Example #1
// initNodeID updates the internal NodeDescriptor with the given ID. If zero is
// supplied, a new NodeID is allocated with the first invocation. For all other
// values, the supplied ID is stored into the descriptor (unless one has been
// set previously, in which case a fatal error occurs).
// Upon setting a new NodeID, the descriptor is gossiped and the NodeID is
// stored into the gossip instance.
func (n *Node) initNodeID(id roachpb.NodeID) {
	ctx := n.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
	if id < 0 {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "NodeID must not be negative")

	if o := n.Descriptor.NodeID; o > 0 {
		if id == 0 {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "cannot initialize NodeID to %d, already have %d", id, o)
	var err error
	if id == 0 {
		ctxWithSpan, span := n.AnnotateCtxWithSpan(ctx, "alloc-node-id")
		id, err = allocateNodeID(ctxWithSpan, n.storeCfg.DB)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(ctxWithSpan, err)
		log.Infof(ctxWithSpan, "new node allocated ID %d", id)
		if id == 0 {
			log.Fatal(ctxWithSpan, "new node allocated illegal ID 0")
		n.storeCfg.Gossip.NodeID.Set(ctx, id)
	} else {
		log.Infof(ctx, "node ID %d initialized", id)
	// Gossip the node descriptor to make this node addressable by node ID.
	n.Descriptor.NodeID = id
	if err = n.storeCfg.Gossip.SetNodeDescriptor(&n.Descriptor); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "couldn't gossip descriptor for node %d: %s", n.Descriptor.NodeID, err)
Example #2
func (z *zeroSum) verify(d time.Duration) {
	for {

		// Grab the count of accounts from committed transactions first. The number
		// of accounts found by the SELECT should be at least this number.
		committedAccounts := uint64(z.accountsLen())

		q := `SELECT count(*), sum(balance) FROM accounts`
		var accounts uint64
		var total int64
		db := z.DB[z.RandNode(rand.Intn)]
		if err := db.QueryRow(q).Scan(&accounts, &total); err != nil {
		if total != 0 {
			log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "unexpected total balance %d", total)
		if accounts < committedAccounts {
			log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "expected at least %d accounts, but found %d",
				committedAccounts, accounts)
Example #3
func (c *Cluster) isReplicated() (bool, string) {
	db := c.Clients[0]
	rows, err := db.Scan(context.Background(), keys.Meta2Prefix, keys.Meta2Prefix.PrefixEnd(), 100000)
	if err != nil {
		if IsUnavailableError(err) {
			return false, ""
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "scan failed: %s\n", err)

	var buf bytes.Buffer
	tw := tabwriter.NewWriter(&buf, 2, 1, 2, ' ', 0)

	done := true
	for _, row := range rows {
		desc := &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{}
		if err := row.ValueProto(desc); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "%s: unable to unmarshal range descriptor\n", row.Key)
		var storeIDs []roachpb.StoreID
		for _, replica := range desc.Replicas {
			storeIDs = append(storeIDs, replica.StoreID)
		fmt.Fprintf(tw, "\t%s\t%s\t[%d]\t%d\n",
			desc.StartKey, desc.EndKey, desc.RangeID, storeIDs)
		if len(desc.Replicas) != 3 {
			done = false
	_ = tw.Flush()
	return done, buf.String()
Example #4
// Start starts a node.
func (n *Node) Start() {
	defer n.Unlock()

	if n.cmd != nil {

	n.cmd = exec.Command(n.args[0], n.args[1:]...)
	n.cmd.Env = os.Environ()
	n.cmd.Env = append(n.cmd.Env, n.env...)

	stdoutPath := filepath.Join(n.logDir, "stdout")
	stdout, err := os.OpenFile(stdoutPath,
		os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "unable to open file %s: %s", stdoutPath, err)
	n.cmd.Stdout = stdout

	stderrPath := filepath.Join(n.logDir, "stderr")
	stderr, err := os.OpenFile(stderrPath,
		os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "unable to open file %s: %s", stderrPath, err)
	n.cmd.Stderr = stderr

	err = n.cmd.Start()
	if n.cmd.Process != nil {
		log.Infof(context.Background(), "process %d started: %s",
			n.cmd.Process.Pid, strings.Join(n.args, " "))
	if err != nil {
		log.Infof(context.Background(), "%v", err)
		_ = stdout.Close()
		_ = stderr.Close()

	go func(cmd *exec.Cmd) {
		if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
			log.Errorf(context.Background(), "waiting for command: %v", err)
		_ = stdout.Close()
		_ = stderr.Close()

		ps := cmd.ProcessState
		sy := ps.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)

		log.Infof(context.Background(), "Process %d exited with status %d",
			ps.Pid(), sy.ExitStatus())
		log.Infof(context.Background(), ps.String())

		n.cmd = nil
Example #5
func main() {
	// Seed the random number generator for non-determinism across
	// multiple runs.

	if f := flag.Lookup("alsologtostderr"); f != nil {
		fmt.Println("Starting simulation. Add -alsologtostderr to see progress.")

	dirName, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gossip-simulation-")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "could not create temporary directory for gossip simulation output: %s", err)

	// Simulation callbacks to run the simulation for cycleCount
	// cycles. At each cycle % outputEvery, a dot file showing the
	// state of the network graph is output.
	nodeCount := 3
	switch *size {
	case "tiny":
		// Use default parameters.
	case "small":
		nodeCount = 10
	case "medium":
		nodeCount = 25
	case "large":
		nodeCount = 50
	case "huge":
		nodeCount = 100
	case "ginormous":
		nodeCount = 250
		log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "unknown simulation size: %s", *size)

	edgeSet := make(map[string]edge)

	stopper := stop.NewStopper()
	defer stopper.Stop()

	n := simulation.NewNetwork(stopper, nodeCount, true)
		func(cycle int, network *simulation.Network) bool {
			// Output dot graph.
			dotFN := fmt.Sprintf("%s/sim-cycle-%03d.dot", dirName, cycle)
			_, quiescent := outputDotFile(dotFN, cycle, network, edgeSet)
			// Run until network has quiesced.
			return !quiescent

	// Output instructions for viewing graphs.
	fmt.Printf("To view simulation graph output run (you must install graphviz):\n\nfor f in %s/*.dot ; do circo $f -Tpng -o $f.png ; echo $f.png ; done\n", dirName)
Example #6
// Set sets the current node ID. If it is already set, the value must match.
func (n *NodeIDContainer) Set(ctx context.Context, val roachpb.NodeID) {
	if val <= 0 {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "trying to set invalid NodeID: %d", val)
	oldVal := atomic.SwapInt32(&n.nodeID, int32(val))
	if oldVal == 0 {
		log.Infof(ctx, "NodeID set to %d", val)
	} else if oldVal != int32(val) {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "different NodeIDs set: %d, then %d", oldVal, val)
Example #7
func (as *nodeSet) updateGauge() {
	if as.placeholders < 0 {
			"nodeSet.placeholders should never be less than 0; gossip logic is broken %+v", as)

	newTotal := as.len()
	if newTotal > as.maxSize {
			"too many nodes (%d) in nodeSet (maxSize=%d); gossip logic is broken: %+v",
			newTotal, as.maxSize, as)
Example #8
func (c *Cluster) makeClient(nodeIdx int) *client.DB {
	sender, err := client.NewSender(c.rpcCtx, c.RPCAddr(nodeIdx))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "failed to initialize KV client: %s", err)
	return client.NewDB(sender)
Example #9
// Batch implements the roachpb.InternalServer interface.
func (n *Node) Batch(
	ctx context.Context, args *roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {

	ctx = n.AnnotateCtx(ctx)

	br, err := n.batchInternal(ctx, args)

	// We always return errors via BatchResponse.Error so structure is
	// preserved; plain errors are presumed to be from the RPC
	// framework and not from cockroach.
	if err != nil {
		if br == nil {
			br = &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
		if br.Error != nil {
				ctx, "attempting to return both a plain error (%s) and roachpb.Error (%s)", err, br.Error,
		br.Error = roachpb.NewError(err)
	return br, nil
Example #10
func (c *Cluster) makeStatus(nodeIdx int) serverpb.StatusClient {
	conn, err := c.rpcCtx.GRPCDial(c.RPCAddr(nodeIdx))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "failed to initialize status client: %s", err)
	return serverpb.NewStatusClient(conn)
Example #11
func Example_user_insecure() {
	s, err := serverutils.StartServerRaw(
		base.TestServerArgs{Insecure: true})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Could not start server: %v", err)
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()
	c := cliTest{TestServer: s.(*server.TestServer), cleanupFunc: func() {}}

	// Since util.IsolatedTestAddr is used on Linux in insecure test clusters,
	// we have to reset the advertiseHost so that the value from previous
	// tests is not used to construct an incorrect postgres URL by the client.
	advertiseHost = ""

	// No prompting for password in insecure mode.
	c.Run("user set foo")
	c.Run("user ls --pretty")

	// Output:
	// user set foo
	// INSERT 1
	// user ls --pretty
	// +----------+
	// | username |
	// +----------+
	// | foo      |
	// +----------+
	// (1 row)
Example #12
// NewNetwork creates nodeCount gossip nodes.
func NewNetwork(stopper *stop.Stopper, nodeCount int, createResolvers bool) *Network {
	log.Infof(context.TODO(), "simulating gossip network with %d nodes", nodeCount)

	n := &Network{
		Nodes:   []*Node{},
		Stopper: stopper,
	n.rpcContext = rpc.NewContext(
		&base.Config{Insecure: true},
		hlc.NewClock(hlc.UnixNano, time.Nanosecond),
	var err error
	n.tlsConfig, err = n.rpcContext.GetServerTLSConfig()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(context.TODO(), err)

	for i := 0; i < nodeCount; i++ {
		node, err := n.CreateNode()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatal(context.TODO(), err)
		// Build a resolver for each instance or we'll get data races.
		if createResolvers {
			r, err := resolver.NewResolverFromAddress(n.Nodes[0].Addr())
			if err != nil {
				log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "bad gossip address %s: %s", n.Nodes[0].Addr(), err)
	return n
Example #13
func Example_node() {
	c, err := newCLITest(nil, false)
	if err != nil {
	defer c.stop(true)

