Example #1
// Inc increments the integer value at key. If the key does not exist it will
// be created with an initial value of 0 which will then be incremented. If the
// key exists but was set using Put or CPut an error will be returned.
// A new result will be appended to the batch which will contain a single row
// and Result.Err will indicate success or failure.
// key can be either a byte slice, a string, a fmt.Stringer or an
// encoding.BinaryMarshaler.
func (b *Batch) Inc(key interface{}, value int64) {
	k, err := marshalKey(key)
	if err != nil {
		b.initResult(0, 1, err)
	b.calls = append(b.calls, proto.IncrementCall(proto.Key(k), value))
	b.initResult(1, 1, nil)
Example #2
// IncStruct increments the specified column in the structured table identify
// by obj. The primary key columns within obj are used to identify which row to
// modify. The obj type must have previously been bound to a table using
// BindModel.
func (b *Batch) IncStruct(obj interface{}, value int64, column string) {
	v := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
	m, err := b.DB.getModel(v.Type(), true)
	if err != nil {
		b.initResult(0, 0, err)
	v = reflect.Indirect(v)

	primaryKey, err := m.encodePrimaryKey(v)
	if err != nil {
		b.initResult(0, 0, err)

	col, ok := m.columnsByName[strings.ToLower(column)]
	if !ok {
		b.initResult(0, 0, fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to find column %s", m.name, column))

	key := m.encodeColumnKey(primaryKey, col.ID)
	if log.V(2) {
		log.Infof("Inc %q", key)
	c := proto.IncrementCall(proto.Key(key), value)
	c.Post = func() error {
		reply := c.Reply.(*proto.IncrementResponse)
		// TODO(pmattis): This isn't very efficient. Should be able to pass the
		// integer value directly instead of encoding it into a []byte.
		pv := &proto.Value{}
		return unmarshalValue(pv, v.FieldByIndex(col.field.Index))

	b.calls = append(b.calls, c)
	b.initResult(1, 1, nil)