Example #1
// newSourceInfoForSingleTable creates a simple dataSourceInfo
// which maps the same tableAlias to all columns.
func newSourceInfoForSingleTable(tn parser.TableName, columns ResultColumns) *dataSourceInfo {
	norm := tn.NormalizedTableName()
	return &dataSourceInfo{
		sourceColumns: columns,
		sourceAliases: sourceAliases{norm: fillColumnRange(0, len(columns)-1)},
Example #2
func getTableOrViewDesc(
	txn *client.Txn, vt VirtualTabler, tn *parser.TableName,
) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	virtual, err := vt.getVirtualTableDesc(tn)
	if err != nil || virtual != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*sqlbase.ErrUndefinedTable); ok {
			return nil, nil
		return virtual, err

	dbDesc, err := MustGetDatabaseDesc(txn, vt, tn.Database())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	desc := sqlbase.TableDescriptor{}
	found, err := getDescriptor(txn, tableKey{parentID: dbDesc.ID, name: tn.Table()}, &desc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !found {
		return nil, nil
	return &desc, nil
Example #3
// getViewDesc implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func (p *planner) getViewDesc(tn *parser.TableName) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	desc, err := p.getTableOrViewDesc(tn)
	if err != nil {
		return desc, err
	if desc != nil && !desc.IsView() {
		return nil, sqlbase.NewWrongObjectTypeError(tn.String(), "view")
	return desc, nil
Example #4
// getQualifiedTableName returns the database-qualified name of the table
// or view represented by the provided descriptor.
func (p *planner) getQualifiedTableName(desc *sqlbase.TableDescriptor) (string, error) {
	dbDesc, err := sqlbase.GetDatabaseDescFromID(p.txn, desc.ParentID)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	tbName := parser.TableName{
		DatabaseName: parser.Name(dbDesc.Name),
		TableName:    parser.Name(desc.Name),
	return tbName.String(), nil
Example #5
// getVirtualTableEntry checks if the provided name matches a virtual database/table
// pair. The function will return the table's virtual table entry if the name matches
// a specific table. It will return an error if the name references a virtual database
// but the table is non-existent.
func (vs *virtualSchemaHolder) getVirtualTableEntry(
	tn *parser.TableName,
) (virtualTableEntry, error) {
	if db, ok := vs.getVirtualSchemaEntry(tn.DatabaseName.Normalize()); ok {
		if t, ok := db.tables[tn.TableName.Normalize()]; ok {
			return t, nil
		return virtualTableEntry{}, sqlbase.NewUndefinedTableError(tn.String())
	return virtualTableEntry{}, nil
Example #6
// getTableDesc implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func getTableDesc(
	txn *client.Txn, vt VirtualTabler, tn *parser.TableName,
) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	desc, err := getTableOrViewDesc(txn, vt, tn)
	if err != nil {
		return desc, err
	if desc != nil && !desc.IsTable() {
		return nil, sqlbase.NewWrongObjectTypeError(tn.String(), "table")
	return desc, nil
Example #7
// mustGetViewDesc implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func (p *planner) mustGetViewDesc(tn *parser.TableName) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	desc, err := p.getViewDesc(tn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if desc == nil {
		return nil, sqlbase.NewUndefinedViewError(tn.String())
	if err := filterTableState(desc); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return desc, nil
Example #8
func mustGetTableDesc(
	txn *client.Txn, vt VirtualTabler, tn *parser.TableName,
) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	desc, err := getTableDesc(txn, vt, tn)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if desc == nil {
		return nil, sqlbase.NewUndefinedTableError(tn.String())
	if err := filterTableState(desc); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return desc, nil
Example #9
// checkDatabaseName checks whether the given TableName is unambiguous
// within this source and if it is, qualifies the missing database name.
func (src *dataSourceInfo) checkDatabaseName(tn parser.TableName) (parser.TableName, error) {
	found := false
	if tn.DatabaseName == "" {
		// No database name yet. Try to find one.
		for name := range src.sourceAliases {
			if name.TableName == tn.TableName {
				if found {
					return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous source name: %q", tn.TableName)
				tn.DatabaseName = name.DatabaseName
				found = true
		if !found {
			return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("source name %q not found in FROM clause", tn.TableName)
		return tn, nil

