// NewRESTRouter creates a mux.Router initialized with the REST // API and web UI routes. See also InitStaticRouter if you need finer // control of the router initialization. func NewRESTRouter(versionMain string, mgr *cbgt.Manager, staticDir, staticETag string, mr *cbgt.MsgRing) ( *mux.Router, map[string]rest.RESTMeta, error) { var options = map[string]interface{}{ "auth": SetHandler, } return rest.InitRESTRouterEx( InitStaticRouter(staticDir, staticETag, mgr), versionMain, mgr, staticDir, staticETag, mr, myAssetDir, myAsset, options) }
// NewRESTRouter creates a mux.Router initialized with the REST // API and web UI routes. See also InitStaticRouter if you need finer // control of the router initialization. func NewRESTRouter(versionMain string, mgr *cbgt.Manager, staticDir, staticETag string, mr *cbgt.MsgRing, adtSvc *audit.AuditSvc) ( *mux.Router, map[string]rest.RESTMeta, error) { wrapAuthVersionHandler := func(h http.Handler) http.Handler { return &AuthVersionHandler{mgr: mgr, H: h, adtSvc: adtSvc} } var options = map[string]interface{}{ "auth": wrapAuthVersionHandler, "mapRESTPathStats": MapRESTPathStats, } return rest.InitRESTRouterEx( InitStaticRouter(staticDir, staticETag, mgr), versionMain, mgr, staticDir, staticETag, mr, myAssetDir, myAsset, options) }