Example #1
func setNewParamPop(name string, paramst *Stack) (int, string) {
	newval, err_code, err_str := paramst.Top()
	if err_code != 0 {
		return err_code, err_str
	var nval string = ""
	if newval.Type() == value.STRING {
		nval = newval.Actual().(string)
	} else {
		nval = ValToStr(newval)

	if name == "creds" {
		// Define credentials as user/pass and convert into
		// JSON object credentials

		var creds Credentials
		creds_ret, err_code, err_str := ToCreds(nval)
		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str

		for _, v := range creds_ret {
			creds = append(creds, v)

		ac, err := json.Marshal(creds)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.JSON_MARSHAL, ""
		nval = string(ac)
	go_n1ql.SetQueryParams(name, nval)
	return 0, ""
Example #2
/* Push value from the Top of the stack onto the parameter stack.
   This is used by the \PUSH command with no arguments.
func Pushparam_Helper(param map[string]*Stack, isrestp bool, isnamep bool) (int, string) {
	for name, v := range param {
		t, err_code, err_string := v.Top()
		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_string

		// When passing the query rest api parameter to go_n1ql
		// we need to convert to string only if the value isnt
		// already a string

		if isrestp == true {
			var val string = ""
			if t.Type() == value.STRING {
				val = t.Actual().(string)
			} else {
				val = ValToStr(t)

			if isnamep == true {
				name = "$" + name
			} else {
				//We know it is a query credential
				if name == "creds" {
					// Define credentials as user/pass and convert into
					// JSON object credentials

					var creds Credentials
					creds_ret, err_code, err_str := ToCreds(val)
					if err_code != 0 {
						return err_code, err_str

					for _, v := range creds_ret {
						creds = append(creds, v)

					ac, err := json.Marshal(creds)
					if err != nil {
						return errors.JSON_MARSHAL, ""
					val = string(ac)
			go_n1ql.SetQueryParams(name, val)
	return 0, ""
Example #3
func main() {


	if outputFlag != "" {
		// Redirect all output to the given file.
		// This is handled in the HandleInteractiveMode() method
		// in interactive.go.
		command.FILE_RW_MODE = true
		command.FILE_OUTPUT = outputFlag

	// Set command.W = os.Stdout

	/* Handle options and what they should do */

	// TODO : Readd ...
	//Taken out so as to connect to both cluster and query service
	//using go_n1ql.
		if strings.HasPrefix(ServerFlag, "http://") == false {
			ServerFlag = "http://" + ServerFlag

		urlRegex := "^(https?://)[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]"
		match, _ := regexp.MatchString(urlRegex, ServerFlag)
		if match == false {
			//TODO Isha : Add error code. Throw invalid url error
			fmt.Println("Invalid url please check" + ServerFlag)

		if strings.HasSuffix(ServerFlag, "/") == false {
			ServerFlag = ServerFlag + "/"

	/* -version : Display the version of the shell and then exit.
	if versionFlag == true {
		dummy := []string{}
		cmd := command.Version{}

	/* Check for input url argument

	args := flag.Args()
	if len(args) > 1 {
		s_err := command.HandleError(errors.CMD_LINE_ARG, "")
	} else {
		if len(args) == 1 {
			urlRegex := "^(https?://)[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]"
			match, _ := regexp.MatchString(urlRegex, args[0])
			if match == false {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_URL, args[0])
			} else {
				ServerFlag = args[0]

	/* -quiet : Display Message only if flag not specified
	if !quietFlag && NoQueryService == false {
		s := fmt.Sprintln("Input connection parameter is " + ServerFlag + ". Type Ctrl-D to exit.\n")
		_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, s)
		if werr != nil {
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

	/* -user : Accept Admin credentials. Prompt for password and set
	   the n1ql_creds. Append to creds so that user can also define
	   bucket credentials using -credentials if they need to.
	var creds command.Credentials
	var err error
	var password []byte

	if userFlag != "" {
		//Check if there is a -password option.
		if pwdFlag != "" {
			password = []byte(pwdFlag)
			err = nil
		} else {
			// If no -p option then prompt for the password
			s := fmt.Sprintln("Enter Password: "******"" {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_PASSWORD, "")
			} else {
				creds = append(creds, command.Credential{"user": userFlag, "pass": string(password)})
		} else {
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_PASSWORD, err.Error())
	} else {
		// If the -u option isnt specified and the -p option is specified
		// then Invalid Username error.
		if pwdFlag != "" {
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.INVALID_USERNAME, "")