	// Refresh time series data, which is required to retrieve stats.
	if err := c.WriteSummaries(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Couldn't write stats summaries: %s", err)

	c.Run("node ls")
	c.Run("node ls --pretty")
	c.Run("node status 10000")

	// Output:
	// node ls
	// 1 row
	// id
	// 1
	// node ls --pretty
	// +----+
	// | id |
	// +----+
	// |  1 |
	// +----+
	// (1 row)
	// node status 10000
	// Error: node 10000 doesn't exist
Example #14
// Freeze freezes (or thaws) the cluster. The freeze request is sent to the
// specified node.
func (c *Cluster) Freeze(nodeIdx int, freeze bool) {
	addr := c.RPCAddr(nodeIdx)
	conn, err := c.rpcCtx.GRPCDial(addr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "unable to dial: %s: %v", addr, err)

	adminClient := serverpb.NewAdminClient(conn)
	stream, err := adminClient.ClusterFreeze(
		context.Background(), &serverpb.ClusterFreezeRequest{Freeze: freeze})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(context.Background(), err)
	for {
		resp, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
			log.Fatal(context.Background(), err)
Example #15
// Create the key/value pairs for the default zone config entry.
func createDefaultZoneConfig() []roachpb.KeyValue {
	var ret []roachpb.KeyValue
	value := roachpb.Value{}
	desc := config.DefaultZoneConfig()
	if err := value.SetProto(&desc); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "could not marshal %v", desc)
	ret = append(ret, roachpb.KeyValue{
		Key:   MakeZoneKey(keys.RootNamespaceID),
		Value: value,
	return ret
Example #16
func (s channelServer) HandleRaftResponse(
	ctx context.Context, resp *storage.RaftMessageResponse,
) error {
	// Mimic the logic in (*Store).HandleRaftResponse without requiring an
	// entire Store object to be pulled into these tests.
	if val, ok := resp.Union.GetValue().(*roachpb.Error); ok {
		if err, ok := val.GetDetail().(*roachpb.StoreNotFoundError); ok {
			return err
	log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected raft response: %s", resp)
	return nil
Example #17
// GetInitialValues returns the set of initial K/V values which should be added to
// a bootstrapping CockroachDB cluster in order to create the tables contained
// in the schema.
func (ms MetadataSchema) GetInitialValues() []roachpb.KeyValue {
	var ret []roachpb.KeyValue

	// Save the ID generator value, which will generate descriptor IDs for user
	// objects.
	value := roachpb.Value{}
	value.SetInt(int64(keys.MaxReservedDescID + 1))
	ret = append(ret, roachpb.KeyValue{
		Key:   keys.DescIDGenerator,
		Value: value,

	// addDescriptor generates the needed KeyValue objects to install a
	// descriptor on a new cluster.
	addDescriptor := func(parentID ID, desc DescriptorProto) {
		// Create name metadata key.
		value := roachpb.Value{}
		ret = append(ret, roachpb.KeyValue{
			Key:   MakeNameMetadataKey(parentID, desc.GetName()),
			Value: value,

		// Create descriptor metadata key.
		value = roachpb.Value{}
		wrappedDesc := WrapDescriptor(desc)
		if err := value.SetProto(wrappedDesc); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf(context.TODO(), "could not marshal %v", desc)
		ret = append(ret, roachpb.KeyValue{
			Key:   MakeDescMetadataKey(desc.GetID()),
			Value: value,

	// Generate initial values for system databases and tables, which have
	// static descriptors that were generated elsewhere.
	for _, sysObj := range ms.descs {
		addDescriptor(sysObj.parentID, sysObj.desc)

	// Other key/value generation that doesn't fit into databases and
	// tables. This can be used to add initial entries to a table.
	ret = append(ret, ms.otherKV...)

