Example #1
func (handler Handler) Handle(id string, r io.Reader, err error, pollId uint64, pollFinished chan<- uint64) {
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle start\n", pollId, time.Now())
	result := Result{
		Id:           enum.CacheName(id),
		Available:    false,
		Errors:       []error{},
		Time:         time.Now(), // TODO change this to be computed the instant we get the result back, to minimise inaccuracy
		PollID:       pollId,
		PollFinished: pollFinished,

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler given error '%v'\n", id, err) // error here, in case the thing that called Handle didn't error
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	if r == nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handle reader nil\n", id)
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, fmt.Errorf("handler got nil reader"))
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	result.PrecomputedData.Reporting = true

	if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&result.Astats); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%s procnetdev decode error '%v'\n", id, err)
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	if result.Astats.System.ProcNetDev == "" {
		log.Warnf("addkbps %s procnetdev empty\n", id)

	if result.Astats.System.InfSpeed == 0 {
		log.Warnf("addkbps %s inf.speed empty\n", id)

	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle decode end\n", pollId, time.Now())

	if err != nil {
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		log.Errorf("addkbps handle %s error '%v'\n", id, err)
	} else {
		result.Available = true

	if handler.Precompute() {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle precompute start\n", pollId, time.Now())
		result = handler.precompute(result)
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle precompute end\n", pollId, time.Now())
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle write start\n", pollId, time.Now())
	handler.ResultChannel <- result
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle end\n", pollId, time.Now())
Example #2
func (p FilePoller) Poll() {
	// initial read before watching for changes
	contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.File)

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("reading %s: %s\n", p.File, err)
		os.Exit(1) // TODO: this is a little drastic -jse
	} else {
		p.ResultChannel <- contents

	watcher, _ := fsnotify.NewWatcher()

	for {
		select {
		case event := <-watcher.Events:
			if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
				contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.File)

				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("opening %s: %s\n", p.File, err)
				} else {
					p.ResultChannel <- contents
		case err := <-watcher.Errors:
			log.Errorln(time.Now(), "error:", err)
Example #3
// addLastDSStatTotals takes a LastDSStat with only raw `Caches` data, and calculates and sets the `CacheGroups`, `Type`, and `Total` data, and returns the augmented structure.
func addLastDSStatTotals(lastStat LastDSStat, cachesReporting map[enum.CacheName]bool, serverCachegroups map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheGroupName, serverTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType) LastDSStat {
	cacheGroups := map[enum.CacheGroupName]LastStatsData{}
	cacheTypes := map[enum.CacheType]LastStatsData{}
	total := LastStatsData{}
	for cacheName, cacheStats := range lastStat.Caches {
		if !cachesReporting[cacheName] {

		if cacheGroup, ok := serverCachegroups[cacheName]; ok {
			cacheGroups[cacheGroup] = cacheGroups[cacheGroup].Sum(cacheStats)
		} else {
			log.Errorf("while computing delivery service data, cache %v not in cachegroups\n", cacheName)

		if cacheType, ok := serverTypes[cacheName]; ok {
			cacheTypes[cacheType] = cacheTypes[cacheType].Sum(cacheStats)
		} else {
			log.Errorf("while computing delivery service data, cache %v not in types\n", cacheName)
		total = total.Sum(cacheStats)
	lastStat.CacheGroups = cacheGroups
	lastStat.Type = cacheTypes
	lastStat.Total = total
	return lastStat
Example #4
func CreateStats(statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result, toData todata.TOData, crStates peer.Crstates, lastStats LastStats, now time.Time) (Stats, LastStats, error) {
	start := time.Now()
	dsStats := NewStats()
	for deliveryService, _ := range toData.DeliveryServiceServers {
		if deliveryService == "" {
			log.Errorf("EMPTY CreateStats deliveryService")
		dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)] = *dsdata.NewStat()
	dsStats = setStaticData(dsStats, toData.DeliveryServiceServers)
	var err error
	dsStats, err = addAvailableData(dsStats, crStates, toData.ServerCachegroups, toData.ServerDeliveryServices, toData.ServerTypes, statHistory) // TODO move after stat summarisation
	if err != nil {
		return dsStats, lastStats, fmt.Errorf("Error getting Cache availability data: %v", err)

