Example #1
// TestRangeLookupWithOpenTransaction verifies that range lookups are
// done in such a way (e.g. using inconsistent reads) that they
// proceed in the event that a write intent is extant at the meta
// index record being read.
func TestRangeLookupWithOpenTransaction(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, _, _ := serverutils.StartServer(t, base.TestServerArgs{})
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()
	db := createTestClient(t, s.Stopper(), s.ServingAddr())

	// Create an intent on the meta1 record by writing directly to the
	// engine.
	key := testutils.MakeKey(keys.Meta1Prefix, roachpb.KeyMax)
	now := s.Clock().Now()
	txn := roachpb.NewTransaction("txn", roachpb.Key("foobar"), 0, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE, now, 0)
	if err := engine.MVCCPutProto(
		context.Background(), s.(*server.TestServer).Engines()[0],
		nil, key, now, txn, &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}); err != nil {

	// Now, with an intent pending, attempt (asynchronously) to read
	// from an arbitrary key. This will cause the distributed sender to
	// do a range lookup, which will encounter the intent. We're
	// verifying here that the range lookup doesn't fail with a write
	// intent error. If it did, it would go into a deadloop attempting
	// to push the transaction, which in turn requires another range
	// lookup, etc, ad nauseam.
	if _, err := db.Get(context.TODO(), "a"); err != nil {
// TestTxnMultipleCoord checks that a coordinator uses the Writing flag to
// enforce that only one coordinator can be used for transactional writes.
func TestTxnMultipleCoord(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	s, sender := createTestDB(t)
	defer s.Stop()

	testCases := []struct {
		args    roachpb.Request
		writing bool
		ok      bool
		{roachpb.NewGet(roachpb.Key("a")), true, false},
		{roachpb.NewGet(roachpb.Key("a")), false, true},
		{roachpb.NewPut(roachpb.Key("a"), roachpb.Value{}), false, false}, // transactional write before begin
		{roachpb.NewPut(roachpb.Key("a"), roachpb.Value{}), true, false},  // must have switched coordinators

	for i, tc := range testCases {
		txn := roachpb.NewTransaction("test", roachpb.Key("a"), 1, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE,
			s.Clock.Now(), s.Clock.MaxOffset().Nanoseconds())
		txn.Writing = tc.writing
		reply, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), sender, roachpb.Header{
			Txn: txn,
		}, tc.args)
		if pErr == nil != tc.ok {
			t.Errorf("%d: %T (writing=%t): success_expected=%t, but got: %v",
				i, tc.args, tc.writing, tc.ok, pErr)
		if pErr != nil {

		txn = reply.Header().Txn
		// The transaction should come back rw if it started rw or if we just
		// wrote.
		isWrite := roachpb.IsTransactionWrite(tc.args)
		if (tc.writing || isWrite) != txn.Writing {
			t.Errorf("%d: unexpected writing state: %s", i, txn)
		if !isWrite {
		// Abort for clean shutdown.
		if _, pErr := client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), sender, roachpb.Header{
			Txn: txn,
		}, &roachpb.EndTransactionRequest{
			Commit: false,
		}); pErr != nil {
Example #3
// maybeBeginTxn begins a new transaction if a txn has been specified
// in the request but has a nil ID. The new transaction is initialized
// using the name and isolation in the otherwise uninitialized txn.
// The Priority, if non-zero is used as a minimum.
// No transactional writes are allowed unless preceded by a begin
// transaction request within the same batch. The exception is if the
// transaction is already in state txn.Writing=true.
func (tc *TxnCoordSender) maybeBeginTxn(ba *roachpb.BatchRequest) error {
	if len(ba.Requests) == 0 {
		return errors.Errorf("empty batch with txn")
	if ba.Txn.ID == nil {
		// Create transaction without a key. The key is set when a begin
		// transaction request is received.

		// The initial timestamp may be communicated by a higher layer.
		// If so, use that. Otherwise make up a new one.
		timestamp := ba.Txn.OrigTimestamp
		if timestamp == hlc.ZeroTimestamp {
			timestamp = tc.clock.Now()
		newTxn := roachpb.NewTransaction(ba.Txn.Name, nil, ba.UserPriority,
			ba.Txn.Isolation, timestamp, tc.clock.MaxOffset().Nanoseconds())
		// Use existing priority as a minimum. This is used on transaction
		// aborts to ratchet priority when creating successor transaction.
		if newTxn.Priority < ba.Txn.Priority {
			newTxn.Priority = ba.Txn.Priority
		ba.Txn = newTxn

	// Check for a begin transaction to set txn key based on the key of
	// the first transactional write. Also enforce that no transactional
	// writes occur before a begin transaction.
	var haveBeginTxn bool
	for _, req := range ba.Requests {
		args := req.GetInner()
		if bt, ok := args.(*roachpb.BeginTransactionRequest); ok {
			if haveBeginTxn || ba.Txn.Writing {
				return errors.Errorf("begin transaction requested twice in the same transaction: %s", ba.Txn)
			haveBeginTxn = true
			if ba.Txn.Key == nil {
				ba.Txn.Key = bt.Key
		if roachpb.IsTransactionWrite(args) && !haveBeginTxn && !ba.Txn.Writing {
			return errors.Errorf("transactional write before begin transaction")
	return nil
func TestRangeInfo(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	mtc := startMultiTestContext(t, 2)
	defer mtc.Stop()

