Example #1
func (ds *ServerImpl) setupFlow(
	ctx context.Context, req *SetupFlowRequest, simpleFlowConsumer RowReceiver,
) (*Flow, error) {
	sp, err := tracing.JoinOrNew(ds.AmbientContext.Tracer, req.TraceContext, "flow")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)

	txn := ds.setupTxn(ctx, &req.Txn)
	flowCtx := FlowCtx{
		Context: ctx,
		id:      req.Flow.FlowID,
		evalCtx: &ds.evalCtx,
		rpcCtx:  ds.RPCContext,
		txn:     txn,

	f := newFlow(flowCtx, ds.flowRegistry, simpleFlowConsumer)
	if err := f.setupFlow(&req.Flow); err != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, err)
		return nil, err
	return f, nil
Example #2
func (ds *ServerImpl) setupFlow(
	ctx context.Context, req *SetupFlowRequest, syncFlowConsumer RowReceiver,
) (*Flow, error) {
	sp, err := tracing.JoinOrNew(ds.AmbientContext.Tracer, req.TraceContext, "flow")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)

	// TODO(radu): we should sanity check some of these fields (especially
	// txnProto).
	flowCtx := FlowCtx{
		Context:  ctx,
		id:       req.Flow.FlowID,
		evalCtx:  &ds.evalCtx,
		rpcCtx:   ds.RPCContext,
		txnProto: &req.Txn,
		clientDB: ds.DB,

	f := newFlow(flowCtx, ds.flowRegistry, syncFlowConsumer)
	if err := f.setupFlow(&req.Flow); err != nil {
		log.Error(ctx, err)
		return nil, err
	return f, nil
Example #3
func (n *Node) batchInternal(
	ctx context.Context, args *roachpb.BatchRequest,
) (*roachpb.BatchResponse, error) {
	// TODO(marc): grpc's authentication model (which gives credential access in
	// the request handler) doesn't really fit with the current design of the
	// security package (which assumes that TLS state is only given at connection
	// time) - that should be fixed.
	if peer, ok := peer.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		if tlsInfo, ok := peer.AuthInfo.(credentials.TLSInfo); ok {
			certUser, err := security.GetCertificateUser(&tlsInfo.State)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if certUser != security.NodeUser {
				return nil, errors.Errorf("user %s is not allowed", certUser)

	var br *roachpb.BatchResponse

	type snowballInfo struct {
		collectedSpans [][]byte
		done           bool
	var snowball *snowballInfo

	if err := n.stopper.RunTaskWithErr(func() error {
		const opName = "node.Batch"
		sp, err := tracing.JoinOrNew(n.storeCfg.AmbientCtx.Tracer, args.TraceContext, opName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// If this is a snowball span, it gets special treatment: It skips the
		// regular tracing machinery, and we instead send the collected spans
		// back with the response. This is more expensive, but then again,
		// those are individual requests traced by users, so they can be.
		if sp.BaggageItem(tracing.Snowball) != "" {
			sp.LogEvent("delegating to snowball tracing")

			snowball = new(snowballInfo)
			recorder := func(rawSpan basictracer.RawSpan) {
				defer snowball.Unlock()
				if snowball.done {
					// This is a late span that we must discard because the request was
					// already completed.
				encSp, err := tracing.EncodeRawSpan(&rawSpan, nil)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warning(ctx, err)
				snowball.collectedSpans = append(snowball.collectedSpans, encSp)

			if sp, err = tracing.JoinOrNewSnowball(opName, args.TraceContext, recorder); err != nil {
				return err
		defer sp.Finish()
		traceCtx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, sp)
		log.Event(traceCtx, args.Summary())

		tStart := timeutil.Now()
		var pErr *roachpb.Error
		br, pErr = n.stores.Send(traceCtx, *args)
		if pErr != nil {
			br = &roachpb.BatchResponse{}
			log.ErrEventf(traceCtx, "%T", pErr.GetDetail())
		if br.Error != nil {
			panic(roachpb.ErrorUnexpectedlySet(n.stores, br))
		n.metrics.callComplete(timeutil.Since(tStart), pErr)
		br.Error = pErr
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if snowball != nil {
		br.CollectedSpans = snowball.collectedSpans
		snowball.done = true

	return br, nil
Example #4
func TestClusterFlow(t *testing.T) {
	defer leaktest.AfterTest(t)()
	const numRows = 100

	args := base.TestClusterArgs{ReplicationMode: base.ReplicationManual}
	tc := serverutils.StartTestCluster(t, 3, args)
	defer tc.Stopper().Stop()

	sumDigitsFn := func(row int) parser.Datum {
		sum := 0
		for row > 0 {
			sum += row % 10
			row /= 10
		return parser.NewDInt(parser.DInt(sum))

	sqlutils.CreateTable(t, tc.ServerConn(0), "t",
		"num INT PRIMARY KEY, digitsum INT, numstr STRING, INDEX s (digitsum)",
		sqlutils.ToRowFn(sqlutils.RowIdxFn, sumDigitsFn, sqlutils.RowEnglishFn))

	kvDB := tc.Server(0).KVClient().(*client.DB)
	desc := sqlbase.GetTableDescriptor(kvDB, "test", "t")
	makeIndexSpan := func(start, end int) TableReaderSpan {
		var span roachpb.Span
		prefix := roachpb.Key(sqlbase.MakeIndexKeyPrefix(desc, desc.Indexes[0].ID))
		span.Key = append(prefix, encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(nil, int64(start))...)
		span.EndKey = append(span.EndKey, prefix...)
		span.EndKey = append(span.EndKey, encoding.EncodeVarintAscending(nil, int64(end))...)
		return TableReaderSpan{Span: span}

	// Set up table readers on three hosts feeding data into a join reader on
	// the third host. This is a basic test for the distributed flow
	// infrastructure, including local and remote streams.
	// Note that the ranges won't necessarily be local to the table readers, but
	// that doesn't matter for the purposes of this test.