	// Sort returned key values; this is valuable because it matches the way the
	// objects would be sorted if read from the engine.
	return ret
Example #18
func (z *zeroSum) chaos() {
	switch z.chaosType {
	case "none":
		// nothing to do
	case "simple":
		go z.chaosSimple()
	case "flappy":
		go z.chaosFlappy()
	case "freeze":
		go z.chaosFreeze()
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "unknown chaos type: %s", z.chaosType)
Example #19
// connectGossip connects to gossip network and reads cluster ID. If
// this node is already part of a cluster, the cluster ID is verified
// for a match. If not part of a cluster, the cluster ID is set. The
// node's address is gossiped with node ID as the gossip key.
func (n *Node) connectGossip(ctx context.Context) {
	log.Infof(ctx, "connecting to gossip network to verify cluster ID...")
	// No timeout or stop condition is needed here. Log statements should be
	// sufficient for diagnosing this type of condition.

	uuidBytes, err := n.storeCfg.Gossip.GetInfo(gossip.KeyClusterID)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "unable to ascertain cluster ID from gossip network: %s", err)
	gossipClusterID, err := uuid.FromBytes(uuidBytes)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "unable to ascertain cluster ID from gossip network: %s", err)

	if n.ClusterID == (uuid.UUID{}) {
		n.ClusterID = gossipClusterID
	} else if n.ClusterID != gossipClusterID {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "node %d belongs to cluster %q but is attempting to connect to a gossip network for cluster %q",
			n.Descriptor.NodeID, n.ClusterID, gossipClusterID)
	log.Infof(ctx, "node connected via gossip and verified as part of cluster %q", gossipClusterID)
Example #20
// ExampleNewClock shows how to create a new
// hybrid logical clock based on the local machine's
// physical clock. The sanity checks in this example
// will, of course, not fail and the output will be
// the age of the Unix epoch in nanoseconds.
func ExampleNewClock() {
	// Initialize a new clock, using the local
	// physical clock.
	c := NewClock(UnixNano)
	// Update the state of the hybrid clock.
	s := c.Now()
	time.Sleep(50 * time.Nanosecond)
	t := Timestamp{WallTime: UnixNano()}
	// The sanity checks below will usually never be triggered.

	if s.Less(t) || !t.Less(s) {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "The later timestamp is smaller than the earlier one")

	if t.WallTime-s.WallTime > 0 {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "HLC timestamp %d deviates from physical clock %d", s, t)

	if s.Logical > 0 {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Trivial timestamp has logical component")

	fmt.Printf("The Unix Epoch is now approximately %dns old.\n", t.WallTime)
Example #21
func newCLITest() cliTest {
	// Reset the client context for each test. We don't reset the
	// pointer (because they are tied into the flags), but instead
	// overwrite the existing struct's values.

	osStderr = os.Stdout

	s, err := serverutils.StartServerRaw(base.TestServerArgs{})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Could not start server: %s", err)

	tempDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "cli-test")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(context.Background(), err)

	// Copy these assets to disk from embedded strings, so this test can
	// run from a standalone binary.
	// Disable embedded certs, or the security library will try to load
	// our real files as embedded assets.

	assets := []string{
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedCACert),
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedCAKey),
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedNodeCert),
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedNodeKey),
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedRootCert),
		filepath.Join(security.EmbeddedCertsDir, security.EmbeddedRootKey),

	for _, a := range assets {
		securitytest.RestrictedCopy(nil, a, tempDir, filepath.Base(a))

	return cliTest{
		TestServer: s.(*server.TestServer),
		certsDir:   tempDir,
		cleanupFunc: func() {
			if err := os.RemoveAll(tempDir); err != nil {
				log.Fatal(context.Background(), err)
Example #22
// writeInitialState bootstraps a new Raft group (i.e. it is called when we
// bootstrap a Range, or when setting up the right hand side of a split).
// Its main task is to persist a consistent Raft (and associated Replica) state
// which does not start from zero but presupposes a few entries already having
// applied.
// The supplied MVCCStats are used for the Stats field after adjusting for
// persisting the state itself, and the updated stats are returned.
func writeInitialState(
	ctx context.Context,
	eng engine.ReadWriter,
	ms enginepb.MVCCStats,
	desc roachpb.RangeDescriptor,
	oldHS raftpb.HardState,
	lease *roachpb.Lease,
) (enginepb.MVCCStats, error) {
	var s storagebase.ReplicaState

	s.TruncatedState = &roachpb.RaftTruncatedState{
		Term:  raftInitialLogTerm,
		Index: raftInitialLogIndex,
	s.RaftAppliedIndex = s.TruncatedState.Index
	s.Desc = &roachpb.RangeDescriptor{
		RangeID: desc.RangeID,
	s.Frozen = storagebase.ReplicaState_UNFROZEN
	s.Stats = ms
	s.Lease = lease

	if existingLease, err := loadLease(ctx, eng, desc.RangeID); err != nil {
		return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, errors.Wrap(err, "error reading lease")
	} else if (existingLease != roachpb.Lease{}) {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "expected trivial lease, but found %+v", existingLease)

	newMS, err := saveState(ctx, eng, s)
	if err != nil {
		return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, err

	if err := synthesizeHardState(ctx, eng, s, oldHS); err != nil {
		return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, err

	if err := setLastIndex(ctx, eng, desc.RangeID, s.TruncatedState.Index); err != nil {
		return enginepb.MVCCStats{}, err

	return newMS, nil
Example #23
func Example_insecure() {
	s, err := serverutils.StartServerRaw(
		base.TestServerArgs{Insecure: true})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf(context.Background(), "Could not start server: %v", err)
	defer s.Stopper().Stop()
	c := cliTest{TestServer: s.(*server.TestServer), cleanupFunc: func() {}}

	c.Run("debug kv put a 1 b 2")
	c.Run("debug kv scan")

