfg.StartResponseDelayIntervalInSeconds = 1
		cfg.EndpointTimeoutInSeconds = 5
		cfg.DrainTimeoutInSeconds = 1

	createConfig := func(cfgFile string, statusPort, proxyPort uint16, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold int, natsPorts ...uint16) *config.Config {
		cfg := test_util.SpecConfig(statusPort, proxyPort, natsPorts...)

		configDrainSetup(cfg, pruneInterval, pruneThreshold)

		cfg.OAuth = config.OAuthConfig{
			TokenEndpoint:            "",
			Port:                     8443,
			ClientName:               "client-id",
			ClientSecret:             "client-secret",
			SkipOAuthTLSVerification: true,

		writeConfig(cfg, cfgFile)
		return cfg