	for server, history := range statHistory {
		if len(history) < 1 {
			continue // TODO warn?
		cachegroup, ok := toData.ServerCachegroups[server]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("server %s has no cachegroup, skipping\n", server)
		serverType, ok := toData.ServerTypes[enum.CacheName(server)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("server %s not in CRConfig, skipping\n", server)
		result := history[len(history)-1]

		// TODO check result.PrecomputedData.Errors
		for ds, resultStat := range result.PrecomputedData.DeliveryServiceStats {
			if ds == "" {
				log.Errorf("EMPTY precomputed delivery service")

			if _, ok := dsStats.DeliveryService[ds]; !ok {
				dsStats.DeliveryService[ds] = resultStat
			httpDsStat := dsStats.DeliveryService[ds]
			httpDsStat.TotalStats = httpDsStat.TotalStats.Sum(resultStat.TotalStats)
			httpDsStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup] = httpDsStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup].Sum(resultStat.CacheGroups[cachegroup])
			httpDsStat.Types[serverType] = httpDsStat.Types[serverType].Sum(resultStat.Types[serverType])
			httpDsStat.Caches[server] = httpDsStat.Caches[server].Sum(resultStat.Caches[server])
			httpDsStat.CachesTimeReceived[server] = resultStat.CachesTimeReceived[server]
			httpDsStat.CommonStats = dsStats.DeliveryService[ds].CommonStats
			dsStats.DeliveryService[ds] = httpDsStat // TODO determine if necessary

	perSecStats, lastStats := addPerSecStats(statHistory, dsStats, lastStats, now, toData.ServerCachegroups, toData.ServerTypes)
	log.Infof("CreateStats took %v\n", time.Since(start))
	return perSecStats, lastStats, nil
Example #5
// addDSPerSecStats calculates and adds the per-second delivery service stats to both the Stats and LastStats structures, and returns the augmented structures.
func addDSPerSecStats(dsName enum.DeliveryServiceName, stat dsdata.Stat, lastStats LastStats, dsStats Stats, dsStatsTime time.Time, serverCachegroups map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheGroupName, serverTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType) (Stats, LastStats) {
	err := error(nil)
	lastStat, lastStatExists := lastStats.DeliveryServices[dsName]
	if !lastStatExists {
		lastStat = newLastDSStat()

	for cacheName, cacheStats := range stat.Caches {
		lastStat.Caches[cacheName], err = addLastStats(lastStat.Caches[cacheName], cacheStats, dsStatsTime)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("debugq %v Error adding kbps for cache %v: %v", cacheName, err)
		cacheStats.Kbps.Value = lastStat.Caches[cacheName].Bytes.PerSec / BytesPerKilobit
		stat.Caches[cacheName] = cacheStats

	lastStat = addLastDSStatTotals(lastStat, stat.CommonStats.CachesReporting, serverCachegroups, serverTypes)

	for cacheGroup, cacheGroupStat := range lastStat.CacheGroups {
		stat.CacheGroups[cacheGroup] = addLastStatsToStatCacheStats(stat.CacheGroups[cacheGroup], cacheGroupStat)
	for cacheType, cacheTypeStat := range lastStat.Type {
		stat.Types[cacheType] = addLastStatsToStatCacheStats(stat.Types[cacheType], cacheTypeStat)
	stat.TotalStats = addLastStatsToStatCacheStats(stat.TotalStats, lastStat.Total)
	lastStats.DeliveryServices[dsName] = lastStat
	dsStats.DeliveryService[dsName] = stat
	return dsStats, lastStats
Example #6
func (p MonitorConfigPoller) Poll() {
	tick := time.NewTicker(p.Interval)
	for {
		select {
		case opsConfig := <-p.OpsConfigChannel:
			log.Infof("MonitorConfigPoller: received new opsConfig: %v\n", opsConfig)
			p.OpsConfig = opsConfig
		case session := <-p.SessionChannel:
			log.Infof("MonitorConfigPoller: received new session: %v\n", session)
			p.Session = session
		case <-tick.C:
			if p.Session != nil && p.OpsConfig.CdnName != "" {
				monitorConfig, err := p.Session.TrafficMonitorConfigMap(p.OpsConfig.CdnName)