	// Output:
	// debug kv put a 1 b 2
	// debug kv scan
	// "a"	"1"
	// "b"	"2"
	// 2 result(s)
Example #24
// CreateLocal creates a new local cockroach cluster. The stopper is used to
// gracefully shutdown the channel (e.g. when a signal arrives). The cluster
// must be started before being used and keeps logs in the specified logDir, if
// supplied.
func CreateLocal(
	ctx context.Context, cfg TestConfig, logDir string, privileged bool, stopper *stop.Stopper,
) *LocalCluster {
	select {
	case <-stopper.ShouldStop():
		// The stopper was already closed, exit early.

	if *cockroachImage == builderImageFull && !exists(*cockroachBinary) {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "\"%s\": does not exist", *cockroachBinary)

	cli, err := client.NewEnvClient()

	retryingClient := retryingDockerClient{
		resilientDockerClient: resilientDockerClient{APIClient: cli},
		attempts:              10,
		timeout:               10 * time.Second,

	clusterID := uuid.MakeV4()
	clusterIDS := clusterID.Short()
	// Only pass a nonzero logDir down to LocalCluster when instructed to keep
	// logs.
	var uniqueLogDir string
	if logDir != "" {
		uniqueLogDir = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", logDir, clusterIDS)
	return &LocalCluster{
		clusterID: clusterIDS,
		client:    retryingClient,
		config:    cfg,
		stopper:   stopper,
		// TODO(tschottdorf): deadlocks will occur if these channels fill up.
		events:         make(chan Event, 1000),
		expectedEvents: make(chan Event, 1000),
		logDir:         uniqueLogDir,
		privileged:     privileged,
Example #25
// updateSystemConfig is the raw gossip info callback.
// Unmarshal the system config, and if successfully, update out
// copy and run the callbacks.
func (g *Gossip) updateSystemConfig(key string, content roachpb.Value) {
	ctx := g.AnnotateCtx(context.TODO())
	if key != KeySystemConfig {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "wrong key received on SystemConfig callback: %s", key)
	cfg := config.SystemConfig{}
	if err := content.GetProto(&cfg); err != nil {
		log.Errorf(ctx, "could not unmarshal system config on callback: %s", err)

	defer g.systemConfigMu.Unlock()
	g.systemConfig = cfg
	g.systemConfigSet = true
	for _, c := range g.systemConfigChannels {
		select {
		case c <- struct{}{}:
// partitionSpans finds out which nodes are owners for ranges touching the given
// spans, and splits the spans according to owning nodes. The result is a set of
// spanPartitions (one for each relevant node), which form a partitioning of the
// spans (i.e. they are non-overlapping and their union is exactly the original
// set of spans).
func (dsp *distSQLPlanner) partitionSpans(
	planCtx *planningCtx, spans roachpb.Spans,
) ([]spanPartition, error) {
	if len(spans) == 0 {
		panic("no spans")
	ctx := planCtx.ctx
	splits := make([]spanPartition, 0, 1)
	// nodeMap maps a nodeID to an index inside the splits array.
	nodeMap := make(map[roachpb.NodeID]int)
	it := planCtx.spanIter
	for _, span := range spans {
		var rspan roachpb.RSpan
		var err error
		if rspan.Key, err = keys.Addr(span.Key); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if rspan.EndKey, err = keys.Addr(span.EndKey); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		var lastNodeID roachpb.NodeID
		for it.Seek(ctx, span, kv.Ascending); ; it.Next(ctx) {
			if !it.Valid() {
				return nil, it.Error()
			replInfo, err := it.ReplicaInfo(ctx)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			desc := it.Desc()

			var trimmedSpan roachpb.Span
			if rspan.Key.Less(desc.StartKey) {
				trimmedSpan.Key = desc.StartKey.AsRawKey()
			} else {
				trimmedSpan.Key = span.Key
			if desc.EndKey.Less(rspan.EndKey) {
				trimmedSpan.EndKey = desc.EndKey.AsRawKey()
			} else {
				trimmedSpan.EndKey = span.EndKey

			nodeID := replInfo.NodeDesc.NodeID
			idx, ok := nodeMap[nodeID]
			if !ok {
				idx = len(splits)
				splits = append(splits, spanPartition{node: nodeID})
				nodeMap[nodeID] = idx
				if _, ok := planCtx.nodeAddresses[nodeID]; !ok {
					planCtx.nodeAddresses[nodeID] = replInfo.NodeDesc.Address.String()
			split := &splits[idx]