	// Database given. Check that the name is unambiguous.
	if _, ok := src.sourceAliases[tn]; ok {
		if found {
			return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous source name: %q (within database %q)",
				tn.TableName, tn.DatabaseName)
		found = true

	if !found {
		return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("table %q not selected in FROM clause", &tn)
	return tn, nil
Example #10
// checkDatabaseName checks whether the given TableName is unambiguous
// within this source and if it is, qualifies the missing database name.
func (src *dataSourceInfo) checkDatabaseName(tn parser.TableName) (parser.TableName, error) {
	if tn.DatabaseName == "" {
		// No database name yet. Try to find one.
		found := false
		for _, alias := range src.sourceAliases {
			if alias.name.TableName == tn.TableName {
				if found {
					return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous source name: %q", tn.TableName)
				found = true
				tn.DatabaseName = alias.name.DatabaseName
		if !found {
			return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("source name %q not found in FROM clause", tn.TableName)
		return tn, nil

	// Database given.
	if _, found := src.sourceAliases.srcIdx(tn); !found {
		return parser.TableName{}, fmt.Errorf("table %q not selected in FROM clause", &tn)
	return tn, nil
Example #11
// getTableID retrieves the table ID for the specified table.
func getTableID(p *planner, tn *parser.TableName) (sqlbase.ID, error) {
	if err := tn.QualifyWithDatabase(p.session.Database); err != nil {
		return 0, err

	virtual, err := p.session.virtualSchemas.getVirtualTableDesc(tn)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if virtual != nil {
		return virtual.GetID(), nil

	dbID, err := p.getDatabaseID(tn.Database())
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	nameKey := tableKey{dbID, tn.Table()}
	key := nameKey.Key()
	gr, err := p.txn.Get(key)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if !gr.Exists() {
		return 0, sqlbase.NewUndefinedTableError(parser.AsString(tn))
	return sqlbase.ID(gr.ValueInt()), nil
Example #12
// getVirtualDataSource attempts to find a virtual table with the
// given name.
func (p *planner) getVirtualDataSource(tn *parser.TableName) (planDataSource, bool, error) {
	virtual, err := p.session.virtualSchemas.getVirtualTableEntry(tn)
	if err != nil {
		return planDataSource{}, false, err
	if virtual.desc != nil {
		columns, constructor := virtual.getPlanInfo()
		sourceName := parser.TableName{
			TableName:    parser.Name(virtual.desc.Name),
			DatabaseName: tn.DatabaseName,
		return planDataSource{
			info: newSourceInfoForSingleTable(sourceName, columns),
			plan: &delayedNode{
				name:        sourceName.String(),
				columns:     columns,
				constructor: constructor,
		}, true, nil
	return planDataSource{}, false, nil
Example #13
// getTableOrViewDesc implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func (p *planner) getTableOrViewDesc(tn *parser.TableName) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	virtual, err := p.session.virtualSchemas.getVirtualTableDesc(tn)
	if err != nil || virtual != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(*sqlbase.ErrUndefinedTable); ok {
			return nil, nil
		return virtual, err

	dbDesc, err := p.mustGetDatabaseDesc(tn.Database())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	desc := sqlbase.TableDescriptor{}
	found, err := p.getDescriptor(tableKey{parentID: dbDesc.ID, name: tn.Table()}, &desc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if !found {
		return nil, nil
	return &desc, nil
Example #14
// expandStar returns the array of column metadata and name
// expressions that correspond to the expansion of a star.
func (src *dataSourceInfo) expandStar(
	v parser.VarName, ivarHelper parser.IndexedVarHelper,
) (columns ResultColumns, exprs []parser.TypedExpr, err error) {
	if len(src.sourceColumns) == 0 {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot use %q without a FROM clause", v)

