Example #1
// Insert inserts rows into the database.
// Privileges: INSERT on table
//   Notes: postgres requires INSERT. No "on duplicate key update" option.
//          mysql requires INSERT. Also requires UPDATE on "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE".
func (p *planner) Insert(n *parser.Insert, autoCommit bool) (planNode, *roachpb.Error) {
	// TODO(marcb): We can't use the cached descriptor here because a recent
	// update of the schema (e.g. the addition of an index) might not be
	// reflected in the cached version (yet). Perhaps schema modification
	// routines such as CREATE INDEX should not return until the schema change
	// has been pushed everywhere.
	tableDesc, pErr := p.getTableLease(n.Table)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	if err := p.checkPrivilege(&tableDesc, privilege.INSERT); err != nil {
		return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)

	var cols []ColumnDescriptor
	// Determine which columns we're inserting into.
	if n.DefaultValues() {
		cols = tableDesc.Columns
	} else {
		var err error
		if cols, err = p.processColumns(&tableDesc, n.Columns); err != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
	// Number of columns expecting an input. This doesn't include the
	// columns receiving a default value.
	numInputColumns := len(cols)

	// Construct a map from column ID to the index the value appears at within a
	// row.
	colIDtoRowIndex := map[ColumnID]int{}
	for i, c := range cols {
		colIDtoRowIndex[c.ID] = i

	// Add the column if it has a DEFAULT expression.
	addIfDefault := func(col ColumnDescriptor) {
		if col.DefaultExpr != nil {
			if _, ok := colIDtoRowIndex[col.ID]; !ok {
				colIDtoRowIndex[col.ID] = len(cols)
				cols = append(cols, col)

	// Add any column that has a DEFAULT expression.
	for _, col := range tableDesc.Columns {
	// Also add any column in a mutation that is WRITE_ONLY and has
	// a DEFAULT expression.
	for _, m := range tableDesc.Mutations {
		if m.State != DescriptorMutation_WRITE_ONLY {
		if col := m.GetColumn(); col != nil {

	// Verify we have at least the columns that are part of the primary key.
	primaryKeyCols := map[ColumnID]struct{}{}
	for i, id := range tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ColumnIDs {
		if _, ok := colIDtoRowIndex[id]; !ok {
			return nil, roachpb.NewUErrorf("missing %q primary key column", tableDesc.PrimaryIndex.ColumnNames[i])
		primaryKeyCols[id] = struct{}{}

	// Construct the default expressions. The returned slice will be nil if no
	// column in the table has a default expression.
	defaultExprs, err := p.makeDefaultExprs(cols)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)

	// Replace any DEFAULT markers with the corresponding default expressions.
	n.Rows = p.fillDefaults(defaultExprs, cols, n)

	// Transform the values into a rows object. This expands SELECT statements or
	// generates rows from the values contained within the query.
	rows, pErr := p.makePlan(n.Rows, false)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	if expressions := len(rows.Columns()); expressions > numInputColumns {
		return nil, roachpb.NewUErrorf("INSERT has more expressions than target columns: %d/%d", expressions, numInputColumns)

	primaryIndex := tableDesc.PrimaryIndex
	primaryIndexKeyPrefix := MakeIndexKeyPrefix(tableDesc.ID, primaryIndex.ID)

	marshalled := make([]interface{}, len(cols))

	b := p.txn.NewBatch()
	result := &valuesNode{}
	var qvals qvalMap
	if n.Returning != nil {
		result.columns = make([]ResultColumn, len(n.Returning))
		table := tableInfo{
			columns: makeResultColumns(cols, 0),
		qvals = make(qvalMap)
		for i, c := range n.Returning {
			expr, err := resolveQNames(&table, qvals, c.Expr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
			n.Returning[i].Expr = expr
			typ, err := expr.TypeCheck(p.evalCtx.Args)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
			name := string(c.As)
			if name == "" {
				name = expr.String()
			result.columns[i] = ResultColumn{
				Name: name,
				Typ:  typ,
	for rows.Next() {
		rowVals := rows.Values()
		result.rows = append(result.rows, parser.DTuple(nil))