			if lastNodeID == nodeID {
				// Two consecutive ranges on the same node, merge the spans.
				if !split.spans[len(split.spans)-1].EndKey.Equal(trimmedSpan.Key) {
					log.Fatalf(ctx, "expected consecutive span pieces %v %v", split.spans, trimmedSpan)
				split.spans[len(split.spans)-1].EndKey = trimmedSpan.EndKey
			} else {
				split.spans = append(split.spans, trimmedSpan)

			lastNodeID = nodeID
			if !it.NeedAnother() {
	return splits, nil
Example #27
// execRequest executes the request using the provided planner.
// It parses the sql into statements, iterates through the statements, creates
// KV transactions and automatically retries them when possible, and executes
// the (synchronous attempt of) schema changes.
// It will accumulate a result in Response for each statement.
// It will resume a SQL transaction, if one was previously open for this client.
// execRequest handles the mismatch between the SQL interface that the Executor
// provides, based on statements being streamed from the client in the context
// of a session, and the KV client.Txn interface, based on (possibly-retriable)
// callbacks passed to be executed in the context of a transaction. Actual
// execution of statements in the context of a KV txn is delegated to
// runTxnAttempt().
// Args:
//  txnState: State about about ongoing transaction (if any). The state will be
//   updated.
func (e *Executor) execRequest(session *Session, sql string, copymsg copyMsg) StatementResults {
	var res StatementResults
	txnState := &session.TxnState
	planMaker := &session.planner
	var stmts parser.StatementList
	var err error

	log.VEventf(session.Ctx(), 2, "execRequest: %s", sql)

	if session.planner.copyFrom != nil {
		stmts, err = session.planner.ProcessCopyData(sql, copymsg)
	} else if copymsg != copyMsgNone {
		err = fmt.Errorf("unexpected copy command")
	} else {
		stmts, err = planMaker.parser.Parse(sql, parser.Syntax(session.Syntax))
	if err != nil {
		// A parse error occurred: we can't determine if there were multiple
		// statements or only one, so just pretend there was one.
		if txnState.txn != nil {
			// Rollback the txn.
			txnState.updateStateAndCleanupOnErr(err, e)
		res.ResultList = append(res.ResultList, Result{Err: err})
		return res
	if len(stmts) == 0 {
		res.Empty = true
		return res

	// If the planMaker wants config updates to be blocked, then block them.
	defer planMaker.blockConfigUpdatesMaybe(e)()

	for len(stmts) > 0 {
		// Each iteration consumes a transaction's worth of statements.

		inTxn := txnState.State != NoTxn
		execOpt := client.TxnExecOptions{
			Clock: e.cfg.Clock,
		// Figure out the statements out of which we're going to try to consume
		// this iteration. If we need to create an implicit txn, only one statement
		// can be consumed.
		stmtsToExec := stmts
		// If protoTS is set, the transaction proto sets its Orig and Max timestamps
		// to it each retry.
		var protoTS *hlc.Timestamp
		// We can AutoRetry the next batch of statements if we're in a clean state
		// (i.e. the next statements we're going to see are the first statements in
		// a transaction).
		if !inTxn {
			// Detect implicit transactions.
			if _, isBegin := stmts[0].(*parser.BeginTransaction); !isBegin {
				execOpt.AutoCommit = true
				stmtsToExec = stmtsToExec[:1]
				// Check for AS OF SYSTEM TIME. If it is present but not detected here,
				// it will raise an error later on.
				protoTS, err = isAsOf(planMaker, stmtsToExec[0], e.cfg.Clock.Now())
				if err != nil {
					res.ResultList = append(res.ResultList, Result{Err: err})
					return res
				if protoTS != nil {
					planMaker.avoidCachedDescriptors = true
					defer func() {
						planMaker.avoidCachedDescriptors = false
			txnState.resetForNewSQLTxn(e, session)
			txnState.autoRetry = true
			txnState.sqlTimestamp = e.cfg.Clock.PhysicalTime()
			if execOpt.AutoCommit {
				txnState.txn.SetDebugName(sqlImplicitTxnName, 0)
			} else {
				txnState.txn.SetDebugName(sqlTxnName, 0)
		} else {
			txnState.autoRetry = false
		execOpt.AutoRetry = txnState.autoRetry
		if txnState.State == NoTxn {
			panic("we failed to initialize a txn")
		// Now actually run some statements.
		var remainingStmts parser.StatementList
		var results []Result
		origState := txnState.State

		txnClosure := func(txn *client.Txn, opt *client.TxnExecOptions) error {
			if txnState.State == Open && txnState.txn != txn {
				panic(fmt.Sprintf("closure wasn't called in the txn we set up for it."+
					"\ntxnState.txn:%+v\ntxn:%+v\ntxnState:%+v", txnState.txn, txn, txnState))
			txnState.txn = txn

			if protoTS != nil {
				setTxnTimestamps(txnState.txn, *protoTS)

			var err error
			if results != nil {
				// Some results were produced by a previous attempt. Discard them.
			results, remainingStmts, err = runTxnAttempt(e, planMaker, origState, txnState, opt, stmtsToExec)