	colSel := func(idx int) {
		col := src.sourceColumns[idx]
		if !col.hidden {
			ivar := ivarHelper.IndexedVar(idx)
			columns = append(columns, ResultColumn{Name: col.Name, Typ: ivar.ResolvedType()})
			exprs = append(exprs, ivar)

	tableName := parser.TableName{}
	if a, ok := v.(*parser.AllColumnsSelector); ok {
		tableName = a.TableName
	if tableName.Table() == "" {
		for i := 0; i < len(src.sourceColumns); i++ {
	} else {
		norm := tableName.NormalizedTableName()

		qualifiedTn, err := src.checkDatabaseName(norm)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		colRange, ok := src.sourceAliases[qualifiedTn]
		if !ok {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("table %q not found", tableName.String())
		for _, i := range colRange {

	return columns, exprs, nil
Example #15
// getDataSource builds a planDataSource from a single data source clause
// (TableExpr) in a SelectClause.
func (p *planner) getDataSource(
	src parser.TableExpr, hints *parser.IndexHints, scanVisibility scanVisibility,
) (planDataSource, error) {
	switch t := src.(type) {
	case *parser.NormalizableTableName:
		// Usual case: a table.
		tn, err := p.QualifyWithDatabase(t)
		if err != nil {
			return planDataSource{}, err

		// Is this perhaps a name for a virtual table?
		ds, foundVirtual, err := p.getVirtualDataSource(tn)
		if err != nil {
			return planDataSource{}, err
		if foundVirtual {
			return ds, nil
		return p.getTableScanOrViewPlan(tn, hints, scanVisibility)

	case *parser.Subquery:
		return p.getSubqueryPlan(t.Select, nil)

	case *parser.JoinTableExpr:
		// Joins: two sources.
		left, err := p.getDataSource(t.Left, nil, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return left, err
		right, err := p.getDataSource(t.Right, nil, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return right, err
		return p.makeJoin(t.Join, left, right, t.Cond)

	case *parser.ParenTableExpr:
		return p.getDataSource(t.Expr, hints, scanVisibility)

	case *parser.AliasedTableExpr:
		// Alias clause: source AS alias(cols...)
		src, err := p.getDataSource(t.Expr, t.Hints, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return src, err

		var tableAlias parser.TableName
		if t.As.Alias != "" {
			// If an alias was specified, use that.
			tableAlias.TableName = parser.Name(t.As.Alias.Normalize())
			src.info.sourceAliases = sourceAliases{
				tableAlias: fillColumnRange(0, len(src.info.sourceColumns)-1),
		colAlias := t.As.Cols

		if len(colAlias) > 0 {
			// Make a copy of the slice since we are about to modify the contents.
			src.info.sourceColumns = append(ResultColumns(nil), src.info.sourceColumns...)

			// The column aliases can only refer to explicit columns.
			for colIdx, aliasIdx := 0, 0; aliasIdx < len(colAlias); colIdx++ {
				if colIdx >= len(src.info.sourceColumns) {
					var srcName string
					if tableAlias.DatabaseName != "" {
						srcName = tableAlias.String()
					} else {
						srcName = tableAlias.TableName.String()

					return planDataSource{}, errors.Errorf(
						"source %q has %d columns available but %d columns specified",
						srcName, aliasIdx, len(colAlias))
				if src.info.sourceColumns[colIdx].hidden {
				src.info.sourceColumns[colIdx].Name = string(colAlias[aliasIdx])
		return src, nil

		return planDataSource{}, errors.Errorf("unsupported FROM type %T", src)
Example #16
// getTableLease implements the SchemaAccessor interface.
func (p *planner) getTableLease(tn *parser.TableName) (*sqlbase.TableDescriptor, error) {
	if log.V(2) {
		log.Infof(p.ctx(), "planner acquiring lease on table '%s'", tn)