				if err != nil {
					log.Errorf("MonitorConfigPoller: %s\n %v\n", err, monitorConfig)
				} else {
					log.Infoln("MonitorConfigPoller: fetched monitorConfig")
					p.ConfigChannel <- *monitorConfig
			} else {
				log.Warnln("MonitorConfigPoller: skipping this iteration, Session is nil")
// processStatResults processes the given results, creating and setting DSStats, LastStats, and other stats. Note this is NOT threadsafe, and MUST NOT be called from multiple threads.
func processStatResults(
	results []cache.Result,
	statHistoryThreadsafe StatHistoryThreadsafe,
	combinedStates peer.Crstates,
	lastStats LastStatsThreadsafe,
	toData todata.TOData,
	errorCount UintThreadsafe,
	dsStats DSStatsThreadsafe,
	lastStatEndTimes map[enum.CacheName]time.Time,
	lastStatDurationsThreadsafe DurationMapThreadsafe,
	unpolledCaches UnpolledCachesThreadsafe,
) {
	statHistory := statHistoryThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	maxStats := statHistoryThreadsafe.Max()
	for _, result := range results {
		// TODO determine if we want to add results with errors, or just print the errors now and don't add them.
		statHistory[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = pruneHistory(append(statHistory[enum.CacheName(result.Id)], result), maxStats)

	for _, result := range results {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v CreateStats start\n", result.PollID, time.Now())

	newDsStats, newLastStats, err := ds.CreateStats(statHistory, toData, combinedStates, lastStats.Get().Copy(), time.Now())

	for _, result := range results {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v CreateStats end\n", result.PollID, time.Now())

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("getting deliveryservice: %v\n", err)
	} else {

	endTime := time.Now()
	lastStatDurations := lastStatDurationsThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	for _, result := range results {
		if lastStatStart, ok := lastStatEndTimes[enum.CacheName(result.Id)]; ok {
			d := time.Since(lastStatStart)
			lastStatDurations[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = d
		lastStatEndTimes[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = endTime

		// log.Debugf("poll %v %v statfinish\n", result.PollID, endTime)
		result.PollFinished <- result.PollID
	unpolledCaches.SetPolled(results, lastStats)
Example #8
func (handler OpsConfigFileHandler) Listen() {
	for {
		result := <-handler.ResultChannel
		var toc OpsConfig

		err := json.Unmarshal(result.([]byte), &toc)

		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("unmarshalling JSON: %s\n", err)
		} else {
			handler.OpsConfigChannel <- toc
Example #9
// precompute does the calculations which are possible with only this one cache result.
func (handler Handler) precompute(result Result) Result {
	todata := handler.ToData.Get()
	stats := map[enum.DeliveryServiceName]dsdata.Stat{}

	var err error
	if result.PrecomputedData.OutBytes, err = outBytes(result.Astats.System.ProcNetDev, result.Astats.System.InfName, handler.MultipleSpaceRegex); err != nil {
		result.PrecomputedData.OutBytes = 0
		log.Errorf("addkbps %s handle precomputing outbytes '%v'\n", result.Id, err)

	kbpsInMbps := int64(1000)
	result.PrecomputedData.MaxKbps = int64(result.Astats.System.InfSpeed) * kbpsInMbps