			// TODO(andrei): Until #7881 fixed.
			if err == nil && txnState.State == Aborted {
					"7881: txnState is Aborted without an error propagating. stmtsToExec: %s, "+
						"results: %+v, remainingStmts: %s, txnState: %+v", stmtsToExec, results,
					remainingStmts, txnState)

			return err
		// This is where the magic happens - we ask db to run a KV txn and possibly retry it.
		txn := txnState.txn // this might be nil if the txn was already aborted.
		err := txn.Exec(execOpt, txnClosure)

		// Update the Err field of the last result if the error was coming from
		// auto commit. The error was generated outside of the txn closure, so it was not
		// set in any result.
		if err != nil {
			lastResult := &results[len(results)-1]
			if aErr, ok := err.(*client.AutoCommitError); ok {
				// TODO(andrei): Until #7881 fixed.
					log.Eventf(session.Ctx(), "executor got AutoCommitError: %s\n"+
						"txn: %+v\nexecOpt.AutoRetry %t, execOpt.AutoCommit:%t, stmts %+v, remaining %+v",
						aErr, txnState.txn.Proto, execOpt.AutoRetry, execOpt.AutoCommit, stmts,
					if txnState.txn == nil {
						log.Errorf(session.Ctx(), "7881: AutoCommitError on nil txn: %s, "+
							"txnState %+v, execOpt %+v, stmts %+v, remaining %+v",
							aErr, txnState, execOpt, stmts, remainingStmts)
						txnState.sp.SetBaggageItem(keyFor7881Sample, "sample me please")
				lastResult.Err = aErr
			if lastResult.Err == nil {
					"error (%s) was returned, but it was not set in the last result (%v)",
					err, lastResult)

		res.ResultList = append(res.ResultList, results...)
		// Now make sense of the state we got into and update txnState.
		if (txnState.State == RestartWait || txnState.State == Aborted) &&
			txnState.commitSeen {
			// A COMMIT got an error (retryable or not). Too bad, this txn is toast.
			// After we return a result for COMMIT (with the COMMIT pgwire tag), the
			// user can't send any more commands.

		if execOpt.AutoCommit {
			// If execOpt.AutoCommit was set, then the txn no longer exists at this point.

		// If we're no longer in a transaction, finish the trace.
		if txnState.State == NoTxn {

		// If the txn is in any state but Open, exec the schema changes. They'll
		// short-circuit themselves if the mutation that queued them has been
		// rolled back from the table descriptor.
		stmtsExecuted := stmts[:len(stmtsToExec)-len(remainingStmts)]
		if txnState.State != Open {
			planMaker.checkTestingVerifyMetadataInitialOrDie(e, stmts)
			planMaker.checkTestingVerifyMetadataOrDie(e, stmtsExecuted)
			// Exec the schema changers (if the txn rolled back, the schema changers
			// will short-circuit because the corresponding descriptor mutation is not
			// found).
			txnState.schemaChangers.execSchemaChanges(e, planMaker, res.ResultList)
		} else {
			// We're still in a txn, so we only check that the verifyMetadata callback
			// fails the first time it's run. The gossip update that will make the
			// callback succeed only happens when the txn is done.
			planMaker.checkTestingVerifyMetadataInitialOrDie(e, stmtsExecuted)

		// Figure out what statements to run on the next iteration.
		if err != nil {
			// Don't execute anything further.
			stmts = nil
		} else if execOpt.AutoCommit {
			stmts = stmts[1:]
		} else {
			stmts = remainingStmts

	return res
Example #28
func (s channelServer) HandleRaftResponse(
	ctx context.Context, resp *storage.RaftMessageResponse,
) error {
	log.Fatalf(ctx, "unexpected raft response: %s", resp)
	return nil
Example #29
func (r *Replica) handleLocalProposalData(
	ctx context.Context, originReplica roachpb.ReplicaDescriptor, lpd LocalProposalData,
) (shouldAssert bool) {
	// Fields for which no action is taken in this method are zeroed so that
	// they don't trigger an assertion at the end of the method (which checks
	// that all fields were handled).
		lpd.idKey = storagebase.CmdIDKey("")
		lpd.Batch = nil
		lpd.done = nil
		lpd.ctx = nil
		lpd.Err = nil
		lpd.proposedAtTicks = 0
		lpd.Reply = nil