	isSystemDB := tn.Database() == sqlbase.SystemDB.Name
	isVirtualDB := p.session.virtualSchemas.isVirtualDatabase(tn.Database())
	if isSystemDB || isVirtualDB || testDisableTableLeases {
		// We don't go through the normal lease mechanism for:
		// - system tables. The system.lease and system.descriptor table, in
		//   particular, are problematic because they are used for acquiring
		//   leases itself, creating a chicken&egg problem.
		// - virtual tables. These tables' descriptors are not persisted,
		//   so they cannot be leased. Instead, we simply return the static
		//   descriptor and rely on the immutability privileges set on the
		//   descriptors to cause upper layers to reject mutations statements.
		tbl, err := p.mustGetTableDesc(tn)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := filterTableState(tbl); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return tbl, nil

	dbID, err := p.getDatabaseID(tn.Database())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// First, look to see if we already have a lease for this table.
	// This ensures that, once a SQL transaction resolved name N to id X, it will
	// continue to use N to refer to X even if N is renamed during the
	// transaction.
	var lease *LeaseState
	for _, l := range p.leases {
		if parser.ReNormalizeName(l.Name) == tn.TableName.Normalize() &&
			l.ParentID == dbID {
			lease = l
			if log.V(2) {
				log.Infof(p.ctx(), "found lease in planner cache for table '%s'", tn)

	// If we didn't find a lease or the lease is about to expire, acquire one.
	if lease == nil || p.removeLeaseIfExpiring(lease) {
		var err error
		lease, err = p.leaseMgr.AcquireByName(p.txn, dbID, tn.Table())
		if err != nil {
			if err == sqlbase.ErrDescriptorNotFound {
				// Transform the descriptor error into an error that references the
				// table's name.
				return nil, sqlbase.NewUndefinedTableError(tn.String())
			return nil, err
		p.leases = append(p.leases, lease)
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof(p.ctx(), "added lease on table '%s' to planner cache", tn)
		// If the lease we just acquired expires before the txn's deadline, reduce
		// the deadline.
		p.txn.UpdateDeadlineMaybe(hlc.Timestamp{WallTime: lease.Expiration().UnixNano()})
	return &lease.TableDescriptor, nil
Example #17
// findColumn looks up the column specified by a ColumnItem. The
// function returns the index of the source in the multiSourceInfo
// array and the column index for the column array of that
// source. Returns invalid indices and an error if the source is not
// found or the name is ambiguous.
func (sources multiSourceInfo) findColumn(c *parser.ColumnItem) (srcIdx int, colIdx int, err error) {
	if len(c.Selector) > 0 {
		return invalidSrcIdx, invalidColIdx, util.UnimplementedWithIssueErrorf(8318, "compound types not supported yet: %q", c)

	colName := c.ColumnName.Normalize()
	var tableName parser.TableName
	if c.TableName.Table() != "" {
		tableName = c.TableName.NormalizedTableName()

		tn, err := sources.checkDatabaseName(tableName)
		if err != nil {
			return invalidSrcIdx, invalidColIdx, err
		tableName = tn

		// Propagate the discovered database name back to the original VarName.
		// (to clarify the output of e.g. EXPLAIN)
		c.TableName.DatabaseName = tableName.DatabaseName

	colIdx = invalidColIdx
	for iSrc, src := range sources {
		findColHelper := func(src *dataSourceInfo, iSrc, srcIdx, colIdx int, idx int) (int, int, error) {
			col := src.sourceColumns[idx]
			if parser.ReNormalizeName(col.Name) == colName {
				if colIdx != invalidColIdx {
					return invalidSrcIdx, invalidColIdx, fmt.Errorf("column reference %q is ambiguous", c)
				srcIdx = iSrc
				colIdx = idx
			return srcIdx, colIdx, nil

