anotherApp = NewAppFixture()
		anotherApp.DeaGuid = app.DeaGuid

		storeAdapter = fakestoreadapter.New()
		store = storepackage.NewStore(conf, storeAdapter, fakelogger.NewFakeLogger())
		messageBus = fakeyagnats.New()
		logger = fakelogger.NewFakeLogger()

		usageTracker = fakeusagetracker.New()
		usageTracker.UsageToReturn = 0.7
		metricsAccountant = fakemetricsaccountant.New()

		listener = New(conf, messageBus, store, usageTracker, metricsAccountant, timeProvider, logger)
		Eventually(func() interface{} {
			return timeProvider.TickerChannelFor(HeartbeatSyncTimer)

	forceHeartbeatSync := func() {
		//This first message, triggers the iteration we care about in a goroutine
		timeProvider.TickerChannelFor(HeartbeatSyncTimer) <- time.Now()
		//This blocks until the goroutine completes.  yes, it does trigger the next round, but that should be a noop
		timeProvider.TickerChannelFor(HeartbeatSyncTimer) <- time.Now()

	It("should subscribe to the dea.heartbeat subject", func() {