Example #1
// BenchmarkIsCoinBaseTx performs a simple benchmark against the IsCoinBaseTx
// function.
func BenchmarkIsCoinBaseTx(b *testing.B) {
	tx := Block100000.Transactions[1]
	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Example #2
// mockCredits decodes the given txHex and returns the outputs with
// the given indices as eligible inputs.
func mockCredits(t *testing.T, txHex string, indices []uint32) []wtxmgr.Credit {
	serialized, err := hex.DecodeString(txHex)
	if err != nil {
	utx, err := coinutil.NewTxFromBytes(serialized)
	if err != nil {
	tx := utx.MsgTx()

	isCB := blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(tx)
	now := time.Now()

	eligible := make([]wtxmgr.Credit, len(indices))
	c := wtxmgr.Credit{
		OutPoint: wire.OutPoint{Hash: *utx.Sha()},
		BlockMeta: wtxmgr.BlockMeta{
			Block: wtxmgr.Block{Height: -1},
	for i, idx := range indices {
		c.OutPoint.Index = idx
		c.Amount = coinutil.Amount(tx.TxOut[idx].Value)
		c.PkScript = tx.TxOut[idx].PkScript
		c.Received = now
		c.FromCoinBase = isCB
		eligible[i] = c
	return eligible
Example #3
// RecvCategory returns the category of received credit outputs from a
// transaction record.  The passed block chain height is used to distinguish
// immature from mature coinbase outputs.
// TODO: This is intended for use by the RPC server and should be moved out of
// this package at a later time.
func RecvCategory(details *wtxmgr.TxDetails, syncHeight int32) CreditCategory {
	if blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&details.MsgTx) {
		if confirmed(blockchain.CoinbaseMaturity, details.Block.Height, syncHeight) {
			return CreditGenerate
		return CreditImmature
	return CreditReceive
Example #4
// ListTransactions creates a object that may be marshalled to a response result
// for a listtransactions RPC.
// TODO: This should be moved out of this package into the main package's
// rpcserver.go, along with everything that requires this.
func ListTransactions(details *wtxmgr.TxDetails, syncHeight int32, net *chaincfg.Params) []btcjson.ListTransactionsResult {
	var (
		blockHashStr  string
		blockTime     int64
		confirmations int64
	if details.Block.Height != -1 {
		blockHashStr = details.Block.Hash.String()
		blockTime = details.Block.Time.Unix()
		confirmations = int64(confirms(details.Block.Height, syncHeight))

	results := []btcjson.ListTransactionsResult{}
	txHashStr := details.Hash.String()
	received := details.Received.Unix()
	generated := blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&details.MsgTx)
	recvCat := RecvCategory(details, syncHeight).String()

	send := len(details.Debits) != 0

	// Fee can only be determined if every input is a debit.
	var feeF64 float64
	if len(details.Debits) == len(details.MsgTx.TxIn) {
		var debitTotal coinutil.Amount
		for _, deb := range details.Debits {
			debitTotal += deb.Amount
		var outputTotal coinutil.Amount
		for _, output := range details.MsgTx.TxOut {
			outputTotal += coinutil.Amount(output.Value)
		// Note: The actual fee is debitTotal - outputTotal.  However,
		// this RPC reports negative numbers for fees, so the inverse
		// is calculated.
		feeF64 = (outputTotal - debitTotal).ToBTC()

	for i, output := range details.MsgTx.TxOut {
		// Determine if this output is a credit, and if so, determine
		// its spentness.
		var isCredit bool
		var spentCredit bool
		for _, cred := range details.Credits {
			if cred.Index == uint32(i) {
				// Change outputs are ignored.
				if cred.Change {
					continue outputs

				isCredit = true
				spentCredit = cred.Spent

		var address string
		_, addrs, _, _ := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(output.PkScript, net)
		if len(addrs) == 1 {
			address = addrs[0].EncodeAddress()

		amountF64 := coinutil.Amount(output.Value).ToBTC()
		result := btcjson.ListTransactionsResult{
			// Fields left zeroed:
			//   InvolvesWatchOnly
			//   Account
			//   BlockIndex
			// Fields set below:
			//   Category
			//   Amount
			//   Fee
			Address:         address,
			Vout:            uint32(i),
			Confirmations:   confirmations,
			Generated:       generated,
			BlockHash:       blockHashStr,
			BlockTime:       blockTime,
			TxID:            txHashStr,
			WalletConflicts: []string{},
			Time:            received,
			TimeReceived:    received,

		// Add a received/generated/immature result if this is a credit.
		// If the output was spent, create a second result under the
		// send category with the inverse of the output amount.  It is
		// therefore possible that a single output may be included in
		// the results set zero, one, or two times.
		// Since credits are not saved for outputs that are not
		// controlled by this wallet, all non-credits from transactions
		// with debits are grouped under the send category.

		if send || spentCredit {
			result.Category = "send"
			result.Amount = -amountF64
			result.Fee = &feeF64
			results = append(results, result)
		if isCredit {
			result.Category = recvCat
			result.Amount = amountF64
			result.Fee = nil
			results = append(results, result)
	return results
Example #5
func (s *Store) balance(ns walletdb.Bucket, minConf int32, syncHeight int32) (coinutil.Amount, error) {
	bal, err := fetchMinedBalance(ns)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err