		if tableName.Table() == "" {
			for idx := 0; idx < len(src.sourceColumns); idx++ {
				srcIdx, colIdx, err = findColHelper(src, iSrc, srcIdx, colIdx, idx)
				if err != nil {
					return srcIdx, colIdx, err
		} else {
			colRange, ok := src.sourceAliases[tableName]
			if !ok {
				// The data source "src" has no column for table tableName.
				// Try again with the net one.
			for _, idx := range colRange {
				srcIdx, colIdx, err = findColHelper(src, iSrc, srcIdx, colIdx, idx)
				if err != nil {
					return srcIdx, colIdx, err

	if colIdx == invalidColIdx {
		return invalidSrcIdx, invalidColIdx, fmt.Errorf("column name %q not found", c)

	return srcIdx, colIdx, nil
Example #18
// getDataSource builds a planDataSource from a single data source clause
// (TableExpr) in a SelectClause.
func (p *planner) getDataSource(
	src parser.TableExpr, hints *parser.IndexHints, scanVisibility scanVisibility,
) (planDataSource, error) {
	switch t := src.(type) {
	case *parser.NormalizableTableName:
		// Usual case: a table.
		tn, err := p.QualifyWithDatabase(t)
		if err != nil {
			return planDataSource{}, err

		// Is this perhaps a name for a virtual table?
		ds, foundVirtual, err := p.getVirtualDataSource(tn)
		if err != nil {
			return planDataSource{}, err
		if foundVirtual {
			return ds, nil
		return p.getTableScanOrViewPlan(tn, hints, scanVisibility)

	case *parser.FuncExpr:
		return p.getGeneratorPlan(t)

	case *parser.Subquery:
		return p.getSubqueryPlan(t.Select, nil)

	case *parser.JoinTableExpr:
		// Joins: two sources.
		left, err := p.getDataSource(t.Left, nil, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return left, err
		right, err := p.getDataSource(t.Right, nil, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return right, err
		return p.makeJoin(t.Join, left, right, t.Cond)

	case *parser.Explain:
		plan, err := p.Explain(t, false)
		if err != nil {
			return planDataSource{}, err
		return planDataSource{
			info: newSourceInfoForSingleTable(anonymousTable, plan.Columns()),
			plan: plan,
		}, nil

	case *parser.ParenTableExpr:
		return p.getDataSource(t.Expr, hints, scanVisibility)

	case *parser.AliasedTableExpr:
		// Alias clause: source AS alias(cols...)
		src, err := p.getDataSource(t.Expr, t.Hints, scanVisibility)
		if err != nil {
			return src, err

		if t.Ordinality {
			// The WITH ORDINALITY clause numbers the rows coming out of the
			// data source. See the comments next to the definition of
			// `ordinalityNode` in particular how this restricts
			// optimizations.
			src = p.wrapOrdinality(src)

		var tableAlias parser.TableName
		if t.As.Alias != "" {
			// If an alias was specified, use that.
			tableAlias.TableName = parser.Name(t.As.Alias.Normalize())
			src.info.sourceAliases = sourceAliases{{
				name:        tableAlias,
				columnRange: fillColumnRange(0, len(src.info.sourceColumns)-1),
		colAlias := t.As.Cols

		if len(colAlias) > 0 {
			// Make a copy of the slice since we are about to modify the contents.
			src.info.sourceColumns = append(ResultColumns(nil), src.info.sourceColumns...)

			// The column aliases can only refer to explicit columns.
			for colIdx, aliasIdx := 0, 0; aliasIdx < len(colAlias); colIdx++ {
				if colIdx >= len(src.info.sourceColumns) {
					var srcName string
					if tableAlias.DatabaseName != "" {
						srcName = tableAlias.String()
					} else {
						srcName = tableAlias.TableName.String()

					return planDataSource{}, errors.Errorf(
						"source %q has %d columns available but %d columns specified",
						srcName, aliasIdx, len(colAlias))
				if src.info.sourceColumns[colIdx].hidden {
				src.info.sourceColumns[colIdx].Name = string(colAlias[aliasIdx])
		return src, nil

		return planDataSource{}, errors.Errorf("unsupported FROM type %T", src)