	for stat, value := range result.Astats.Ats {
		var err error
		stats, err = processStat(result.Id, stats, todata, stat, value, result.Time)
		if err != nil && err != dsdata.ErrNotProcessedStat {
			log.Errorf("precomputing cache %v stat %v value %v error %v", result.Id, stat, value, err)
			result.PrecomputedData.Errors = append(result.PrecomputedData.Errors, err)
	result.PrecomputedData.DeliveryServiceStats = stats
	return result
Example #10
// addCachePerSecStats calculates the cache per-second stats, adds them to LastStats, and returns the augmented object.
func addCachePerSecStats(cacheName enum.CacheName, results []cache.Result, lastStats LastStats) LastStats {
	outBytes, outBytesTime, err := latestBytes(results) // it's ok if `latestBytes` returns 0s with an error, `addLastStat` will refrain from setting it (unless the previous calculation was nonzero, in which case it will error appropriately).
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf("while computing delivery service data for cache %v: %v\n", cacheName, err)
	lastStat := lastStats.Caches[cacheName] // if lastStats.Caches[cacheName] doesn't exist, it will be zero-constructed, and `addLastStat` will refrain from setting the PerSec for zero LastStats
	lastStat.Bytes, err = addLastStat(lastStat.Bytes, outBytes, outBytesTime)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("while computing delivery service data for cache %v: %v\n", cacheName, err)
		return lastStats
	lastStats.Caches[cacheName] = lastStat

	return lastStats
Example #11
func addAvailableData(dsStats Stats, crStates peer.Crstates, serverCachegroups map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheGroupName, serverDs map[enum.CacheName][]enum.DeliveryServiceName, serverTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType, statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result) (Stats, error) {
	for cache, available := range crStates.Caches {
		cacheGroup, ok := serverCachegroups[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Cachegroups\n", cache)
		deliveryServices, ok := serverDs[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in DeliveryServices\n", cache)
		cacheType, ok := serverTypes[enum.CacheName(cache)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Server Types\n", cache)

		for _, deliveryService := range deliveryServices {
			if deliveryService == "" {
				log.Errorf("EMPTY addAvailableData DS") // various bugs in other functions can cause this - this will help identify and debug them.

			stat, ok := dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)]
			if !ok {
				log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Stats\n", cache)
				continue // TODO log warning? Error?

			if available.IsAvailable {
				// c.IsAvailable.Value
				stat.CommonStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				cacheGroupStats := stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)]
				cacheGroupStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)] = cacheGroupStats
				stat.TotalStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				typeStats := stat.Types[cacheType]
				typeStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.Types[cacheType] = typeStats

			// TODO fix nested ifs
			if results, ok := statHistory[enum.CacheName(cache)]; ok {
				if len(results) < 1 {
					log.Warnf("no results %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
				} else {
					result := results[0]
					if result.PrecomputedData.Reporting {
						stat.CommonStats.CachesReporting[enum.CacheName(cache)] = true
					} else {
						log.Debugf("no reporting %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("no result for %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)

			dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)] = stat // TODO Necessary? Remove?
	return dsStats, nil
Example #12
// Note the OpsConfigManager is in charge of the httpServer, because ops config changes trigger server changes. If other things needed to trigger server restarts, the server could be put in its own goroutine with signal channels
func StartOpsConfigManager(
	opsConfigFile string,
	toSession towrap.ITrafficOpsSession,
	toData todata.TODataThreadsafe,
	opsConfigChangeSubscribers []chan<- handler.OpsConfig,
	toChangeSubscribers []chan<- towrap.ITrafficOpsSession,
	localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe,
	peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe,
	combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe,
	statHistory StatHistoryThreadsafe,
	lastStats LastStatsThreadsafe,
	dsStats DSStatsThreadsafe,
	events EventsThreadsafe,
	staticAppData StaticAppData,
	healthPollInterval time.Duration,
	lastHealthDurations DurationMapThreadsafe,
	fetchCount UintThreadsafe,
	healthIteration UintThreadsafe,
	errorCount UintThreadsafe,
	localCacheStatus CacheAvailableStatusThreadsafe,
	unpolledCaches UnpolledCachesThreadsafe,
) OpsConfigThreadsafe {