	/* -credentials : Accept credentials to pass to the n1ql endpoint.
	   Ensure that the user inputs credentials in the form a:b.
	   It is important to apend these credentials to those given by
	if userFlag == "" && credsFlag == "" {
		// No credentials exist. This can still be used to connect to
		// un-authenticated servers.
		// Dont output the statement if we are running in single command
		// mode.
		if scriptFlag == "" {
			_, werr := io.WriteString(command.W, "No Input Credentials. In order to connect to a server with authentication, please provide credentials.\n")

			if werr != nil {
				s_err := command.HandleError(errors.WRITER_OUTPUT, werr.Error())

	} else if credsFlag != "" {

		creds_ret, err_code, err_string := command.ToCreds(credsFlag)
		if err_code != 0 {
			s_err := command.HandleError(err_code, err_string)
		for _, v := range creds_ret {
			creds = append(creds, v)

	//Append empty credentials. This is used for cases where one of the buckets
	//is a SASL bucket, and we need to access the other unprotected buckets.
	//CBauth works this way.

	//if credsFlag == "" && userFlag != "" {
	creds = append(creds, command.Credential{"user": "", "pass": ""})

	/* Add the credentials set by -user and -credentials to the
	   go_n1ql creds parameter.
	if creds != nil {
		ac, err := json.Marshal(creds)
		if err != nil {
			//Error while Marshalling
			s_err := command.HandleError(errors.JSON_MARSHAL, err.Error())
		go_n1ql.SetQueryParams("creds", string(ac))

	if timeoutFlag != "0ms" {
		go_n1ql.SetQueryParams("timeout", timeoutFlag)

	// Handle the inputFlag and ScriptFlag options in HandleInteractiveMode.
	// This is so as to add these to the history.

Example #4
func PushOrSet(args []string, pushvalue bool) (int, string) {

	// Check what kind of parameter needs to be set or pushed
	// depending on the pushvalue boolean value.

	if strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "-$") {

		// For Named Parameters
		vble := args[0]
		vble = vble[2:]

		args_str := strings.Join(args[1:], " ")

		err_code, err_str := PushValue_Helper(pushvalue, NamedParam, vble, args_str)
		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str
		//Pass the named parameters to the rest api using the SetQueryParams method
		v, err_code, err_str := NamedParam[vble].Top()
		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str

		val := ValToStr(v)

		vble = "$" + vble
		go_n1ql.SetQueryParams(vble, val)

	} else if strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "-") {
		// For query parameters

		vble := args[0]
		vble = vble[1:]

		vble = strings.ToLower(vble)

		args_str := strings.Join(args[1:], " ")

		err_code, err_str := PushValue_Helper(pushvalue, QueryParam, vble, args_str)

		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str

		if vble == "creds" {
			// Define credentials as user/pass and convert into
			//   JSON object credentials

			var creds Credentials
			args_str := strings.Join(args[1:], " ")
			creds_ret, err_code, err_str := ToCreds(args_str)

			if err_code != 0 {
				return err_code, err_str

			for _, v := range creds_ret {
				creds = append(creds, v)

			ac, err := json.Marshal(creds)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.JSON_MARSHAL, ""
			go_n1ql.SetQueryParams("creds", string(ac))

		} else {

			v, err_code, err_str := QueryParam[vble].Top()
			if err_code != 0 {
				return err_code, err_str

			// When passing the query rest api parameter to go_n1ql
			// we need to convert to string only if the value isnt
			// already a string
			var val string = ""
			if v.Type() == value.STRING {
				val = v.Actual().(string)
			} else {
				val = ValToStr(v)

			go_n1ql.SetQueryParams(vble, val)


	} else if strings.HasPrefix(args[0], "$") {

		// For User defined session variables
		vble := args[0]
		vble = vble[1:]

		args_str := strings.Join(args[1:], " ")

		err_code, err_str := PushValue_Helper(pushvalue, UserDefSV, vble, args_str)
		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str

	} else {
		// For Predefined session variables

		vble := args[0]

		args_str := strings.Join(args[1:], " ")

		err_code, err_str := PushValue_Helper(pushvalue, PreDefSV, vble, args_str)

		if vble == "histfile" {
			HISTFILE = args[1]

		if err_code != 0 {
			return err_code, err_str
	return 0, ""