		// The values for the row may be shorter than the number of columns being
		// inserted into. Generate default values for those columns using the
		// default expressions.
		for i := len(rowVals); i < len(cols); i++ {
			if defaultExprs == nil {
				rowVals = append(rowVals, parser.DNull)
			d, err := defaultExprs[i].Eval(p.evalCtx)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
			rowVals = append(rowVals, d)

		// Check to see if NULL is being inserted into any non-nullable column.
		for _, col := range tableDesc.Columns {
			if !col.Nullable {
				if i, ok := colIDtoRowIndex[col.ID]; !ok || rowVals[i] == parser.DNull {
					return nil, roachpb.NewUErrorf("null value in column %q violates not-null constraint", col.Name)

		// Check that the row value types match the column types. This needs to
		// happen before index encoding because certain datum types (i.e. tuple)
		// cannot be used as index values.
		for i, val := range rowVals {
			// Make sure the value can be written to the column before proceeding.
			var mErr error
			if marshalled[i], mErr = marshalColumnValue(cols[i], val, p.evalCtx.Args); mErr != nil {
				return nil, roachpb.NewError(mErr)

		if p.prepareOnly {

		primaryIndexKey, _, eErr := encodeIndexKey(
			&primaryIndex, colIDtoRowIndex, rowVals, primaryIndexKeyPrefix)
		if eErr != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(eErr)

		// Write the secondary indexes.
		indexes := tableDesc.Indexes
		// Also include the secondary indexes in mutation state WRITE_ONLY.
		for _, m := range tableDesc.Mutations {
			if m.State == DescriptorMutation_WRITE_ONLY {
				if index := m.GetIndex(); index != nil {
					indexes = append(indexes, *index)
		secondaryIndexEntries, eErr := encodeSecondaryIndexes(
			tableDesc.ID, indexes, colIDtoRowIndex, rowVals)
		if eErr != nil {
			return nil, roachpb.NewError(eErr)

		for _, secondaryIndexEntry := range secondaryIndexEntries {
			if log.V(2) {
				log.Infof("CPut %s -> %v", secondaryIndexEntry.key,
			b.CPut(secondaryIndexEntry.key, secondaryIndexEntry.value, nil)

		// Write the row sentinel.
		sentinelKey := keys.MakeNonColumnKey(primaryIndexKey)
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof("CPut %s -> NULL", roachpb.Key(sentinelKey))
		// This is subtle: An interface{}(nil) deletes the value, so we pass in
		// []byte{} as a non-nil value.
		b.CPut(sentinelKey, []byte{}, nil)

		// Write the row columns.
		for i, val := range rowVals {
			col := cols[i]
			if _, ok := primaryKeyCols[col.ID]; ok {
				// Skip primary key columns as their values are encoded in the row
				// sentinel key which is guaranteed to exist for as long as the row
				// exists.

			if marshalled[i] != nil {
				// We only output non-NULL values. Non-existent column keys are
				// considered NULL during scanning and the row sentinel ensures we know
				// the row exists.

				key := keys.MakeColumnKey(primaryIndexKey, uint32(col.ID))
				if log.V(2) {
					log.Infof("CPut %s -> %v", roachpb.Key(key), val)

				b.CPut(key, marshalled[i], nil)

		if n.Returning == nil {
		resrow := make(parser.DTuple, len(n.Returning))
		for i, c := range n.Returning {
			d, err := c.Expr.Eval(p.evalCtx)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, roachpb.NewError(err)
			resrow[i] = d
		result.rows[len(result.rows)-1] = resrow
	if pErr := rows.PErr(); pErr != nil {
		return nil, pErr

	if p.prepareOnly {
		return nil, nil

	if isSystemConfigID(tableDesc.GetID()) {
		// Mark transaction as operating on the system DB.

	if autoCommit {
		// An auto-txn can commit the transaction with the batch. This is an
		// optimization to avoid an extra round-trip to the transaction
		// coordinator.
		pErr = p.txn.CommitInBatch(b)
	} else {
		pErr = p.txn.Run(b)
	if pErr != nil {
		return nil, convertBatchError(&tableDesc, *b, pErr)
	return result, nil