Example #1
func checkCounterGE(
	t *testing.T, s serverutils.TestServerInterface, key string, e int64,
) {
	if a := s.MustGetSQLCounter(key); a < e {
		t.Error(errors.Errorf("stat %s: expected: actual %d >= %d", key, a, e))
Example #2
func checkCounterGE(
	t *testing.T, s serverutils.TestServerInterface, meta metric.Metadata, e int64,
) {
	if a := s.MustGetSQLCounter(meta.Name); a < e {
		t.Error(errors.Errorf("stat %s: expected: actual %d >= %d", meta.Name, a, e))
Example #3
// apiPost issues a POST to the provided server using the given API path and
// request, marshalling the result into response.
func apiPost(s serverutils.TestServerInterface, path string, request, response proto.Message) error {
	apiPath := apiEndpoint + path
	client, err := s.GetHTTPClient()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return util.PostJSON(client, s.AdminURL()+apiPath, request, response)
// setupMultipleRanges creates a test server and splits the
// key range at the given keys. Returns the test server and client.
// The caller is responsible for stopping the server and
// closing the client.
func setupMultipleRanges(
	t *testing.T, ts serverutils.TestServerInterface, splitAt ...string,
) *client.DB {
	db := createTestClient(t, ts.Stopper(), ts.ServingAddr())

	// Split the keyspace at the given keys.
	for _, key := range splitAt {
		if err := db.AdminSplit(key); err != nil {
			// Don't leak server goroutines.

	return db
func initReverseScanTestEnv(s serverutils.TestServerInterface, t *testing.T) *client.DB {
	db := createTestClient(t, s.Stopper(), s.ServingAddr())

	// Set up multiple ranges:
	// ["", "b"),["b", "e") ,["e", "g") and ["g", "\xff\xff").
	for _, key := range []string{"b", "e", "g"} {
		// Split the keyspace at the given key.
		if err := db.AdminSplit(key); err != nil {
	// Write keys before, at, and after the split key.
	for _, key := range []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"} {
		if err := db.Put(key, "value"); err != nil {
	return db
Example #6
// getRequestReader returns the io.ReadCloser from a get request to the test
// server with the given path. The returned closer should be closed by the
// caller.
func getRequestReader(t *testing.T, ts serverutils.TestServerInterface, path string) io.ReadCloser {
	httpClient, err := ts.GetHTTPClient()
	if err != nil {

	url := ts.AdminURL() + path
	for r := retry.Start(retryOptions); r.Next(); {
		req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
		if err != nil {
		req.Header.Set(util.AcceptHeader, util.JSONContentType)
		resp, err := httpClient.Do(req)
		if err != nil {
			log.Infof("could not GET %s - %s", url, err)
		if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
			body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
			if err != nil {
				log.Infof("could not read body for %s - %s", url, err)
			log.Infof("could not GET %s - statuscode: %d - body: %s", url, resp.StatusCode, body)
		returnedContentType := resp.Header.Get(util.ContentTypeHeader)
		if returnedContentType != util.JSONContentType {
			log.Infof("unexpected content type: %v", returnedContentType)
		log.Infof("OK response from %s", url)
		return resp.Body
	t.Fatalf("There was an error retrieving %s", url)
	return nil
Example #7
// checkSQLNetworkMetrics returns the server's pgwire bytesIn/bytesOut and an
// error if the bytesIn/bytesOut don't satisfy the given minimums and maximums.
func checkSQLNetworkMetrics(
	s serverutils.TestServerInterface,
	minBytesIn, minBytesOut, maxBytesIn, maxBytesOut int64,
) (int64, int64, error) {
	if err := s.WriteSummaries(); err != nil {
		return -1, -1, err

	bytesIn := s.MustGetSQLNetworkCounter("bytesin")
	bytesOut := s.MustGetSQLNetworkCounter("bytesout")
	if a, min := bytesIn, minBytesIn; a < min {
		return bytesIn, bytesOut, errors.Errorf("bytesin %d < expected min %d", a, min)
	if a, min := bytesOut, minBytesOut; a < min {
		return bytesIn, bytesOut, errors.Errorf("bytesout %d < expected min %d", a, min)
	if a, max := bytesIn, maxBytesIn; a > max {
		return bytesIn, bytesOut, errors.Errorf("bytesin %d > expected max %d", a, max)
	if a, max := bytesOut, maxBytesOut; a > max {
		return bytesIn, bytesOut, errors.Errorf("bytesout %d > expected max %d", a, max)
	return bytesIn, bytesOut, nil
Example #8
// debugURL returns the root debug URL.
func debugURL(s serverutils.TestServerInterface) string {
	return s.AdminURL() + debugEndpoint