Example #1
func (s *Snapshotter) Save(snapshot *raftpb.Snapshot) error {
	fname := fmt.Sprintf("%016x-%016x%s", snapshot.Term, snapshot.Index, snapSuffix)
	b, err := snapshot.Marshal()
	if err != nil {

	crc := crc32.Update(0, crcTable, b)
	snap := snappb.Snapshot{Crc: crc, Data: b}
	d, err := snap.Marshal()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(s.dir, fname), d, 0666)
Example #2
// Store stores the snapshot, hardstate and entries for a given RAFT group.
func (w *Wal) Store(gid uint32, s raftpb.Snapshot, h raftpb.HardState, es []raftpb.Entry) error {
	b := w.wals.NewWriteBatch()
	defer b.Destroy()

	if !raft.IsEmptySnap(s) {
		data, err := s.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			return x.Wrapf(err, "wal.Store: While marshal snapshot")
		b.Put(w.snapshotKey(gid), data)

	if !raft.IsEmptyHardState(h) {
		data, err := h.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			return x.Wrapf(err, "wal.Store: While marshal hardstate")
		b.Put(w.hardStateKey(gid), data)

	var t, i uint64
	for _, e := range es {
		t, i = e.Term, e.Index
		data, err := e.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			return x.Wrapf(err, "wal.Store: While marshal entry")
		k := w.entryKey(gid, e.Term, e.Index)
		b.Put(k, data)

	// If we get no entries, then the default value of t and i would be zero. That would
	// end up deleting all the previous valid raft entry logs. This check avoids that.
	if t > 0 || i > 0 {
		// Delete all keys above this index.
		start := w.entryKey(gid, t, i+1)
		prefix := w.prefix(gid)
		itr := w.wals.NewIterator()
		defer itr.Close()

		for itr.Seek(start); itr.ValidForPrefix(prefix); itr.Next() {

	err := w.wals.WriteBatch(b)
	return x.Wrapf(err, "wal.Store: While WriteBatch")