	// Up-replicate to two replicas.
	mtc.replicateRange(mtc.stores[0].LookupReplica(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil).RangeID, 1)

	// Split the key space at key "a".
	splitKey := roachpb.RKey("a")
	splitArgs := adminSplitArgs(splitKey.AsRawKey(), splitKey.AsRawKey())
	if _, pErr := client.SendWrapped(
		context.Background(), rg1(mtc.stores[0]), &splitArgs,
	); pErr != nil {

	// Get the replicas for each side of the split. This is done within
	// a SucceedsSoon loop to ensure the split completes.
	var lhsReplica0, lhsReplica1, rhsReplica0, rhsReplica1 *storage.Replica
	util.SucceedsSoon(t, func() error {
		lhsReplica0 = mtc.stores[0].LookupReplica(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil)
		lhsReplica1 = mtc.stores[1].LookupReplica(roachpb.RKeyMin, nil)
		rhsReplica0 = mtc.stores[0].LookupReplica(splitKey, nil)
		rhsReplica1 = mtc.stores[1].LookupReplica(splitKey, nil)
		if lhsReplica0 == rhsReplica0 || lhsReplica1 == rhsReplica1 {
			return errors.Errorf("replicas not post-split %v, %v, %v, %v",
				lhsReplica0, rhsReplica0, rhsReplica0, rhsReplica1)
		return nil
	lhsLease, _ := lhsReplica0.GetLease()
	rhsLease, _ := rhsReplica0.GetLease()

	// Verify range info is not set if unrequested.
	getArgs := getArgs(splitKey.AsRawKey())
	reply, pErr := client.SendWrapped(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], &getArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	if len(reply.Header().RangeInfos) > 0 {
		t.Errorf("expected empty range infos if unrequested; got %v", reply.Header().RangeInfos)

	// Verify range info on a get request.
	h := roachpb.Header{
		ReturnRangeInfo: true,
	reply, pErr = client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], h, &getArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	expRangeInfos := []roachpb.RangeInfo{
			Desc:  *rhsReplica0.Desc(),
			Lease: *rhsLease,
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(reply.Header().RangeInfos, expRangeInfos) {
		t.Errorf("on get reply, expected %+v; got %+v", expRangeInfos, reply.Header().RangeInfos)

	// Verify range info on a put request.
	putArgs := putArgs(splitKey.AsRawKey(), []byte("foo"))
	reply, pErr = client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], h, &putArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(reply.Header().RangeInfos, expRangeInfos) {
		t.Errorf("on put reply, expected %+v; got %+v", expRangeInfos, reply.Header().RangeInfos)

	// Verify multiple range infos on a scan request.
	scanArgs := roachpb.ScanRequest{
		Span: roachpb.Span{
			Key:    keys.SystemMax,
			EndKey: roachpb.KeyMax,
	h.Txn = roachpb.NewTransaction("test", roachpb.KeyMin, 1, enginepb.SERIALIZABLE, mtc.clock.Now(), 0)
	reply, pErr = client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], h, &scanArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	expRangeInfos = []roachpb.RangeInfo{
			Desc:  *lhsReplica0.Desc(),
			Lease: *lhsLease,
			Desc:  *rhsReplica0.Desc(),
			Lease: *rhsLease,
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(reply.Header().RangeInfos, expRangeInfos) {
		t.Errorf("on scan reply, expected %+v; got %+v", expRangeInfos, reply.Header().RangeInfos)

	// Verify multiple range infos and order on a reverse scan request.
	revScanArgs := roachpb.ReverseScanRequest{
		Span: roachpb.Span{
			Key:    keys.SystemMax,
			EndKey: roachpb.KeyMax,
	reply, pErr = client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], h, &revScanArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	expRangeInfos = []roachpb.RangeInfo{
			Desc:  *rhsReplica0.Desc(),
			Lease: *rhsLease,
			Desc:  *lhsReplica0.Desc(),
			Lease: *lhsLease,
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(reply.Header().RangeInfos, expRangeInfos) {
		t.Errorf("on reverse scan reply, expected %+v; got %+v", expRangeInfos, reply.Header().RangeInfos)

	// Change lease holders for both ranges and re-scan.
	for _, r := range []*storage.Replica{lhsReplica1, rhsReplica1} {
		replDesc, err := r.GetReplicaDescriptor()
		if err != nil {
		if err = mtc.dbs[0].AdminTransferLease(context.TODO(),
			r.Desc().StartKey.AsRawKey(), replDesc.StoreID); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unable to transfer lease to replica %s: %s", r, err)
	reply, pErr = client.SendWrappedWith(context.Background(), mtc.distSenders[0], h, &scanArgs)
	if pErr != nil {
	lhsLease, _ = lhsReplica1.GetLease()
	rhsLease, _ = rhsReplica1.GetLease()
	expRangeInfos = []roachpb.RangeInfo{
			Desc:  *lhsReplica1.Desc(),
			Lease: *lhsLease,
			Desc:  *rhsReplica1.Desc(),
			Lease: *rhsLease,
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(reply.Header().RangeInfos, expRangeInfos) {
		t.Errorf("on scan reply, expected %+v; got %+v", expRangeInfos, reply.Header().RangeInfos)