	// Start a span (useful to look at spans using Lighstep).
	sp, err := tracing.JoinOrNew(tracing.NewTracer(), nil, "cluster test")
	if err != nil {
	ctx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), sp)
	defer sp.Finish()

	tr1 := TableReaderSpec{
		Table:         *desc,
		IndexIdx:      1,
		OutputColumns: []uint32{0, 1},
		Spans:         []TableReaderSpan{makeIndexSpan(0, 8)},

	tr2 := TableReaderSpec{
		Table:         *desc,
		IndexIdx:      1,
		OutputColumns: []uint32{0, 1},
		Spans:         []TableReaderSpan{makeIndexSpan(8, 12)},

	tr3 := TableReaderSpec{
		Table:         *desc,
		IndexIdx:      1,
		OutputColumns: []uint32{0, 1},
		Spans:         []TableReaderSpan{makeIndexSpan(12, 100)},

	jr := JoinReaderSpec{
		Table:         *desc,
		OutputColumns: []uint32{2},

	txn := client.NewTxn(ctx, *kvDB)
	fid := FlowID{uuid.MakeV4()}

	req1 := &SetupFlowRequest{Txn: txn.Proto}
	req1.Flow = FlowSpec{
		FlowID: fid,
		Processors: []ProcessorSpec{{
			Core: ProcessorCoreUnion{TableReader: &tr1},
			Output: []OutputRouterSpec{{
				Type: OutputRouterSpec_MIRROR,
				Streams: []StreamEndpointSpec{
					{StreamID: 0, Mailbox: &MailboxSpec{TargetAddr: tc.Server(2).ServingAddr()}},

	req2 := &SetupFlowRequest{Txn: txn.Proto}
	req2.Flow = FlowSpec{
		FlowID: fid,
		Processors: []ProcessorSpec{{
			Core: ProcessorCoreUnion{TableReader: &tr2},
			Output: []OutputRouterSpec{{
				Type: OutputRouterSpec_MIRROR,
				Streams: []StreamEndpointSpec{
					{StreamID: 1, Mailbox: &MailboxSpec{TargetAddr: tc.Server(2).ServingAddr()}},

	req3 := &SetupFlowRequest{Txn: txn.Proto}
	req3.Flow = FlowSpec{
		FlowID: fid,
		Processors: []ProcessorSpec{
				Core: ProcessorCoreUnion{TableReader: &tr3},
				Output: []OutputRouterSpec{{
					Type: OutputRouterSpec_MIRROR,
					Streams: []StreamEndpointSpec{
						{StreamID: StreamID(2)},
				Input: []InputSyncSpec{{
					Type:     InputSyncSpec_ORDERED,
					Ordering: Ordering{Columns: []Ordering_Column{{1, Ordering_Column_ASC}}},
					Streams: []StreamEndpointSpec{
						{StreamID: 0, Mailbox: &MailboxSpec{}},
						{StreamID: 1, Mailbox: &MailboxSpec{}},
						{StreamID: StreamID(2)},
				Core: ProcessorCoreUnion{JoinReader: &jr},
				Output: []OutputRouterSpec{{
					Type:    OutputRouterSpec_MIRROR,
					Streams: []StreamEndpointSpec{{Mailbox: &MailboxSpec{SimpleResponse: true}}},

	if err := SetFlowRequestTrace(ctx, req1); err != nil {
	if err := SetFlowRequestTrace(ctx, req2); err != nil {
	if err := SetFlowRequestTrace(ctx, req3); err != nil {

	var clients []DistSQLClient
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		s := tc.Server(i)
		conn, err := s.RPCContext().GRPCDial(s.ServingAddr())
		if err != nil {
		clients = append(clients, NewDistSQLClient(conn))

	if log.V(1) {
		log.Infof(ctx, "Setting up flow on 0")
	if resp, err := clients[0].SetupFlow(ctx, req1); err != nil {
	} else if resp.Error != nil {

	if log.V(1) {
		log.Infof(ctx, "Setting up flow on 1")
	if resp, err := clients[1].SetupFlow(ctx, req2); err != nil {
	} else if resp.Error != nil {

	if log.V(1) {
		log.Infof(ctx, "Running flow on 2")
	stream, err := clients[2].RunSimpleFlow(ctx, req3)
	if err != nil {

	var decoder StreamDecoder
	var rows sqlbase.EncDatumRows
	for {
		msg, err := stream.Recv()
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
		err = decoder.AddMessage(msg)
		if err != nil {
		rows = testGetDecodedRows(t, &decoder, rows)
	if done, trailerErr := decoder.IsDone(); !done {
		t.Fatal("stream not done")
	} else if trailerErr != nil {
		t.Fatal("error in the stream trailer:", trailerErr)
	// The result should be all the numbers in string form, ordered by the
	// digit sum (and then by number).
	var results []string
	for sum := 1; sum <= 50; sum++ {
		for i := 1; i <= numRows; i++ {
			if int(*sumDigitsFn(i).(*parser.DInt)) == sum {
				results = append(results, fmt.Sprintf("['%s']", sqlutils.IntToEnglish(i)))
	expected := strings.Join(results, " ")
	expected = "[" + expected + "]"
	if rowStr := rows.String(); rowStr != expected {
		t.Errorf("Result: %s\n Expected: %s\n", rowStr, expected)