	// Subtract the balance for each credit that is spent by an unmined
	// transaction.
	var op wire.OutPoint
	var block Block
	err = ns.Bucket(bucketUnspent).ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
		err := readCanonicalOutPoint(k, &op)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		err = readUnspentBlock(v, &block)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if existsRawUnminedInput(ns, k) != nil {
			_, v := existsCredit(ns, &op.Hash, op.Index, &block)
			amt, err := fetchRawCreditAmount(v)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			bal -= amt
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(Error); ok {
			return 0, err
		str := "failed iterating unspent outputs"
		return 0, storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)

	// Decrement the balance for any unspent credit with less than
	// minConf confirmations and any (unspent) immature coinbase credit.
	stopConf := minConf
	if blockchain.CoinbaseMaturity > stopConf {
		stopConf = blockchain.CoinbaseMaturity
	lastHeight := syncHeight - stopConf
	blockIt := makeReverseBlockIterator(ns)
	for blockIt.prev() {
		block := &blockIt.elem

		if block.Height < lastHeight {

		for i := range block.transactions {
			txHash := &block.transactions[i]
			rec, err := fetchTxRecord(ns, txHash, &block.Block)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err
			numOuts := uint32(len(rec.MsgTx.TxOut))
			for i := uint32(0); i < numOuts; i++ {
				// Avoid double decrementing the credit amount
				// if it was already removed for being spent by
				// an unmined tx.
				opKey := canonicalOutPoint(txHash, i)
				if existsRawUnminedInput(ns, opKey) != nil {

				_, v := existsCredit(ns, txHash, i, &block.Block)
				if v == nil {
				amt, spent, err := fetchRawCreditAmountSpent(v)
				if err != nil {
					return 0, err
				if spent {
				confs := syncHeight - block.Height + 1
				if confs < minConf || (blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&rec.MsgTx) &&
					confs < blockchain.CoinbaseMaturity) {
					bal -= amt
	if blockIt.err != nil {
		return 0, blockIt.err

	// If unmined outputs are included, increment the balance for each
	// output that is unspent.
	if minConf == 0 {
		err = ns.Bucket(bucketUnminedCredits).ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
			if existsRawUnminedInput(ns, k) != nil {
				// Output is spent by an unmined transaction.
				// Skip to next unmined credit.
				return nil

			amount, err := fetchRawUnminedCreditAmount(v)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			bal += amount
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			if _, ok := err.(Error); ok {
				return 0, err
			str := "failed to iterate over unmined credits bucket"
			return 0, storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)

	return bal, nil
Example #6
func (s *Store) unspentOutputs(ns walletdb.Bucket) ([]Credit, error) {
	var unspent []Credit

	var op wire.OutPoint
	var block Block
	err := ns.Bucket(bucketUnspent).ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
		err := readCanonicalOutPoint(k, &op)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if existsRawUnminedInput(ns, k) != nil {
			// Output is spent by an unmined transaction.
			// Skip this k/v pair.
			return nil
		err = readUnspentBlock(v, &block)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		blockTime, err := fetchBlockTime(ns, block.Height)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// TODO(jrick): reading the entire transaction should
		// be avoidable.  Creating the credit only requires the
		// output amount and pkScript.
		rec, err := fetchTxRecord(ns, &op.Hash, &block)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		txOut := rec.MsgTx.TxOut[op.Index]
		cred := Credit{
			OutPoint: op,
			BlockMeta: BlockMeta{
				Block: block,
				Time:  blockTime,
			Amount:       coinutil.Amount(txOut.Value),
			PkScript:     txOut.PkScript,
			Received:     rec.Received,
			FromCoinBase: blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&rec.MsgTx),
		unspent = append(unspent, cred)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(Error); ok {
			return nil, err
		str := "failed iterating unspent bucket"
		return nil, storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)

	err = ns.Bucket(bucketUnminedCredits).ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
		if existsRawUnminedInput(ns, k) != nil {
			// Output is spent by an unmined transaction.
			// Skip to next unmined credit.
			return nil

		err := readCanonicalOutPoint(k, &op)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// TODO(jrick): Reading/parsing the entire transaction record
		// just for the output amount and script can be avoided.
		recVal := existsRawUnmined(ns, op.Hash[:])
		var rec TxRecord
		err = readRawTxRecord(&op.Hash, recVal, &rec)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		txOut := rec.MsgTx.TxOut[op.Index]
		cred := Credit{
			OutPoint: op,
			BlockMeta: BlockMeta{
				Block: Block{Height: -1},
			Amount:       coinutil.Amount(txOut.Value),
			PkScript:     txOut.PkScript,
			Received:     rec.Received,
			FromCoinBase: blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&rec.MsgTx),
		unspent = append(unspent, cred)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		if _, ok := err.(Error); ok {
			return nil, err
		str := "failed iterating unmined credits bucket"
		return nil, storeError(ErrDatabase, str, err)

