Example #1
to quickly create a Cobra application.`,
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		fmt.Println("furbyBot called")

		gbot := gobot.NewGobot()

		r := raspi.NewRaspiAdaptor("raspi")
		audioAdaptor := audio.NewAudioAdaptor("sound")
		jenkinsAdaptor := jenkinsconnect.NewJenkinsconnectAdaptor("jenkins")

		// Set up asynchronous channel - if we get more than 3 sounds being played in a row, something's up
		csoundFiles := make(chan string, 3)
		furby := furby.NewFurbyDriver(r, "furby", "16", csoundFiles)
		audioDriver := audio.NewAudioDriver(audioAdaptor, "sounds", csoundFiles)
		jenkinsDriver := jenkinsconnect.NewJenkinsconnectDriver(jenkinsAdaptor, "jenkins-command")

		screen := i2c.NewGroveLcdDriver(r, "screen")
		work := func() {


			screen.SetRGB(255, 255, 255)

			if err := screen.Write("Furby say hi!!"); err != nil {

			gobot.On(jenkinsDriver.Event("jobResult"), func(data interface{}) {
var listenJenkinsCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "listenJenkins",
	Short: "Sets up endpoint Jenkins can use to notify job results",
	Long: `Sets up an http endpoint on localhost:3000.  That endpoint includes a command 'parseResult', which will receive a data payload, determine the outcome of the Jenkins job, and fire off handlers for appropriate robot notifications.
	For this incarnation, we'll be driving the Furby, as well as updating an LCD, all by invoking Go interfaces provided by other packages, brought together via Gobot

	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		gbot := gobot.NewGobot()

		r := raspi.NewRaspiAdaptor("raspi")
		jenkinsConnect := jenkinsconnect.NewJenkinsconnectAdaptor("jenkins")

		jenkinsDriver := jenkinsconnect.NewJenkinsconnectDriver(jenkinsConnect, "jenkins-command")

		work := func() {
			gobot.On(jenkinsDriver.Event("jobResult"), func(data interface{}) {
				jobResult := data.(jenkinsconnect.JobOutcome)
				switch jobResult.State {
				case jenkinsconnect.SUCCESS:



		robot := gobot.NewRobot("furbyBot",