Example #1
// StartPeerManager listens for peer results, and when it gets one, it adds it to the peerStates list, and optimistically combines the good results into combinedStates
func StartPeerManager(peerChan <-chan peer.Result, localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe) peer.CRStatesThreadsafe {
	combinedStates := peer.NewCRStatesThreadsafe()
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case crStatesResult := <-peerChan:
				peerStates.Set(crStatesResult.Id, crStatesResult.PeerStats)
				combinedStates.Set(combineCrStates(peerStates.Get(), localStates.Get()))
				crStatesResult.PollFinished <- crStatesResult.PollID
	return combinedStates