	// ======================
	// Non-state updates and actions.
	// ======================

	if originReplica.StoreID == r.store.StoreID() {
		// On the replica on which this command originated, resolve skipped
		// intents asynchronously - even on failure.
		// TODO(tschottdorf): EndTransaction will use this pathway to return
		// intents which should immediately be resolved. However, there's
		// a slight chance that an error between the origin of that intents
		// slice and here still results in that intent slice arriving here
		// without the EndTransaction having committed. We should clearly
		// separate the part of the ProposalData which also applies on errors.
		if lpd.intents != nil {
			r.store.intentResolver.processIntentsAsync(r, *lpd.intents)
	lpd.intents = nil

	// The above are present too often, so we assert only if there are
	// "nontrivial" actions below.
	shouldAssert = (lpd != LocalProposalData{})

	if lpd.raftLogSize != nil {
		r.mu.raftLogSize = *lpd.raftLogSize
		lpd.raftLogSize = nil

	if lpd.gossipFirstRange {
		// We need to run the gossip in an async task because gossiping requires
		// the range lease and we'll deadlock if we try to acquire it while
		// holding processRaftMu. Specifically, Replica.redirectOnOrAcquireLease
		// blocks waiting for the lease acquisition to finish but it can't finish
		// because we're not processing raft messages due to holding
		// processRaftMu (and running on the processRaft goroutine).
		if err := r.store.Stopper().RunAsyncTask(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) {
			hasLease, pErr := r.getLeaseForGossip(ctx)

			if pErr != nil {
				log.Infof(ctx, "unable to gossip first range; hasLease=%t, err=%s", hasLease, pErr)
			} else if !hasLease {
		}); err != nil {
			log.Infof(ctx, "unable to gossip first range: %s", err)
		lpd.gossipFirstRange = false

	if lpd.maybeAddToSplitQueue {
		r.store.splitQueue.MaybeAdd(r, r.store.Clock().Now())
		lpd.maybeAddToSplitQueue = false

	if lpd.maybeGossipSystemConfig {
		lpd.maybeGossipSystemConfig = false

	if originReplica.StoreID == r.store.StoreID() {
		if lpd.leaseMetricsResult != nil {
		if lpd.maybeGossipNodeLiveness != nil {
	// Satisfy the assertions for all of the items processed only on the
	// proposer (the block just above).
	lpd.leaseMetricsResult = nil
	lpd.maybeGossipNodeLiveness = nil

	if (lpd != LocalProposalData{}) {
		log.Fatalf(ctx, "unhandled field in LocalProposalData: %s", pretty.Diff(lpd, LocalProposalData{}))

	return shouldAssert
Example #30
// add adds commands to the queue which affect the specified key ranges. Ranges
// without an end key affect only the start key. The returned interface is the
// key for the command queue and must be re-supplied on subsequent invocation
// of remove().
// Either all supplied spans must be range-global or range-local. Failure to
// obey with this restriction results in a fatal error.
// Returns a nil `cmd` when no spans are given.
// add should be invoked after waiting on already-executing, overlapping
// commands via the WaitGroup initialized through getWait().
func (cq *CommandQueue) add(readOnly bool, spans ...roachpb.Span) *cmd {
	if len(spans) == 0 {
		return nil

	// Compute the min and max key that covers all of the spans.
	minKey, maxKey := spans[0].Key, spans[0].EndKey
	for i := 1; i < len(spans); i++ {
		start, end := spans[i].Key, spans[i].EndKey
		if minKey.Compare(start) > 0 {
			minKey = start
		if maxKey.Compare(end) < 0 {
			maxKey = end

	if keys.IsLocal(minKey) != keys.IsLocal(maxKey) {
			"mixed range-global and range-local keys: %s and %s",
			minKey, maxKey,

	numCmds := 1
	if len(spans) > 1 {
		numCmds += len(spans)
	cmds := make([]cmd, numCmds)

	// Create the covering entry.
	cmd := &cmds[0]
	cmd.id = cq.nextID()
	cmd.key = interval.Range{
		Start: interval.Comparable(minKey),
		End:   interval.Comparable(maxKey),
	cmd.readOnly = readOnly
	cmd.expanded = false

	if len(spans) > 1 {
		// Populate the covering entry's children.
		cmd.children = cmds[1:]
		for i, span := range spans {
			child := &cmd.children[i]
			child.id = cq.nextID()
			child.key = interval.Range{
				Start: interval.Comparable(span.Key),
				End:   interval.Comparable(span.EndKey),
			child.readOnly = readOnly
			child.expanded = true

	if cmd.readOnly {
		cq.localMetrics.readCommands += int64(cmd.cmdCount())
	} else {
		cq.localMetrics.writeCommands += int64(cmd.cmdCount())

	if cq.coveringOptimization || len(spans) == 1 {
		if err := cq.tree.Insert(cmd, false /* !fast */); err != nil {
	} else {
		cq.expand(cmd, false /* !isInserted */)
	return cmd