	return unspent, nil
Example #7
func (s *Store) rollback(ns walletdb.Bucket, height int32) error {
	minedBalance, err := fetchMinedBalance(ns)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Keep track of all credits that were removed from coinbase
	// transactions.  After detaching all blocks, if any transaction record
	// exists in unmined that spends these outputs, remove them and their
	// spend chains.
	// It is necessary to keep these in memory and fix the unmined
	// transactions later since blocks are removed in increasing order.
	var coinBaseCredits []wire.OutPoint

	it := makeBlockIterator(ns, height)
	for it.next() {
		b := &it.elem

		log.Infof("Rolling back %d transactions from block %v height %d",
			len(b.transactions), b.Hash, b.Height)

		for i := range b.transactions {
			txHash := &b.transactions[i]

			recKey := keyTxRecord(txHash, &b.Block)
			recVal := existsRawTxRecord(ns, recKey)
			var rec TxRecord
			err = readRawTxRecord(txHash, recVal, &rec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			err = deleteTxRecord(ns, txHash, &b.Block)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Handle coinbase transactions specially since they are
			// not moved to the unconfirmed store.  A coinbase cannot
			// contain any debits, but all credits should be removed
			// and the mined balance decremented.
			if blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&rec.MsgTx) {
				op := wire.OutPoint{Hash: rec.Hash}
				for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
					k, v := existsCredit(ns, &rec.Hash,
						uint32(i), &b.Block)
					if v == nil {
					op.Index = uint32(i)

					coinBaseCredits = append(coinBaseCredits, op)

					unspentKey, credKey := existsUnspent(ns, &op)
					if credKey != nil {
						minedBalance -= coinutil.Amount(output.Value)
						err = deleteRawUnspent(ns, unspentKey)
						if err != nil {
							return err
					err = deleteRawCredit(ns, k)
					if err != nil {
						return err


			err = putRawUnmined(ns, txHash[:], recVal)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// For each debit recorded for this transaction, mark
			// the credit it spends as unspent (as long as it still
			// exists) and delete the debit.  The previous output is
			// recorded in the unconfirmed store for every previous
			// output, not just debits.
			for i, input := range rec.MsgTx.TxIn {
				prevOut := &input.PreviousOutPoint
				prevOutKey := canonicalOutPoint(&prevOut.Hash,
				err = putRawUnminedInput(ns, prevOutKey, rec.Hash[:])
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// If this input is a debit, remove the debit
				// record and mark the credit that it spent as
				// unspent, incrementing the mined balance.
				debKey, credKey, err := existsDebit(ns,
					&rec.Hash, uint32(i), &b.Block)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if debKey == nil {

				// unspendRawCredit does not error in case the
				// no credit exists for this key, but this
				// behavior is correct.  Since blocks are
				// removed in increasing order, this credit
				// may have already been removed from a
				// previously removed transaction record in
				// this rollback.
				var amt coinutil.Amount
				amt, err = unspendRawCredit(ns, credKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				err = deleteRawDebit(ns, debKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// If the credit was previously removed in the
				// rollback, the credit amount is zero.  Only
				// mark the previously spent credit as unspent
				// if it still exists.
				if amt == 0 {
				unspentVal, err := fetchRawCreditUnspentValue(credKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				minedBalance += amt
				err = putRawUnspent(ns, prevOutKey, unspentVal)
				if err != nil {
					return err

			// For each detached non-coinbase credit, move the
			// credit output to unmined.  If the credit is marked
			// unspent, it is removed from the utxo set and the
			// mined balance is decremented.
			// TODO: use a credit iterator
			for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
				k, v := existsCredit(ns, &rec.Hash, uint32(i),
				if v == nil {

				amt, change, err := fetchRawCreditAmountChange(v)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				outPointKey := canonicalOutPoint(&rec.Hash, uint32(i))
				unminedCredVal := valueUnminedCredit(amt, change)
				err = putRawUnminedCredit(ns, outPointKey, unminedCredVal)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				err = deleteRawCredit(ns, k)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				credKey := existsRawUnspent(ns, outPointKey)
				if credKey != nil {
					minedBalance -= coinutil.Amount(output.Value)
					err = deleteRawUnspent(ns, outPointKey)
					if err != nil {
						return err

		err = it.delete()
		if err != nil {
			return err
	if it.err != nil {
		return it.err

	for _, op := range coinBaseCredits {
		opKey := canonicalOutPoint(&op.Hash, op.Index)
		unminedKey := existsRawUnminedInput(ns, opKey)
		if unminedKey != nil {
			unminedVal := existsRawUnmined(ns, unminedKey)
			var unminedRec TxRecord
			copy(unminedRec.Hash[:], unminedKey) // Silly but need an array
			err = readRawTxRecord(&unminedRec.Hash, unminedVal, &unminedRec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			log.Debugf("Transaction %v spends a removed coinbase "+
				"output -- removing as well", unminedRec.Hash)
			err = s.removeConflict(ns, &unminedRec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return putMinedBalance(ns, minedBalance)