	opsConfigFileChannel := make(chan interface{})
	opsConfigFilePoller := poller.FilePoller{
		File:          opsConfigFile,
		ResultChannel: opsConfigFileChannel,

	opsConfigChannel := make(chan handler.OpsConfig)
	opsConfigFileHandler := handler.OpsConfigFileHandler{
		ResultChannel:    opsConfigFilePoller.ResultChannel,
		OpsConfigChannel: opsConfigChannel,

	go opsConfigFileHandler.Listen()
	go opsConfigFilePoller.Poll()

	opsConfig := NewOpsConfigThreadsafe()

	// TODO remove change subscribers, give Threadsafes directly to the things that need them. If they only set vars, and don't actually do work on change.
	go func() {
		httpServer := http_server.Server{}

		for {
			select {
			case newOpsConfig := <-opsConfigChannel:
				var err error

				listenAddress := ":80" // default

				if newOpsConfig.HttpListener != "" {
					listenAddress = newOpsConfig.HttpListener

				handleErr := func(err error) {
					log.Errorf("OpsConfigManager: %v\n", err)

				err = httpServer.Run(func(req http_server.DataRequest) ([]byte, int) {
					return DataRequest(
				}, listenAddress)
				if err != nil {
					handleErr(fmt.Errorf("MonitorConfigPoller: error creating HTTP server: %s\n", err))

				realToSession, err := to.Login(newOpsConfig.Url, newOpsConfig.Username, newOpsConfig.Password, newOpsConfig.Insecure)
				if err != nil {
					handleErr(fmt.Errorf("MonitorConfigPoller: error instantiating Session with traffic_ops: %s\n", err))

				if err := toData.Fetch(toSession, newOpsConfig.CdnName); err != nil {
					handleErr(fmt.Errorf("Error getting Traffic Ops data: %v\n", err))

				// These must be in a goroutine, because the monitorConfigPoller tick sends to a channel this select listens for. Thus, if we block on sends to the monitorConfigPoller, we have a livelock race condition.
				// More generically, we're using goroutines as an infinite chan buffer, to avoid potential livelocks
				for _, subscriber := range opsConfigChangeSubscribers {
					go func() {
						subscriber <- newOpsConfig // this is needed for cdnName
				for _, subscriber := range toChangeSubscribers {
					go func() {
						subscriber <- toSession

	return opsConfig
// DataRequest takes an `http_server.DataRequest`, and the monitored data objects, and returns the appropriate response, and the status code.
func DataRequest(
	req http_server.DataRequest,
	opsConfig OpsConfigThreadsafe,
	toSession towrap.ITrafficOpsSession,
	localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe,
	peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe,
	combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe,
	statHistory StatHistoryThreadsafe,
	dsStats DSStatsThreadsafe,
	events EventsThreadsafe,
	staticAppData StaticAppData,
	healthPollInterval time.Duration,
	lastHealthDurations DurationMapThreadsafe,
	fetchCount UintThreadsafe,
	healthIteration UintThreadsafe,
	errorCount UintThreadsafe,
	toData todata.TODataThreadsafe,
	localCacheStatus CacheAvailableStatusThreadsafe,
	lastStats LastStatsThreadsafe,
	unpolledCaches UnpolledCachesThreadsafe,
) (body []byte, responseCode int) {

	// handleErr takes an error, and the request type it came from, and logs. It is ok to call with a nil error, in which case this is a no-op.
	handleErr := func(err error) {
		if err == nil {
		log.Errorf("Request Error: %v\n", fmt.Errorf(req.Type.String()+": %v", err))

	// commonReturn takes the body, err, and the data request Type which has been processed. It logs and deals with any error, and returns the appropriate bytes and response code for the `http_server`.
	commonReturn := func(body []byte, err error) ([]byte, int) {
		if err == nil {
			return body, http.StatusOK
		return nil, http.StatusInternalServerError

	if unpolledCaches.Any() {
		handleErr(fmt.Errorf("service still starting, some caches unpolled"))
		return []byte("Service Unavailable"), http.StatusServiceUnavailable

	var err error
	switch req.Type {
	case http_server.TRConfig:
		cdnName := opsConfig.Get().CdnName
		if toSession == nil {
			return commonReturn(nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to connect to Traffic Ops"))
		if cdnName == "" {
			return commonReturn(nil, fmt.Errorf("No CDN Configured"))
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.TRStateDerived:
		body, err = peer.CrstatesMarshall(combinedStates.Get())
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.TRStateSelf:
		body, err = peer.CrstatesMarshall(localStates.Get())
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.CacheStats:
		filter, err := NewCacheStatFilter(req.Parameters, toData.Get().ServerTypes)
		if err != nil {
			return []byte(err.Error()), http.StatusBadRequest
		body, err = cache.StatsMarshall(statHistory.Get(), filter, req.Parameters)
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.DSStats:
		filter, err := NewDSStatFilter(req.Parameters, toData.Get().DeliveryServiceTypes)
		if err != nil {
			return []byte(err.Error()), http.StatusBadRequest
		body, err = json.Marshal(dsStats.Get().JSON(filter, req.Parameters)) // TODO marshall beforehand, for performance? (test to see how often requests are made)
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.EventLog:
		body, err = json.Marshal(JSONEvents{Events: events.Get()})
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.PeerStates:
		filter, err := NewPeerStateFilter(req.Parameters, toData.Get().ServerTypes)
		if err != nil {
			return []byte(err.Error()), http.StatusBadRequest

		body, err = json.Marshal(createApiPeerStates(peerStates.Get(), filter, req.Parameters))
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.StatSummary:
		return nil, http.StatusNotImplemented
	case http_server.Stats:
		body, err = getStats(staticAppData, healthPollInterval, lastHealthDurations.Get(), fetchCount.Get(), healthIteration.Get(), errorCount.Get())
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.ConfigDoc:
		opsConfigCopy := opsConfig.Get()
		// if the password is blank, leave it blank, so callers can see it's missing.
		if opsConfigCopy.Password != "" {
			opsConfigCopy.Password = "******"
		body, err = json.Marshal(opsConfigCopy)
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.APICacheCount: // TODO determine if this should use peerStates
		return []byte(strconv.Itoa(len(localStates.Get().Caches))), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APICacheAvailableCount:
		return []byte(strconv.Itoa(cacheAvailableCount(localStates.Get().Caches))), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APICacheDownCount:
		return []byte(strconv.Itoa(cacheDownCount(localStates.Get().Caches))), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APIVersion:
		s := "traffic_monitor-" + staticAppData.Version + "."
		if len(staticAppData.GitRevision) > 6 {
			s += staticAppData.GitRevision[:6]
		} else {
			s += staticAppData.GitRevision
		return []byte(s), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APITrafficOpsURI:
		return []byte(opsConfig.Get().Url), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APICacheStates:
		body, err = json.Marshal(createCacheStatuses(toData.Get().ServerTypes, statHistory.Get(),
			lastHealthDurations.Get(), localStates.Get().Caches, lastStats.Get(), localCacheStatus))
		return commonReturn(body, err)
	case http_server.APIBandwidthKbps:
		serverTypes := toData.Get().ServerTypes
		kbpsStats := lastStats.Get()
		sum := float64(0.0)
		for cache, data := range kbpsStats.Caches {
			if serverTypes[cache] != enum.CacheTypeEdge {
			sum += data.Bytes.PerSec / ds.BytesPerKilobit
		return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%f", sum)), http.StatusOK
	case http_server.APIBandwidthCapacityKbps:
		statHistory := statHistory.Get()
		cap := int64(0)
		for _, results := range statHistory {
			if len(results) == 0 {
			cap += results[0].MaxKbps
		return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", cap)), http.StatusOK
		return commonReturn(nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown Request Type"))