Example #1
func TestGetExtensionStability(t *testing.T) {
	check := func(m *pb.MyMessage) bool {
		ext1, err := proto.GetExtension(m, pb.E_Ext_More)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("GetExtension() failed: %s", err)
		ext2, err := proto.GetExtension(m, pb.E_Ext_More)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("GetExtension() failed: %s", err)
		return ext1 == ext2
	msg := &pb.MyMessage{Count: proto.Int32(4)}
	ext0 := &pb.Ext{}
	if err := proto.SetExtension(msg, pb.E_Ext_More, ext0); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Could not set ext1: %s", ext0)
	if !check(msg) {
		t.Errorf("GetExtension() not stable before marshaling")
	bb, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Marshal() failed: %s", err)
	msg1 := &pb.MyMessage{}
	err = proto.Unmarshal(bb, msg1)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unmarshal() failed: %s", err)
	if !check(msg1) {
		t.Errorf("GetExtension() not stable after unmarshaling")
Example #2
// ReadDelimited decodes a message from the provided length-delimited stream,
// where the length is encoded as 32-bit varint prefix to the message body.
// It returns the total number of bytes read and any applicable error.  This is
// roughly equivalent to the companion Java API's
// MessageLite#parseDelimitedFrom.  As per the reader contract, this function
// calls r.Read repeatedly as required until exactly one message including its
// prefix is read and decoded (or an error has occurred).  The function never
// reads more bytes from the stream than required.  The function never returns
// an error if a message has been read and decoded correctly, even if the end
// of the stream has been reached in doing so.  In that case, any subsequent
// calls return (0, io.EOF).
func ReadDelimited(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) (n int, err error) {
	// Per AbstractParser#parsePartialDelimitedFrom with
	// CodedInputStream#readRawVarint32.
	headerBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen32)
	var bytesRead, varIntBytes int
	var messageLength uint64
	for varIntBytes == 0 { // i.e. no varint has been decoded yet.
		if bytesRead >= len(headerBuf) {
			return bytesRead, errInvalidVarint
		// We have to read byte by byte here to avoid reading more bytes
		// than required. Each read byte is appended to what we have
		// read before.
		newBytesRead, err := r.Read(headerBuf[bytesRead : bytesRead+1])
		if newBytesRead == 0 {
			if err != nil {
				return bytesRead, err
			// A Reader should not return (0, nil), but if it does,
			// it should be treated as no-op (according to the
			// Reader contract). So let's go on...
		bytesRead += newBytesRead
		// Now present everything read so far to the varint decoder and
		// see if a varint can be decoded already.
		messageLength, varIntBytes = proto.DecodeVarint(headerBuf[:bytesRead])

	messageBuf := make([]byte, messageLength)
	newBytesRead, err := io.ReadFull(r, messageBuf)
	bytesRead += newBytesRead
	if err != nil {
		return bytesRead, err

	return bytesRead, proto.Unmarshal(messageBuf, m)