Example #1
func (c *Conn) writeAuthHandshake() error {
	// Adjust client capability flags based on server support
	capability := mysql.CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | mysql.CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION |

	capability &= c.capability

	//packet length
	//capbility 4
	//max-packet size 4
	//charset 1
	//reserved all[0] 23
	length := 4 + 4 + 1 + 23

	length += len(c.user) + 1

	//we only support secure connection
	auth := mysql.CalcPassword(c.salt, []byte(c.password))

	length += 1 + len(auth)

	if len(c.db) > 0 {
		capability |= mysql.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB

		length += len(c.db) + 1

	c.capability = capability

	data := make([]byte, length+4)

	//capability [32 bit]
	data[4] = byte(capability)
	data[5] = byte(capability >> 8)
	data[6] = byte(capability >> 16)
	data[7] = byte(capability >> 24)

	//MaxPacketSize [32 bit] (none)
	//data[8] = 0x00
	//data[9] = 0x00
	//data[10] = 0x00
	//data[11] = 0x00

	//Charset [1 byte]
	data[12] = byte(c.collation)

	//Filler [23 bytes] (all 0x00)
	pos := 13 + 23

	//User [null terminated string]
	if len(c.user) > 0 {
		pos += copy(data[pos:], c.user)
	//data[pos] = 0x00

	// auth [length encoded integer]
	data[pos] = byte(len(auth))
	pos += 1 + copy(data[pos+1:], auth)

	// db [null terminated string]
	if len(c.db) > 0 {
		pos += copy(data[pos:], c.db)
		//data[pos] = 0x00

	return c.writePacket(data)
Example #2
func (c *ClientConn) readHandshakeResponse() error {
	data, err := c.readPacket()

	if err != nil {
		return err

	pos := 0

	c.capability = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(data[:4])
	pos += 4

	//skip max packet size
	pos += 4

	//charset, skip, if you want to use another charset, use set names
	//c.collation = CollationId(data[pos])

	//skip reserved 23[00]
	pos += 23

	//user name
	c.user = string(data[pos : pos+bytes.IndexByte(data[pos:], 0)])

	pos += len(c.user) + 1

	//auth length and auth
	authLen := int(data[pos])
	auth := data[pos : pos+authLen]

	checkAuth := mysql.CalcPassword(c.salt, []byte(c.proxy.cfg.Password))
	if c.user != c.proxy.cfg.User || !bytes.Equal(auth, checkAuth) {
		golog.Error("ClientConn", "readHandshakeResponse", "error", 0,
			"auth", auth,
			"checkAuth", checkAuth,
			"client_user", c.user,
			"config_set_user", c.proxy.cfg.User,
			"passworld", c.proxy.cfg.Password)
		return mysql.NewDefaultError(mysql.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, c.user, c.c.RemoteAddr().String(), "Yes")

	pos += authLen

	var db string
	if c.capability&mysql.CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB > 0 {
		if len(data[pos:]) == 0 {
			return nil

		db = string(data[pos : pos+bytes.IndexByte(data[pos:], 0)])
		pos += len(c.db) + 1


	golog.Error("handshake ", "response", "db ", 0, db)
	if err := c.useDB(db); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil